Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.

1 lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Massive new night tor the Tunnel. bringing together three ol (ilasgow 's best-know n Kris Keegan. lain 'Santos‘ Thomson and A]. lixpect big vibes. cos this one’s been hailed as Scotland's answer to lled Kandi.

0 Radio Magnetic Soundsystem at the Sub ('lub.

l lpm 3am. £7. l(i .-\pr only. lirench l'unk. electro. house and breaks king .-\lexkid ol‘ l" ('ommunications joins the innovative and exemplary Radio Magnetic crew tor a party in celebration ot' the radio stations third birthday. I'in‘ I/Iiy {/(tlr' (Ht/y" 'xl-ijl't‘ul't/ ltn/t/t'l'y er! [5 entry lie/ore "titling/II.

I Red and Gold Room at Aria. l()pm 3am. liree before I lpm; £7 alter. Weekly. D.l Michael ()‘Shea pops up to spin only the linest salsa and Latin tunes to a very well-heeled .-\rta crowd. I Relentless at the Sub ('lub.

l lpm 3am. £8(£7). 2.3 Apr. Residents Sew elly. liasty‘ and Scott Radar are

joined by The llacker. sometime Miss

Kittin collaborator and all-round respected techno head. Some way to see it) this new night. in other words.

I Rockit at Bamboo. 5pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. One room house. one room soul and lunk and some chillout in the lounge. .-\n immensely popular night with most shades of opinion.

. Sine at the Arches. Next date 7 May.

I Soul Lotta Funk at the Woodside Social (‘lub. l()pm 2am. £(i. to Apr. Rare groove. northern sotil and funky disco home.

I Special Ed at .»\d l.ib. l lptn 3am. £3. l(i Apr. Hot and sweaty lun as Down and Out spin ltmk. disco and electro tunes.

I Stateside at liquid Lounge.

l()ptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (iet yer arse Stateside tor a night (it lunk. soul.

iazx. hip hop and broken beats with

residents Aaron l’etrie and Michael Ralt'erty.

QSubcity Radio at the Arches. llpm 3am. £8 (£0). 23 Apr. ln association with tip-and-coming (ilasgow nigltt ('oncept 'l’heory. Subcity present an embarrassingly good night. the highlight ol' which is an appearance by Manchester techno legend A (iuy (‘alled (ierald. he of ‘\'oodoo Ra)" lame. .v\lso appearing are (‘oncept 'l‘heory residents l’ttll l’hat and David Mottratn sharing three decks. Dave Shades on booty bass duties. (ilasgow ’s l.oki and Major 'l‘hreat in an M(' battle. and t'ls' 8 .lli/e M(' champion l’rolisee. Sounds good. don‘t it'.’

I Subscience at ('lth (it). l’aisley. Next date tbc.

I Super Scientists at (’lth (at). l()pm 2pm. £5. 2.3 :\pr. Super Scientists celebrate their second birthday with a ltision ol visual art and electronic music. live beats come tron) Dr .-\lR and Morph. l)angamouse and l.itlle-.\liss—.\Ii\il pro\ide the scratching. and special guests are on the cards at). all. .St't’ preview;

I Switchback at Switchback. .’\nniesland. llpm 2am. £5. Weekly. (its newest out-ol-town venue

prov ides a party soundtrack to get the weekend started. You’re in the trusty ltatttls ()l‘ [U Richie Mc('olm.

I TFI Friday at the Barony Bar. Strathclyde Student‘s t’nion. 4pm 3am. £2 (£l ). (hart. cheese and audience humiliation with DJ l’hil.

I Tidy at the Shack. l().3()pm 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. let that inlectious l't‘i l'eeling take hold (it yoti while DJ lain llanlon takes control (it the dance floor. I Tiger Tiger at Tiger 'l'iger.

l lptn 3am. £(i. Weekly. This hugely populrr bar. club and restaurant goes

\\ i'tl alter hours with a selection ol

cot. ...~.'rcial dance and Rik” for all those stunning ladies atid swanky boys.

86 THE LIST .’ "Rt" .01.:

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at MAS. t lpm 31111). £6 (£5). Weekly. Residents (iordon Logan. Mash and ('hris llarris spin at this great trippy house party. With (iareth

Sotner\ ille ol' lidinburgh's l'ltragroove on 2.3 :\pr.

