\IlIere all IIInxe lIlaek elatl _\nIIIhx Il'tIlll Ihe Inp nlt'nekhurn SII'eeI \erII alIer IIIII‘k IIIIIk IIII IIII‘IIIL‘I'. ‘l-IIL‘ I‘LNI tllltl angIIIal lllltIL‘l' I.\'x IIIeIal gaIIIerIIIg III

I Mission aI Sluthn 2-1. I lpm lam. (III. I .\Ia_\ I~anIIIghII_\. \Ighl nI IIIeIaI lll;I}IlL‘lll. gnIII rnek and awe I'rnIII Ihe Ilark \ltlt' a real I‘ZIIIIIIIIII‘gh IIIxIIIIIIInII. l .\Ia_\ lII.II'k\ IIIL‘ .\ll\\ltlll.\ IIIIII _\C.’|l' III (.IIIIUII SIIIIhnx and ax a eheerx In all Ihe IaIIIIIIII Ihere'x a tree har Il'i‘lll I I..illplll IIIIIIIIIghI and a ereeIInII III II\ e aeIx IIIeIIIIIIIIg IIIIIIIaII I’I'ntIIIeI illltl IIIeIr perlnI'IIIanee arl. IIre IIrethIIIg antl gnre xpeeIaeIIlar. \\ IIII IIInI'e llIe. Sm ll‘un/ I 'p IIII‘ . unI/I. /'nI' I/II\ I/u'll I'Ii/\ [\I.l (Ht/ IltI/III‘I \ L'II' 13H" Ilmu [Ir/ii I1// Hie/II.

I Moving Through al ('aharei \nIlaII'e. IIHIIpIII 3am. L'.\ IL'nI. I .\la_\. .-\ tree IInuIII‘ IaIII IhaI pIIx Ihe \\ll\ nl Il\ e I‘l‘t‘akI‘L‘III tIl'L‘llt‘IlL‘tI Ill‘lI\C IIIIIIII :\ III agaIIIxI Ihe IIIrIIlaIIIIIxIII aIIIIex nl IIeatprIn IIuI IIIIIx. Ihe RexnIIaIIee. II‘x a IIIthIIa} xpeeIaI \\ IIII (Irantl (‘eIIlI‘aI regular \exx ank‘x ()nnl I).I .\Iar\ IIII\IIIg up t'\eI"\IIIIIIg II'nIII (Illx IIIIIk In I'nek In IIIIIk In hnuxe In IIIp hnp In reggae IieleeIIe healx II'nIII arnuIIII Ihe \Inrltl aI Ihe Iaxl IIIgIII I'nr

.\In\ mg 'I'lIrnIIgII aI Ihe ('ah.

I Opal Lounge .II ()pal I.nuIIge.

IllpIII ,‘aIII. t5. “eekly IIaIe Shetltlen \\llIl IIIx IIII\ nI IIIxen .lllII I'IIIIk} hnuxe Il‘ilk‘Ix\.

I Progression aI Ihe I.lt|llltl RnnIII,

Ill. ileIII «lam. [Ihe 5 Ma}. \InIIIhI}. l)erek .\l;tl'llll_ (lax (ham and :\I;Ill I)nlIxnII .Ire InIIIetI II} I.ee (‘ahrera and Dr Kuehn IInIII IIIakIIIg IlIeIr III'xI ex er SenIIIxII appearanee InI' IIIIx II‘IIIaI \xnIknuI, \Vllll pie ehIII xexxInII .II (‘II_\ (Kile ll'IIlIl 5pm.

I Rewind .II Ihe I.It|lll\l RnnIII. \eu Ilale 33 Ha}.

I Sophistifunk aI ('II}: IitlIIIIIIIrglI.

I 1pm 3am. L“. \Veekl} mm 3“ .-\prI. RexIIIeIII I).l .lnlIII IIIIIelIIxnII pla}x lunketl up RIKII I'eIIII\exaIItI hnuxe IIIIIex Ina IIeaIIIIIIII ernutl.

