Glow Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow©, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Kenny Hodgart.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Back to Mine ill tho I.ito Hat: 'l'iniox tho. I‘t'oo. \Vookl}. I-l\oi"\ 'I'hu. tho l.ito Bar ix tttkon in or h} ;i dil'loi‘ont ooloht‘it). [)1 or tnodiu plat} or. doing “hat tho IioII thoy Iiko oit tho dookx.

I Bennet’s ill Bonnot’x. I Iptit Finn. £3 (£3). \Vookl}. ('i‘;t/} night ttt thix ntoxt popular ot' git} \onuox. 'I‘ho} :il\\;l_\x got a groin ot'ott d in and tho ttl'toi' pitt‘tiox tn‘o t‘oztII} xomothing to holttlItI.

I Budda at Buddat. I lptn Stun. Uho. \Vookl). Rolttunohod \onuo httolx on track “itlt LiL‘Iilii\ xliII lik‘.

I Blunt ttt (‘oltioi'x 'l‘lioittro.

9pm lam. A no“ night in II_\ndI;tnd‘x ohut‘oh-oonio-boo/or l‘oalut'ing Itip hop. Rkll and dttnoohnll “IIII I);t\ id Mao. and hotttx. glitoh and olootroniox \xith NL‘I.

I Cheeze :tt Sti';ttItoI_\do Studont'x :\xxttL‘l;lliUlt. 0pm .ittllt. Uik‘. \VCL‘H}. 'I‘ho higgoxt and tttokioxt xtudont nigltt

I Clear at .'\d l.ih. I lptn 3am. LI t\' Apr. I‘ot'tnightl) tt';t\on li‘ont Kingxton to Dotroit. ztII Ittl' a pound. I)Ix ti'otn NC“ \‘tll‘Ix IL‘o‘Illttt-L‘IL‘CII‘U IttItoI StitltL‘ (iI'UU\ C. tll'L‘ lttlligltlix glloxlx.

I Columbian ttl tho Ax} Itttit Iltiok Room. Spin Inni. I-i'oo to ('I'Sl' monthot'x; L'l UIIIL‘I'\\IxL‘. \Vookl). I’tit xoino hi'otikin‘ lunk in )Ulll' trunk \xith thix ontot‘titining itight oI xtudont llltldltoxx.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blankot.

l lptn 3am. £5 tUl. \Vookl}. (iol doop donn and dirt} :tx Ru} tnond \Voodx and .\'nootn mix up xonto of tho inoxt

hoot} lioioux Rth itt tho oit). \xhilo Bill) \Iilligttn xL‘l‘\ ox up tho xtudont olttxxiox and dirt} pop tunox.

I DogGod :tt () liar. lt).3(lpin Barn. [2. \VCL'IxI). \Igltl Ui. L‘L‘IL‘L‘IICIxItt ttl tho ItoulttiIllI oluh undor ('ot‘inthinn. It \xax L‘ItN‘d I'tll' tlgox but no“ tho) .I‘C gL‘lllllg hnok into tho gt'om o. I’ui'o oltixx.

I The Edge tll tho Iidgo. (‘Utllitt‘ldgo

I lpiti 3am. I’roo. \VoonI}. (i;tt‘_\' IIotnio} hlitxtx tho ('oittht‘idgo tttnxxix o into Iirida} “till llio \ot'y hoxt in l'ttnk} \ooatl hottxo. I Fantastique zit .\I;tx. l Ipm 3am. £4 (£3). \VL‘L‘H}. IItL‘ \L‘t‘lltlL'llItll‘ 1)] Mirrot'hzm phi} x :t tt'iondl} brand of pop- t'ttxod houxo lot" it 'I'hu night ot'tmd looking for kiokx. I’ut‘xo-l't‘iondl} dt‘inkx pi'ioox inttko thix niqu it good drim.

I Fire Wire at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £3 (£2). \Vookl}. (it‘nhttin I't‘l'g'llxtllt xpinx Rtkll and ohtti‘t olnxxiox in room I. \xhilo I)J Itttt\I ix in tlto rod rooin plining indio pop and rook. In tho Iottngo. Rohin B [titl}\ ttn oolootio ini.\ ol‘ dixoo. funk and xottl.

I Freakmoves til (iltixgou Sohool ol‘ .t\rl. I lpm 3am. £3 till. \Vookl}; l'Itt'n- lino hip hop night l‘ot' tho xtudontx. \\ ith I)Jx I)om;i and .\'ioo.

I Homework at Vault. llptn .itttn. £5 tL'J l. Wot-kl}. Inn and Sin to main tho ho\. xo all inxoout‘itiox m or tho tunox tn‘o dixpollod. 'I‘hix night :ttntx at xtudont xatixlnotion \iithout uttnpt'otnixing tho t|ll£lIII_\ Io\olx.

I Hype at (him I 1.30pm Rant. [3 tL'll. \Vookl). .Iiin I);t Boxt [L‘tllltx tip \\ itIt tho II}po ot'oxx to ptit oil a night oI t\\ixtod. llIll'urIlltlI'x} houxo. I’Iont) ol' ohoitp hoo/o ninkox thix it l‘un night otit. I Instant Access at Suh (‘luh

llptn 3am. £2. \Vookl}. ‘I‘hix ix tho night tho Stth ditnoox in itx xlipporx to tho xottndx ol' .\Ioto\\ n. hi'ottItx. milk. and it xntztltot‘ing oI houxo.

