Helgi Thorgils Fridjonsson l'ntit Fri 33 Apr. A site specific work by IIelgi Thorgils I-‘ridionsson. regarded as one of Iceland's leading representatiy es of ‘new‘ painting'.


.58 Ratcliffe 'I‘errace. (i(i7 l‘)(i(i.

Mott Sat l()am ()Plll.

Mixed Show t'ntil Fri 30 Apr. ()riginal paintings and prints by Various ttt'lisls.

STILLS 33 ('ockburn Street. (i33 (1300. Daily lIam ()Plll.

Designer Bodies l-‘ri 2 Apr Sun (i Jtttt. Designer Burl/ex is a new exhibition exploring the implications of genetic engineering and genetic intery ention throuin the artworks of four Scottish artists: ('hristinc Borland. (Iina (’Iarnecki. Jacqueline Donachie and (lair Dunlop. A season of related talks. workshops and an international symposium accompanies the show. See preyiew and llitlist. NPW SI l()W.


l0 Stafford Street. 336 58I3. Mon I'i'i ‘).30am (3pm: Sat ‘).30am 5.30pm; Sun noon 5pm.

Delight in Small Things Sat .3 Apr Sun 3 May. Jewellery. paintings. drawings and prints by yotmg lidinburgh artists including Anya Reynolds. Rebecca l’aulding. Dan Smernicki. Lucy Adams and Jenny Stephens.


3i l.ismore ('rescent. I’ttt'sons (ireen. (130 33-14.

Philip Lai l'ntil Hi 3 Apr. Recent work.

TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niyersity of lidinburgh. Sottth Bridge. 650 33l0. Tue Sat l()am 5pm. Merlin James: Easel Painting l'ntil Thu 8 Apr. A semi-retrospectiye suryey of paintings and works on paper by painter and art critic Merlin James. featuring around 40 paintings and drawings of landscapes. interiors. abstract works. ligure paintings attd interpretations of old photographs from distant places. IAST CHANCI? 'IO SH. Ellen Munro l'ntil Thu 8 Apr (round room). A installation comprising fabric. threads. paint atid lights by lillcn Munro.

abstracts photographs by Bernadette Dooley form part of Proximity on show at the Patriothall Gallery

Edinburgh Museums


3b Dundas Street. 556 (i360. Mon Fri llam (rpm; Sat l0.30am (ipm . Spring Exhibition Sat 3 Apr Sat I May. An exhibition of work by over ()0 gallery artists and jewellery by Sheana Stephen.


3 Bristo Place. 330 4538. Daily

noon I0pm.

Aurora l-‘ri 3 Apr Sttn 30 May. Artist-run initiatiye Aurora presents a two-person show of work by Ruth Beale and ('atherine Street. with a programme of short films and a liy'e performance from The Big Blue on the opening night (Hi 3 Apr. 7 l lpm). NE‘ W St 100/.


Various \enues. Scotland-wide. I’or an itinerary call 53‘) 3‘)30/3(i83.

Ross Sinclair - The Real Life Rock Opera: Volume 1 limit Hi 4 Jun. (ilasgow artist Ross Sinclair continues his inyestigation in what constitutes the real iii a society itt this latest 'l't'ayelling (Iallery exhibition. The exhibition includes sculpture. performance. humour. text and a ('D of songs sung and produced by Sinclair including :lmuring (il'lli'l’ and the self-penned Rl'u/ Ufi' 1's (inning Round the Bend. The show tours to lidinburgh stopping off at PiershilI library (3 Apr); (iracemount l.eisure (’entre (Mon 5 Apr); The Inch (‘onununity ('entre (Tue (i Apr); (‘raigmiller Arts ('entre (Wed 7 Apr): ()xgangs library (Thu 8 Apr) and l.eith Waterworld (I‘ri ‘) Apr).


(‘ambridge Street. 338 I404. Daily

l()am midnight.

Being There Sttn I 1 Apr Sat 8 May. Photographs by Stanley Reilly depicting the celebrities of the DOS and 70s including Judy (iarland. lili/abeth 'I‘aylor. Peter Sellers and (’harlton Ileston.


In South l-‘ort Street. 478 78l0. .\Ion Sat l lam ll.45pm; Sun I330 I 1.45pm. City of Tiny Lights t'ntil Sat 24 Apr.

Photographic portraits by Marc Marnie.


4 Dundas Street. 558 ‘)544/5. Mon l-‘ri l()am (ipm; Sat llam 4pm.

Spring Exhibition t'nul Sat to Apr. An exhibition of l‘)th century Scottish oils. w atercolours and engt'ayings.

This section lists museums currently showing temporary exhibitions. For details of other permanent attractions, see City Life, page 100.


43 Iligh Street. 53‘) 4143. Mon Sat l()am 5pm.

Children in Focus t'ntil .\lon t‘) Apr. ()yer I00 photographs depicting childhood taken between I800 and 1900. ranging from stttdio portraits to snapshots.

