Glasgow Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Kenny Hodgart.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Bennet’s at Bennet'x. llpiii 3am. £3 i£3 i. Weekly (‘raxi night at thix inoxt popular ol ga} \enuex. 'l‘he} a|\\a_\x get a great crond in and the alter partiex are reall) xoniething to behold.

I Cheeze at Sti‘atlicbde Studentx' :\\\UL‘lilllUll. ‘lpm 3am. £tbc. \Veekl). 'I‘he biggext and tackicxt xttideiit night met:

I Clear v Stuff Records at .'\tl lib. llpiii 3am. £l. 35 Mar oiil}. .\ l'eaxt ol iiiuxical gcnrex ax reggae. l'uiik and hip Iiop nieet glitch. electro and techno. Stull Recordx' gltcxlx include l’rodttctton littll. the endearingl} ~titled ('oiiibat Wank and Richard Von (‘ltapetl

I Columbian at the .'\x_\ Itiiii Back Room. Spin lam. l’ree to (’l'Sl' nieniberx; £l otheruixe. \Veekl}. l’tit xoiiie breakin' l'tink in _\ottt' trunk \\llll thix entertaining night ol xtudcnt niadnexx.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.

l lpiii 3am. £5 I£3L \Veekl}. (iet deep dim n and dirt) ax Ra} iiioiid \Voodx and .\'aecni tiii\ up xoiiie ol' the nioxt boot_\licioux Rik“ iii the cit}. \iliile Bill} .\lilligan \L‘l'\L'\ tip the xttident claxxicx and dirt} pop tunex.

I DogGod at Q liar. 10.30pm 3am. £3. \Veekl}. .\ight ol~ cclccticixni at the beatitil'ul clitb under ('orintliiati. It \\;IS cloxed l'or agex but mm the) 're getting

back itito the gi'ooxe. l’ure claxx.

I Fantastique at .\l.v\S. l lpm 3am. £4 I£.‘~i. \Veekl). .\lirrorbaxx mi\ex up the bext iii Silx. deep houxe and deep pop.

I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £3 t£3i. \Veekl}. (irahani l‘ergtixon xpiiix Rtkli and chart claxxicx in room I. \\llllC l)J toaxt ix in the red rooni pla} ing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Robin B p|a_\x an eclectic iiii\ ol' dixco. l'unk and xotil.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoii School ol Art. llpiii 3am. £3 t£3i. \Veekl}. l‘ltra- line hip hop night lor the xttidetitx. \\ ith l)Jx l)enia and \ice.

I Homework at \atilt. llpiii 3am. £5 t£4t. \\'eekl_\. Ian and Stei ie man the bo\. xo all inxectiritiex o\ er the tunex arc dixpelled. 'l'liix night ainix at xttident xatixlaction \iitliotit coiiiproniixing the qtialit} leielx.

I Hype at ('ube. ll.5llplll 3am. £3 i£3i. \Veekl}. .lllll l)a llext teaiiix tip \iith the llipc creu to ptit on a night iii In ixtcd. ultra l'tink} hotixe. l’letit} ol' cheap boo/e niakex tliix a liin night ottt.

I Instant Access at Sub (‘liib

llpiii .iam. £2. \Veekl}. ’l‘hix ix the night the Stib danccx in itx xlipperx to the xoundx ol .\lotoiin. breakx. Milk. and xiiiattcring ol' hotixe. \e\er al'raid ol' introducing a ne\\ edge to proceedingx ‘l‘tll l’eacliex and (iroundxkeepei' (ilenn proiiiixe appearanccx troiii 'l‘\\ itcli t'roni ()ptiiiio. who‘ll be

pla} iiig a drum ck baxx xet on IS .\lar.

I Loaded at liquid lounge. lllpm 3am. £4 t£.ii. \Veekl}. 'l‘hree liie bandx kick the night ol'l'. making \\;l_\ l’or Joe Kane on deckx \iith xoiiie indie. mod and xoul at lam.

I Madhouse at the Shack.

lllfillpni 3am. £5 t£5i.\\'eekl}.('J and And} take _\ou to the brink ol' inxanit_\ \\lll1 xoiiie ol' the iiioxt otitrageotix and courageoux xttideiit antlienix.

