Art listings

City Art Centre continued

Raw Talent: 100 Years of Scottish Art l'ntil Sat 30 Inn. A \eleetion ol' \wt‘k tlt';i\\it l'rom the eit_\ '\ art eolleetioti Ieaturing \\Ul'I\\ h} (‘adell. l‘ergttxxon. Bellan}. Mae'l'aggart and .\lo_\tia I'Iannigan.

Northern Light I'ntil Sat It) Inn. On \Ittm tor the tirxt time. a dixpla} ol \\ot'k\ Irom the cit} \ pliotograpliie eolleetion l'eattiring \\ol'Ik\ It} Hill and Adamxon. ()\\ en I.ogan. \Vend) .\Ie.\lurdo. l’atrieia .\Iaedonald and (’alum (‘ol\ in.


33 3S (‘oekhurn Street. 33‘) |3(iII. 'I'ue Sat noon 5pm.

Harald Thys and Jos De Gruyter Sat I Sat 3‘) Ma}. Video \\UI'I\\ It} Belgian diio Ilarald Iii-xx and .on l)e (iru_\tet'. NI SI I( )‘.“.. Photocopies Sat I Sat 3‘) Ala}. .-\ Iit'xt St‘olltxli \Ito“ llol‘ I3t‘tt\\t‘I\—Ixt\cd dl'IlSIS dtio Simona lienteolia and IN) I’ro\oo\t. NI ‘.'./ SI I( )‘.'..


4| I)lllttI;t\ Street. 557' 450‘). Mon I'ii III 30am 5.30pm; Sat Ill.3llaiii 5pm. Catriona Campbell l‘niil \Ved S Ma}. A mi\ed \Iio\\ ol paintings ineliiding landxeapex and Iigurati\ e \IlItIIL'S.

DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE .3 l)oune 'I‘ert‘aee. 335 7IS‘). .\lon I‘rt 0am 5pm; Sat Ilaiii 3pm.

Eftersyn - Time Check l'iitil iii to Apt. A \ut'\e_\ ol' the nork ol' Danish photographer Ilenrik Sa\gren uho. Since the (\IIS. It;t\ Pt‘otlllt't‘tl pol'lt'uiIS. doeutiientar} and photographie leaturex.

Kaspar Bonnen \\'etl I2 .\Ia_\ \\‘et| 3t) .lttii. Young I);ltll\Il painter Kaxpar Boiinen reuorkx e\et'_\da) llIoIIIS in thix e\hiltition ol' paintings. NI ‘.‘.' SI I()‘.',’_


Bellord Road. 034 0300 treeorded inlormalion 333 33(ioi. .\Ion \Ved tk l-‘ri Stiii Illam 5pm1'l'hu loam 7pm. (‘RII-L‘.

The 19605 I'iitil .\Ion 3 .\Ia_\. I‘i'ee. A tli\Pla,\ ot‘ \\oi‘k\ Ironi the S.\‘(i.\IA\ eolleetion Ieaturing \Nol‘k\ It} Rn} I.IL‘IIIL‘II\IL‘III. I);t\itl IIoL‘letL‘). Bl'ltlgt‘l Rile} and Iiduardo I’aoIo/Ii.

Max Ernst’s Books t'ntil Sun 27 Inn. A tIprItt} ol illuxtrated hookx It} .\Ia\ lirnxt ranging Il'ottt Ill\ lit'\l eollahorationx uitli poet I’aul Iiltiat'd in W33 to I’urttnttI/u'x. published iii I‘)(i7.

DUNDAS STREET GALLERY (ta I)tmda\ Street. 55S 0303. .\Ion I'i'i Illani (rpm; Sat Itlam 4pm.

John Lowrie Morrison: Memories of Iona Sat I Sat l5 .\la_\. A solo \Iio“ ol~ tic“ Seottixh landxeape paintings It} .Iolonio.


74 Laurixton I’Iaee. 33I (i()()().

.\lon 'I‘liti Illam Spin; I‘ri Sat

Illain 3pm.

A1 Korea I'ntil In 31) Apr. An e\ehaiige e\hiltition \xith art students Irom Korea. Artists’ Books t'titil 't‘hu Ma}. A eoIleetion ol' inno\ati\ e hook Iiindingx It} Iidinliurgh (’ollege oI' Art \llltlt‘llh. Tralfamadore and Trilobites t'nttl Sat I5 Ma}. A \llt'\L"\ e\hihition ot' \toi'k In ('arla l’oitide\ter atid Ke\iii Ilat‘aii.