I Jah Hectorr’s Smokebelch ttt .\I&l\\III. 'I‘rongtito. 8pm lam. L'tho. \Vookl). ()riginnl t'ootx. t‘oggao. duh. dztnoohttII and xktt. Sand) and Jah IIootorr mun tho dookx hut )ou'ro inx itod to bring doun )titlt‘ tl\\lt \ in} I. Jamaican inotithullx and n Rod Stt‘ipo htti‘ tnttko thix a tuxt} night ottt.

I Loaded at Liquid Loungo.

Illpin Rant. [4 (Bl. \Vookl}. 'I'ht'oo Iixo




hnndx kick tho night ol'l‘. making \\;|_\ l'ot' Joo Kano on dookx \\ itlt xotno itidio. mod and xouI zit Itlltt.

I Madhouse tll tho Shack.

Illfillptn 3am. £51L‘3l.\\'ookl_\.(‘.l and And} ItlixL‘ )ou to llio brink of inxnnil} \\ itlt xotno ol' tho inoxl outritgooux :ind oout‘ngooux xtudont tllIIIlL‘llI\.

I Old Skool Reunion ut .'\l'L‘II;lU\. I Iptn 3am. l5 tl'i'oo £2.5(ll. \Vookl}. ()Id ontotlI loohlttl L'lll\\iC\ tttld dixoo xt_\ Io tunox I'oi' tho l't‘on/iod xtudontx do“ n .'\l‘L'II;ltlx \\;t_\.

I Polo for Me at tho I’olo I.ottngo. lllptn lzuti. I'i‘oo. \Vookl). You. tho Iuok) puntoi‘. tttko tho holtn tonight. ttx roquoxt ozit'dx :tt'o ;t\;tiI;thIo m or tho hitt‘ and in tho IttttllIt. \tiliL‘L‘ Iitil' tho ttniinitginntixo: ‘I itlt] What I ittn' ix pt‘ohihitod h} Inn and punixhzthlo bx xpnnking.

I Record Player: at (ilttxgtm Sohool ol':\t't. lllfillpnt 3.30am. £3 ([2). \Vookl}. IIi—I'i Sotin tIIi-I-‘idolit'w :tnd Iquhpupp} tI)i\ inol pot‘l‘oi‘nt ohoitp dook xuokin' to dixoottu. dunih oIoolt‘o and Stlx phunk. 'I‘ho) nd\ ixo _\ou to not up. dt‘oxx dtmn and plzt) L‘;l\} to got.

I Retro ;tt It'llxit. I Iptn Rant. [4 it'll. Wookl). I);t\o Young. Stox on Bum n and tho Ix't‘nx} Kitt‘noko lL‘tllil pl} thoii' \\;tl'L‘\ tit thix l'tthuloux night undot' I’itt Sti'oot. .\ xtudont night \xith xtunning tunox. .xtunning looking pooplo and at xinitttoi‘ing ol’ drinkx pi'otnotionx. I Skint at tho (‘nthouxo I lptu 3am. £4 (£3). \Vookl}. .\ night that t‘ol‘Iootx tho roxurgont ultornatn o xoono tit tho tnotnont. Rook. indio and xonio tough ohomiotil ht'otikx and hotitx. \\'IIII ti orou d tnuoh Iiko tho ono you xoo outxido tho (inllot') ol‘.\1odot'n .-\t't.

Sasha and Digweed play Colours, Sun 11 Apr

listings Clubs

i ° . list


Blue Room For low~key. toot- tapping dance music it doesn't get much more interesting than the Blue Room. Having won cult status with their Saturday morning post—club slot on Radio 1. Chris COCO and Rob da Bank are pushing the boundaries of the chill-out genre on the global stage. The Brunswick Hotel, Fri 2? Apr.

Phil Hartnoll Sound sculptor and DIY musician. craftsman and artist. Hartnoll‘s visit provides “t unique chance to hear new work from Orbital. whose music has been described as everything from organic techno to modern chamber music. QMU. Sat (Hip/1

Haptic The Haptic crew are pushing the boat out for this Soundhaus one-off. Gianni and Colin Davie play together on tour decks. before the fabulous Colin Dale mashes it up a little bit more. The Sound/tails. Fri 9 Apr.

Subculture Happy the man (or woman) who has spent the last ten years going to Subculture on a Saturday night. Dance music may have stumbled from delinquency to maturity. but this Glasgow club has remained throughout a beacon of creativity and musical salvation. The Sub Club. Sat lOApr.

Melting Pot Nick the Record. one of the guys behind the Soul Ascendants. whose single ‘Tribute' stormed the danceiloors of New York's legendary Shelter and Body & Soul clubs. brings part of his own reputedly gargantuan record collection for some underground soul-shakin'. Riverside Club. Sat 70 Apr.

Bacardi B-Bar & Solemusic Soundsystem Celebrate good times on bank holiday weekend as the CCA soundsystern tries to cope with the funkiest throbbing house grooves and searing vocals on the planet. Joeski and ATFC (pictured) should ensure you go home deliriously happy. CCA. Sun 7 I Apr.

“~ At" THE LIST 75