, 'sport@list.co.uk

Charity fundraising, let century style, means jumping out of a plane or running a marathon. Rachael Street asks why we’re getting addicted to Aid + Adrenaline.

f you've ever heen to .\'1urrayfield. you might have noticed staff

walking across the roof. (‘ancer Research CK (0870 160 2040) is

offering people the chance to do the same thing —- to stand on top of Scotlanth most famous stadium and take in the incredible views of lidinhurgh. Anyone able to raise at least £100 for the cause will he able to do this and a l20ft free ahseil down into the arena. The event takes place on 8th May 2004. and would set the Scottish record for the most people to ahseil in one day.

It is now almost expected that charities will arrange various exciting opportunities from trekking in Nepal to white water rafting on the 'I‘ay

to encourage people to raise money. ()ne of the most popular events for Maggie‘s (‘ancer (‘aring ('entres (0870 411 9440) is skydiving. Fundraiser (‘arys Wiiiship says: ‘lt's nice. simple. straightforward and all done in a weekend. so is probably one of the easiest things to fit into a work schedule.‘ And it‘s a cheap way of leaping out of a plane. costing £(i0 to register. plus £280 in raised funds. although ottt of this only £100 goes directly to Maggie's.

So while these events do entail an element of sacrifice. they are also a convenient way of doing things that many people would not have the time or expertise to organise themselves. ()1) l‘)th—20th June. hundreds of people will he taking part in the (‘aledonian (‘hallenge (0900 801 4444). attempting to walk 54 miles of the West Highland Way in 24 hours. This will generate cash for the Scottish (‘ommunity Foundation. which provides grants for small group projects. The £100 registration fee sounds steep. htit it covers all practicalities such as food. tnedical support and post-trip entertainment.

It may seem cynical to question the motivation behind such charitahle events hut if raising money is sometimes just a hy-product of getting a personal adrenaline rush. then is this simply a way to appease the guilty conscience of the Me generation'.’ Prohahly. But we can't right the wrongs of capitalism overnight. and if the alternative is to stand on a street corner shaking a plastic collecting hox. we know which one we would choose.

102 THE LIST ' "T fin 1',

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


I Rugby: Edinburgh Rugby v Gwent Dragons Meadowhank Sports ('entre. 13‘) London Road. 661 5351. 7.30pm. £10 £15 (£5 £8). Iidinhurgh Rughy take on the (iwent Dragons. who are still riding high in the (‘eltic League.


I Snooker: Players’ Championship S1i(’(‘. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 10am. 2pm 8; 7pm. £7 £15 (£3.50 £7.50). Final event in the Hi lilectronics Tour which sees the top 32 players competing for an £82,000 pri/e. World ('hampion Mark Williams will he hoping to add this one to his stack of victories.

I Football: Celtic v Hearts ('eltic l’ark. Kcrrydalc Street. l’arkhead. 551 8053. 3pm. The end of the season is nigh. (’otild this he the title party day '.’ I Greyhound Racing: Scottish Greyhound Derby Shawtiettl Stadium. 137 Rutherglen Road. (147 4121. 7.30pm. £4. Final event in the Scottish (ireyhound l)erhy to decide who really is the top dog.

I Fencing: Glasgow Open llutchesons’ (irammar School. 21 Beaton Road. l’ollokshields. 9.30am (rpm. Free. Open mixed weapons fencing competition hosted by Scottish Fencing.


I Basketball: Scottish Cup Final Meadowhank Sports ('entre. 13‘) London Road. (mi 5351. 10am 7.30pm. £5 £7 (£3 4). A ftill weekend of Baskethall (‘up games involving teams from all over Scotland ranging from under 16s to senior level.

I Fooball: Hibernian v Livingston liaster Road. 12 Alhion Place. ool 1875. 3pm. .-\ rematch of the ('IS ('up Final with llihs looking for hrutal and swift vengeance.

