Film index

Portuguese Animation uhei i\‘;n-ioux. Portugal. 2003) A xeleetion oi eontemporar) l’ortiiguexe animation. i'eatiiriirg talex ranging from a titatt and a eroeodile to a xtor) oi ruxt} old eargo xhipx. liitroduetion and ()k:\ \\ itli Joxe Miguel Rihiero. ('( 'sl. (i/uxguu.

Psycho l IS) .0... (Allied lliteheoek. l‘S. Mirth :\ttllton_\ l’erkiiix. Janet l.eigli. \‘era .\lilex. John (iax in. Martin Balxam. John .\lelntire. lli‘hnin. lliteh'x irrixog}nixtie maxterpieee hax a )ottng xeerelar) lake oil to hiekx\ ille \\ ith a hagiul oi her hoxx' iirone}: l‘rii'oi'tunatel} ior her. xhe ehooxex to put up at the Batex' .\lote|. run h_\ that iriee Norman ho}. lhe ironie dialogue l‘XlttlliL‘t"\ tittl quite llL'l‘Cll

loda} 'l make it a to} to ealeh all} time around. We liked it. didn't it e mother mother"? I'i/m/rotm'. Iii/in/ruru/i.

The Railway Children it» 000 ll.ionel Jei'i'riex. l'K. l‘)’7l)i l)inah Sheridan. William \lenyr. Jenn} .-\gutter. lliSiiiin. .\ trio oi' _\ouiigxterx' in\ol\einent \\illl the l';til\\tt_\ that rtinx paxt llreir garden leadx them into atheirture. l’leaxing iamil} iilrn with an old-i'axhioned. eonri’ortahl} Bi'itixh i'eel that xetx it apart irom eonternporar} kidx ltttn lex. (Ii/"ll: (i/ilwtni.

The Road to Memphis it’(;i lRlCllttt'tl l’earee. [8, 2003“ )ne ill a \et‘tex ol‘ liltlh pa} mg homage to the phenomenon oi hluex inuxie. l-ilm dii'eetor l’eai'ee llnrp u/ I’ll/Ill. .-l l‘illl!i/\ 'I‘lri/iei \ ixilx .\lemphix. the hirthplaee oi' hluex. and ehartx lhe ineredihle iourne} oi muxieal legend BB King. aeeompariied h_\ original periormaneex h_\ a ntimhei' oi artixtx. Film/tome. lit/III/NII'L'II.

The Role of a Lifetime lll‘el lDeimantax Narke\ieiux. l,ithuama. liltiii l"min. .\ xhort )et engaging three part iilm ieatiiriirg an inlerl ieu \\llli eontroxerxial iilrri direelor l’eter \Vatkmx l(’u//m/i'n i. Slrategieall} dii'eeted lo emphaxixe the mine oi doiiht and the impoxuhilil} oi ohieeln it}. (I( ‘.-l. (i/thunti.

C9 The Saddest Music in the World l 15i 0... (UN) .\laddin. (’aiiada. Zilliii .\lark \leKmne}. lxahella lexcllttii. \lttt'llt de \ledctt'ux. See

llilCl'\ re“. page Do and i'e\ ie\\. page 3S. (ilthg’tfll.

The School of Rock mm 00.0 lRiehard linklater. l'S/(ierman). Zillili Jaek Blaek. Mike White. .loan ('uxaek. Sarah Sihei'man. Joe} (ia_\dm Jr. Miranda (‘oxgro\e. lii‘huiu. I)e\\e_\ l‘inn lBlaeki getx throurr out oi hix roek hand. the other memherx oi u hieh are tired oi' hix ten minute guitar xolox and hix properixit} ior inappropriate xtage»di\ei'). In need oi' xome quiek eaxh. he lakex a ioh. axxuiiiing the identil_\ oi hix llaltnale \ed l\\'hitei arid errdx tip ax a xiippl} teaeher at a poxh kidx' prep xehool. Krrouing iie\t to nothing ahout lll\ll\l'_\ or mathx. l)e\\e_\ putx hix elaxx on permanent i'eeexx until. llial ix. he o\er|iear‘x them pla} mg elaxxieal muxie. \Vell. ii the} earl pla} Rodrigo. the} ean pla} /,eppe|in and llret‘e'x the Battle oi the Bandx eoiiipetitioir eoming tip. Irigenioux. xmart. xaxx} eorned} that pla} x to xlar Blaek'x and


Wed Stir May

Un Chien Anadalou (15)

& L'Age D’Or 7 30pm LVGU 7'??? Ma;

The Last Samurai (15) 7 30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

38 .7"! Ali! 7"} Md, 1" 1 ,u'.

