The Lion King movie graces the IMAX

with it’s presence. Embrace the

Glasgow Science Centre in all it’s glory

as young Simba comes of age.

I Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pee/tic Quay, 074 7 420 5000, 10am—6pm, £6.95 (£34.95).

See Film listings for full IMAX details.

Thursday 8


I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcriaii Muxcum. l'nn'crsity .r\\‘ciiuc. 330 422 l. 9.30am 5pm. Scc Hi 2.

I After Hours - POP Poetry l)caii (iallcn. 73 llcll'ot‘d Road. 024 (i200. (ipni. l-"rcc. A programme ot~ af‘tcr gallcr) llnlll‘s events t‘caturing poctr} readings from thc l‘)()0\.

Glasgow I Company Fabrik Workshop The Arches. 253 .r\rg_\lc Strcct. 565 I023. Noon 4pm. £20 (£l2). Swn 'l‘ill. co- ;ll’llslic director of lllc \x'ondcrt'ul (‘ompalh l'iubl'ik. offers a [\ui-tla} \xol‘lx‘sllop introducing thc principlcx of tlic coriipan} a fusion of" dancc and pll}\lL‘1ll thcalrc. Scc 'l‘hcatrc listings page ()4 for full Arches 'l‘hcatrc l't‘\ll\ill ll\llll:_‘\. I 2004: A Space Oddity lllllllcl‘lilll Muwum. l'nncrxit)‘ .-\\cnuc. 330 422i. 0.30am 5pm. Scc Hi 2.


I Country and Western Festival Royal llighland (’cntrc. lnglixton. 335 6200. 7pm. £20 £50 (l‘rcc £15). Annual rootin'. tootin' countr} music hoc-dou n.

Saturday 10


I Farmers’ Market Manxlicld l’ark. llyndland Street. 287 2000. l0am 3pm. Free. A chancc to bu} fresh producc dirch from the farmers.

I Company Fabrik Workshop ‘l‘hc Arches. 253 :\i‘g}lc Slrcct. 5(i5 l023.

l lam (‘4; 4pm. £20 (£l2). Scc l-‘ri l).

I CCA Talks and Tours (‘(‘..\. 350 Sauchicliall Strcct. 352 4900. 2pm. l-"rcc. SCL‘ Sill 3.

I Living with the Sea: Scotland and the Sea in Turner’s Time Burt'cll ('ollcction. 20(i0 l’t)llt)k\llil\\\ Road. 287 2550. 2pm. l-i‘cc. .-\ lccturc from Professor John llumc of the Institute of Maritimc Studies at St :\lltll'L‘\\\ l'nixcrxit};

I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcrian Muwum. l'nixcrsit} Awnuc. 330 422i. 9.30am 5pm. Scc l-'ri 2.


I Country and Western Festival Ro_xal Highland (‘cnlrc. Ingliston. 335 (i200. 7pm. £20 £50 ll'il'L'L' £l5l. SL‘L‘ Hi 9.


I CCA Talks and Tours (’(‘.I\. 350 Sauchichall Slrcct. 352 4900. 2pm. l'il'L‘L‘. SL‘L‘ Sat 3.

I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcrian .\lu\cum. l'nixcrxit} .v\\ cnuc. 5.30 42: l. SL‘L‘ Hi 2.


I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcrian .\lu\cum. l'riixcrxit} .v\\cnuc. 3304221. 0.30am 5pm. Scc hi 2.

Tuesday 1 3

Glasgow I Digging in the Valley of the Kings Burrcll (.(lllL‘L‘llUll. 2060 l’ttlltlk\lltt\\\ Road. 287 2550. 2pm. l'lL‘L‘. l)l‘ NlL‘llUlth RL‘L‘\ L‘\ gl\L‘\ it ltlllx till lhc discox cr) of lhc .-\marna Ro} al 'I'ombx l’roicct in tlic Vallc} of thc Kings.

I Tours of the Mitchell Library Milchcll l.ibrar_\. 20 North Sti'ccl. 2\’7 299‘). 2pm. Scc 'l‘liu l.

I 2004: A Space Oddity llunlcrian .\lu\cuni. l'nixcrsit) Axcnuc. 330 422l. 0.30am 5pm. Scc Hi 2

Wednesday 14


I Curator’s Favourites llurrcll ('ollcction. 2060 l’ollokshaux Road. 287 2550. I230 lpm. l’rcc. Rcbccca Quinton. curator of costumc and tcxtilcx. gchx a talk on :\nnc ol' Denmark's cmbroidcrcd skirt pancl.

I RAW Club 'l'hc :\rc|ic\. 253 Mg} Ic Sll'L‘L‘l. 56.5 lll23. ‘lplll lam. l'lL'C. .-\\ part of RAW. Rcal .'\l'l \Vcclx. a chilch- out club night with global \(llllltl\ and a Iinc-up of gllL‘\l\ including \\'.'\l).r\l).r\ (Suns of .-\rqa) ( l4 Apr); Artists in lixilc (ilasgou .\lu\ician\ ('onibo ( l5 Apr); Latin \L‘l l'roin thc l-‘unlx Room l).l\ ( to Apr) and Kuxhi ( 17 Apr). Scc art ll\llllg'\ for full RAW listings.

I RAW: Real Art Week \tll‘itillx \'cnuc\. SCL‘ Sal H).

