in )out' tea.’ the} \a}. ‘\\'hat does that mean‘." u e \a}; li\pect electro.

I Fluid at 'l‘raxh. l lpm 3am. £o (£4). \Veekl). Beat l()o‘s Lisa l.ittle\\'ood. Scott Maeka) and Raw B all pla} as rexidentx at thix raucoux part) up at the mad end ol l()\\lt. l’unky house. urban pop and loads ol eheap boo/e tnake it a \\ inning proposition.

I Fresh at tlte l’olo lounge. l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Michelle and And} are in charge (it the llltl\l£‘al dutiex at [his delicioux. gin/mixed Merchant ('it)’ club. Most \\ ho enter come out smiling.

I Fridays at Blanket at Blanket (formerly Bed). l lpnt 3am. £(t (£4). Weekly. Ra} mond \Voodx. .\'aeem and Stuart Mc('allum take turnx “ith the R&B “max in the big back room. while ottt from Bill} Milligan mixex Motown with part)‘ claxsics.

I Friday Street at tlte Liquid Lounge. l lpm 3am. £5. 3() Apr. Monthl). A blend of ()(l\ l’\_\ ch. Mod and Northern Sottl. llCllL‘L‘ lllL‘ Paul Weller I'L‘l‘Cl'L‘llCC.

I Full On at Privilege. l().3()pm 3am. £9 (£7). \Veekl). (iekkoboy. Stewart (ircen. William l)aniel. (iax llouxton. Sttt llirxt and (iio lierri are )ottt‘ hoxtx at ll1l\ \xeekl} dance night down on llope Street. I Funhouse at Barll}; l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. A night of clued-up ptmk and catltartic indie pop nonxenxe. It's pogo-a-gogo \\ ith Radio l\ Vic (ialltm'a). Mr Paul Needles and DJ .Alplta Mitchell. I Funk Room at lltc At'chex. Next date 2] Ma}.

I Goodfoot at the Ri\er\ide ('lub. midnight 3am.. £5. 7 Ma}. Northern \otll. llammond ja/I. lunk and Latin -l5\ iron) the (ioodl'oot regularx.

I Heads Up at Sub (‘lttb. .\'e\t date the. I I Love 1970 at Strathcl)dc Stttdcnt'x Axxociation. ()Plll 3am. £th‘. \VL‘L‘H}. .’\\ the name \llggc‘xh lunk} fun 7()\ L‘laxxic‘x all night long.

I Kinky Afro al the Sub ('luh. Next date l4 Ma}.

I LIVEVEVII at (ilaxgtm School ol :\l‘l. llpm 3am. £5. 7 Ma}. Monthl}. llighl} regarded drtun & baxx night I'L‘llll'll\ for Ma} \xith lls arm} of rexidentx.

I Latin Fever at llaxana. 9pm 2am. l'rec. \Veekl). l)J Keith I) \plll\ tip \omc (‘olombian. ('uban. .\'e\\ York and Alrican \alxa. adding a tu ixl ol Latin chart. Rtli and global beat\ to the ill) thmieal \lc“. 'llaxl}.

I Lite at the (‘orintliian l()pm 3am. £tbc. \Veekl}. 'l‘he ('orintliian l‘acclil‘t get\ into lull wing. “llll the l.ite bar and club taking in er the action on Friday. All the top l)J\ l'rom (il'x other \enuex make regular appearance»

I Manga at Sttb ('lth. l lpm 3am.

£‘)( £7 memberx). 3t) Apt". Montltl). (ioldie protege and lil‘J Bukem collaborator l’exha) lllo\l lamoux l‘or ‘You (iol .Me Burning' eomex to to“ n for llltx \er_\ \pecial \hou. \\ith \ttppot‘l l'rom M(' .\loo\C ((‘ubik Muxic) and Manga l'L‘\l(IL‘lll\ (i-Mac. UJ Kid. lhc (ieneral and M(' Sonn}. l’ttrl u/ fril’lH/l.

I Moda at Moda. 0pm 3am. l't'cc. Weekl}. l)arren l)unn eaxex lti\ ua} through the night \\ ith the linext in home. garage atid Rth.

National Pop League at the Woodxidc Social. 8.45pm 3am. £3. 3() Apr. Monthl}. l’oxl-ptllllx. (‘30 and \lioega/ing indie iron) the NH. people. 'l‘earx \\ ill be \hcd. llL‘al'l\ horn on \lcc\e\. and a bttnch ol' dall'odilx rammed do“ n )ottt' back pocket on the \\a} in. .\'ot reall).

I The N00 Groove at the l'ni\er\a|.l lpm 3am. £5. 3() Apr. .\'ick l’eacock and Brian \Villiamxon bring }()11 tlteir global mi\ ol' danccliloor aural pleaxure it ith claxxie and brand neu houxc. dixco and lunk.

I Numbers at Ail-Lib. l lpm 3am. £5. 7 Ma}. l.i\c clectronica from ('a)dn\\ meet\ a \trange mix ol techno. electro. hip-hop and . . . R&B'.’ ('ourtex} ol~ l)J\ (Eu) \‘eale and Marcia Blaine School Mr (iil‘lx.

