Film index

BUQS! 30 ll.) (\lilxt‘ SlL‘L‘. liK. 3(lll3l 40min. Dame .ludi l)cnch lltll‘l';llt‘\ this giant screen 3]) lilm which l'ncuxcx nn the lite

c_\ clex nl~ a pra) ing mantis and a hutterll} l'rnm their hirth In their inex itahle (lL‘llll\L‘ iii the trI’Pical rainl'nrextx nl' Snth—eaxt Asia. l.ll.l.\'. (i/iisgmi.

Buried/Bad Girls I lit IKcnncth (ilcnaan/ .\lnt'ag \chtnnnn/IXM id llnlt'n}d/ Mike Adams l‘K. “NU/2003i Jack lillix. llL'lL'll l'it'ttw'l'. \.lL'lUl'l£l Alcnck. Klktt

.\lit‘) lccx/ l.cnnic James. Stephen Walters. Dr Nick Vaughan. ('nnnnr .\lclnt_\re. Martin Stcddnn. 130mm. The lirxt twn episndex nl' twn \er) dil't’ercnt drama\ that depict Me in prixnn. Writers Jimm) (iardner and Rnhcrt .lnncx‘ Irul} remarkable liiu'ml and l'l‘\'\ hraxx}. l'axt paced primctime hit lim/ (Hr/x. 'l‘herc w ill be discussinnx with the creatnrs nl' hnth \crics alter the screening\. l’art nl' the l’rixnn l‘ilm l’rnicct. (il’ll (i/menu.

0 Bus 174 (Onibus 174) I IS) .... Il't‘llpt‘ l.;tL‘L‘t'tl;t/Jn\c l’tttllllttl. Bra/il. 2002) 120mm. Sec rcxiew. page 35. (il’lQ (i/mgmi: lilm/muse. lat/irr/mre/i. The Butterfly Effect I Hi 0..

Iliric Bt'cxs/J .\lack}c (iruhet‘. [8. 200.4! .’\\htnn Kutchcr. .\lc|nra Walters. Am) Smart. lildcn llenxnn. llimin. li\an 'l‘rchnrn IKutchcrt lindx himxcll’ ahlc tn mmc hctwccn alternate uni\er\c\. hut in his ct't'nrtx In cnrrcct w rnngx in nnc dimensinn. he accidental!) inlluenccx c\cnt\ in ntherx. l’un \lll} Iimc ti‘a\ cl thriller that has clcarl} been influenced by Ra) Bradhur} "x \ltnt‘l \lnt'} .l .S'uum/ n/ 'l'ltmu/er. lt dncx. hnw cxcr. highlight Kutchcr'x mcdincrc acting \lxlll\ and his lack nl’ \tar pntential. (it'nem/ I‘(’/('(l\('.

The Calcium Kid I 15» o I:\lc\ l)c Raknl‘l. [’K. IUD-ll ()t‘ltttttlti BlntitiL ()mid Dialih. \lichacl l’cna. Ralc Spall. |)a\id lx'cll}. 50min. Sec Big Picture. page t' and t'c\ icw. page 35. .Vt’lr't‘lt’t/ I't'll'HH'.

Can DVD I l5i iRudi l)n|e/al. llllllllt'x Rttxxtte‘llCl'. (iei'inan). 2003i 00min. li\ecrpt\ limit this new ('un l)\‘l) which l‘caturex c\clu\i\c l'nntage and insight intn the legend that was the Krautrnck pinnccr hand (Km. lllltlttlll‘lt'tll} nuc til. lllL' tttttxl inl'luential hands nl the last ccnlttt'}. l’art nl' lilm-\L‘lt (l-l, (/I'HI. (I/rng'mi _' l'l/Hl/lnllu'. lat/in/iiu‘uli.