0 ECA Fashion Show \Ved I2 Hi 14 Ala}. U5. The annual Iidmhui'gli ('ollege ol Art la\hion \Ito\\ It‘dllll'ing‘ the \tork ol 35 graduating liixliioii. pei‘lormant'e. eoxtume and te\tile student» Reeent \llL't‘t‘\\L'\ Illt‘IlltIL‘ IAIItISL') St'oll. “Ito \\oli the 'I'opxliop High Street Ii\eellenee Award. and Yong llei I‘ong. \tmner ol the 3lltl3 'I‘opxliop (-UIICCIIUII ol' Ilit‘ YCIII'. SIIC It;t\

,ltlxt Iatmehed a eollet‘lion lot the shop's

Boutique range. I'or more iiiIormation \ee \i“xtt'axiiionxhoxx See Shopping

and IIitItxt. t\§ S? "I


3lla I)unda\ Street. 557 5llll3. .\Ioii I‘t't Ilatii 5pm; Sat Illam lpm.

Mixed Exhibition t'ntil the 4 .\t;i_\. I-iguratn e. sea and landxeape [IttlltllllgN It} Ila/el ('adimore. Angela Rei|l_\ and Iiua Irena l’olanek.

Robert John MacMillan Sat .\ 'I'ue 35 .\Ia). A \Ilo\\ ol reeent poitraitx It} Rohert .loliii .\lae.\ltllan iti\pti'etl h} t'I;l\\lt‘.lI teehnitiuex.


33 l'tiion Street. 55" 34“). 'I'ue Sat

Illam optn

Catherine Stewart Copernican Notes I'ntil Sat 33 \la}. An e\lithition ol photo etehtngx inxpn'ed h} (’operniettx‘ It't‘dllu‘ iii \thieh he extaltlixhed tliat the Still “ax tlte eentre ol planetary motion. Norman Ackroyd - The Celtic Islands I‘iitil Sat 33 \la). Iitehmgx ol the utld Iandxeapex limit the ('eItie ixlandx oI Seotlaiid and Ireland.


('orxtorphine Road. 33491-4 ‘laiit (rpm. Natural Selection l'tittl Sun 2 Ala}. Annual e\hihition ot' \\ot'h\ It} \tall and

\olunteerx at Iidmhtirgh /,oo.


SS |.othian Road. 33‘) 5033.

Ticket to Ride I'titil Sat 3‘) Ma}. A \Iiort \tor} in photographs ot' \olo tourney undertaken It} .\'a/lt ‘Iahatahat aeroxx Britain.


45 Market Street. 33.5 3333. .\Ion Sat

I Iaiii (rpm; Sun noon 5pm.

Louise Bourgeois: Stitches in Time l'ntil Stiii ‘) Ala}. I‘t'ee. I.a\t ehanee to see the lil'xl major [K \lll'\t‘} ol “otk It) the ieonie l‘reiieh ttl'Ile I.olll\L' Bourgeois. ('urated It} I‘raneex .\Iorri\ atid on tour Irom I.\l.\IA in I)tthlm. the e\hthition

Glasgow Print Studio Gallery

8 May - l9 June 2004

(n. t" . .l Solus - from the Gaelic Light An exhibition of invited artists celebrating the Glasgow wide Buddhist festival Solus (:i:(" . The Mechanics of Making etchings by John Fitzpatrick

96 THE LIST. w'tz' ' t‘.":

Ieaturex t\\o suites ol etehingx Irom W47 and WW) and a group ol' \L‘\\tl. upholstered doll-like figures and huxtx \xhieh t‘elei'enee her ehildhood. the dominant theme in her \xork. Altliottgli the I’arix-horn artixt has been \IIU“ ing her art lor titan} deeadex. \he It;t\ onl} heen lull} recognised later in life. In l‘)tS3. \he Iteeame the lirxt “olnan to It;t\t' it t‘t‘ll’oxlk‘t'liu‘ in NO“ Yot'kN .\ltt\eum ot Modern Art atid / Do. I ( iii/u. lRt't/l'. “as the inaugural III\I;lII;tllolI in tlte 'I'urltine Ilall ol' Tate Modern Ill 3000.

{,'\\\,l t,l‘.'\i\t,! 't/?){2


33a I)undax Street. 556 3|Sl, .\lon l‘i't llam (3pm; Sat Ill.3llam 4pm.

Spring Mixed Exhibition (Part 1) [Nil Sat I Ala}. A \eIeetion ol' painting\ and original prints It} galler) artixlx Irom Seotland and abroad plus t‘t‘l'dllllt'S.

ieu eller}. eiigi‘a\ ed glaxx. sculpture. te\tile\ and Rll\\l;tlt L'l'tlIIHUI'k.

