Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Against the Ropes I 12A» 0

((‘harlcx l)tttton. l'S. IOU-Ii .\Icg R}an. ()mar Iippx. ('harch I)utton. I I Imin. Baxcd on thc truc xlor} oi Jackic Kallon. thix ix thc biopic oi thc moxt xucccxxiul icmaIc boxing managcr in Iiixtor}, \\ ho. at onc timc. had 'I‘omm)’ ‘thc hit man‘ IIcarnx ax a clicnt. But thix ix no Raging Bull. In iact. it‘x \xorxc than Rm‘k‘t' 5. ax Ryan dixco\ crx a raxt xtrcct iightcr and turnx him into a uorld bcatcr and ltcrxcli into a mcdia uhorc. Iixcr} \toman-in-a-man‘x-\\orld clichc ix Iicrc committcd to chlquid. 'l’hix ix thc boxing mox'ic at itx moxt xcntimcntal and iakc. Sc/t’t’ln/ I'(’l('(l.\(’.

Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London tI’(iI o «chin .'\Ilcn. t'S. 3004i I’rank'ic .\Iuni/. Anthony .v\ndcrxon. Hannah Spcarritt. ItKImin. 'I‘hix iccblc .xcqucl to Iaxt ycar‘x hardl} o\'cr\\hclmittg action comcd) ior kidx xccx thc ('I:\-traincd ('od) poxing ax a muxicaI prodig} in ordcr to join an intcrnational )outh orchcxtra \xhoxc arixtocratic xponxor ix plotting to unlcaxh a mind-control dc\ icc on \xorld Icadcrx gathcring at Buckingham I’alacc. 'I'hcrc arc roch ior Kcith Allcn. oi bat in iamc. ax a roguc agcnt. l’aul Ka} c ax a tca- drinking. (‘)-t}pc boiiin and Mark \Yilliamx ax a bliixtcring policc chici. \onc oi thcm. though. addx much in thc \\;t_\ oi \\ it or cxcitcmcnt to a limp axxignmcnt. (Mum .-II 'l'ltt' Qllut, (i/uwrm;

Asa Nu Mann Watna Da uhci tManmohan Singh. India/('anada. 2004i Ilat‘hajan Mann. :\rxh\ ir Baht a. Kirandccp Kimmi. Punjabi Ianguagc romantic muxical drama that dcpictx “hat happcnx to thoxc

\\ ho rcturn to thcir homcland aitcr a prolongcd abxcncc abroad. Bcautiiull} xhot in India and (’anada. thix icaturcx aImoxt (ll) ncu tuncx that \inI ha\ c )ou laughing.

cr) ing and gctting all cmotional. ('(‘l. (lyric/Mink.

At Five in the Afternoon (Panj E A8?) tl't .0. (Santira Makhmalbai. I‘rancc/Iran. 3003i :\ghc|ch Rc/aic. Abolgani Youxcira/i. Ra/i .\Iohchi. ltloinitt. 'I‘hc Taliban ha\ c lch and Kabul Iicx in ruinx. .-\ dctcrmincd )oung \xoman. .\'oqrch tRc/aici. drcamx oi bccoming prcxidcnt oi Aighanixtan and rccci\cx cnci)uragcmcnt irom a rcccntl} rcturncd poct t.\Iohcbi I. But Noqrch'x traditionalixt iathcr t Youxcira/i I. docx not c\'cn k’nou. that hix daughtcr attcndx chxonx at an aII-icmalc xccular xchool. .-\nd it‘x thix patriarch u ho inxixtx that thc iamil} join him on trck out oi thc Cit} and into lltc tchCt‘t. l’t‘ccociottx Makhmalhai'x aIIcgoricaI account oi poxt- Taliban cxixtcncc. pro\ iding a \ i\ id portrait oi a xhattcrcd countr} tcntatiwl} cmcrging irom itx coIIccti\ c nightmarc. I'Itimatcl} chx dramatically cohcrcnt and com incing