Capturing the Friedmans I IS» ..... l.’\lltll'L‘\\ ,lttt’L‘elxl. l.S.'\. 2003) I0"min. l’acdnphilia ix prm ing itxcll' In he lei'tile grnund l‘nr gt'cat mn\ ics. \Vhat llri/i/ii'nen did l'nr lictinlt. (‘ri/tlirring [/It' /'I't¢'i/HHIII\ tlt)L‘\ ltit' tltiL‘tllttL‘ltlttt'iL‘x. lltL‘ l‘i‘icdmanx arc the ai‘clienpal d} \i'unctinnal American tanul}. w hn w crc wa} ahead nl their time w hen the} used \ idcn cameras in the 80x tn lilm their pcrxnnal t'expnttw In pnlicc allegatinux that twn memhcrx nl‘ Ihc lamil}. the lather and )nungcxt child. w erc \ndnmixmg children. The material the} pi‘nduccd ix nltcn llilttt‘ittth despite the Inrrid subject matter tttttl Illl'L‘L‘lUl' Andrew lttt'L‘L‘lxi clc\ci'l} ticx tngethcr this ai‘chiuil l‘nntage tn ensure that thc hnuudariex hctw cen tact and lictintt are \tllltt‘tl lilxt‘ lwtl \ltL‘L‘l\ al'lcr Ittt nrg}. It might he sick. but it's alxn a brilliant lnnk at media lcd h_\ \tcria and the \agariex


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nl' human relatinnxhipx. ('(i( ' Rt'lt/H'lt’ Sireel. (i/uwnu: ('unien. lat/Iii/mrg/i. Carandiru I IS) .... (llL‘L‘lnt' Bahencn. Bra/il Argentina. 3003) MM ('arlm Vascnncclnx. .\lilhcm ('nrtal. .\liltnn ('nncahcx. l\an dc :\lmcida. 145mm. Based nn the memnirx nl~ [)nctnr l)i'ati/in Varclla. w hn set up an :\ll)S-Aprc\ctttintt prngramme in the late Nils at (‘arandiru takes place in the itnIni'intix and nnw dcmnlixhcd San l’anln enrrectinnal lacilit}. w hcrc l l l inmates were massacred in I‘M: h) military pnlicc. ltt llttx. lllL' lll()\l \tlL'L'Cvlttl lilttl L'\L‘t' at the Bra/ilian hnxnl'lice. Bahencn and his w riterx w ea\c the inmates talcx ititn a mcmni'ahlc Iapcxti'}. 'l‘hc detained men are neither glamnrixed unritidged. hut presented as human beings. struggling In maintain their spirits in this mnxt despairing nl‘ en\ irnnmentx. ’l‘hc liexta-likc atmnsphere nl' \ ixitatinn da_\ and the in} nl‘ a wedding are cnntraxtcd with the treatment nl‘ \e\ nl'l'cnderx and the killings nl' thnxe w hn trauxgi'cxx the cnde nl’ respect. l’ilmlmme. Inlin/mrg/i.

Careful I ISI .0. ((itt} .\laddin. ('anada. I‘Nlt K)le .\lc(’ttllnch. (inxia [)nhrnwnlxka. Sarah .\'c\ ille. 00min. Madness up in the mnuntainx as the (unadian ltll(t\}llL‘l';tL‘l\l takes II\ In ’l‘nl/had w here c\ cr_\hnd} '\ gnt the hntx l'ni' c\ cr_\nnc else. despite the a\alanche that threatens. Snap \cndup. cuxtnm—madc cult. hut tint In c\er} hnd) ‘\ l;I\lc\. (‘( 'xl. (iii/term.

The Cat in the Hat mm 0. (Bu \Vclch. [-5. 3003) Mike .\l_\L‘t'\. :\lL‘L‘ Baldwin. Kell) l’l‘t‘xlttli. Daknta l‘anning. Spencer Brexlin. 83min. American L‘ltt\\lL‘. pcr\ crtcd and rnhhed nl‘ an} charm. Mike

We want people aged 16+ to help other young people. with learning disabilities.

32 THE LIST 1’”: 2H,!

'. Pfirll. :ly‘llyl'.‘

Myers' gnlden tnucli may time just cnmc In an end. Mind you this did pretty well in the states. but there is. nl’ cnurse. tin accnunting l‘nr puhlic taste. (ienerul release. Centre Play: A Wily Couple (the) (Ian MacNaughtnn. (K. 1970) Bill (lax-in. Marjnric ‘l‘hnmsnn. Lesley Mackic. 30min.

