


I Southside. 2 rooms in lttxury. rettovaled flat. Double room. luxury kitcltett. bath- roottt. interttet access. lelepltl. ltottte cinema. ('reative. friendly people wanted. £290 pcm. excluding ("II Tel: 0141 423 3191.

I Warm, bright, quiet room itt West Iind gardett flat ttear underground. 'I'V. dottble ftttott bed. dog & cal. £260 pcttt. ittclttdittg ("I~ & hills +

£ I00 deposit. Tel: 07789098 141.

I Paisley Road West. Sttit professional. Large bed- roont for I person itt shared flat. (i('l|. shared kilcltctt/ lounge. lixcellent transport. ttear undergrottnd & .\18. £248 pctti inclusive. Tel: 07890 848 736.

I Southside. Large bed- room itt heautifttl shared flat. near Maxwell l’ark. sttil profes- sional. electric shower. excel- leitt transport. £290 pcitt. Tel: 01414241414.

I Byers Road. Room to rettt itt lovely flat iii central \Vest I'llid. to share willt 2 oth- ers. fentale preferred. avail— able itttntedialely. £230 pcttt + ("1' + bills. Tel: 07951 716 757.

I Double room in Kelvinbridge. sharing with l tttale. | fetttale «k 1 cat. Available 19th March. £225 pent + deposit. bills k ('1. Tel: 0141 357 2640.

I Dennistoun. Single room, top flat. £140 pcm + £l40 deposit. Tel: 07985 634 365.

I Friendly flatmate wanted in city centre. New flat. furnished to Itiglt specs. lounge. IV . video. broadbattd & pltl line. tttodertt kitclten. power show er. Must be a n/s attd cleatt. £295 pcttt. 'I‘eI: 0|4l 552 7|88 or 07899 958 I80.

I Strathbungo large room itt spacious 2~-hedroottt town house conversion. fully furnished. (i('||. n/s. would still professional. £280 pcttt . Tel: 07730 466 89I.

I Hyndland. Friendly, n/s mature professional sottgltl to share modern. 3—bed- room house vvitlt 1 other. All tttod cons. has a garden & park- ittg. £340 pcttt including bills except teleplt 1. Tel: 07974 972 828.

I West End, Thornwood. large roont iii brigltl flat. close to pttblic transport. to share witlt 2 others. n/s preferred. vvottld sttit female professional. £200 pcttt + bills. Tel: 0141 589 I688.

I Young lively profes- sional seeks easy-going work- ittg flaltttale. Very spacious city centre flat. £250 pcitt + £70 ("II 'l'el: 0141 3530957 (Michelle).

I Shawlands. Double bedroom available itt large flat to share vvitlt l other female. (i('| l. close to all amenities. tt/s preferred. £225 pent. 'l‘el: 0|4l 636 5830.

I Large room available itt comfortable. well appointed l)ettnistoun flat. Sttit post grad- ttale or professional tt/s. £260 pcin + bills. Tel: 07919 035 037.

I Southside bright, furnished double roont itt renovated flat vvillt woodett floors. washing machine. (i('| l. etc. Iixcellent transport links & local antettilies. suits professional. gay-friendly. Tel: 0141 649 5302 or 07751 055 6 I 2.


I Modern, detached south-facing cottage in pri— vate tttainlained garden. l’arking. fully furnished. one double bedroom. lounge. kitchen. bathroottt. .\'ear ('attteron 'l‘oll aitd Kings Buildings. £500 pcm. Tel: 0131 664 39f l.

I Friendly flatmate required to share West I'illd flat with one other female. |)ottble roottt. all mod cons. great location. \\'ott|d suit professional. Rent £250 pent + bills + ("II ('onlacl 0794| 536 I54 «8: leave a message.

I Large single room in sunny l’olvvarth flat. Sttilable for post-grad or professional non-sittokittg female. £240 pcttt. 'l'el Rowena: 0l3l 221 0760.

I New Town, large double bedroom itt immaculate flat. Sharing willt 2 yottttg profes- sionals. £3|0pm + ("1’ + bills. tel: 07968 628 978 or 0| 3| 300 2356.

I Large double room available lll ama/ing llelleview flat. Available frottt lsl April to share w itlt 3 other females. (Kill. a|| lttod colts. Iluge lounge. Would suit yottttg pro- fessional. £300pcm + ("1+ bills. tel: 0131 556 1958. tllox no: |’/49|/5)

I Morningside, large double rootn available itt bright. comfortable 2—person flat. Sttil tt/s professional. £275 pcttt + ("1’ + bills. 'l'el: 0131 337 9366.