I Unity Reggae at Soundhaiis. .\’ext date the.

I Urban at the 'I'unnel. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. :\n R&B session courtesy ol‘ l’aul N'lie at this newly relaunched. classic (ilasgow name.

I Vacuum at the Riyerside (’lub. .\’ext dale tbc.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Acetate at Queen Margaret Students l'nion. .\'e\t date 8 May.

I Bailamos at lla\ana. 0pm 2am. lirec. Weekly. D.) Keith I) brings you a world selection: salsa. Rth. l.atin chart action and whatever else gets ‘em going. I Base at the tunnel. l().3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. ('hris and Martin llesketh. along with ('hris Harris and Al Kent. weave a line labric ol ltmky house and RikB at Mitchell lane’s linest dance emporium.

I Beatific at Bloc. ‘lpm 3am. l-‘ree entry. I7 .r\pr. Monthly. .\ new monthly night p. )mising t'loor-shaking house and soul with a heavy alro and latiii l‘eel. lroni l).ls ('arole Dickson ((‘hakraL (‘hris Montgomery (location Records). (‘raig ()’(‘onnell (Muma.tellus) and live percussion lrom Rhythmic Rents.

I Bebado at Riverside (‘lub. .\'e.\t date tbc.

I Bedlam at Queen Margaret l'nion. Next date 1 May.

I Bennet’s at Beunet's.

l l.5llpttt 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘eel the goddamn lunk as Shaun and Annie give the Bennet's party posse exactly what they want: commercial dance mixed with a selection ol' 70s. 80s and ‘)()s hits. I Boogie Wonderland at limy. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Big night ot disco l'or those who like their boo/e cheap and their tunes lunky. Straight tun and you know what that‘s like. y'all.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Big tunes and sexy liouse groo\cs with residents .'\.l and Ian 'l'hompson. Budda looks to be getting back on track alter the re-launch.

I The Buff at the Bull. l()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. .\'ick l’eacock. Mark Robb. Brian Robertson and Kevan Stevens cook tip a little new school ja/l business at (ilasgow ‘s new ja//. soul and lunk club.

I Caledonia Soul at Woodside Social. \e\t date tbc.

I Chakra at Sotmdhaus. l lpm late. £tbc. 24 .:\pr. This month sees Suburban l‘unk (‘omniand loin the ('hakra learn lor a particularly sci-ti themed live set.

I Club Bossa on New Street. l’aisley. l()pm 3am. l’ree. Weekly. DJ lain Kennedy hosts this promising new night with a romp through the latest Rth. hip hop and dance.

I Club Budda at (’lth Budda. Dumbarton Road. ('lydebank.

l lpm 3am. £tbc. Weekly. Budda's newest \enture takes the party to ('lydebank. Vance lrom Boulevard is behind the decks.

I Club Cuba! at ('uba .\'orte.

0pm 2am. l‘ree. Weekly. (let in touch with your l.atin spirit at this night ol‘ classy dancing. Duncan. l"arah and Shannon supply the linest l.atin beats. Make sure you arriye early to guarantee entry.

GClub Noir at the Big Joint.

9pm 2am. £l(). 24 Apr. Striptease. cancan. live music. l'etish artistes. DJs and. ol course. the gorgeous cigarette girls. all at the most decadent night to hit (ilasgoyy in a looong time. Dressing up a priority. .St't' prev/en:

I Colours at the .-\rches. Next date I May.


The mad scientist in a lab coat, goggled eyes staring wildly out from behind huge banks of frightening looking technology, is a resonant image in the world of electronica. The Super Scientists - who celebrate two years of sonic exploration this month - take it a stage further. At their Club 69 residency, up to 11 scientists perform simultaneous live experiments in noise, wired up to six decks and whatever instruments they can get their hands on, all dressed in lab coats of course. What comes out is a chaotic mix of wonky electro, micro house and broken beats.

For the birthday celebrations, Dr Air, the mad scientist behind it all, will be joined by an array of crazy chemists including special guests Avionix Recordings and a ‘mystery guitarist’. Describing his own sound as 'grooving-abstract-micro-sampled-techno‘, Derek Aire (Dr Air) hopes to teach audiences that they ‘can enjoy what they don't expect‘.