Falkirk Town Hall

Tues 78th May

Big Fish (PG)

CUPPA at 7030 for 77 OOdm

SCREAM SCREEN at I for I 30pm <9 7 30pm

En 2 lst May James & The Giant Peach (PG)

Tues 25th May A Mighty Wind (PG) SCREAM SCREEN at I for 7 30pm 8r 7 30pm


Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

28 TllE LIST 't:-;r 22/ m... ma:

than thix lilmmakcr'x prc\ ioux \Hti'lx. Illm'A/mun/x. dcxpitc amplc lcndcrncxx and humour. \Yinncr oi lhc (irand Jur} I’ri/c at (‘anncx I‘ilni I'cxli\al. l‘i/nt/Inuu'. l'.i/iII/tlll'g'/I.

Bad Education (La Mala Educacién) t ISI ..... tI’L‘tIl'o :\Ittiodo\at'. Spain. 2004i (iacl (iarcia Bcrnal. I‘clc .\Iartinc/. I)anicI (iimcnc/ (‘acho. I.Itiix llomar. ltl5min. Scc rc\ic\\. pttgt‘ 2-1. .Yt'lt’t'lt’i/ I‘t’lt'uu’.

Beauty and the Beast (La Belle Et La Béte) tl’(ii .0... than (‘octcau. I'rancc. I040) Jcan .\Iaraix. .oncttc I)a_\. .\Iarccl .»\ndrc. .\Iila I’arcl}. \anc (icrnion. .\Iichc| :\uclair. Raoul .\Iarco. 03min. ('octcau'x xccond icaturc iiIm taitcr ‘l‘lu' Blum/ n/ I/u' l’ru'll ix purc magic. ('hrixtian llcl'at‘tI'x Iantaxtic xcl tIL‘xtg‘tt xct ncu xtandardx in thc look oi iantax} With and ('octcau'x drcam}. crccp}. ultimatcl} tragic intcl'pt'clation oi tltc cIaxxic talc ix ottc oi thc rarc caxcx \xhcrc a lilmmakcr ltitx thc right tonc call} in a film and managcx to xuxtain it. Ra\ ixhing and dixturbing. thch roch haunch .\Iaraix and Da} to thcir d) ing da}x. I‘orgct I)ixtic} lakc _\otlt' kid to xcc lltix inxtcatl. (il'nl. (iluxgmi.

Billy Elliot I I5! 0... (Stcphcn I);tItIl'_\. I'k. 2()tl()i Jamic Bcll. Julic \Yaltcrx. (iat'_\ I.L‘\\lx. I Illilili. Bill} thlli lindx rclcaxc irom Iiic'x daiI) drudgcr}. through ballct dancing. .'\x unlikcl} a Icixurc purxuit ax that might bc ior a tccnagc ho} grou ing tip in thc rcccxxion-hit Yorkxhirc oi thc .\'()x (and that'x thc point I. II bccomcx _\otlng Bill} ‘x tickct out oi hard timcx. Making hix liIm dcbut. thcatrc dircctor I)a|dr} Itandlcx thc political backdrop and dramatic iorcground \\ ith cqual axxurancc. ’I‘hc dancc routincx Pro\ idc much oi tlic lilm‘x humour and quitc ox ci'xxhclming l'chgood iactor. ()(l(’l’ll. lat/inlmrgli.

Bitter Victory (I’(il i.\'icholax Ra}. I‘rancc/l ‘SA. IUSb’i Richard Burton. ('urd Iurgcnx. Ruth Roman. (‘hrixtophcr Ittlmin. \Yartimc cIaxxic xtarring Richard Burton about thc ri\a|i') bct“ ccn an archacologixt and a proicxxional xoldicr. l’art oi thc Ra} xcaxon. [Vi/m/muu'. lat/inlmrgli.

