“0'” I mm“ ohstrnately (:hrId-Irke i‘./o\./ager‘. Sivan/r lll

Lover draws; outstandrng



' ., ,- hero. a part

r)er‘s;onrl:<:atron oi the

l)(}l'l()l'll‘.(tlt(l(ii; from a

BENZINA rs;r‘-". gong to appea f: populatron of Dan/rg yer“; frne <:as;t. I‘hrs; DVD (15) 90min an on 'ier as ()‘.'(:I‘.'."ll(2|llt(}(l hy the ehh rn<:|udes; an enlrghtenrng rlvlrllrvrres; Multrrnedra Dyiar trogr: s; t "s: ' t and flow of \.<\.'\"t/||. More and entertarnrng

DVD r‘etarli O. pronaol‘», prefer a hr‘at than r<:-\.'o|utronar‘,. rnteryrew ‘.'.v’rth hrn‘.



T‘.'.'o nuhrle grrls; are s;ha(:ked up together at a gas; s;tatron. one of then‘ may have just (:ornn‘rtted rnatrrr‘rde and now they need to get rid of the hody

The rngredrents; are all there for a tens;e. sexy. road ltl()\.“r(3-(:()lti(}-lllr’!l|er'. Sadly. Ben/Ina never gets; out of second gear ‘.'.'hrle drggrng rts; ()‘.'.’!‘. partreular Hutu/em". Creatures; meets; The/Ina and Louise lurrox'.‘. Style ‘.'.'rs;e rt's; s;|r<:k and s;t‘;.'lrs;ed. hut too darnn rnoody. and even the odd Irek of Ies;hrah lore

proper. Ilia? t"e

a' :;..ti (as. t.Je hr dues.

John Goeunta". Penelope CHM. .Ies;s;'<:a I.a"ge. ‘.'.'::..'ld he spares) a at of tune and ernr)arras;s;rnent. Ricardo Atexar‘aer III



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In.» of the living and Dcwnoitbc Dad Doyotth 0nd

ililtitlr €1Il(l[)(.".".’.'l oft/re Dead Itil'tii .'.'rll rhlurrale lovers; of George Ro'r‘ero's; seri‘rha' /on‘hre rrto‘.'res;. ()nl". Day of :I're Dean hit-35': rs; presented in all Its; ‘.'.'rde s;(:reen glory: hut the hex sets; extras; <:ons;rs;t o‘ a rag hag or an<:rent. amateurish (lo(:u'r‘-::rita'j. 'r‘aterral. Inrs; :;o ealled Jiti‘th

,r- " if '1‘ [ I‘lr)".“‘ .r(4',r. (/1 .‘ 1(11 (41:1

/\r\.rr:‘s.ers;ar“. I d;tron oi rs; a s;hoddrl'. re edrted and re s;<:oreti aho'r‘rnatron.

=n<torporating rs; 'I‘r'lllltif‘

of poorly rntegra'.»:;:i ll-(E'IJ footage enl, ir‘, excising a swwrar a'riou'it of orrgrnal "‘éii-iL-l'itr. Atheugh I):I|€:«LI£‘1§;TII(: Director's; (Jul. Dan.“ .;.‘ .'"2} [)t’}; s;e<:or‘:is; oi s;rn::e It;

irratateci DESI (I (:1rts;. as;

aetron farls; to hit the r‘-'=I-'>;‘-s;v';-’: t< ' .. i. .zs3ual effects; 'nan Io'r‘ frlrn’s; rnoros;e s;elf— air... ‘.-., ' ).' ".(; r Saam ;;()'.'llf; out rr‘. hzs; eons;<:rotis;nes;s;. 'I‘lL a. r i - (l()'l“".‘-f:llizi'".. Ihe