I Soul Biscuits aI IInIIeIenIIIII. IlHllpIII IaIII. [h IUII, .\ .\Ia_\. Ihe IIIp hnp IIIgIII Ix haek keepIIIg IhIIng lIretI up InI' Sal IIIgIII illlti enIIIIIIIIIIIg Ihe Seraleh I’eI‘IerIx IlIeIIIe \\lIIl xpeeIal guexI .\Ir 'I'IIIIIg .llltI II;II'I'_\ I.n\ e Iaka IIIe I".\IeIIIIetI I’I;I)t'l\| IIII\IIIg up a IIIp hnp xIanII_

I Tease Age .II (‘IInIx (‘Iuh

I IpIII 3am. I‘ree lIeInre I I.3IIIIIII; £5. \\c‘t'k|}. IIIIx llltIIL' xIaluaI‘I tII\IlL‘\ up e\eI‘_\IIIIIIg Il'IIlll quIIgIIIg (III\ lIIIx In IIagg} .\IaIIehexIer Ia\ ex ax \\ ell ax a IIan nl eurrenl .\'.\Il; eIIarI IInIIIererx.

I Thee Jailhouse aI Ie\ InI Rim I‘IIInII. .\'e\I tIaIe 32 XIII}.

I 2Hot aI Iign.(I.-15 WISpIII. £5. \Veekl}. \eu lllltIL'l' lXx IIIgIII nl’ IIIp hnp aIIII IIIIIaII Rin IIa\.Ix \\llIl RIeIIIe RIIIInIIe. I).l I)I//Ie. la}. Snnn). Je/ .llltI lameee I’rnIIxee IxIrIeI age I‘exII'IeIInII nl

I3 I" I.

I Ultragroove al ('aIIaI‘eI \‘nlIaII-e.

Ill. IIIpIII itllll. L'Ill I£.\'I_ 5 Ma}. I'IIIIIIIIII’gII‘x peerlexx real hnuxe parI} er\ex up Iraek} grnn\ ex. xnullul \nealx .IIIII II'IlIaI Iunex IHIIICII II} ('anIIn head nI IIIIehex lire“ I'eenItIx \xhn'x pla_\ed nuI aI IIearl} e\er_\ hnuxe ehIII \xnrlh lInIherIIIg \\lIIl IrnIII lIeI‘ IIaIn e .\'e\\ ank In 'I‘nk'In .IIIII lIaek agaIII. .'\Ixn InIIIIIIg (IaI‘eIII SnIIIIIIeI‘IIIIe Ix I.en I'.IxIrnh. I'utlge I‘IIIgax and IIaxII pI'n\Iihng Ihe Il\ e peI‘euxxInII.

I Vain .II In InI Rim 'I’IIInII. 0pm 3am. L31 uh, I \Ia}. \llIIIIIII}. 'I'eehnn. gnIII, |lItIll\II'liII. 3le and he“ rnIIIaIIIIe IIIIIex. Sn IIIIII'II IX“ L‘Ilt‘t'l') IIIL'II.

I VEGAS! aI Izgn, Ill. ‘IlpIII 3am. U) It" ll ‘IaIIulnuxh Ilrexxetl' I. 3 Ma}. \IIIIIIIII}. Ilep IlatItI} x\\ mg. enIIIIIr} elaxxIex and xleax} IIxIeIIIng \\lIIl Inur IIIgII-kIekIIIg IIanxf I'raIIkIe SIIIIIaIra. liugx} Seagull. I)IIIn .\larIIIII illltI Ihe quIIIIIIIg Vegax \IIn\\gIII\. .\lltI Iln II} In make an eI'l'an

\\ IIII IIIL' \IIC\\ \"tltIL'. CI] .’