Hiroyuki Sanada (left) and Min Tanaka fight

for life and death in The Twilight Samurai

dii'eelot' l.iiiklatei'x xli‘englhx. SI: r (t lIIllI \. I.i/iIi/rm‘g/i. Scooby Doc 2: Monsters Unleashed ll’( ii .. ll{.l|.l (itlSIK‘ll. l'S. Jilli-li l‘reddie l’iin/e .ll. Sarah .\liehe|le (iellar. \latthe“ l.illaid. l.ind.i (‘ardelliiiL Seth (ii'een. l’elei' Bo_\ le. ‘L‘inin. lhe xeeond ll\ e aelron iilin xpauned h} the I‘Vlix eai'toon xei'iex ix an arniahle enough. ll eminentl} iorgetlahle romp. \\ here the iirxt ino\ re \xax pilehed xoiiieuhere hemeen li'ihule arid xend up oi the llanna Barhera xho\\. the xetiuel pla} x thiirgx pi'elt} xliaiglit lhe gagx are a mi\ oi pop eultuie interte\tlialit_\ and Ion hro“ xillmexx: (iellai"x Daphne in a nod to her Bull} iole \lll)\\\ oil her niai'lial ai'tx eliopx. \\llll\‘ Slragg} and Seooh} repeal the iii'xl mo\ie'x iart tokex. Younger \ ie\\eix \\lll he aniiixed and groun tipx \\lll iind the e\peiienee i‘e|.iti\el) [ltlllllL‘\\. (it until It It ml Secret Window l l_‘:\l COO ll);l\ ill Koepp. l'S. Zlill'ln .lohnn) l)epp. .lolrn 'ltti'lur‘ro. .\laria Bello. Alinrolli} llnllon. ('harlex Hutton. 05min. See re\ re“. page 2". (it'llt I'il/ I‘t'lt‘ttu'. A Sense of Freedom l 1M 0000 lJohn .\lael\'en/ie. l'K. I‘ISI illai'd hitting and \ rolenl poi'ti'ti_\al oi prixoii hie. haxed on the atitohiogiaph} oi eoln reled murderer Jimm) Bo_\|e. llix iourne) ii'oin the mean xtreetx oi (ilaxgou. tliioligli \ariotix high xeeurit) prixoiix. to e\enlual reliahilitation in Bailinnie. raixex xeriolix klllC‘llUIIS ahoiit the eiieelnenexx oi the penal x} xtein. l’art oi the I’rixon l'iliir l’i'oieet. (if I. (i/iixgmi. Shaun of the Dead l IS. 000 llidgai' \Vriglrt. l'lx'. JUN-ii Simon l’egg. .\'iek l-roxt. Kale :\x|tlield. l)) Ian .\loraii. lire} l)a\ix. Bill \igli}. ‘Nrnin. the team llt'lillltl lltL‘ L‘tlll ‘l‘V \CtIL‘x Spill t‘i/ \L‘lillll't‘ into iilin \\llll a likeahle /oin loin eorn that pitx a hiiiieh oi l.ondoii xlaekerx agaiiixl the undead. l’leaxiirgl) piierile. (it'm'm/ I't’lt'tlw'. The Shawshank Redemption 1 iii ll'rank |)arahonl. l'S. I‘Nll 'l'tirr Rohhrnx. .\lorgan l'i'eeinan. Boh ( itinlon. |~Urnur

