statcsman who rctains all his gauchc charm. Shout out for ‘1.cshian Bar'.

I Sophia King Tut’s \Vah \Vali Hut. 373;! Si Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £8. 'l‘hcrc is a quict inlcns’it)‘ to thc sound of Sophia. thc outlit lormcd h} cx-(iod .\1achinc l‘rontman Rohin l’ropcr- Shcppard. Scc pancl.

I Uncle Devil Show R1\L‘l'.\lllL‘ ('luh. l-‘ox Strcct. 5(1‘) 7387. 8pm. £10. Scarily-attircd ll'otlhadotlt‘s who. on closcr inspcction. hcar a striking i'cscinhlancc to Jtistin ('urric ol’1)cl Amitri and KL‘Vlll .\1c1)crmott.

I B Movie Heroes, Right Turn Clyde and Uncle Jack Barl'l}. 3o0 ('1)dc 81rcct.0870‘)070‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £5. ()\'L‘l'-l-l.\ show. Punk) Britrock in thc win of 'l'hrcc ('olours Rcd and thc \Vlltllk‘m’ls.

I Solarise, The Aphrodisiacs, Nebraska and George Carnival Raw. Quccn Margarct l'nion. 33 1'nivcrsity (iardcns. 33‘) ‘)784. 7.30pm. £3. \\'cckl}‘ showcasc of local hands. this timc with an clcctronica lcaning.

I Azriel, This Familiar Smile, Screeming About Nothing, Exeminy and In Balance The ('athousc. l5 I'nion Strcct. 348 (1600. 7.30pm. £4. ()\'L‘l'- 14s show. limo and ltat'tlcorc sounds.

I Palomino 'I‘hc Bunkcr. 1‘)3 1‘)‘) Bath Strcct. 33‘) 1437. 10pm. lircc. Sun- drcnchcd harmonics in thc Bull‘an Springlicld tradition.

I Tailback, Nero, Anavris and LSD Fur} .\lurr}'s. ‘)o .\1a\wcll Strcct. 331 (i511. 8.30pm. £4. including cntr} to post-gig cluh. Furs-'s l'nsigncd 3004.

I Lobey Dosser 'l'hc llall Bar. 101) Woodlands Road. 564 1537. ‘)pm. l-‘rcc. lndic rock.

I Holy Bridge Macsorlcys. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 348 8581. ‘)pm. 151cc.

I Bad Obsession Studio ()nc. (irosvcnor llotcl. (iros\cnor 'l'crracc loll Byrcs Road). 341 (i516. ‘)pm. lircc.

I Paperback Throne 'l’inllcrlmx. 18‘) Byrcs Road. 33‘) 3108. ‘)pm. l’r'cc. Acoustic sct.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘hc Scoiia.

113 114 Stockwcll Strcct. 553 8081. ‘)pm. lircc. Popular cmcrs.

I Open Mic 'l‘chai ()\‘na. 43 ()tago Lanc. 357 4534. 8pm. lircc.

I Jam Session Samucl Dow‘s,

()7 71 Nithsdalc Road. 43.3 ()l()7. 8.30pm. 1-‘rcc. llostcd h} lndcpcndcncc. I Live Music .\lc(‘huills. 40 High Strcct. 553 3135. ‘).30pm. lircc. Ncw hands night.

I Live Music Sountlsct. thc Soundliaus. 47 llydc l’ark Strcct. 331 4(15‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. Linc-up to hc conlirmcd.

I Live Music Nicc'n'Slca/y 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)(i37. ‘)pm. l’aislcy l'ni night.

i The Boxer Rebellion play th

e Venue, Edinburgh, Sat 3 Apr


I Big Bill Morganfield and Slidin’ Delta 'l'hc Bongo ('luh. .\1ora_\ llousc. .37 llo1}rood Road. 558 7(104. 7.30pm. £‘).501£8l. Mudd) \Vatcr's son with his ama/ingl) mcnacing haritonc \oicc.