I Velvet .II ('nIIIIIIpIe\. IleIII 3am to IL'FI. I \Ia}. .\InIIIIII}. \VnIIIen‘x IIIgIII Inr ga} gIIlIex illltI IlIeIr xpeeIaII} In\ IIL‘tI hn} II'IL'IIII\ IIIIeII eaII nIII} gaIII atIIIIIxxIIIII II aeenIIIpaIIIeII II} a lad} I. IltI\IL‘tI In .\IIeIIeIIe I.ln}. \\ IggIeI. '

I Wiggle aI Iign, Nev tIaIe 32 Ma}.

~II‘II'I‘. ‘.T

v\.‘ 1:. JUNGLE MAGIK .‘lThe Honeycomb. Edinburgh. Sat 1 May

Drum 8. bass has suffered from having a male dominated image in recent years. and for a while it looked like there might be no return from the brink. But now a resurgence is on the cards. lead by Jungle Magik welcoming drum 8. bass godfather and Radio One wise guy Fabio back to the capnaL At his side. the Magik have promised a very special guest indeed (far be it from us to spoil the surprise), as

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva aI (‘a\eIItIIxII/I)I\a. lllpm Iain. I’ree IIeI'nre llpIII: UI aIIeI'. \Veekl}. 'lhe lull} relurlIIxhetl xpaee IIanx a IIIgIII nI IIII IIIL' groin Ie\l IIle II‘IIIII llIL‘ (III\ Wk. \\Illl eurreIII eharl I'aI ex «III the Inp “not. (her 25\ IIIII}.

I Supernova at Rexnluunn. 10.30pm 3am. [(I IIelnre IIIIIIIIIghI; I." alter (Ll [5i \\'eekl_\. (‘IIarI illltI parI_\ IIIIx all IIIgIII InIIg.

Edinburgh Sundays

Club I <any excuse> aI I’me (‘nuneil IllpIII 3am. I'I'ee. \Veekl}. Haek 2 .\IIIIe xI_\ Ie erx I'rnIII a ereeIInII nl~ I’LIIIIIIIIII‘gh I'a\nurIIex. I‘IIIIk}. ehIIIetI. upIIl'IIIIg \ IIIex. I’qu Ihe -'aII_\ e\euxe: prnIIInIeI'x are alxn nt'lerIIIg a tree 'phnne III xIek III \\III‘k \L‘I‘\ Iee' IIII \IIIII I‘lll\l lek IIIL‘ HI I. IInI xurpI‘IinIg \xheu all III'IIIkx are t l. I Audio Tourism aI I’I\n Bar ('IIIII, 0pm 3am. I’I'ee. \Veekl}. (‘nlnurx rexIIIeIII (ia\ IInuxInII pla_\x nuI a xelet‘IInII nl eIIIIIeiI aIIII gI'nnx} IIeaIx. BootyLUSHous al Medina. lllpIII 3am. £3 IIeI'nre IIIIIIIIIghI; £3 alter. 3 Ma). .\InI'e III a SIIIIIIa} SIII‘IIII IlIaII a lull nII gIaIII allaII‘ \\IIh I).l I)ale I.uxh. SIIIIIIInIIe Iilaek illlti neeaxInIIal guexI xupaxIa'x IIII\IIIg IIp Rkli. hIp hnp_ will and I'IIIIk. 'l‘alkIIIg nI guexlx. II‘x III'xI IIII'IIItIa} IIIIIe xn ’I tend} \\eIItl_\ \\III lIe graeIIIg Ihe tIeekx IIII\IIIg up I'IIIIk. xnul itlltI IlIxen \\ IIII nIIe nl lIer IIIIIIaIIInux \\'eIIII_\ IInIIxe erx. \\'IIII a l‘t‘II‘II/III\L'II/ g;IlI_L‘\l'.l\ illltI I‘llt‘lltN IIIL‘IIIL‘ III lInIIIage In the IuIIex IhaI II;I\ e kepI linnI} ‘x tIaIIeel'Innr pquIIIg IhIx paxI _\eaI'. I’qu IIII\ (‘l)x In Ihe III'xI IIIII IlIrnugh IIIe tIt)tIl'\ aIItl I'eIIIeIIIIIer II'x a bank IInlIIIa) IIIIIIIII'I'II\\. IIIee.

