Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids@|, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

AC11V11IOSAIK1 11111

Pottery Workshops 8111 1 Mn} .\- 8:11 18 \1:1_\. 11111111 (111111.15 111c\\1111\\ 811111111. 15:1 11.11111111\11‘ 8111-11 11.3 1518 \i'cx 11.1’.11111j1111\111 11.1\1'.1§.i1111111111‘ [111111‘1‘x \1111‘1‘1 111 1111‘\1‘ \‘11‘1‘1\1_\ \\111'11.\1111|‘\ 1111 1‘1111111'1‘11.

Saturday Art Club 8.11 I \I.1\ :\ 8.11 \ \111. 111:1111 111111. 11cc. (1:111c1'1 111 \111111‘111 \11.(‘111cc11811'1‘1'1.3.1" 1‘1‘111. 1‘1111;:11.11'11\111c\ 1111‘1'1111111'1‘11.1;':'11 1 1H 1c1:1111i;' 111.111 1111 111\111;1_\ 11.1111 111.111.1112'. 0111:1131“.\1‘1111111111‘111:1k111;'.111111':1111c\. Fun Afloat at Clydebuilt 8111 I :\ 81111.3 \1.11. 11.1111 51111113151111.1551; 1.1111111 1111131 L\ ('11111‘11111118111111x11 _\1.11111111c \111\c11111. 1'11‘:1c11c:111 811111111111}: (1111111. K111;_'\1111‘li 1\’11.111.1\1\(1 1111 1. 111 1‘1‘11‘111‘111.‘ 11111\‘11111.11111f_'.1111‘111‘\ 1111111111 .‘IIII'I. ("111111111111 1‘1'1‘\1'111\ \1:111c .11111 1111111111‘11111111‘1 1111:11111\111.1_\\111 1\’1:'111n11n11\11111c1 1111;111'11111,

In a Spin 8.11 1 \1.1_\.311111_111~c 11:11.11:1‘.111.-.»1;.-~ ‘1”11‘1’1111111Jim-.11 1\’11.111._“\' ‘8811 \1.:1..~\11:31:1111~'w'x 1111\1:111111_\ 1111111411111.

Wearable Creations 81111 .7 \1.:1, 11111111 3.11111. 1111, ('1‘ \, 15118.1111‘1111'1i:111 8111‘1‘1. 153-1‘11111.\1.11:c111.1cc1c1\.


III\]‘1111111\11 11111111.;11111.111..\\1.111. \I1:.'.111

.11111\111‘111 \1111‘111‘.:I‘. «11111::0 Maydaze 81111.3 \1.1}..::1111:i (111111 1 (11;1\1_111\i. (111‘1'11,(111’1‘1111k1xc5111‘1'1,35“ 113.3. .\ 11111 1111111. I:111111_\ 11:1} 11111 11*:11111‘11113 1’11111111‘11‘x 111.111.: 1111\1. 11x \1111_\Ic11111j.'. ;1\i1111'1\ \111:1§.'c. .11-1'1:11 1‘111:‘\, .111111\1c1c111:11111111111'111111111"

Creative Exploration 8111111 \I.1_\, 11111111 3.11111 11cc (‘( \. 15118:11!1'1ii.*1i:1|1 8111‘01. 13‘ 111111 \_-.'c\ \ I.‘ 1.111;: 1’;11\1c_\ 11-:111x11nx \11113111‘11111j: :11111 1'11':1111.c \\ 111111: \\1111.\1111]‘.

SCOTTISH OPERA - THE MINOTAUR Theatre Royal. Glasgow. Fri 14~Wed 19 May: Festival Theatre. Edinburgh. Thu 27—Sat 29 May

Come on kids, we're going to the opera!‘ ‘Oh Mummmmmmmmmm, no way.‘ It‘s not the easiest thing to sell. A bit like a walk in the country or greens good for you but not that enjoyable in prospect. Scottish Opera is taking the plunge. however, and producing its first opera specifically with a children‘s audience in mind. A brave move and one which it‘s refusing to compromise over.