Outside the cities

I Motor Racing: Bike Track Days Knockhill Racing ('ircuit. Knockhill. Dunfermline. 01383 72333 . 9am 1pm. £55. Bring along your own hike to experience what it's like hurning ruhher on a real race track.


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sti(‘(‘. Finnieston Quay. 08700404000. 10am. 2pm & 7pm. £7 £15 (£3.50 £7.50). See Sat 3. I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Birmingham Bullets Braehead Arena. Kings lnch Road. 561 l 140. 5pm. £7 £10 (£5 £8); family ticket £20. Birmingham may not he top of the league right now hut that doesn't mean they don't have any surprises up their sleeves.

I Fencing: Glasgow Open llutchesons’ (irammar School. 21 Beaton Road. 1’ollokshields. 9.30am (ipm. Free. See Sat 3.


I Basketball: Scottish Cup Final Meadowhank Sports (‘entre. 13‘) London Road. ()01 5351. 10am 6pm. £5 £7 (£3 £4). See Sat 3.

Glasgow I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sti(‘(‘. Finnieston

Quay. 08700404000. 2pm 62; 7pm. £7 £10 (£3.50 £5). See Sat 3.

Tuesday 6


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sli(‘(‘. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 2pm & 7pm. £7 £10(£3.5() £5). See Sat 3.

Wednesday 7


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sti(‘(‘. Finnieston Quay. 08700404000. 2pm & 7pm. £7 £10 (£3.50 £5). See Sat 3.

Thursday 8


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sli(‘(‘. Finnieston Quay. 0870 040 4000. 2pm & 7pm. £7 £10 (£3.50 £5). See Sat 3.

Outside the cities

I Horse Racing: Musselburgh Races Miisselhurgh Racecourse. l.inklicld Road. Musselhurgh. 0131 665 285‘). 2.40pm. National hunt racing.


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sli(‘(‘. l-‘innicsion Quay. 08700404000. 2pm & 7pm. £7 £10 (£3.50 £5). See Sat 3.

Outsrde the cuties

I Motor Racing: Bike Track Days Knockhill Racing (‘ircuiL Knockhill. l)unfermline. 01383 723337. 2 5pm. £75. See Sat 3.

Saturday 10


I Snooker: Players’ Championship Sli(‘(‘. Fittttiestott Quay. ()870 ()40 4000. 2pm & 7pm.

£15 £22 (£7.50 £11). See Sat 3.

I Football: lnverness Caledonian Thistle v Dunfermline llamptlen Park. 1.etherhy Drive. 616 (3000. 3pm. The first 'I‘ennent's Scottish ('up semi-final could go either way with John Rohertson's perennial giantkillcrs up against Jimmy ('alderwood's pugnacious Pars.


I Football: Hibernian v Kilmarnock liaster Road. 12 .-\1hion l’lace. (mi 1875. 3pm. (let that end of season feeling as Bohhy Williamson welcomes his former team.


I Football: Livingston v Celtic llanipden l’ark. 1.etherhy 1)ri\ e. 616 6000. 2pm. The second 'l‘ennent's Scottish (‘up semi features two sides going for the Double. Willi David Fernandez ruled otit of the clash l.ivi's attacking options may he closing. hut they'll have the majority of the nation behind them as they take on the Martin O'Neill rollercoastet‘.

I Snooker: Players’ Championship 515(‘(1 Finnieston Quay. 08700404000. 2pm (k 7pm.

£20 £30. (irand final.

I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Leicester Riders Braehead Arena. Kings lnch Road. 561 1140. 5pm. £7 £1() (£5 £8); family ticket £20. The home team will he hoping for an easy game against Leicester. w ho are currently sittitig low in the RBI. league.

Outside the cuties

I Horse Racing: Musselburgh Races .\1tisselhurgh Racecourse. 1.inklield Road. .\1ttsselhurgh. 0131 665 285‘). 2.40pm. See Thu 8.