well as a plethora of support from drum & bass's second wave. ‘There are a lot of quality new artists coming through. which is very important for the scene.‘ enthuses Fabio. flushed with an air of his music’s second summer. ‘We need that to shake up the old guard.‘

Fabio is a DJ who has been synonymous with drum & bass since its conception. through its near mainstream rise and its longer. darker period. Throughout he has stuck to his guns, applying his winning. liquid funk formula to the breaks he loves. ‘My music‘s a bit

more soulful than maybe full-on drum 8. bass. The younger lads maybe just

want to tear it up, but I‘m

catering for the girls too.

y‘know what I mean.‘

(Mark Edmundson)

I Chocolate Sundae aI I-aIIII.

I IpIII 3am. H IUI \Veekl}. 'I'he Rtkli aIItI hIp hnp Sun xexxInII reIuI'IIx \\ IIII I).I I’aul ‘I-’n\_\‘ I‘nx IIaek III eharge.

I Cosmic! aI IlIe (‘eIIaI‘ liar.

lllpIII 3am. (I. \\'eekl). I).l IUIII ()ke pla_\x Iunk} l-reIIeh hnuxe \\ IIII a Inueh nl Nllx kIIerI. 'I'IInugh II tIHL'\ enIIIe \\IIII a \xarIIIIIg 'xIrIeIl} InI' tIaIIeeI'x.'


[ISII [2. \Vt‘t'kl}. I)l\‘\l \II'IIIL‘x enIIIIIIeIIIl} IIIIn IIx IIIIrtI _\ear \\IIII l't'fltlt‘lll I).I\ .lnl'tll. (Iill't‘IIl illltl I);I\L‘ pIa}IIIg rnek. gnIh. IIIeIaI. IIItquIrIaI and punk. ‘l'IIeIIIe IIIgIIIx and tree gIIh enIIIIIIIIe In keep IIIIIng IIIIerexIIIIg. \\eek III. \xeek out

I El Barrio aI Iil liarIIn, lllpIII iaIII. l'hl'L'C. \Vk‘t'l'xl}. SL'L‘ IIIll.

I Four Tet, Matthew Dear, Dabrye, Explosions in the Sky, Animal Collective, Fennesz, the Soul Jazz Sound System and EYOE DJs aI Ihe Venue. llpIII 3am. LIES“. 2 Ma}. .'\IIIIIIIL‘I‘ IIuIIIper IIIIL‘~IIP IrnIII lI'I/IIII /I IakIIIg III ewrflhing II‘IIIII Inlk} eIeeIrnIIIea II-nur 'I'eII In tlnxxn IeIIIpn IIIp hnp II)aIII'_\eI In IeeIIIIn IXIIIIIIII‘“ I)t';II'l illltI I\\ let‘tl I“) (IICIIL‘IIH l.'\llllll;lI (‘nlleeII\eI. l)aIIeehall. reggae illltl Iunk II‘nIII the Snul .la// Snuntl S}\It‘lll \IIIIIe Ihe IiaI \nur (In II Izarx IIII\ up Ihe lIexI III eIIIIIIIg etlge \Ulllltl\, I Gotham al ('II_\ ('ale. .NpIII laIII. LI. 3 Ma}. \InIIIhI}. ‘I‘eIIxII eluh lnr the “hand. IhIx Ix gnIhIe Ileeailenee all IIIgIII InIIg \\III1 gnlII. eIeeIrn. IIIIIIIxIrIaI illltI lili.\l and a IeIIxh IIIeIIIe lrnIII I).l.\. SIIIIIeIeI.‘ aIIII Ilalx'l II',I ).

I Green Velvet at IInIIe_\enIIIII.