MUSEUM OF EDINBURGH (formerly lIuntly Ilottse). I43 (‘anongate. 53‘) 4143. .\Ion Sat

l()am 5pm. Free.

Bringing the Page to Life: Papermaking on the Water of Leith l'ntil I-‘ri 7 May. An exhibition telling the story of papermaking on the Water of l.eitlt. examining tlte li\'es of the mill employees.


3 (‘hambers Street. 347 43l‘). .\lon Sat l()am 5pm (Tue 8pmt; Sun noon 5pm. Mao: Arts for the Masses 1950-76 l'ntil Sun 4 Apr. The formation of (‘ommunist (‘hina is brought to life through a priyate collection of masterpieces made between I‘)50 I‘)7b. acquired during and immediately alter the (‘ultural Revolution.

Cats . . . The Ultimate Predators l'ntil Sun 30 May. £4 (£3.50 £3); family ticket L'l3. Everything you ever wanted to know about wild cats from the rttsty spotted cat from India and Sri l.anka to the largest of them all. the lion. Aimed particularly at children. the exhibition explores how it feels to be a cat. Itow cats' claws work and how to identify cat smells. And if that all gets too much. you can rest in a giant cat's basket in the (‘at Nap '/.one.


l.ady Stair's llouse. l.ady Stair‘s ('lose. 53‘) 4‘)()l. Mon Sat l()am 5pm. Dorothy Dunnett (1923-2001) Until Sat 3b Jun. A focus on the life and work of author Dorothy Dunnett who penned Lymmtd ('ltrmtit‘lex. King Ilt'n'u/it'r. The Home of.\'ic(‘nln and the Johnson .lU/IIISUN detectiye series.

listings Art


l'niyersity of Dundee. l3 Perth Road. 01383 345330.

What Appears to Be Yours t'niit Sttn l8 Apr ((‘ooper (iallery). (Ilasgow- based artists Katie lixley and .Iane Topping examine the process of exhibition production and the language of the logo. lixley' has produced a series of yideo works that document the hidden inner workings of exhibition production wltile Topping has created two sculptural works which adopt and recustomise the language of logos.

Other Trace Evidence l'ntil l‘ri 23 Apr (l.amb (iallery ). An exhibition exploring how women hay e gone from being the 'inxestigated‘ to the ‘inyestigator’.

DUNDEE CONTEMPORARY ARTS I53 Nethergate. (II 383 ‘)0‘)‘)()(). Tue Wed. Sat & Sun l0.30am 5.30pm; Thu & I’ri l0.30am 8pm.

Grace Girvan l'niil Sun 25 Apr. Jewellery by ()rkney-born (trace (liryan Which combines fottttd objects with precious materials.

Spring Flowers l'ntil Sun 25 Apr. A display of work by craft makeis featuring ceramics. textiles and handbags.

Sanna Huttunen: Your Heart is Where Your Home Is t'mil Sun 2 May (Print Studio). A series of images made ttsing traditional woodcut and litlio printing by Finland-based printmaker Sanna llttttunen.

It is Hard to Touch the Real Thu l I’ri 30 Apr (Information Room). A broad range of works by ox er 40 artists who ttse documentary \ ideo in their artistic practice.


35 36 Mid Wynd. .\lid Wynd Industrial listate. 0| 383 335983. Thu Sun

noon 5pm.

Artist Groups from France and Sweden l'ntil Sun 18 Apr. A mixed group show of work by artists from .\'ice and l'mea.


Albert Square. 0| 383 433084. Mon Wed & l'i'i Sat l0.30am 5pm; Thu

l0.30am 7pm; Sttn I330 4pm, Snapped! Dundee People and Places I'ntil Sttn 35 Apr. Dundee Photographic Society celebrates its I35llt anniyersary with this exhibition of o\ er I00 images from I880 to the present day.

Outside the Cities



(‘allendar Park. (II 334 50378‘). .\lon Sat l()am 5pm: Sun 3 5pm.

4 Contemporary Scottish Artists l'ntil Tue 4 May. Paintings by l.esley Anne Derks. Ayril Nicol. Julie Parker attd Jane Paterson.



l Iliin Road. ()lo‘)8 35 I000. Wed

l()am 5pmz'l'hu l()am 7pm; Fri Sat l()am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. Free.

A Land of Shadows Sat 3 Apr .\Iott 3| .\Ia_\. Inspired by JRR Tolkein's Imz/ oft/iv Rings; a fascinating exhibition for all ages featuring a Ilobbit sitting rooitt and a chance to journey through the (iiant Book.



(‘hambers Institute. High Street. 0] 73I 734830. Mon l’ri l()am noon & 3 5pm. June Evans - Borderlands l'ntil Sat l0 Apr. l arge scale drawings and paintings by June liyans celebrating the traditions and Values of Britain‘s gypsy and trayeller communities.

I to Apr I'X‘ii-I THE LIST 95