Art listings

Glasgow Galleries continued


IS." Bath Street. t“ I‘Nl \lnn l‘l'l

Ill itlant ipm. Sal Illillallt lpllt Mixed Exhibition l'nnl \tnn KI .\l.l_\ -\ \eleetlnn nlenlttenlpnrar). I‘ltlt and leth eelltul'_\ palntlltgx liteludlng \\ttt'l\\ It} .lnnatltalt l\’ttl‘t‘l‘l\tttl. \lar} (iallaelter. \'nrm;m Kll'lxlldlll. l’atrlela \lnreltl. Silltnn (ireel‘ and \lleltael ('lal'ke.


‘) l I (ienl‘ge Street. 553 303-1. .\lnlt Sat ‘lam 5pm

John Lowrie Morrison I'nltl Sal IS \la}. \t‘\\ SenIlelt laltdxeapex .‘llltl l'lnral \llltllt‘\ h} .ltllttltltt.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ltl\el\ltt nl ( il.i\gtt\\. S3 lllllltead Street. Hll Slit. \lnn Sat

9 Want 5pm. Stllt IIRII .l. illltnt Scottish Art 1800-1900 l'nlll Sat IS Selt \ \lll.lll hut \lgnlliealtt enlleetlnn nl l‘lllt eenttlr} SenIIixlt art. gilted In Ilte llunterlalt lt_\ prlxate t'ttllt‘t‘lt‘l\ 'l he tll\|‘l.l_\ lItt'llltlt‘\ \\nrk\ It} Sir l).i\ id \Vlllxlt‘. llnratln \le(‘ullnelt alld Sir \Villlallt \lelaggart.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection I'nnl l'l'l ‘~I Dee '\ xeleetlnn nl Ilte lltlttIerl.llt\ line art enlleetlnn nl' Brltlxh .irI lrnnt tlte letlt eeltturt


lSa \leadntt lx’nad. it" PS} .\lnlt l'l’l ll.tItl 5pm. Sat lll.llll lplit

Young Scottish Artists t‘nnl Sat l5 \l.l_\ \e\\ (il.l\gn\\ g.lllel'_\. lltlt'al'etl. [‘lt‘\t‘lll\ an e\ltlltltlnlt nl \tnrk ht tntlltg .tl‘ll\l\ llteltldlng pltntnglaplt) .iltd plintn lttntttage It} \lleltelle l).i\\lt Hannah and [talntlltgx lt_\ lella Sittltlt and gallel'} tt\\Itt‘t' l.llltle l\)tl\\t‘ll


IS King Street. ‘5.“ .‘S‘lll l).lll_\

llttttlt (min

Seanchaidh - The Great St Kilda Adventure Sal I Sat 3.? Ha} \ll|\l dtln llnle In lttt l’nelxet tSenII \lllle .md \lll\l.tll' Hurtl \ltnu Ilte lt‘\l|ll\ nI Illell' .‘llllz plnleet \\ltlelt e\|tlnletl ltlt'ilS nl IttnltIlII} atttl \ll\l.'‘llll_\ Ill enntentpnrar} Sentlaitd. lltt‘ I\\n .lll|\l\ \t‘l nll tilt .l tntlt’Itt‘_\ arntlnd the \\ |ltl\ nl Sentlaltd In e\eh.mge \lttl'lt‘x \\ ltlt the penple the} met. \lxn nn \hntt .n'e [\l‘ttlttt\.tl\ Inl' .i \erle\ nl llttel'\entlnlt\ .llnltg Ilte SenIRall Itel\\ttt'l\ illltl .I \t‘I’It‘\ til Itttttlt‘l\. [ttt\lt‘l‘\ and paintingx lnxptred lt_\ the idea nl' 'an inner (‘lI_\ /nn' llt (ll;t\_1jtt\\ ‘\ \lel‘ehant (‘lIt \‘E ‘w' t"


It'll Hath Stleet. Hl (V33. lllt‘ Sat ‘).lln (rpm

Glasgow Behind Glass l’nltl \Ved l.‘ .\l.i\ l).tlltllllj_‘\ nit gla\\ It) l‘lllll Sehult. lnlnter hand nientlter lx'ralttterk