I IpIII Iain. LII. 3 Ma}. IieeeIIIrIe lake UI‘I Ieeh hnuxe IrnIII Ihe IIIxaIIe geIIIIIx IIelIIIItI ’I'laxh' and la la land. and III er l'rnIII .\Ir \‘ehel Ix ax Iar I'rnIII IIIIIIIIIaIIe ax Ix IIIIagIIIaIIle. .\Iaxh prn\ItIex xuppnI‘I al IIIIx III/mt II xpeeIaI,


I Hocus Pocus aI IIIe (‘eIIaI' IIaI'. Ill._‘\llpIII 3am. I*ree. 3 Ma}. \lnIIIIII}. SCIL‘L‘IIIIII III IIIIIICL‘IIIIIII' \IIIIIIIIII ;IIIII Illllix ll'Ulll I’apa .\laIIhe\\ aIItI I’apa .\IaxIIII. 3 Inr I nII all tIrIIIkx. all IIIgIII a IInIIIIx.

I Kayos aI ()pIuIII. llpIII 3am. I we. \VL‘L‘kI}. \It‘lttl .llltI I’Hek I).I\ (.Iilll't‘ .\Inll'al aIIII .lnhII I‘I‘nIII Ilngxheatl keep Ihe ernutlx a IIIanIIIIg.

I Kiss Kiss Bang Bang .II .\Iaxxa. IIIfiIIpIII iaIII. £5 lIelnre IIIIIIIIIgIII; LN MIN. 30 Ma}. See Sal.

I Legends of Dance Part 2: Trevor Nelson .II (‘II_\: IiIIIIIIIurgII. llpIII 3am. USN). 2 Ma} nII|_\. (‘nlnurx III'np II) nIIee again In lake n\eI Ihe IIIaxxIIe xpaee nl (‘II_\ \\ IIII que|_\ Ihe I'K'x IIIan IIII'IIIeIIIIal Rtkli and urban I).I 'I'reInr \elxnII.

I Mai-Tai aI (‘II_\: lutIIIIIIurgh.

llpIII 3am. (3 L31, \Veekh mm 2 Ma} xee aIIner. Suutla} tIaIIeIIIg xheIIaIIIgaiIx \\IIh xpeeialx nII .\I;II 'I‘aI enekIale aIIII IICC IIII'IIIIIL‘ L‘iHIkIL‘\.

Mingin’ Birthday Party aI I-gn. llpIII 3am. £5. 3 .\Ia_\ nIII}. II'x IIIthtIa} IInIe xn rexIIleIIIx IIIIaII I)eIIIpxIer and .'\I'.Ill .In_\ bring the \IIIIgIII‘ llliltIllL‘\\ kIekIIIg illltI xereaIIIIIIg aernxx Inn II In Iign Inr a large xeale parI} IIIgIII I'eaIIII‘IIIg all )nIII I;I\nIIIIIe I'IIIII) hnuxe and I\\ I\IL‘tI IraIIee Inr .I ll'l\l\_\ illltl pI‘etInIIIIIIaIIII) ga} ernIuI. (‘nIIIeItIeIIIII II'x Man .In_\ ‘x IIII‘IIIIIa} xn e\peeI parl} \ IIIex In lIe aI IheIr IIexI ax IhIx IIIgIII gnex nII IIIg xI_\le_ .\lxn III“) aI Ihe ()IIIIInIIxe Ihrnugh Ihe Ila} In gel )iIII Ill IIIL‘ IIIIIIIII.

I Missing aI ('aIIaI'eI \‘nlIaIre. IIHIIpIII 3am. L31 IL‘I. \\eekI_\. \eu eIuII IIIgIII IIIIIII\\IIlf_' Ihe xaIIIe IanIIaI ax 'I'I'nIIIIIe . IInI'IIIeI'I} aI Ihe IIIueIInIeI. With a team made up nl l)_lx aIItl prnIIInIeI‘x II‘nIII (ieI 'I'ngelher. I)eparlure I.nuIIge. Sa} SaIIIIIa'. SnIIIea. I)IrIII Drum and Big Iieal. )nu eaII IIe xure e\er_\ genre nl eleeIrnIIIe. Ia/I IIII'IIIeIIeeII IIquIe will he reprexeuletl. .lnIIIeII II} Ihe IIIIprexxII e IeehIIIeaI e\eeIIeIIee nI I).\I(' ('IIaIIIpInII Jill).i I).I Dupe} I I(I XIII) I. See pm run.