Cats and Other Animals Sat 8 Sat 3‘) \la). Annual mi\ed e\liihilion ol' antmal [AitlllIIIIg‘S It} regular gallei‘} e\hthitor\ lrom Seotland atid altroad. Spring Mixed Exhibition (Part II) Sat .\ Sat 3‘) Ma}. The \eeond part ot' the galler} \ mi\ed \[tl'lllg‘ \Ito\\ Ieaturmg \\ork\ h} galler} arti\t\ meltidmg laiidseapex. ~ti|l lil'e. \eaxeapex. floral and Iigtiraine paintingx.


34 Aheieromlt} Plate. 555 0533. Mon l'ri Illam (tptii; Sat llIani «lpin. Avant-Garde Printmaking from the 505 and 603 I'tittl \Ved 3 .Itiii. A \L‘It‘t‘llolt ol printmaking Iront the 5m and Mix including \xoz'kx Ii} Ilenr} ('Iilit'. l.e (‘orhuxieiz .\Iiehael Rollienxtein. Hen .\'ieol\oii and ('lttloi‘d I‘.III\.


o (’ai‘ltoii 'I'erraee. 55o 444 I. lite Sat ItIam 5pm.

Thomas Joshua Cooper - Rock Water Wood l'titil Sat S Ma}. .\'e\\ pliotographie \\ot‘k\ It} otie ol' the most eeleltrated landscape photographerx. 'l’homax .Io\Illl;t (‘oopeii i'xing aii antique lield eamera. he pinpottitx a Ioeatiott on a map. traekx tt donn and then photographx lI. 'l‘hix tie“ liod} ol painterl}. \ergmg oti ahuraet. titiagex meltidex PIt‘Ittl'C\ ol' the \ottl't‘t‘ ol the Rnt‘t‘ North I‘ixk. the Hudson Rn er and the wuree stream ol' the I‘orth as n \I‘III\ into I.ot‘It ('lion in the 'I‘t'ovat‘ltx .I‘xSY

INSTITUT FRANCAIS D’ECOSSE I3 Randolph ('l't‘u‘t‘nl. 33.5 5300.

.\Ion “ed A I’m 0.3(Iam 5.3llltm; 'I‘hu noon 5.30pm; Sat 9.30am 3pm.

Sport and Literature t'ntit tit 3n Apr. An e\|ithition doeumenting the trihutex paid to \port It} numerous I’t'eneh \\t'iter\.

Artistic Exchanges t-‘rt Sat 3‘) Ma}. An e\hihitton ol \ItII\ It} third _\eat' \IlltIt‘ltI\ ol the photograph} department at Iidinhiirgh ('ollege ot' Art,


4 (i \orlh Bank Street. The Mound. 33h 480”. Mon Sat Illam (rpm; Sun

noon 4pm.

Mixed Show I'ntil Mon 34 Ala). I’aintingx It} ('armeii Anihro/e\ teh. (‘at'ol'\n IIttt'I‘iell and I.l/ .\Ie(’arth_\. ieneller} It} .\laleolm Appleh}. \tood h} Angth ('I}ne atid glaxx h} .\like Ihinter.


05 The Shore. leith. 553 5355. lite I‘ri llatii 5pm; Sat llam 4pm.

A Visual Feast t'nttl Sat .\' Ala}. Paintings. eet'amies atid ienellet‘} tnxpit'ed It} tood and drink It) \;tt'loll\ ttl‘II\I\. Natalie Kamm l'titil Sat S Ma}. (‘eraiiiiex


3S 30 ten} Road. 53‘) 551“. Mon ’I'hti ltIam Spin; l'ri Illam 5pm; Sat ‘Iam lpm. Cover Story t'iitil tn 2! .\Ia_\. .\ \eleetion tiom tt\t‘| 5H hook eo\ei\ Ieaturmg photogiaphx It} I’aul 'l'urnei'.


S3 Broughton Stieet. 55S S‘TS'. \\'ed Sat noon (rpm.

Mixed Show A ehanging \L‘IL‘L‘IIUII ol \toi’k It} 3(Itli eentur} ilI'IISIx ('urt‘ent \toek includes \tol'kx It} Jo (ianter. RoIt Maelaurin. Bruee .\Iel.ean. Roland I‘raser. I)a\ id (‘iroxxarL (‘altim .\'i\en. I’hilip RCL'\C\ and John Piper.