I Full Moon Open Mic (multiples. 40 (‘ommcrcial Strcct. 1.cith. 555 5o33. 8pm. lircc. ()pcn mic 1'or an_sonc from pocts to hands to solo singcrs. 151111 hack- linc (guitar. bass amps. drums. mics ctcl providcd and a prc-hookcd hand on from around 1 1pm. 11‘ you want to book a slot call lirit/ on 07766 175 74‘).

I The 55’s and Echo 20 Whistlchinkics. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 51 14. 9pm. lircc. 1.ocal indic act thc 55‘s signcd to 51. Rccm‘ds.

I Peter Michael Rowan ('urc Royal Bistro Bar. 17 \\'cst chistcr Strcct. 557 47‘)3. 9pm. lircc. Scc Thu 1.


I All About Eve and Manuskript King '1'ut's \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St \'inccnt Strccl. 331 537‘). 8.30pm. £13. Wisp}. lolk)‘ goths who populariscd louslcd. crimpcd hair and gypsy skirts in thc lzllc 81B. ()uilc :l lc‘gtll‘}. L‘lt'.’

I New Age Jam and Straw Dogs tltc l'ict't'). 43 (1ch l’lacc. 01008 3(15 511. ‘)pm. £8. Jam and Still 1.itt|c liingcrs trihutc hill.

I Just a Fire and Nueva Volcano .\'icc'n'81ca/). 431 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9037. ‘)pm. £o. Jtist a 1-‘irc arc a 1'8 altrock stipci‘group of sorts. licaturing mcmhcrs oi .lunc ol 44, chcp thc [cg lohnn) and :\hc1inc.

I Kain and Dead Fly Buchowski 'l‘hc llitl (‘luh thc \alc. 5 Dundas Strcct. 333 0‘)4(i. 8pm. £4 (£31. Kain host anothcr ol' thcir l’ortnightl)’ llitl ('luhs in an inl'ormal sctting with lixc music and cclcctic rctro soundtrack.

I Silenced, Wasted Youth and Butweiser Barll)‘. 3(10(‘1_\‘dc Sircct. (1871) ‘)()7 ()‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £3.

I Long Range Weapon The 13111 Notc ('tllc, 5() ()1) King Strcct. 55.3 10.38. ‘)pm. £3. lndic rock and altcountr} sounds.

I Acquitted, Kershaw/Sayer, Rico Franchi and Jiva l‘lll')‘ .\1urr} s. ‘)o .\la.\wc11 Strcct. 331 651 1. 8.30pm. £4. including cntry to post-gig cluh. Bill of upcoming local indic hands.

I Texas Express (irand ()1c 0111'). l’aislcy Road loll. 43‘) 53‘)(). 7.30pm. £4 (£3 mcinhcrsl. Country.

I George Michael Tribute Bourhon Strcct. I08 (icorgc Strcct. 553 0141. 7pm. £5 t£‘).‘)5 with dinncrl.

I Rush Hour Samucl Dow‘s, (17 7| .\'ithsda|c Road. 433 ()l()7. 8.30pm.


rock & pop listings Music

Edinburgh Liquid Rooms Thursday lst April

0870 903 3444


0870 903 3444

unit ED BYR N E

+ m 1,17 mm remains THE TOSCA STRINGS

Edinburgh Usher Hall Sat 10 April box office 0131 228 1155 tour hotline 0870 903 31.1.4


AND‘HER BAND“ 75 Pa- Sunday18th A f

Glasgow ° .

The Arches c9 ‘9 ThursdayéthMay 9

0870 903 3444


Edinburgh Liquid Rooms Saturday 29th May

Glasgow Barrowlands Monday 26th July Ticket Hotline: 0870 903 3441.

no THE mrs: Supergrass - I Glasgow Barrowlands

Monday 26th April Ticket Hotline: 0870 903 3444


l---l:'3 Apr 2004 THE LIST 51