ISS Bath Street. N Jlttttl. .\lnn 'l‘hu ltnnlt lam. l'l'l Sat ltnnn iant

Shapes of Things lhu o .\I.i} tho I" Jim The Sllaptw nl' 'lhlng\ ix a \erlex nl' e\ltlltltlnn\ ltlghilglttlng the “nth nl' reeent graduatex and \llltlt'llh at (ilaxgntt Seltnnl nl ,-\l't and timer art enllegex Brian Stteene} \lltt\\\ unlit lrnm tlte o \la}. Inllntt ed h} \laII 'l'hnmltxnlt l3” \la} l altd latlra \'lel\el'\ and \ndrett l’ark I3 .lunt.


ll \ltleltell l atte. Ifl 0303. .\lUll.

\\'ed Sat llHtlam 5pm. 'l'tle llam 5pm; Stlit itnnll 5pm U tSllpl.

Laszlo Lugosi Lugo: Art Nouveau in Budapest l'tttll l’t'l ill \pt', '\ll t‘\llll‘lllt\ll lnnkmg .it the range nl' .lreltlIeeItlral \I}|e\ In he lnllltd llt Hildapexl llte ell} hax [trexerx ed mnre nl' ll\ \rI \ntlteatt lttllldtng than l);tl'l\. \ltlmelt. lil'll\\t‘l\ nl' \leltna

Terra lncognita I'nnl Sim It .\la}. ;\n .ilIernaIlt e audio guide l.ll\lll_‘_' Ilte llxtener Illrntigh alt e\er_\da_\ elI_\ that ll;t\ heen ll';tll\ltll'ltlt‘tl lt_\ a \t‘l'lt‘S nl nett \nund

em ll't‘lllllt‘lllS

Field Trip l'ltIll ll! 3 .llll, 'l'lte lamlllal‘ and unlamlllar l.tlttl\eape\. lttllldlltgx .md plaeex ilt Sentlaltd .n‘e e\plnred m llll\ Intll'tltg t‘\llll‘tllt\lt

Graeme Findlay - Makalos I'nnl Stilt (t .Itllt (iraeme l'lltl.t) [‘l't‘\t‘ltl\ lu\ nett \lalalm prndtlet. enlntirltll gripper lllt‘\ dexlglted lnl‘ ll‘ea\ ehlldl'en‘x l’S range,


Stattnlt Rnad. \lllltgatle. VS SS1".

'l'ue Sat Illam lpm & 3 5pm.

Light Through Colour t‘nnl \Vetl 3r» \l.l_\ \lt e\hlltltlnn dl'attn lrnni Ilte g.tllel'_\ \ permanent enlleetlnlt e\plnrlng Ilte .lpplleatlnn nl enlnur In eamax. paper. glam .litd eel'amle

Living Paint lintll \Ved 2h .\la}. l-nrt_\ nl Senttlxli (’nlntlrlxt .ll) l‘ergtlxxnn‘x ltext l\ltI\\\ll nil painting»


5 ll_\ndland Street. it: III-l. \\'ed l'l'l

l lam (tltm. Sat l lam 5pm; Stilt

nnnn 4pm

Mixed Group Exhibition I‘nnl Wed 5 \la_\ \n e\ltlltltlnlt nl pallttmgx .ind prlntx liteltldmg \\nl'l\\ h_\ llt‘lll'} Knndraekl. Sue lilJ/ttlll. \lal'lnlt 'l'ltnlttxnn. Stuart litlt‘llalldlt .lltd reeent \\Hl‘l\\ h} next galler} .ll'll\l .l.imle l’rlntrnxe

London Calling Sat 8 \la_\ \Vetl 0 Jun. Reeenl pallttlngx. drau mg\ and eIehlngx It} ll\t‘ (ildxg‘tm l\.I\t‘tl tII‘ll\l\ \\ltt\ Itl't‘ eurrenII} xtud) tltg .iI Ilte l’rlltee nl' \Valex llraumg Seltnnl m Sltnl‘edlteh. \l'll\l\ meltlde l.l/.l l)tmltleh_\. |)a\ id (Illdttell. l)l.m.l lt'SllC. \l.l\\llttn l't'alten and llenr}