I Room to let itt ntodern fttlly furnished city centre flat. to share willt | professional female. £250 pcttt . including bills. 'I‘eII 07929088 663.

I Double room in qttiel. cotnfortable Sltattdeit ltottse. Hallt & shower room. living roont. kilcltcn diner. friendly flattttate. 25+. tt/s preferred. would sttil mature student. post gradttate. £260 pcttt + bills. Tel: 0131 337 1716.

I Central single bed- room. £40 pw including ("II 'l‘el: 0| 3| 22‘) 5 l 24 or 07808 297 812.

I 2 rooms available in beautiful. large .\'ew 'I‘owtt flat. would sttit tt/s professional or graduate student. I’rom April lsl. £255 pcttt (large double) or £205 pcttt (singlet + ("l‘ + bills. tel: 0797] 86| 245.

I Newly refurbished room iii large Leilh flat with en suite 8: all tttod colts. avail- able 2nd of April. £300 pcttt. including ("11 Tel: 07736 227 512.

I Easter Road. Single room available itt bright. com- fortable flat. sharing with l ntale. Suits gay/gay-friendly professional. n/s. £225 + ("I' + bills. 07958079607.

I Sunny double room itt spacious Morningside coach house. I’osl graduate/ youttg professional. to share with 3 others. private garden. livittg room. off street park- iitg. £275 pctn. Tel: 0131 447 6|00.

I Haymarket. Large dou- ble roont available iit very comfortable ck spacious 2-hed— rootit flat. 1-‘ront lst .\lay. Wottld suit single professional person. £90 pw'. 'l‘el: 0| 31 539 9444.

I Marchmont. Thirlestan Road. 2 roottts available. excellently equipped. fully 1|.\l() licensed. Wottld sttit n/s professionals. 1 very large dou< hle room lvvottld preferred cott- ple) £320 pcttt + ("II I dottble roonl £2 10 pctn + ("II Tel: 01721 730 778 (day). 0131 447 5426 (evening).

I Large double room in city centre. 'l‘\'/ DVD. digital. terrestrial channels. full equipped computer with 24h broadband internet access. Tel: 0131 228 3123.

I Attractive sunny room iit cosy flat. available now. to share with friendly people. (i(‘ll & Sky TV. quiet friendly area. Tel: 0131 443 5899 or 0795 28f 2976.

I Dalry room available in 2-bedroom flat. Sharing with 1 other. n/s preferred. £270 pcttt including ("1‘ & bills. Tel: 0131 623 5241.

I The Grange. Double room iii large house. gardens front & rear. off street parking. n/s professional. £290 peltt + hills. Tel: 07810 304 973.

I Bright newly decorat- ed double bedroom in ('oIinton Mains. private garden. close to bus route and 'l‘escos. to share with 1 female attd cal. would suit young female. £280 pcm including bills except pltl. Tel: 07867 853 66‘).

I Morningside. Double room to let itt spacious shared flat. front April 1st. would sttil lt/s prttlessionaI/sludent. £300 pettt + ("I. + bills. Tel: 07949 109 97 l.

I Double room overlook- ing the canal. Wottld suit mature student or professional. n/s. Tel: 0131 229 4085.

I 1 double bedroom to rettt in large 'l‘ollcross flat. to share with other young profes- sionals. Well equipped. funky flat itt conveniently located area close to all major htts routes. pubs & clubs. Spacious living roont. large fully equipped din- ing/kitchen. all tttod cons. £280 pcm + hills. Tel: 07766

45l 063.


I Large double room in spacious |.eitlt town house. sttit couple. Minimum 4 months let. £320 pcttt includ— ing ("Ii + £300 deposit. Tel: 07748 944 818.

I Marchmont. Double room iii spacious. bright. friendly flat. sharing with 2 others. would still profes- siottal n/s. no students. £250 pcttt + hills. Tel: 0131 477 490].

I Double room avail- able, large shared flat iii 'Ittllel'ttss. walking distance to city centre. available begittning of May. n/s professionals only. £230 pcin + expenses + (of. lel: 07789 656 528 or 07900 827 687.

I Double or twin—bedded roottt. central lidittburgh. fully furnished w illt washing machine. colour 'I‘V. video. etc. £40 to £44 pppw. 'Iel: 0l3l 657 I Double room in friendly. spacious. n/s Bruntsfield flat. sharing w illt 4 others. large liv - ing room/kitchett. cheap broad- battd connection available iii roottt. £2|0pcm + ("1+ bills. 'l‘eI: o77so oso 33o or 0131 221 9678.