I Old Skool Reunion at .'\l'L‘ll;lU\. llpiii 3am. £5 tl'rec £2.5tli. \Veekl}. ()ld xcliool techno cl;t\\lc\ and tllSL'U'Sl} lc lllticx

The late night sound of Radio 1 Mixed by Chris Coco and Rob da Bank


BRUNSWICK HOTEL GLASGOW 8PM - Late. Tickets £15, from FOPP and the Brunswick Hotel.


Chris Coco and Rob Da Bank - Radio 1

Bradley Carter and Dave Valentine - 11c Recordings


Acoustic set from Poloroid 'So Damn Beautiful' Exclusive Live debut show from SALON BORIS


80 THE LIST "“ ' .‘

Scratch Perverts play the QMU, Sat 20 Mar

tor the lreii/ied xtudentx do“ n .\rchaox \\a_\.

I Polo for Me at the Polo lounge. lllpiii lain. l‘ree. \Veekl}. You. the luck} punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext cardx are axailable tl\ er the bar and in the booth. .\'otice tor the uniniaginatixe: ‘I am What l ani' ix prohibited b_\ Ian and ptinixliable b} xpaiiking.

I Record Player: ill (ilttxgtm SL‘lltitil ol':\rt. lll..5(l[)lll 2.30am. £3 t£3i. \Veckl}. lli-l’i Sean tlli‘l‘idelit} t and lltixhptipp} tl)i\ iiiei perl'oriii cheap deck xiickiii' to dixceau. dumb electro and 80x plitiiik. The} ad\ ixc _\oti to act up. drexx doun and pla) eax} to get.

I Retro at 'l‘raxh. llpiii 3am. £4 i£3i. Weekly l)a\e Young. Stexen Bi‘oiin and the Kt'a/_\ Karaoke teatii pl_\ their \iarex at thix labuloux night tinder Pitt Street. .\ xttideiit night \iitli xttinning ttiiicx. xttiiiniiig looking people arid a xiiiatteriiig ol' drinkx promotionx.

I Skint at the ('atliouxc. llpiii 3am. £4 t£3i. \Veekl). .\ night that rel‘lectx the rexurgeiit alternatii e xceiic at the moment. Rock. indie and xoiiie tough chemical breakx and beatx. \\ ith a croud much like the one )ttll xee otitxide the (killer) ol' .\loderii .-\rt.

I Speakeasy at the l'tiixcrxal tSaucliieliall l.anei. Itlpni 2am. l-"ree. \Veekl}. ll' )ou feel like a lie“ drinkx alter the ptib. btit don't ixant to go clubbing. Speakeax} ix l'or _\ou. 'l‘lic iiiuxic ain't compromixed. but the \ ibe ix chilled.

I Social at the Hull. £5. 3pm 3am. 25 Mar. .\ltllllltl}. .\exx rexidenc} l'oi' .»\li .lengalieadx. a man kiiou ii l‘or hix ttil'l‘ lk‘ttlx and deep. deep groin ex.

I Switchback at S\\ itcliback. .\nniexlatid. l lpm 2am. l-rec. \Veekl). .\ lieu xttideiit night in the \\C\l. and a line option for tlioxe \\ ho like to part} on a 'l‘hiirxda}. :\lilllL‘lll\ b_\ the xack load \\ itli Scott .\luirhead and ('hrix .\laticiiii.

I Topform at the Bull. ltl,.‘~(lpiii .5ltlll. l‘ree before I lpiii: £5 alter. l .\pr. l‘ortnightl}. I think u e liaic to turn oi er to 'l‘opl'orm thciiixeliex to xtiiii up thix neii night: ‘.-\ti e\tra\agaii/a ol‘ tiitixic and l\\ ixtcd entertainment. think the Ro}al \'ariet_\ l’erl‘oriiiance hoxtcd b) _\otir drunkext drunken uncle. ’l‘liink end of the pier. think end ol' the “mid. think otit ol )our bo\l‘

I Phunky Monkey at Helo il'oriiier|_\ Baba/ai. Spin 3am. l‘ree bel'ore l lpiii; Ll if.“ alter. \VL‘L‘lxl}. Scott (it'altlg'L‘l'. Vance and Richie .\lc(‘oliii are on xpititiiiig dtitiex at thix neix club that lookx like getting e\en bigger than liaba/a. l’letit} ol'driiikx proiiiox. l'tiiik} antlienix and floor lillcrx make it a winning l‘oriiiiila.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilaxgou School ol' .-\rt. .\'e\t date 30 .'\pi'. I Archaos at .>\rcliaox. l lpiii 3am. £5 t£3.5tli. \Veekl}. .\laiiixtreaiii chart dance.

xoiil and clieexc at one ol‘ the btixicxt l’ri nighterx in lU\\ll.