(illtltnltx (int \5


Hal 1'3. 3th Bath Street. ll""§ll (txltlfi. Hall} nnnn 5pm

Joanne Robertson: Soft Wet Dreams Sat 1 \lnlt §\la} large \eale


museums work to process] an exhtbttten of museum projects by t3 t t‘tm/ studio 8 architects

The Mackintosh Gallery

12 April 7 May 2004 Admission Free

167 Renlret't Street. Glasgow. (33 BRO 01413534500

""tllK “Mm ': iH III rtom.

'Ilg'h ’{llit Suit ".i’l;

94THE LIST ‘1'

llte lllSl exttlhltlolt in Scotland ol the work of C J Lint. Director of the Bartlett Art‘ltllmiltlrt? lat) Universrty Collette lonrlon. lotlntlel ol Stiltllo 8 and Honorary PIOlthSW of The Marklntosh School of Architecture

p.lllttlltg\ and than mgx ltaxed arntmd pop

etllItll'e image\ It} (il;t\gn\\ ltaxed arti\t .lnalme Rnltertxnn. \5 V


3:: t\ 334 l)lll\t‘ Street. l)t‘ltttl\lttttll. 55“ “To. the Sat nnnlt (min.

I C U 2 Hi " Sat IS .\l.l_\. -\n e\ltihltinn nl' “0th It) Iltird tear plintngraph} \ltltlL‘lll\ at (ilaxgntt Seltnnl nl .r\rt.


I‘ll Sauehlehall Street. 5M -lltltl. .\lnn Sal lllam 5pm; Stilt ltnnn 5pm.

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove t'nnl \m lelli .v\\ the lx'elt litgrnte \llht‘tllll & .v\rt (iallert hax nn\\ elmed ll\ dnnl‘\ lnt' malnr reltlrltltheltl. n\ er Illll palittlngx lrnnt Ilte Kel\ mgrn\ e enlleetlnn take up I’L‘Htlt‘llx‘} :ll lltt‘ \lL‘lt‘llitlt (i.IlleI‘lt'\. lltt‘ dtxpla} inelildex lltttlttth l-aed'x l/lt /.m/ nil/11' (‘ltin and Remhrandt'x .l .llun m .lrmnur. plux milk It} (‘harlex Rennie \lglt’lxlllltkll. l)iltelt altd l~'lemi\|t art.


J" l’arnle Street. 553 5h)". 'ltle Sal llam 5pm.

Mixed Exhibition l'ltIll l‘rl fill .v\pr. .\ ml\ed \llt\\\ ineludiltg paintlngx It} ('lerard .\l Burnx. l‘raltelx linag. (il'eer Ralxtnn. |._\n\e} l'.\\;IIl. ('nlin Park and .lnnatltan .\leu|l.

Gallery Artists Sat l llttl 3" \la}. .~\ \lltm nl' \tnrk It} galler} ‘.tl'll\l\ lltelttdiltg “ttl'hS It} (ieral'd .\l Burnx. l'l;lllt‘l\ linag. Ke|\ m Btlrgntlte. (‘nhn l’ark altd Sandra Bell.


It) \anIt Street. IS" 300‘). Mm 'l'htl llHllam (fillpm; l’rl Sat lllfillam 4pm. The Enchanted Land: Puccin’s Landscapes, Lights and Colour l'ntil Sat 1‘) .ltllt. .\ eultural enllaltnratlnn Itetueen (ilaxgtm (‘ttt ('ntmell and tlte l’l'nt mee nl' l.ueea \\ ltlelt “ax nl great Ill\|tll‘;tlltttt In l’tleelni. lt'IIlllI'lItg n\ er ‘lll [‘tlltllllltb liteludlltg \xnrkx h) .lnltlt Bellalt}.