Disar )r )orntrng


:;t,le extras; are

iRuth Hedgesh I" rr‘a'irgz t ; as; fizrf as; ’I"-f}il Hoot ‘;t,-.,'I ; D-I rr ' It .' Io'r‘ Drones;r‘a'r‘s;na::nLe {WI/\N‘SRl IURN . .. .. . MASKED AND ' " :;-. {r'f)' s :i:,:.r'r:e'..ar, (their; ANONYMOUS . l..,£'..'t, a' .r «.r‘ .‘.’rgrt.' o." .‘h‘e l meg Deau (12)106min : anr ' -‘.'.rth (:(i'Y"Y‘-Z}l‘.lf; f'o'r BBC \A/Orrgt-Jlge (..uf;f;.fi ar‘.'r‘-:;~ ::"a fa"‘<;.;s; fa'rs; Iohe Puhlrshrhg DVD retarll Varr‘rrr‘eH.r'1t<,-r D Ii . 2' Hooper. Sa'r‘ Rarrr‘r. ‘i.'.'es; .Jaekrrxrr‘ le"fis; His; '.;; t:-:: Craner‘ et all rs; a ‘,t‘..‘.’l‘..

‘Vu/hat .s; ths; 8nd?" (-‘ire'i Mar<:us;' ian‘ousy,’ asked guestron at Dylan's; Self Portia/f apurn corld easrl‘,’ apply to I arrg, )naries; l/lasked arrd xieoryyrnous;. Hs; l3i;l).’l€3i3$3 r; ays; Jilth late. a .egertdarj,’ rnusm ritrde "(;|<}£tf;t}(l ironi (Etll te oer"<)r"ri a ner‘ef'f eoneer". :r: a ‘.'./ar-torn apoeary'ptis: a'd \.-’\.I’hat ‘olzows; :s; "03"“!{l53l10l'30’Rillltll‘, d,s;gurs;ed vehrele for D,ian and nzs; hand.

(1000 as; the, are. if: s;

to this; tale of .Jerx, £i"(l H,de ‘.:>::e<i r2. HOILIT-f: (If: trar‘e on '."<; s;'.r-::-:,-'_s:, :1‘ :2 :i I (:rxtio'r.

. U1“ .. In) y(:\,(,.I{,|/.)\/\A'.,

Roi. I :‘u'rikes;'2; herirnd the s;<;enes; doeu'rienta'”. al>eut the lrl'nrng [)a‘xgrr o." :“e Dead is; onlj. 'r‘argrrall‘, rr‘or‘e rritt:r<:-s;trhg. I Ixrng death

()s;kar ‘.'.'res;tles; nu'rth the eontr'adretrons; presented h; the Irn‘rtatrons; of hrs; s;r/e and a eornpuls;ron to disrupt and r'.‘anrpuiate the ‘.'.rorld around DIII’. \Ileax'rng effortlessly hetrxeen hrs;‘.or‘, and fantasy the polrtr<:al and erotre v.'.rrth l)l(3(3()(il()tlf3 flarr. drreetor Volker Sehlondoril



r\r‘\./rllran‘ Parrsh.


STUCK ON YOU (12A) 114min

r?()th Century Fox VI IS DVD rental retarl;


No.1 rule of (:ornedy: when you've got a ‘.'.rrnnrng iorrnula. s;tr(:k ‘.'.’Illl rt. The Farrelly Brothers; kll()‘.'.’ this; hetter than anyone. /\iong ‘.'.'rth Kingpin and lire/"es; Sornetlrrng

Ahout I-‘/l(3/".". this; rs; easily;

one of therr heat. Srarnes;e t‘.'.'rns;. <:elehrrt‘;. (:ulture and s;rnal| tons/n ll‘x'llltl all (:orhe under their s;.(:k yet unznrstakahl‘,‘ ‘.'.'arrn ga/e thrs; trrne round. As; usual. the rokes; rnrs;s; as;