Banged til‘ ior a erime he didn‘t eommit lain'l the} all .’i quiet man Rohhinx planx a do“ hut ei'i'eeln e re\enge on the unneeexxai'il} harxh pi'ixoir regime l‘reeman e\eelx ax the i'ello“ eon \\ ilh an uneaim} knaek ior proeiiring dexii'ed iternx. 'l'lie iilur ix eei'lainl} o\ erloiig. hill the apoei'}phal lCL'l l“ [he \lltt')lclltltg and the [‘L‘t'ittd tlL‘llttl are \\ ell handled in “hat ix. ultirnatel}. .i \ei') line mox ie indeed. l’ai'l oi the l’rixon l‘lllll l’roleet. (il‘ /. (i/iixgmi. Something’s Gotta Give | l_‘.v\r 00 l.\'.iire} .\le}erx l‘S. Iliiiil .laek \ieholxon. Diane Keaton. l'ianeex \leDoiiirarid. lSCtllill Ree\ex. .\inanda l’eel. 135mm ()ld pl.i)ho_\ llari} Saiihoin likex _\oung “with!” until he hax a heart .itlaek and i‘ealixex he aetuall} likex \xoman eloxei to hix age .ix e\eiripliiied h} the .maid \tinning pla}urr;_‘lit and mother oi a pie\ roux girliriend. laiiea Bari} ll)iane Keaton» l)readiu|. xriuig and o\eilong xtai' \ehiele that .itleriiptx lo .iddiexx the \agariex oi ageing line and ltixl h} throuing heapon xtai po\\ er and xugai o\ er the xuhieel. .\ hig dixappointinent ll'Ulll \ieliolxorr alter the e\eellenl .l/mul Si [I’ll/(ll. li’l'milori /’/i¢ til/t. lat/iIi/rure/i.

Son Frére l IS: 0... d’airiee (‘herealL l'i'anee. Zliiiir Bruno 'l'odexehini. lirie ('ai'a\aea. Nathalie Bouteieu. .\laui'iee (iai’i'el. 95min. Adapted irom l’hilippe Bexxorr'x no\el. (‘hei'eati‘x iollou up to III/lllltlt \ l'L‘lllSCS to name in mm ie ehehex ill‘tllll (ll\L‘il\\‘ tllitl lllk'tllk'lllk‘. \\llt't't'l\} eoui'ageotix palierrtx hatlle hei'oieall) agaiirxl their eonditionx, ('utling haeknardx and i'orxxard in time hetueeri \\lllll'} l’ai'ix and xiiinrner} Brillan}. Sun I'ri'n' e\aminex in detail the proeexx oi thirt} xomething 'l‘honlax‘ hodil} deea} ax he xuiier‘x a ialal hlood dixoi'dei'. .'\nd \xhile eoneeiitiaturg on the iratei'nal relationxhip. lliix e\eeptionall_\ .ieled drama eon\e_\ x Ito“ illiiexx impaetx on the \\ ider emotional li\ ex o1 xulierer and eater alike. (il’l. (ilirxgmi.

The Soul of a Man l t_‘i i\\'ini \\'enderx. l'S. ZilliiiMuxie ohxexxixe and

iilmmaker \Venderx‘ perxonal eelehration oi the muxreal eareerx oi hluex ai'lixtx Skip Jamex. Blind Willie Johnxoir and JB l.L‘liUll‘. lneludex rare arehix e loolage and eo\ ei'x oi their xongx h} eoirteiiiporar} inuxieianx xueh ax Lou Reed. Bonnie Raitl and .\'iek ('ai. e. I'ilm/roim’. Iii/I'Ii/rm'g/i.

Space is the Place 1 lxi lJUllll ('orie). l'S.-\. l‘)7-li Barhai'a l)eloney Stiii Ra. Rll}llltllltl Johnxon and lirika l.eder. 85min. A px} ehedelie. xei-ii trihute to the rnuxie and mind oi' the legendar) Sun Ra. Saturn'x moxt iarirotix xon \\ ho iixed ireegia/l. raeial radiealixin. and lig}pliair llt}llltrltrg} to preaeh hix eoxiiiolog} to the maxxex and hring lrat'ttron} to humanit}. l’ai't oi 'l'ript}eh ()4. (il’l. (i/meuii .' l’l/Hl/IUIHt'. [film/Hugh, Spare Parts l tSi llXttlillltt Ko/ole.

Slox enia. 2003i l’eter .\luxe\ xki. :\lioxa Kmaeie. l’rimo/ l’elkm xek. 87min. (hr the border hem een Sim enra and ('roatia xpeedua} ehamp l.ud\ ik l.\ltixe\ xkii rrrakex hix |i\ing i'err)ing illegal immigrantx .ieroxx the horder into Ital}. llix hoxx xendx )ottttgxlct' Rtldi (Kmaeiel to he ltix axxtxlttltl and the latter xoon learnx that in their trade 'ha\ ing a guilt} eoiixeieiree ix a \\;t\le oi time'. (’hilling and poignant xli'eet le\el politieal thriller \\ ith xome great aetion \eqtleneex. ('tmu'o. lat/irr/mre/r. Spellbound iii...” lJell Blitl. IS. 3002) 07min. Brilliant doeumentai'} ahotrt eiglil ehildren in their hid to \\ in the I‘N‘) Spelling Bee ehainpioirxhip. .\lagieal. thix xta_\ ed in [S eiireinax ior o\ er 3!) iiionlhx alinoxt unheard oi ior a doeumentar). (‘( ll. (i/tnguti.

