Whether you‘re still getting round to hearing it this season or are a regular subscriber, don't miss the RSNO‘s last programme of its winter series. Going out on a blockbuster, maestro Alexander Lazarev (Sasha to his pals) conducts Richard Strauss’ epic Alpine Symphony. Never one to do things by halves, Strauss, whose father was a horn player, calls for over 20 horns among the 150 players and the RSNO is more than happy to oblige. The sumptuous score, which took Strauss 100 days to write, also includes cowbells and a wind machine - well, it is a day trip in the Alps, after all. (Carol Main)

I Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Thu 22 Apr:

Usher Hall, Edinburgh. Fri 23 Apr.


Tuesday 20


I Edinburgh Quartet Reid (‘onccrt llall. lidinhurgh l'niwrsit}. Brixto Squarc. 668 201‘). 1.10pm. lircc. 'I'hc highl} acclaimcd lidinhurgh Quarth pcrl'orm Mir/art's xii/ugh: (Hill I’uuui' K546 and l.cighton'.\ Quiiili'l for Piano um/ .S'Iri'ncx ()p 34 mm Rohcrt Markham.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Rt)}tll (‘onccri Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £12.50 £26. .'\lc.\andcr l.a/arc\ conductx a pcrl'ormancc ol‘ .\lll\.\ill‘g\l\_\ 's Mil/ii on (I Burr .lluimluin. Shoslakm ich'x ‘l‘lii' liti'i‘iiliim ofSIi'pii/i Rurin and Strauxx' :l/pint' Sump/min;

I Serenade for Spring l’ollok llousc. l’ollok ('ountry Park. 2060 l’t)ll0k\lltm.\ Road. 616 6410. 7.30pm. £7 (£5). (icorgc Donald on piano and Valian Ananian on violin prcscnt and chning of much-lmcd classical picccx includng uorkx hy 13ccthox‘cn. Mozart and Schuhcrt.


I Jane Rimer and Andrew Johnston Rcid ('oncci‘t llall. lidinhurgh l'nixcrsit}; Brixto Squarc, 668 201‘). 1.10pm. Frcc. (‘cllo and piano iluo pcrl‘orm music h} Rachmaninm including his ('i’l/o Sonata in (i minor.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (it‘c) l'i'iars Kirk, (Etc) l'riars l’lacc. 668 201‘). 7.45pm. £10 £13. ()lari liltx conductx a pcrl‘ormancc ol~ music h) 'I'uur. l.indhcrg. Sihcliux and Part.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra 81 Mat”) \ ('athcdral. 300 (ircat \chtcrn Road. 337 2862. 7.30pm. £12. Scc Thu

I The Carnation Revolution RSAMI). 100 chl'rc“ Slrcct. 332 5057. 7.15pm rcccption. 8pm conccrt. £12 (£6). 'l‘hc ol'licial opcning of thc ('alcdonian l’til'ltlgcsc :\\\oL‘lillloll\ L‘clcltl'alion (ll lhc 30th annivcrsar) of thc 25th April 1974 i‘c\‘oltitioii that cndcd lhc longcxl dictatorship in liuropc.


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlicr llall. l.othian Road. 228 1155. 7.30pm. £10.75 £25.51). Scc Thu 22.

Saturday 24 '


I Kevock Choir l'xhcr llall. l.othian Road. 223 1155. 7.30pm. £thc. \cu commixsion l'rom Iiddic .\lc(iuirc l.\ l'calurctl a\ part ol' Ill/II u \iiii‘i' ol’Srnci/rg. Spcciall} commixxioncd for thc occasion. it is a choral \uitc haxcd on poctr} urillcn in \litllothian and gocs untlcr lhc c\ocati\ c llIlL‘ til. ‘Illt’ ()m't l.('(ll.


I Carnegie Invitation Brass Band Competition ('ai‘ncgic llall. litlxl Port. 0138.3 31-1000. 10am. £2 i£l 1. Band\ l'rom Scotland and .\'ortlicrn lrclantl compclc l'or L‘tl\ll pi‘i/c\ and ti'opliicx in lhc 35th annual conlcfi.


ODavid Daniels in Recital lR(\}tll ('oncci‘l Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strch 353 8006. 7.30pm. £'\ not that ottcn that }oti can hcar a countcrtcnor in rccital. C‘lk‘t‘lttll,‘ Ullt‘ 01' lltL‘ L‘allltl‘t‘ 0i. Amcrican l)a\id Daniclx. \\ ho ix cquall} at homc in opcra and rccilal. Don't mixx hix \clcclion which includcx .\lo/art. l-"aurc and Amcrican l‘olk xongx.

I European Brass Band Championships RSAMI). 100 chl'rcu Slrccl. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £lhc. ()pcning conccrt l‘or thc L‘lltllllpioll\lllp.\.


I Artur Pizaro ()uccn'x llall. ('lcrk Strcct. 668 201‘). 3pm. l-‘rcc. BBC Radio 3 conccrl l'caluring l’ortugucxc pianixt Artur l’i/arro pcrl'orming llcclhoxcn'x l-iir liliu'. .\lo/art\ Smut/ii in .'l and l’oulcnc\ ‘l‘lii' Shirl (l, [iii/tin:

I Marie McLaughlin l'xhcr llall. l.olliian Road. 22\’ 1155. 7.30pm. £26. Scoh-hol'll opcra dim pcrl‘ormx \i\ aria\ and ol‘chcxtral \\oi‘k\ h} Ra\ cl. 'l'chaikoxxk} and l’onchiclli.