I Babaza at Belo. (iptii 3am tl)Jx ll’ttlll l lpiiii. l'i'ee bet'ore l lpiii; £5 alter. \Veekl}. 'l‘he \enue'x legendar} l‘ri nightx take the name ol the clubbing inxtitution that tixed to be here. l’atil 'lra}nor. Bill} Jonex and Roxx .\lacniillan are in charge ot' the niuxic. and the} '\e been knoiin to rip it up in the [lttxl

I Bluntz at (ilaxgoii School ol~ .v\rt. llpiii 3am. £tbc. ll) Mar. [)1 l)irtxiiian and xpecial guextx throu in a little hip hop \\ ith their atitlietitic reggae. ragga and daiiceliall \ttlllltlx.

I Bombafusion at Soundhaux.

llpiii 5am. £8 IUH. l‘) .\lat'. .\ l'eaxl ol‘ beatx and breakx l'eattiring drum & baxx. hip hop and home. 'l‘aiiia Sxxitt ioinx l’aul RL‘\L‘I lt'tiltl l.l\L‘\.l'.\ ll :tlltl litillllm‘x (mil Scltcttttlltc. 'lillct'cix ti \llUl Ul. litilhc \\ illl l‘ull l’hat. xcratch hip liop \\ ith [)1 Venknian. a drum & baxx xet ll'ttlll (‘liakra'x (’hat'lie. pltix a ll\ e xet ol liotiiegroiiii hip hop l'roiii l)()l’li.

I Boogie Wonderland at lam}.

llpiii 3am. £" t£5i. \\'eck|_\. .\lad dixco night \i ith loadx ol' drinkx proiiiox and a xoiindtrack to make the ladiex xhakc their

I Budda at litidda. l lpiii 3am. £tbc. \Veekl}. l)riiikx proiiiox and xoiiie \er) xe\} Rtkli from 1)] Vance make thix not a bad place to xtart the \icekeiid.

I The Buff at the Bull. lilpm 3am. £5. Weekl}. ()ld xcliool tall at (ilaxgoii 'x

llL‘\\ ext iii/I clttb. I)Jx .\ick l’eacock. .\lark Robb. Brian Robertxon and Kexan Steienx do the iieedleiiot'k. ()n l‘) .\lar tan—rock gromerx lllL‘ l'lllxlotl li\pct'ience are ll\c. I Bughouse at Sub (’lub. llpiii 3am. £tbc. 1‘) Mar. .\lonthl}. .laniaica Street ix the place lor tough and l'uiik} tech-hottxc adxenttirex ax -lanne .v\nderxon toitix rexidcntx l)aii Moon and ('Iii'ix Boncrx. Big Man are in tonight. \\llll xoiiie liie (‘hicago-nicetx-('aniberu ell hotixe.

I Canvas at .v\rta. llpiii 3am. £tbc. Weekly. 1).] \\'alter pla} x a plethora ol l'uiik. xotil and Rckli at tliix beatitiltil .\lcrcliant ('it} bar.

I Carnaval Night and Tumbao at (ilaxgoii School ot’.'\rt. ltlpni 3am. £(i t£5i. Io .\lar. lira/ilian boxxa and xaniba. perctixxion baiidx. dance pei‘l'orniarice. capoeii‘a and lira/than l).lx iii the \ic liar. plux authentic xalxa li'oni (‘uba'x l).l Duncanario in the main hall.

I Casa Futura at .\d lib. I lpiii 3am. £5 t£--li. Io .\lar. .\loiitlil}, ()ne ol the bext lunk—xkeiicd liouxe nightx m [U\\ll thexe da} x. with chunk} gromc\ li‘oiii (’lirix. Saiii and And} i('liakrai and xoiiie perctixxbe action lroin Rh_\tliniic Rentx.

I The Cathouse at the (‘athouxe 10.30pm 3am. £l bcl'ore llpiii; £~l i£3i alter. \Veckl}. Riding hiin on the iiti tiictal \xaie. thix ix one ol the btixicxt iiiglitx in ton ii. Rock. grunge. indie and adain ot' breakbcat acroxx three l'loorx at (ilaxgou 'x top \entie l'oi' rockerx and alternatecnx.

I Club Budda at ('lth litidda.

l)uriibarton Street. (’l}debatik. l lpm 3am.