A (ilaxgnw kitchen entttctl)‘ written by Peter

.\lcl)nugall. Film/muse. lirlin/mrg/t. Charlie is My Darling I ISi (l’ctcr Whitehead. Britain. 190m Mick Jagger. Keith Richards. Brian Jnncx. Bill Wyman. ('harlie Watts. 75min. (‘liurlie is My Darling is a previously unreleased dncumentary nf the Rnlling Stnnex' tnur nl' Ireland. l"nllnwed by a Q&:\ with l‘nrincr Stnnes manager Andrew l.nng ()ldham. l’att til 'l‘t‘iptych ()4. (il'uli (i/uxgmi': I't/IrI/muse. Iii/in/mrg/i.

Chernobyl Heart Il’(il (Maryann l) Belai'ux/l'S. 2003) 39min. Award- winning dncumcntary shnrt that takes a Innk at children hnrn alter the 1980 ('hernnhyl nuclear plant disaster. Man has indeed imcntcd his nwn dnnm. I'i/Ht/tnuu'. Inklin/mre/i.

The Company I DA) .00 IRnhert Altman. l‘S/(icrman); 2003i .\'e\‘e ('amphcll. .\Ialcn|m .\lcl)nwc|l. James l-ranen. Barhara Rnhertwn. William Dick. l 12min. Sec pre\ iew. page 2-1 and reVicw. page 37. lilm/muse. lit/inlmrg/i. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Il’(i) .0. (Sara Sugarman. l'S. 200-1) l.itltl\tt} l.nhan. Adam (iat‘cia. .-\lixnn l’ill. Megan l"n.\ 89min See review. page 3‘). (ienerul re/eme.

The Constant Factor (Constans) Ithc) IKr/ys/tnl' '/.anu\\i. l’nland. 1080)


’l‘adeuv Bradccki. ania .\lrn/nw \kil. .\lalgnr/ata Zajac/knwska.’All animals are equal. but wine are mnrc equal than ntherx.‘ [anmxi examines ()rwell‘x laiiintix maxim. telling the stnry nl' a ynung man lramcd l‘nr pctt) crime at wnrk. \Vith llix slnw l)' mnther dying. he is deprixcd of the chance In follow in ltix dead l'ather'x t'nntstcpx and gn climbing in the Himalayas. (‘laxxie \tul'l‘ l'rnm the l'nrgnttcn prince nl' l’nlish cinema. l’i/m/inme. [film/Hugh.

Cutting Edge Short Film Competition I 18> (\ttt‘intts. Zuut i't‘en \hnrt hnrrnr lilmx l'rnm arnund the wnrld \hnwcaxing emerging genre talent. lilm/muse. [flint/Hugh.

Cyberworld 3D Il’(i) (Vat‘inttx, I'S. 3000) Jenna lill'man. Matt l‘rcw er. \Vnnd) Allen. 44min. Jenna liltman is the cyber- han whn introduces tl\ In \‘ttrltilts unrelated segments nl' cyhcr animatinn. 'l'lie Sim/mun and Ant; make 31) appearances in a spectacular display nl' tnda) '\ tttuxl ttllpl'CxxiVL‘ graphic technnlng}; I.ll;t.\‘. (i/(tsgmt:

Dawn of the Dead I IS! 0000 Syndcr. l'S. 2004) Sarah l’nllc}. Ving Rhamcs. Jake \Veher. Remake nl' (icnrge Rttttlcn'x 1973 lttttthic L‘lttxxie. \Cl'lplL‘tl it) James (iunn twhn graduated l'rnm trash lilm l'actnry 'l‘rnma In alsn write Sum/ii Dun and its \equcli. 'l‘he plnt remains the same: when .\'nrth America is mcrrtm by a plague nl' mmhies. a grnup (if \ur\ ix'nrx hnle tip in a \hnpping maul where they‘re hesicged h) the flesh eaters. 'l'hc nriginal was a w r)‘ cnmmcntary nn the perils nl' mndcrn da) cnnxumerism. Seleelei/ re/eme.


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