Bellord Road. (\34 03”“ tl't't‘ol‘tlt‘tl tnt‘ortiiation 333 330m. .\lon \Ved tk

I-‘ri Sun Iliant 5pm; ‘I‘hu lilam ~ptii. ('ate. 0 Lucian Freud: Etchings 1946-2004 I'iitil Stiii l3 Jun. [3 tL3ll eliildren under l3 tree. The lirxt e\ er I'K museum \Ittm dt‘tlit‘dlt‘d lo the It'\\t‘t‘ kllo\\ll printmaking \\ol'k\ It} one ot the norldx' greatest l't‘;lIl\l painterx. I.ueian I‘t'eud. 'I‘he ediihition l'eattit'ex met on original eteliingx dating lrom the I‘)4II\ ultieh \\ ere xmall in xeale and \er_\ detailed. mirroring his paintingx at that time to the more tree and amhitioux [II'IIIIS ol' the I‘)Sn\ onuardx. like his paintings. man} ol the \Htl'kS Iot‘lh on the human figure hut ttI\o tnelttde \IlltIlt‘x or nature. (inn/tit in Hill/(T heing an impressix e e\ample. Alan} ol the etehingx relate to painting\ and \ tee \erxa and III\ appt‘oaeli to the medium is similar to III\ paintingx. handling the etehing plate like a t';ttl\'.t\ attd di'au ing trom the \itter iii t'i'ont ol' liiiti See in ie\\ and IIIIIISI.

Ben Nicholson and the St Ives School l'titil Sun I3 .Itm. I’ree. An e\|iihition lookitig at the Iotig and prolilie eareei‘ ol' Ben Nielittlxoii I IS‘H I‘)S3t “Ito t\ aekntm ledged l'or lia\ ing had a greater tiil'luenee on the de\elopnient ol ahxti'aet art than an} other liritixli itl'IISI. ‘I‘he \Iiou l'eaturex o\ er 5() uorkx trotn the galler} \ permanent eolleetion Irom throughout Iil\ career and \\ot'k\ I‘} Itt\ SI I\L‘\ eontempttrai‘ies. I‘roin IIIS \llI‘IIt'. delieate reltelS to \eiiii-ahxtraet \IIII Illt'\ and landxeapex. highlighh inelude \Valton \Vood ('onage no I t I‘)(t.\'i atid ./tutt I‘I/il turt't'n uo/tlt'l (HUI Mitt \t/tutrt I.

After Hours - Curator’s Tour Hut 3‘) Apr. (rpm. I‘ree. A pt'ogi'aiiime ol' attet galler} hours e\ent\ Ieaturmg a tour ot' the Ben Nieholxoii e\hiI\itioii \xith etiratoi' Aliee Stt‘ang.

St Ives: A Personal Insight .\Ion .1 .\Ia_\. I3.45pm. l‘i'ee. l‘reelanee etti'ator .Iamex ('o\\on gl\t‘\ a talk on the SI I\t‘\ St'ltool ol ttl‘li\l\.


Iltt‘ Mound. (\34 030” tt‘t‘t‘ot'dt‘d intortuation 333 330m. .\lon \Ved tk

I’t'i Sitti llIam 5pm; 'I‘hu loam "pm. DY Cameron Etchings l‘ntil Sun (t .Iun. I)ra\\ti Irom the permanent eolleetton. an ediihition ot' prints It} the Itext knoxi n eteher ol' the (ilaxgou Sehool. Sir I)a\ id Young ('ameroii t 1an I945 I, 'Ihe \hou leatures o\ er 3t) uorkx tneludtng etehmgx ol‘ the to“ It\ in Northern I‘i‘anee and Belgium. arehiteetui'al \IlltIIt‘\ and \ ten \ ot IIIL‘ SL'oIIISII Highlands.

The Marne at Chennevieres by Camille Pissarro I-‘ii .\ta_\. I345pm. l‘t'ee. Art historian Ailxa ‘I'ut'iier tI|\Cll\\k'\ ('amille I’ixxari‘o‘x painting.

After Hours - Director’s Choice IIIU I3 Ala}. (rpm. rm. As part ol the programme ol’ alter galler} hours e\ent\. Sir 'I‘tmoth) ('Iill'ord. dii'eetoi‘ genetal ol- the National (iallet'lex ol Scotland. \Il\t‘ll\\t‘\ one or hix la\ottrtte \xorkx in the eolleetion. lint/me .llmt \ It} (iio\antii Hattixla 'I'iepolo.


(it'ot'gt' IV lit'ldgt'. 33h 453I. .\Ion Sal Illam 5pm; Sttti 3 5pm.

The Four O’Clock Friends t‘ntil .\loti III .\la_\. I‘i'ee. Seleeted material tioiii the “mid lattiotix \ltit'i'a} Arehn e ol l5ll.llllll tlt‘llh goes on tltxpla} tor the Ill'\l tittie. Ieaturmg the original I)a\id

I.l\ ingxlone niaiiuxertpt. Mum/it t‘ or (III lat/it t/tlioit Io [lit /tlIII/’t'\l um! I!\