The audio visual assault is completed by a laboratory of televisions, computers and projection screens spilling out original installations and performance art concoctions. Doctoring the house? More like a full frontal

Iobotomy. Paisley style. (Stef Macbeth)

I Cube Class at ('ube. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. ()ld-school liotise classics and up-to-date anthems are the order ol the day at this packed Sat nighter. thanks to main room tnan .Matt le l‘unk. In the back DM(i sery es tip Rth.

0 Death Disco at the Arches.

llpm 3am. £l()(£8). 17 .’\pr. Monthly. The Arches" line electro-disco-punk-pop riot of a club keeps going lt'ttttl strength to strength. this time with Metro Areas Daniel Wang and residents the l‘reelance llellraiser and Mingo-(io. For this (lure nit/y ‘xl-IJyI't't/Hl llU/(lt'l‘y' eel I'tu/t/n'it‘t' t'Ittrv mm midnight.

I Deathkill4000 at Bartly.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. A bit ol' hair metal. a twist of breakcore and some banging techno. served with lashings ot~ electropunk and a side of Scandinavian rock ‘n' roll.

I Defected in the House at Mas. Next date the.

I Divine at (ilasgow School of .—\rt (downstairs). l()pm 3am. £(i (£5 £4): £5.50 USA students. Weekly. Deep lttllls. si\tles and seventies grooyes and a loyal crowd go ittto the mix at this very long running (ilasgow residents' night.

I The Edge at the Iidge. (‘oatbridge

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. A celebration ot' all that's debauched and fun. with Dls (iordon Miller and Paul Rea.

Eskrima at (ilasgow School o)" .'\rt. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). Weekly. .-\ great weekly. with rollitig residents Jonnie Wilkes. Bil/y. Twitch. Martin (Rub—A- Dub) and Sptidd. who play once a month with new tip-and-coming [)Js Tom and (‘lose. and Dirty l.arry. 'lechno. electro and house sounds from oil the beaten track. with litigine doing it live and Sal l’rincipato of seminal New York new wavers Liquid Liquid Dling on l7 Apr. I Freakmenoovers at (ilasgow School olArt. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). Weekly. The best dedicated hip hop club iii the city. in the melting pot of the .-\rt School every Saturday.

I Fuel at l‘uel. Bishopbriggs.

l().3()pm 2am. £5. Weekly. ()ne of the newest (il nightspots and by all accounts a damn good night. DJs Billy Jones and Walter Mc.\'ab spin hip hop. chart sounds and club classics. giving the Saturday night crowd catise to get down.

I Fundamental at QMt'. 0pm 2am. £4 on the door; £3 advance. 17 Apr. DJs 'l‘om Morgan. David Turner. Ronan McKillop and ('hris Duncan dropping house and techno across the board.

I Groovejet at Trash. 1 lptu 3am. £8. Weekly. l’aul .\"Jie presides over the city's most popular Rth and soul night. attracting a loyal crowd every week. Room 1 has the Brown Brothers playing meal and commercial house and Room .3 has Dave with the party anthems.

I Groove Seekers Allowance at Ad l.ib. Next date the.

I Higher Ground at Riverside (‘lub. Next date tbc.

I Hi-Karate at Liquid Lounge. Next date the.

I Homecookin’ at the Beto. l()pm- 3am. l‘ree before I lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Dls Stewart Mc(’allum and Joe lliggins keep the dance floor jumpin' all night long. mixing R&B tracks with the odd classic or old-skool favourite. :\ new venue concept. btit the same attitude to having a good time. so get on It.

I Homegrown at Bamboo.

l()pm 3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Stevie Middleton. Dominic Martin. and Scotti B like to pill on a bit of a show tor the Bamboo masses on a Sat. l‘unky house music and some top notch R&B. (‘ardil’l' house boy (‘raig Bartlett guests on the 24th.

I Honey Trap at the (‘(‘.-\. .\'exi date the.

I Inside Out at the Arches.

l().3()pm 3am. £16. 24 Apr. Monthly. llard house doy ens liddie llalliwell. Adam Sheridan. Barry (‘onnell. William