Starsky & Hutch t l5! 0... l'l‘odd l’hillipx. l'S. IlilHi ()uen \Vilxon. Ben Stiller. \iee Vaughn. Ililinin. ('omie duo \Vilxon and Stiller lake the leadx in lhix hig \et'L'L‘tt paxtiehe oi the elaxxie l‘l-i'llx Ameriean eop \lllt“. (linieu. [ct/nilrm‘e/r. Storm Over Asia mm Al l’ullm kin. l‘SSR. IUZSi Valeri ltlkt/littlo\. .-\ l)ediiitxe\. 03min. .-\ iur trapper \xho elaimx to he the heir to (ienghix Khan ix xel up ax a puppet monareh h) the Bi'itixh in Mongolia. hiil xoon xtirx the natix ex againxt their opprexxoi'x. l’tido\ kin‘x laxl great \\Ul'l\. hanned in the [K ior man} )earx. r'e\e|x iii line photograph} and d_\iiainie editing. (il‘l'. (i/iixguii ; I'l/Ill/IUHH’. lat/in/uug/r.

Sweet Sixteen i IN) 0000 iKen l.oaeh. l'K. 2002i .\lai'tin (‘oinpxloiL \Villiam Ruarre. (Ear) .\le(’orinaek. Iliomin. (‘heek} uexl eoaxl Seolland tied liam l('oinpxtoirr ix axxailmg hix inother'x i‘eleaxe irom prixon. l’a'x not around. xo l.iam. determined to go e hix ma a new home and a hetter liie. heginx dealing drugx. l.oaeh'x no ll'lllx \toi'king method xitx \\Cll \lith xereeimriter l’aul l.a\ei't} 'x \lt';tiglillot'\\at‘d xlor}telling. \tlrieh prioritixex eharaeter de\elopment o\ er lane} plotting. lir hix iii'xt xei'een role (ireenoek loeal (‘ompxton e\eelx ax the tough kid \\ ith a lender heart. and it‘x hix perioi'inauee \xhieh liitx the lilrn. irnhuing it \xith hollr \iai'inth and humour and eounlering the halaiiee hetueen \\ltl‘lli_\ poleiiue and highl) uatehahle drama. l’art ol' the l’i'ixon l‘ilin l’i'oleel. (i/ I. (i/iixgoii. 21 Grams l Iii ooooo l.’\lL‘];llltll'U (iaon/ale/ lnari‘itu. l'S.v\. Ililiii Sean Penn. (‘harlotte (iainxhoiirg. Berrieio l)e| 'l'oro. .\'aoini \Vatlx. 124mm. .\ ear aeeidenl ehairgex the In ex oi' three total xtrarigerx:

e\ eomiel turned )outh \lorkei and l.llllll_\ man Jaek Jordan ll)el ’l‘oi'oi. xuhurhaii \\ He and mother ('i'ixtiiia l’eek lWaltxl and (UllL‘g‘L' [it'tilcxxtlt‘ l’attl l{t\et‘\ ll\L'\l .tL‘lUt’ ()xeai'-\\ inner l’enni. \\l1t\‘\ terminal!) ill and anaiting an organ lrairxplant. l'ollou mg the aeeident. .laek. ('rixtina and Paul are thromr together on a ioui'ne} lo\\at'd\ retrihulion. Brilliant. tragie drama \\ ith a eornple\ plot hour the iilmiriakei'x hehind .vlnronw [rt-rim. lhe title I'L‘lt‘l'S to the “eight \\ e all loxe \lhen \\ e die. .-\ inaioi~ ino\ ie. a elaxxie. urrinixxahle. ('(i( ' lx’t II/I't'll Slut I. (i/iisgmi .' Unmurion. lat/m/rure/i,

Taking Lives i Iii O. ll)l (xii-in... l’S. Still-ii léthan llanke. Angelina Jolie. Kiel'er Sutherland. (iena Ron landx. lllfiinin. .'\ giited l5Bl pi'oiilei‘ lloliei ix xuininoned to help out ('anadian la“ enioreeinent to hunt do\\n a xerial killer \\lll) axxuinex the ll\ ex tttltl ltlL‘llllltL'\ Ul lllk‘ people he klllS. (;('lltl't1/