I Offset at (‘ubc. l().3(lpm 3am. £8 (£5 ). \Veekl}. l)ancc claxxicx altd ltll‘l'

ll()ll\C from residents including Sun Millennium (iirl and l'ormer Plat/Nil L‘L‘ltlt'cloltl Rebekah 'l'eaxdale. She get\ a little \uppot't (ha ha) from Simon l‘o}. (iary ('ttrle}. Jim l)a Bext and Richard l.e\‘in.\on I Opus at ()pus. 8pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. DJ Paul dropx \ome smaxhing tunes and take\ the ()pus \et into the morning with llix Wicked Sounl. I Outer Drive at the Sllli ('lub. Next date 2| Ma). .\'o\\ [timed to the Sttbbie following the end (ii a \pell at Max. Pressure at the Arches. l()pm 4am. £20 (£l8 titembcrx). 30 Apr. Monthl_\. A dedicated Sonia Recordx night l'eattiring deep breath tttm Derrick ('arter. D] Q. l'tlllk l)‘\'oid (|i\e). l)axid llolmex. ('hrixtian Stnith. Anthon} Rother (li\e). limo} (live). l’ablo l’x} chonaught. Vector l.o\ct'\ (li\e). ll} xtereo. l’erc) X & Aldrin (li\e). Part of lil/HA't'll. I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel. l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. Maxxitc llL‘\\ night for the Tunnel. bringing together three ol'(ila\go\\ \ bext-knonn l)J\. Krix Keegan. lain 'Santox’ 'l‘hoinxon and AJ. lixpect big \ lbw. cox [his one\ been hailed ax Scotland'x anxner to lled Kandi. I Red and Gold Room at Arta. l()pm 3am. l‘t'ee before I lpm: £7 alter. \Veekl). l)J Michael ()‘Shea pop\ up to \pin onl} the linext \alxa and l.atin tune\ to a \cl'_\ \\ ell-heeled :\t‘la ct‘tmd. I Rockit at Bamboo. l().3llpm 3am. £o (£4). \Veekl). ()ne rootn houxe. one room \ottl and l’unk and write chillout in the lounge. An inunenxel} popular night \\llll moxt \hadex of opinion. I Second Nature at the l'niteixal. llptn 3am. £5 (£3 bel‘ore tnidnight). 14 Ma}. Broken beat. l'unk. houxc. dixco. hip hop atid electroniea trul} \ometliing lor ewry taste llpxlait'x in the lounge bar \\ ith Tom ('liurchill (limoticon Rccot‘dingx) and Andre“ l’irie ('l‘ra\\ ). I Sine at the Areliex. l lpm 3am. £tbc. 7 Ma}. With rexidentx l)J Ramage. l)J Dunn and l’hatkat. I Special Ed at Ad Lib. Next date lbc. I Shoogakube at the Solllltlllalh. ()pm 3am. £7. 30 Apr. Brcakx. hip-hop and l‘unk} Itoth l'rom Kenn} Breakx. 'I'ino. (itixbo and Del B} Stereo. I Stateside at Liquid Lounge. l lpiti 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl} (e\cept 3() Apr). (iet _\er arxe Statc\ide tor a night ol. lunk. \oul. ,la/I. hip hop and broker) beatx “ith rexidents Aaron l’etrie and Michael Ral‘l‘et't}. I Subscience at (‘lub ()9. l’aixle}. Next date tbc. I Super Scientists at (‘luh (it). Next date tbc. I TFI Friday at the Baron} Bar. Strathcl_\'de Student’x l‘nion. 4pm 3am. £3 l£l ). (‘ltat't. L‘llL‘L‘\C and audience humiliation \xith |)J l’hil. I Tidy at the Shack. l(l.3()pm 3.30am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. let that inl'ectious l-"rida) l‘ecling take hold ol _\ott \tliile l)J lain llattlon takcx control of the dattce lloor. I Tiger Tiger at ’l'iger Tiger. | lptn 3am. £o. \Veekl}. 'l'hix hugel) popular bar. club and rextaurant goex \\ ild alter llt)lll‘\ \\ ith a selection of commercial dance and Rth l'or all [how \tunning ladiex and wank} bo} \. I Dr Alimantado, Earl Gateshead and Jerry Dammers at the Renl‘rcu l-‘err'\. l()pm late. £l-l. 3() Apr. Late night dth lrom Jamaican Roolx cliiel‘ l)r Alimantado. backed up b} London reggae jock liarl (iatexliead and c\-Specia|\ mart Jerr_\ l)ammcrx on the deck. I’url u] 'Ii‘i/ilt't‘li. I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at MAS. llpm 3am. £o (£5). \VL‘L'kl}. chidentx (iot'dott Logan. Mud) and ('hrix llarrix \pin at lltix great ll‘lpp) llollxc part}. I Under the Hood at the Sub (‘lub. l lhlll 3am. £S. 7 Ma). :\lt L‘L'lccltc lltl\ ol rising l‘rench \tarx. \\ ith Adam\ apple- \pot'liltg Lad) B alongxide Xmier and DJ l.em. I Unity Reggae at Soundltaux. Ne\t

date llk‘.

listings Clubs












‘4 Az' l.l.:. -1 THE LIST 83