THE EMPEROR’S CUT JEREMY THOMAS, producer of one of the most successful independently made European films ever, tells Miles Fielder why he’s issuing for the first


time the original four-hour cut of THE LAST E

much as; they hrt hut thrs; rs; worth (:atehrng for the appearance of Seymour ()as;s;el t[he Royal la!then/mums) as; (:r‘ooked agent lvlort D'Rerlly and the s;us;tarned performance of Greg Krr‘near as; the Fryer deprrxed tx'xrn to Matt Darnon's; Boh Ilrlarious; rn parts. the rrnpres;s;:\.'e features; rhelude three featurettes; the hes;t oi \.'."nr<:h rs; lf‘s; / tinny: llie lane/ii; For/hula and a ver'j. funny hlooper reel. Pure no hrarner eornedg. 'Paui Dale»


Originally released in 1987, The Last Emperor still stands as a landmark in independent European filmmaking. Budgeted at a then staggering $20m, the British/French/ltalian co-production went on to win all nine of the Oscars it

e" Si:<.‘(>.‘)j,' Dos). Ims; 5; rs; too good for the was nominated for. It was also the beginning of an extraordinarily fruitful ta" ‘rfxri -::s;s;e"t a ‘.'.'.‘.I‘ creators; of this; létll‘.(‘:. relationship between director Bernado Bertolucci and producer Jeremy

extras; 'Ifjl..f2"rtl 'r‘zmng o" (it/:u'rier‘tares; an“:

'. dew ga're p"-:;-‘.r-:;.'.':;.

I :;' r:<.'r‘piet.s;ts; :,"'..

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(18) 335mm approx l/\rr<:hor Ba, DVD Retail O.

/\h olqeet I(:f;f;(;ll .n hos. NDI to paekagt: 'rorrm (:ias;s;rr;s;. thrs; four diet: pox s;et rs; an .nr;.rlt to an. rlrs;<:ernrng homer tan. lllt:l)tllf;llt:lt:~’l censured '.ers;ro'rs; of

,'_','t;/‘! :)"' I'm] '.';"_t,' [)ert'lt)

la/[. tr‘a‘.'es;t;.. ‘Shoot en in the hrarnf'

INrgeI I It)‘,<lu.

I [IRON AN l.I/'\(}I(Z

“I [\l ISM


(15) 136min

‘Nouv.eau l ntertarn'rent DVD retail. 0...

Oak-yr. a «timid and a self oi;s;et;s;ed pors;on gnon‘e. heats; the eponynious; (llllll‘ and s;<:rearns; hrs; glass; s;hatterrng rage at the nagar'res; ol adult deeert and the pornp and hlus;ter of Na/rs;rn. Ihe eleven year old l)(l‘.l(l Denhent rs; hrrllrant as. (iuhter (‘vasnf

Thomas, who together went on to make The Sheltering Sky, Little Buddha, Stealing Beauty and, most recently, The Dreamers. The Last Emperor, however, remains their crowning achievement. ‘In terms of everything, enjoyment, audience response, financial gain, I never got near there again, probably never will,’ says Thomas. ‘Lightning doesn’t strike twice.’

Maybe not, but 17 years after it was made, audiences are finally getting the chance to see the film as Bertolucci and Thomas originally made it, in its four-hour cut. As Thomas explains, in order to get the film to a wide audience they had to trim it down to two and three quarter hours, but now, with the advent of DVD, they are issuing the original cut for the first time. In this sense, Thomas argues, it’s not the kind of director’s cut modern day cineastes are used to. ‘If the director’s pissed off with the version that went out, he reassembles it,’ he says. ‘That’s not the case with The Last Emperor.’

How does Thomas account for the film’s spectacular success? ‘It’s a fantastic story,’ he says. ‘The son of heaven, the absolute ruler of China, Emperor Pu Yi, ruler of a quarter of the world’s population, dies a gardener in the botanical gardens. Can you believe that story? Mao supposedly said: “They’ll tell this story for years; it’ll be big in the West some day.” It’s all true. And we went into Manchuria and shot it.’

And now you can see everything Bertolucci and Thomas committed to film.

I lire l (15;! / mower

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.‘.:. .‘ -'- THE LIST 103