I Double room available itt lov ely flat. near the shore. to share w itlt 2 other friendly. easy going females. includes private parking + cable ‘1‘\'. £225 pcttt + bills + deposit. Tel: 07984 02| 325.

I Room available now for

Ms professional iit beautiful 'l‘rinily flat with 2 living rooms it free parking. £280 pcltt + ("l‘ + bills. 'l’el: 0131 552 0158 (evenings t‘ week ends).

I Double room in attrac~ live Slockbridge flat. all tttod cotts. available mid/end April. £265 pcm + bills. tel: 078 | 5 I98 82‘) or 0| 3| 226 0740.

I Room to let iii sunny smoke-free Newingtott flat. sltaring with l other. £240 pcttt + bills. Tel: 07779 464 I I0 or 0| 3| 662 I635 or sytttondsntarkw ltotmail.eoin.

I Bruntsfield double room, 6 tttottllts or | year. available to share w illt 2 others if] new ly furnished flat. tttttsl see. Sttit friendly. young profes- sional. £275 pcttt. tel: 07900 437 909.

I Large double bedroom itt immaculate flat. sharing with 2 young professionals. £3l0 pcttt + ("I + bills. Tel: 07968 628 978 or 0|3I 3002356.

I Room to let in (irassmarkel. good si/e. £1 15 pcttt. Tel: 07906 780 830.

I Double room in luxury flat with en suite bathroom available now. exclusive use of swimming pool. sauna & gyttt. £395 pcm. 'l'el: 013| 337 5389.

I Bright double room in Newittgton area. available for young sociable. n/s female pro fessional sharing with other females. Close to city centre. £295 pcttt + ("1‘ + bills. tel: 0770‘) 336 240.

I Furnished double room itt brigltl. friendly Meadowbank flat. available to Ms professional person to share with I other. (i('||. free park— ittg. otl main hits route. £350 pcttt inclusive. Tel: 013] 661 6226 tAmattdat.

I Professional n/s female wanted for single roottt itt friendly. spacious Slockbridge flat. available immediately. £190 pcttt + bills + ("II Tel: 0131 226 2746.

I Room for n/s in Marchtnonl. £180 pcttt + ("l' + bills. Tel: 0131 2294104.

I Double room in modern flat with parking. available front beginning of April. littnky. sociable cltick seeks like-mind— ed flatntale. £300 pcm + ("1‘ + bills. 'l‘el: 07709 I01 757.

I Large single room/large double rootn itt (irassmarket area. Suit tidy tt/s to share vvillt Professional tttale. £300 £330 pcm inclusive. Tel: 07742 313 207.

I Room available in l)ean Village vv illt great views. N/s professional preferred. Short term. £250 pcttt + hills + ("1. tel: 07745 825 635.

I Room to let iii stunning ('anonmills flat. to share w illt young sociable professionals. tttttst see. £275 pcttt + ("1' + bills. 'l‘el: 07775 995 5351(iilll. I Single room in l’olwortlt 2 bedroomed flat. available froin April. £240 pcm + bills + ("1+ deposit. 'l'elz 0788| 970 144.

I Irish girl wanting m/f flalmale for roont itt flat with all tttod cons off |.eith walk. £200 pcttt + bills + ("1‘. tel: 0131 476 399.

I Room available in attractive .\larchntonl flat. shar— ittg with 2 others. large kilcltett tk living roont. sttil profession- al. £300 pcm + bills. tel: 0131 447 5320.

I Large room to rent in large house itt tlte (irattges. Will sttil young professional. £260 pcm. including ("1. 'l‘el: 0131 478 1231.

I Bright double room available itt friendly (ieorgiatt flat. would still young profes- sional. all ittod cons. including cable IV «V dishwasher. Available l7tlt April. £230 [)c‘lll inclusive. {It‘ll 0|3| 477 1841.

I Morningside bright double roottt iit newly refur- bished flat. near Safeways. .-\|| tttod cons. £260 pcin inclttstve. tel: 07746 202 972.

I Sunny double room available ill friendly I eillt flat. sttil easy -going. tt/s young pro- fessional. £240 pcttt + bills. 'l‘eI: 0131555 5|20.

I Double room in quuri ous \llélelttlls flat. Available from 18th April. Sharing with 1 other. sttit n/s young profession at. £287 pcttt + ("l' +4 bills. 'I‘el: 0| 3| 662 4037.

I Double room in ll/s spa cious flat. central locatiott. park views. free parking. £268 pcttt +bi1|s.'|'el: 0131 557 9560.

'. ‘5» Apr .‘t .‘3- THE LIST 123