'I was very keen that we didn‘t present a watered-down version of opera,’ says director Mark Hathaway. ‘That it wasn‘t just a play with a few songs and that if we were gomg to give them opera we were going to give them the full thing without any dialogue at all fully sung.‘

The minotaur is a fearsome creature half man, half bull - whose presence will lurk about menacingly in the shadows before a final showdown with Theseus. As well as the appeal of such a scary beast for children, the myth explores themes with which the target audience of 8—14- year—olds will closely identify. ‘The way I‘m viewing it is a sort of coming of age story.’ says Hathaway. ‘Theseus begins as a young adolescent; strong, lots of personality but just going nowhere and really unfocused. and then he starts to make a journey to find out who he really is.’

One concession to young tastes is a big screen made from gauze onto which huge projections will be beamed still and animated. In terms of set, it‘s big and lavish; music—wise Hathaway describes it as, ‘contemporary, but melodic’, with an ensemble backing of seven.

Scottish Opera‘s extensive programme of workshops with Scottish school children will have helped open doors in many young minds, but as Hathaway says, Children accept it for what it is there‘s an honesty in

their approach.‘ (Ruth Hedges)

1111121111151; Dance

Emily’s House 11111..“I \111 8:11 1 Va}. 11111 111 111.1II:1111; 8.11 11 111.1111. 1.5. 111111 111:‘.111:‘. (11 11111113111155? 13115. \'1\1111c 1'11’111111\ jii’1*\1'111\1111\ 11:11. {11.1} 11} 1\.111c1

\\11;'|i'1 .11111111 \11'11 \1\1c1 .11111111'111111‘1 (11111:111

.1111111:11111111;11c1111111;.'?11 1111:1'1111'1' 111 .1 \11'.1n;_'.‘ .11111 \11j1c1‘11:11111.11 1111\1‘1111‘i1111x ;I|i1i\1 11:11111'11 l 111111. Oscar’s Amazing Space Adventure 8:11 | \1.1_\. .‘11111 :\ 1, 11111111. (1111,5111 8.'11111\11\1.:\1.:\ P11111151 111131111‘1'1'1111c. \ 11111.111.111.'\ \11'11111'. K1‘liiii11:11:'. 11‘111185 \11111\~:'I.11c1’1111111‘1x 1‘11'\1‘111\ 1111‘ \1111). 111I1\:.:r'1111'1111111\c \11111'\|:1\1\1.11'1:'11\1‘1111111.?111111:"\:1|\\.1}\ 1:111Mink-1111115111'11c1 1111111111.111 11111'1111'11111 111111131111111.

Aladin et la Lampe Enchantee 11111

(1\1;1_\.511‘111111511;1111,\ 111ml,» 1; 1511

(1111111111'11113111f.11I mum“ \wmw' H” 53-11 \p'c\ "-. 1111':111c \.-'.\ 1 “Wm.” 111'1'\:'111\ .:

11:1. .1. . x ~11: r: : 1.11

111\I111}11!x111..'1.'1\.11'\\c1\ 11.1:1'3‘. K 1’ ‘11 i"..'11‘1!1\121‘11‘11‘ 111‘111‘11. 8.'c111111111.'.1111111:

The Blue Dress Show \.11\ \I.1_\. 31111113 9.15111 8.11111\1:\1.1\k1\ 1’1ijijict 11:.~..11:~( .-:111.-. \ 2'111.111.:11:'\ \kcniic. 1\1‘1\11hl.11.‘. 11"“185 \\1’::1'111f.f111‘1 111.1.‘11‘

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11111.9. 1.11.:w'1 "8191.: 111'1111cx 111.111


1 X1I'1.‘11'..1.

0n the Beach, Under the Sea 111 111V! \11111.‘1 \111'.1":\ 811:1

11.1111 51‘111. 8.11. \1111 111:; 89141411118113.” 8.111111: \1;1\.-11111. \111\1'11111

i'I.-.111 511111

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1 11111

At Five in the Afternoon 11 1 \11111 1 \1:1}. 111.111.1111,811:'c1.:1\111'1‘1111121111 11:11c111\:11111 11.1111cx 1'. \11 (11.1\~.'11\1. 1'11111 111131111“. 1.‘ 1\’1‘\1‘ \111'1‘1. 1:) \1.‘«\. \k'k' 1'11111111111‘1


INTERNATIONAL company Theatre Sans Frontieres, with a cast from Brazil, France, England and Scotland, brings to life the story of Aladin in its original French wit clowning, puppets and magical effects.