73 Rttlk‘l‘lxtttl Sllt‘t‘l. SIIIIC 0. l'lttttt' l. 343 3”! l. 'l‘tie l’rl nnnlt 5pm,

Anselm Reyle: Trilogy of Broken Light l'ntil lit 3” .-\pr. \en \etllpttlral \tnrk altd lnll paintlng\ nit eamax It} (ierlllan arlet .-\ll\t'llll Re} le.

0 Martin Boyce l‘rl " \la) l‘ll -1 ill”. l)t'\Pllt‘ l‘t‘lllf.‘ I'L‘Pl’t‘V‘lllt‘tl l‘} lllt‘ \ltttlt‘l'll llNlItite Inr mall) _\ear\. llll\ markx .\lartln lit!) (CS lll\l \ttltl \ltnu llt‘l‘t‘. lh‘u‘lnptttg ltlt‘;t\ l'rnm and tlxlng lll\ aeelalmed 3H0:

Necklace by Sarah Keay, on show at Dazzle, Princes Square

'l'ramua} e\ltiltitinn ax a \l;tt‘llttj_‘ point. Hit) ee \lttm \ ;I \L‘I'IL‘\ til I’L‘lIIlL'tl \L‘lllpllll't‘S. bringing an e\plielt lttlittatt prtweltee iittn the imagined park. See pre\ie\‘. and llitllxt. NI ‘.'.' SI l0\.'.'


l3 Kittgx ('nurI. King Street. 553 24th). l)ail_\ linnlt midnight.

Inclusion Not Exclusion l-‘ri 3t) Apr Stilt 3t) .\la_\. .'\lt e\ltiltitinn nl pnlitieal [tt’lttlx \etllpture and l'urlttttlre h} lidinhtil'glthaxed artixtx Bl'};lll ('larke. (iregnr l.nuden and Brian .\lel'eel'\. NE ‘.'.' Bl l( )‘.'.


Ill \Ve\t (iL‘ttt‘gL‘ Slt't‘el. 3—13 0755.

.\lnlt l‘ri lllam 5pm.

Scottish Paintings I'mtl l‘ri 3t) Apr. .\ \eleetinn nl Senttixh paintingx lrnnt lSSl) ltt WINCH! tl;t_\.

From Cameron to Conroy: Drawings and Etchings In 7 thin 37 .\la_\. :\ \eleetinn nl' drau ing\ and eteltingx h} DY ('altternlt and Stephen ('nlti'n}.

Messengers of Summer l’ri " ‘I‘hu 37 Ma}. l’alntiltgx nit a \llllllllt‘l' theme h} a xeleetinn nl artlxtx ilteltlding the Senttixh (‘nlntlrixlx (ienl'ge l.e\lle Hunter. .\laelauehlin .\lilne. (tar) .-\ndei\nn and HlltL‘l'\.


lliglt Street. SS") .‘IS I. 'l‘tle Sat

Illam 5pm; Stilt 2pm 5pm.

Weaving Stories l'nIil Still 2" Jun. .-\ Inuring e\hiltitlnlt nl' enntempnrar) eral't\ h} Ill ililtmatit e dexlglterx unrklng in Britain Inda}. e\plnring Ilte malt} lnrtth nl' \\L‘;l\ lltg.

Paisley Art Institute 1 16th Annual Exhibition Sat 8 .\l.i_\ Sun (1 Jun. .'\lllll|;tl e\ltihitinn lrnnt thi\ lnltg extaltlixhed art nrgaltlxatlnn. Nl St IOU].


.itt \Vaxltiltfilnn Street. 331 3l33. .\lnlt l‘ri ‘lam 5pm.

Exhibitivn l‘lttll lit [-1 Ma}. .'\ll e\hihilinlt nl' lte\\ \tnrk h} l‘nur at'lixt\. Mark (‘ampltell \lltt\\\ large digital prlntx e\.intmiltg tltemex nl~ l'ear. threat. greed and lll\l. ('raig l’eaenek depletx landxeapex nl plaee and pelxnnal idelttit}. .lnltlt l‘err} '\ \tnrk are pnetie L‘\Pltll';lllt\ll\ nl' landxeape and lirnextn \';i/ e\plnre\ enlntlr and light Iltrntlglt the medium nl' paint.