I 2004: A Space Oddity llunlcrian Muscum. l'niwrxit} :\\cnuc. 330 422l. 0.30am 5pm. Scc l’ri 2.

North Queensferry

I Endangered Species l)ccp»-Sca World. 0138.3 4| lh'tx’tl. £7.05

(£5.75 £0.50). Scc Tho I.


I Glasgow Art Fair (‘icor-gc Strum-c. 204 4400. 10.30am 8pm. £5 (£3). .\'o\\ in its ninth war. Scotlaiid’x national contcmporai'} art lair takcx up rcxidcncc in (icorgc Stpiarc bringing togclhcr mcr 50 gallcricx and a conlctltpot'at‘) pa\ ilion. l'..\'lil{.\'Sl().\i. \liou casing “ork from thc (‘ollcctn c. 'l‘lic limbaxx}. limcrgcl). (ilaxgou Sculpturc Studiox. Lapland. Limousinc llull. Mai'kct. Suitchxpacc and \‘olumc.

I Alcraft Craft Fair (‘oiiici' ’I'licairc. 0.3 95 ll}ndland Sti'cct. 357 3803. l lam. l-‘rcc. .\ host of crafts undcr onc roof.

I Spin Around the City thl'ltillx \criucx. 2pm. l'i‘cc. in book cmail

rau ((1 ti/c\crit\.coni. .r\\ part ot‘ Rm/ .‘ll‘l Him/t (R.\\\' l. Spin prcxcntx guidcd bus tours to art \cnucx tlt'l'()\\ (ila\go\\ licaring informal tll\L‘tl\\lt)ll\ \\ itli tll'll\l\ and curators about tlic uorkx on dixpla} in cacii \cnuc.

I ISYS: Mountaineering in the Alps Hordci'x Booln. 98 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. ppm. l-‘i‘cc. .\ talk on tlic llL‘“ ISYS ('l)—Rom. uhich gl\t'\ information abotit climbing in thc .'\lp\. I RAW Club llic .r\r'c|ic\. :53 Arr—u) Iv Slrccl. 505 “[23. 9pm ltllll. l'hl‘t‘t‘. SCL' \\'cd 14.

I 2004: A Space Oddity lluntcrian .\lu\cum. l’nncrxit} .I\\cnuc. 330 422l. 0.30am 5pm. Scc Hi 2.


I Drop-in-and-Draw National (iallcU of Modcrn .'\rl. 75 licllord Road. ()24 (i200. () 7pm. l'i'cc. Scc Thu |.

I After Hours - Rudsambee National Portrait Uallct‘}. l ()uccn Strch 024 (i200. (ipm. l‘rcc. .\ programmc ol' at‘tcr gallcr) hourx c\cnt\ l'caluring \ongx from around tlic uor'ld \xith lidinburgli‘x conipatt} of \ingcrx. Rlltlullnllt’t’.

I Jamie Andrew ()ll;ik;it‘\. 5" (icorgc Strcct. 225 4405. "pm. £l. .laniic .r\ndrc\\ discuxxcx /.i'/t' (llltl lint/t. tlic l't‘lllill'lxlll‘lt‘ talc of him hc rccm ci'cd from a climbing accidcrit that lcft him

\\ ithout lltllld\ or fcct.

I Big Word Performance Poetry: Third Birthday Special 'l‘lic 'l'ron. ‘) llunlci' Stiuarc. lligli Slrcct. 220 0031. 0pm. £3 (£2). Spccial third annixcrxar} cclcbralion lcaturing \ttlllL‘ of thc bcxt pL‘l‘liit'Illct‘x in Scotland. including ('upar Slam ('liampion .\li|ton llalgoni. .lcnn) l.llltl\;l). l)undcc \\t)l'tl\lllllll .\larl\ 'l‘liomxon and .\’0\ \taluart .laxmin l)cc.



The Museum of Transpon comes of age

Birthday celebrations

As one thing ends another begins. And so it was with one of Glasgow's most impressive attractions. the Museum of Transport. Forty years ago this month. the MoT opened its doors at the end of another travel era 7— the demise of Glasgow's trams. Almost a quarter of a million visitors a year have frequented the museum and enjoyed the machinery on View. The museum houses road. rail and sea transport devrces from over the centuries. as well as electric and horse drawn trams. buses and cars.

When the Moi moved to its current site in the Kelvin Hall in t988. Visitor figures almost doubled. /\s the years have passed the duality of the exhibits has vastly iriipr'o\.'ed. Check out the newest features paying tribute to the city's heritage. including the 1030s Kelvin Street and 2:30 ship models. From the Comet of 1812 to fabulous builders' models of the Hood. Howe. Queen Mary. Queen Eli/abeth and Queen Eli/abeth 2. the Clyde Room reflects the proud boast ‘nyde built'.

the museum uses its array of models to tell the story of transport by land and sea. With a unique Glasgow slant. [Explore the oldest surviving pedal cycle and the finest collection in the world of Scottish-built cars. including such world famous makes as Ar‘gyll. Arrol Johnson and Nixon. The breadth of the collection is also impressive. featuring all forms of transport from horse-drawn vehicles to fire engines. motorcycles and caravans. ffiven toy cars and pr'anis are included.

\"Vhether you're a transport novrce or aficionado there's something for everyone.

(Anna Miliar‘)

. ~'- THE LIST 101