I Sugar Groove aI \I;Ixx;I.

lllpIII 3am. £3. \\'eekl_\. .\'e\\ Suntla} IIIgIIleI' l'nI‘ Ihe .\Iaxxa ere“ ax \\ e gel a quIr} IIII\ nl’ xe\} xIIInnIlI gInnxex. urIIaII equ aml RA'II.

I Tackno at .\laxxa. New «late .‘ll Ha}.

I Taste aI Ihe I.It|IlItl RHUIII.

I lpIII 3am. L5 IIeInIe I I,.IllpIII; t'.\ alIeI IUI IIIeIIIlIeer. \Veekl). Ihe eapIIal‘x IIIlaIIInux Sun IIIgIII xexxInII enIIIIIIIIex In xe\\ up Sun IIIgIII‘x III IIIe eapIIaI, I‘IxIIeI & I’I'Iee xuppl} .I prngrexxne IIII\ nl hnuxe and garage III Ihe IIIaIII InnIII. \VIIIIC \IaI‘IIII \'aleIIIIIIe aIItI Sle\ e \\aIIeIexx \\n\\ Ihe IIII\eII ga_\ ernutl \\ IIII IIIIIk} I'S hnuxe geIIIx IIIrnugh Ihe IIaek. Q Yummi Sunday al Human lie III. -I .\pIII. I’ree. 3 \Ia). SII IIaek .llltI Iela\ nII IhIx IIaIIk IInIItIa} Suntla} \\ IIII a IIxe er nl tIlll‘I‘k xnuIItIx IrnIII \IaIIgnIIIatl'x IleIIuI aIIIuIII Ila ll'l’I/II'IIl/H. .Ix paII nl \‘IIIIIIIII Suntla} IrnIII YIIIIIIIII Reenrtlx.

\\ IIII I).lx Siher SInI'Ie aIIII \\ III In IiaIIa. Iilit‘) aIIII [‘IL‘III} nI ('IIIII‘a I.IlIre nII Ihe eartlx. .v\IIer parI} aI lx’etl \iIIIka It.” IInIII


d Yummi Sunday aI RI'I) \ntlka ('IIIII. ‘lpIII 3am, l'ree. _‘ .\la_\. \IIIIIIIII Suutla} enIIIIIIuex IIIIn Ihe IIIgIII \\ IIlI IIIaIIIIIIaII SIheI SInI‘Ie IIII'IIIIIg II up a IInIeh IIII\IIIg up IIIp hnp. III’eakx and


Chan & Party

I Devils’n’Angels .II ('.I\eIIIIIxII/I)I\a. IleIII 1am. L‘IIIe. \Veekl). Saue} IuII aI IIIIx IIe\\l_\ reIIIIetl eluh. \\IIII a hea\eII .lllll hell IheIIIe. I'eel Il‘t‘t‘ III III?“ III \llII .llltI IIIIIIf_!IL' III t'II.Ill IIaIIee all IIIgIII InIIg.

I Mood Live .II \Inntl. UpIII zaIII I'l't‘L‘ I‘I‘IIII'I‘ I II‘IIIL .lllt‘l’ lIl'L‘t‘ liI IIIeIIIIIeIxI. \\'eekl_\. .\Inntl npeIIx IIx ilnnrx In a ereelInII nl IIIe enuIIII} ‘x Inp enxerx lIaIItIx. \IIIIle I).|x prII hIIx IInIII

glt‘l‘i i\\ the \ L‘.Il'\.

- : THE LIST 89