I 1:? / l "1"".'1/‘."1.‘«12.

21:1.11/1'11‘... I 11(/ .111". I‘./I(1'.,II'l.//1'/1.‘,:. x).1/1'/.'1,.‘\//4, 1: ( /./(1‘1..

. .111." .'1.1'<:'1/1',:. (Ara/1111:. 1.11} -1 1». 1/1211.)

Bugs 30 111: Ghosts of the Abyss 3D 1I’(11. Cyberworld 30 11’( 1 I. The Lion King 111 lllllc\ \:11'). clicck 1511111 11\11113_'\ 1111\11111111131 I1111cx. 1'5 (‘11:1111111‘1'x 811ch. 317 4310/4433. 1)1\c11\ci' 115.5111. l.\1.-\.\ '111c:111'c. (1|:1\L'11\\ 8c1c11cc Ilic\cci'clx111'\111'\1\:1| :11111111‘\l:—'Ii )11111'11\\11 (111111: 511 1’:1c111c (311:1). 113115111111. c:11 11111‘x}11111'x11:1\c “11:11 11 1:1kcx 111111‘

I 1111- 111101? Edinburgh

Activities And Fun

On Your Marks [1111] 81111 311 .11111. .\11111. \\c11 8:11 111:1111 5j1111; 81111

11111111 511111; 1111‘ 111:1111 8pm. 1‘1‘cc. R11}:11 .\111\c11111. 3 (‘11:1111111‘1'x 811‘cc1. 31—13101 -1-133.(1c1 “13:11. j1111}11111'111111'\\111 Ilic Ic\1 :11111 11:111' 11111 111111 :111 \111'1\ 111' \11111‘1\:11111;_':1111c\ 11'11111:11‘11111111111c\\111'111. Family Saturday 8.11 I .\1;1_\.

11:1111 ‘Ijiin. 1‘1'1'c. \111'111 1'L1111111111'g11.v\1'1\ (clinc. 15:11’1‘1111)\\c11(111111..115 315 I. .\ 11111;;1‘:1111111c 111 L‘\L‘lll\ 1111‘ :111 1111‘ I':111111_\ 1111111111113: c1‘c:111\c 11:1111‘1‘. :11'1 \\111'1\\1111|1\. 11c11:1nc1‘1‘11‘111':1111111\:11111\111111\\ 11:111. May Day Family Fun 8:11 I .\I;1_\. 111:1111 511111. 151cc. 1:1111111 R1cc(1:111c1'_\. l'nii c1'\11_\ 111 1111111111111'11.8111111111111121: (151133111..\\11:11‘1 111 11111xc11111\ 1K pullci'icx 1111111111. :1 1:111111} 11:1} 1c:11111'1113_' c\1111111111111:11k\. 111111'\:1111111'c:1\111‘c1111111\.

Design-a-Cat Workshops 8:11 3 .‘\1:1_\. 8:11 1331111111. ljiiii. 1.31111111. 3.31111111. 311111 1k 351111111. 1‘1'1‘1‘. R11_\:11 .\111\c11111. 3

Theatre 81 Dance

Aladin et la Lampe Enchantee T111- -1 .\1:1}. "11111; “111 5 .\1:1}. 1(1..1(1:11111k 131111111. {515.511 1311. .\'111'111 1&1111111111‘3111 .v\1'1\ (1‘1111‘1‘. 15:1 P11111111 111 (111111. 315 31.51. SL‘L‘ (11;I\}_'11\\ :11111 [11111111 (1111111111. Cyrano 11111 11 8.11 18’ .\1:1_\. 11111 1511 111:1111 111111 111.11 115111111: 8:11 11:11111k 3pm. £5: 1:111111} lickct 1'18. 111111111111'1'11c:111'c. 1.:111)\i1‘11 \\':1i. .\111\\c1|1111‘3_'li. (1(15 3341). (Killici‘iiic \Vlicclx 1'1‘1111'11 \11111 :1 111‘“ :111:1j1l:1111111111'1111- 111:111 \\ 1111 111c11ig c1111k 111111 111\ 1:11c111 111\c:11111111\\.