Monday 26


0 European Brass Band Championships RSAMI). I00 chl'l'cu Sli‘cct. 332 5057. 10am 5pm. l‘rcc. liuropcan \olo compctition. first round.


I Composer Laureate for Schools Project (‘)llL‘L'll‘\ llilll.(.lL'l‘l\ Sll‘t‘t'l. 663 201‘). 'l‘imc thc. lircc. Scc llilli\l. right.

I Edinburgh Youth Choir: In the Spotlight ('hurch llill 'l’hcatrc. 33a

Morningxidc Road. 220 434‘). "..3()pin. £7 i£-l £21. lidinhurgh Youth ('hoir pcrl‘orin \Ullg\ trom \tagc and \ci'ccn.


OEuropean Brass Band Championships RSAMI). loo chlrcu Slrccl. 332 505". 10am 5pm. l-‘i'cc. liuropcan \olo compctition. \ccond round.


I Artur Pizarro Quccn‘x llall. ('lcrk Sll't‘cl. 063 Zill‘). 8pm. l'l'L‘L‘. St't‘ttlltl 01' lllL‘ Radio 3 conccrtx \\ ith l’ortugucxc pianixt pcrlorming .\lo/ai't piano \onalax and llccllimcn'x Quin/cl for l’iiuiu (mil lli/ii/

\\ llll \oloi\1\ l'rom lhc Scottixh ('hamhcr ()l‘t‘llt‘xll'd.

Wednesday 28


I Scottish Opera - La Boheme 'l‘hcatrc Ro}al. 2N2 llopc Strcct. 332 9000. 7.15pm. £19.50 £39.50. 'l‘lic lll‘xl production ol thix L‘l;l\\lL‘ \\tll'l\ h} Scottixh ()pcra'x main compan} \incc 1988. 'l‘hi\ hrand ncu \t} ll\ll production is updalctl to .\'c\\ York in 2110-1 h) dcxigncr and dircctor Sic“ art Lain; and conductcd h} Richard l";ll‘llt‘\.

GEuropean Brass Band Championships RSAMI). 100 chl'rcxx Strcct. 332 5057. 10am 5pm. l‘rcc. liuropcan \olo compctilion. \cmi- linal.

0 European Brass Band Championships RSAMI). Inn chl'rc“ Slrcct. 332 5057. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. RSA ltl‘axx.


I An Evening of Song (icorgc Squarc 'l'licatrc. l'niu‘rxit} ol lidinhurgh. (icorgc Squarc. 650 0105. ".30 10pm. £5. 'l'hc 57th annual conccrt of popular light music from thc lidinhurgh 'l’clcphonc (limit.

I Edinburgh Telephone Choir (icorgc Squarc 'l‘ltcatrc. l'ni\cr\il} ()l' litlinhurgh. (icorgc Squarc. 332 2758. 7.30pm. £6. lain l)unn tlll'L‘L‘l\ llllx conccrl cnlitlcd .\lu\ic llatli (‘harmx l'caluring 'l‘uo'x ('ompan} lllll\1L'ltlll\ llcclor Scott and Shinohu .\liki.

Thursday 29

Glasgow I Warren Mailley-Smith \lt‘l’clltllllx

llUll\L'. 2' \\'L‘\l (it‘ill'gc Sll't‘t‘l. .331 9‘5".

classical & opera listings Music


David Daniels in Recital The New York Times. no less. hails him (pictured) as ‘the most acclaimed countertenor of the day. perhaps the best ever' and then goes on to say that it is understating the case. Whether in opera. recital or concert performance. the y0ung American has taken the music world by storm and will no doubt do the same in Glasgow. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. Sun 25 Apr.

European Brass Band Championships All things brass in spectacularly shining form. While nails are being bitten in the run—up to the main competition, some of the best local brass ensembles entertain. and masterclasses and open rehearsals give opportunity for some last minute brushing up on technique. RSAMD. Glasgow, Sun 25—Fri 30 Apr.

Composer Laureate for Schools Project The first of three world premiere performances involving the SOD and Edinburgh school pupils takes place following composer Rory Boyle's sterling efforts to encourage young people in composition. Different Journeys concentrates on three basic musical components melody. harmony and rhythm. Queen's Hall, Edinburgh. Sat 26 Apr.

12.45pm. £5 (£2 £4.501f1’alcntcd)oung pianixt pcrl'orming muxic h} llcctlimcn. l.i\/t and Rachmaninox;

0 European Brass Band Championships Gala Concert Royal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £8 £12. \\'ltithtii‘ii Band and Stauingcr Bram Band pcrl’orm in thc final of thc third liuropcan Solo ('luunpionxhip.


I An Evening of Song (icorgc Squarc ’l‘hcatrc. l'nixcrxit} ()l‘ lidinhurgh. (icorgc Squarc. 650 0105. 7.31) lllplll. £5. SL‘L‘ \Vc‘tl 23.

I Classical Guitar Recital with Nuno De Sa Si (‘t-ciligi‘x llall. \itltlr} Sti'cct, 668 201‘). 7.30pm. £6 (£4). l’ortugucxc guitarixt \\llll muxic h} a rangc ol compoxcrx including l’ortugal'x (‘arlox Sci\a\ and low .\1c\quita l.opc\. I Edinburgh Telephone Choir (icorgc Stiuarc ’l‘hcatrc. l'ni\ci\i1_\ ()1~ litlinhurgli. (icorgc Squarc. 332 2758. 7.5llplll. U3. SL‘L‘ \VL‘tl 23.

‘V- Ar" .‘ THE LIST 69