Wee Witches '1'1111 1.11k 1'11 14 Ma). 111.15:11111k 151111111. {51133 £.1.5111.\111'111 1-21111111111'3411 .\1'1\ (1111111: 15:1 1’1'11111111‘11 (111111. .115 3151. \cii 1111\1111111 1'1'11111 \Vcc Sliil‘ILN 1'1111’1} \1';11'\ 1’1‘1111‘L‘l. 1.11111) 51111 jii‘cxciilx 11x ;111;111‘111c look :11 1111‘ 11111111 :11111 11111111111111 \1111'111 11111111110. .1\§_‘c\ 3+.


Cats . . . the Ultimate Predators 1'1111181111.111.\1:1_\. 1'111118:11 1 .\1:1_\. .\l1111 .1 _\1:1_\.1'111118:11\' Ma}. \11111 111.\1:1) 1k 1'11111'1'1111 1.1.\1:1} 111:1111 511111; 81111

11111111 51111111116 111:1111 8pm. £4 11351) [.1 11:111111) Iickcl 1311. R11}:11 .\111\c11111. 3 (‘11:1111111‘1'x 811‘1‘1‘1. 3-17-»131‘)1’—i~133..r\ 11111111) 111'1cnl:11c11c\111111111111111‘111c:11c11[1111\1‘1'511 1111111111 111111 c:1l \[iL‘t‘lL‘\.


Birthday Party 8:11 1 .‘\1:1}. 1(1..111:1111. 1‘1'1‘1‘. 111:1ckiicllx11111'111ci'1} .1:1111c\'1‘11111 81111111 111'11131‘1. 5.1 5‘1 81111111 Britlgc. (133 8333. .\ c111|111'c11\j1:11‘1} \\ 1111 \1111‘} 1111111131. 111cc [1:1111111134 :11111c11111j1c111111iix 111cc1c111':11c 1111‘ \cc111111 )c:11'11l111:1ck\\c11\ 111111k \1111p\ 111 8c1111:11111.


Girl with a Pearl Earring 1 12.-\1. 11111 (1 81:1}. 111.311:1111. 1111' 1113: 8c1‘c:1111: \jicciul \ci'cciiiiig 1111' j1:11'c111\ :11111 11:1111cx. {3.511. 111C (':1111c11('111c111:1. .118 11111111‘811'1'1‘1. 3318' 11111.81‘c1‘11111 11111c\.

Outside the Cities

Theatre & Dance

Emily’s House 1111' -1 .\l:1}. 1111111\ 7pm. 1L1 @3511). 1’:11\1c_\ :\1‘1\(.L‘lill‘c. NC“ 811'1‘1‘1. 1’111\1L‘}. 1818—5 111111. SCC (1111\g1m. Emily’s House 8111 X .\I;1}. 11:1111 :\ 3pm. (.1511. .\l:1cR1111c1‘1. l‘iiiici'xili 111 8111111134. 811111112. III".\'(1-1(1(1(1(1(1. 8cc (1|:1\3_'11\\.

Cyrano 1111‘ 11 .\1:1_\. 1111111\ “pm. [-1 (£35111 1’:11\1c} .\1‘1\ (1'1111‘1‘. \c\\ 811ch. l’:11\111_\, 8‘8" 111111.8cc121111111111'g11. Aladin et la Lampe Enchantee \\c1l 13 .\1:1). 111:11111\ “111113.511. .\1:1c1\’1111c1‘t. l'iiiici'xiii 111' 811111112. 8111'1111g_'. l115.\'(1-1(1(1(i(1(i, 81‘1‘ 1'.111111111|‘1_'11,

1511' '- 1. .‘ >'- THE LIST 99