Bon Voyage t l2:\i O. i.|car1-l’aul Rappcncau. l’rancc. zoos» (icrard l)cpardicu. lxabcllc .»\diani. Yirginic

I.cdo} cn. Y\an .v\tta|. (ircgori l)crangcrc. I’ctcr (‘o_\otc. l IJmin. Scc rcxicu. pagc 23. .Yi'lt’t It'll I't'lt‘uu’.

Bugs 30 or Space Station 30 ohm School groupx takc priorit} at thix carl} xho\x ing oi citlicr Ilugx .\'I) or .S/uu c Sit/lion .il). “LIX. (I/(Humt.

Bugs! 30 it) I.\llI\L' Slcc. t'k‘. 3mm 40min. l)anic Judi l)cnch narralcx tlux giant \L‘I'L'L‘tl .il) IiIlit \xliiL'Ii Inctlxcx tilt lIiL' IIIIC

c} clcx oi a pra} ing mantix and a buttcrll} irom thcir birth to thcir inc\ ilablc dcmixc in thc tropical rainlorcxtx oi Southcaxt .-\xia. I.l/.’I.\'. (i/uwun.

Bus 174 (Onibus 174) t IS) oooo tl‘clipc I.accrda/Joxc I’adilha. BI'a/il. 3003i Iltlmin. ln Junc. Ztltltt “lit‘li an armcd _\oung man callcd Sando do Naxcimcnto look paxxcngcrx on .‘t Rio tlo .lallctl‘o Ittlx

Gerard Depardieu, Virginie Ledoyen and Jean-Ma

r Stehlé say Bon Voyage to wartime France

hoxtagc. thc \ iolcnt incidcnt \Htx broadcaxt li\c. BIN ITJ ix a thoughtiul and hcartbrcaking documcntar} that puxhcx thc compclling hoxtagc-taking xtor} iurthcr. xuggcxting thc ot'dcal \x ax thc inc\ itabIc rcxult oi thc cit} 'x \ulncrablc policc x} xtcm and xocial xtructurc. 'I‘hc lit‘\\.x iootagc. \oItIIItittotIx documcntation and acroxx thc xpcctrum intcr\ icxxx xliti\\ \\ hat actuaII) happcncd on that da} and it'x cnough to makc )ott cr_\. (fl-"ll (ill/won.

The Butterfly Effect I ISI 00.

iliric Brcxx/J \Iiic‘k}c (irubcr. I‘S. IOU-l) :\xhton Kutchcr. .\lclora \Valtcrx. Ant} Smart. liIdcn Ilcnxon. I 13min. li\an 'I‘rcborn (Kttlcltct'i lindx himxcli abIc to tilt)\ c bcmccn altcrnatc unixcrxcx. but in hix ciiortx to corrcct \\ rongx in onc dimcnxion. hc accidclttall} inllucnccx mum in othcrx. liun inI} timc tra\cI thriIIcr that hax clcarl) bccn inllucnccd b} Ra} Bradbur} 'x xhort xtor} A Sound of 'l'lumilcr. It docx. I10“ t‘\ cr. highlight Kutchcr'x mcdiocrc acting xkiIIx and hix lack oi xtar potcntial. Si'lt't‘lt’il I't'll'tlu'.

The Calcium Kid ( IS» 0 t.-\Ic\ l)c Rakoii. l‘lx'. 2004: Orlando Bloom. ()ntid I)_ialilt. .\IicIiacI I’cna. Raic SpaII. I)a\ id Kcll}. 89min. .\IixcrabIc comcd} paxticltc oi thc ll‘ln'n Ili' Ili'n' Kingx thc documcntar} icaturc about thc Ali/I’orcman 'Rttmblc in thc Junglc'. .\Iadc a ictx )L‘tll'x ago. thix iilm hax bccn in xtoragc \\IliIL‘ Bloont'x xtar Itax rixclt. :\ tlcct‘cpit. dl’car} Brit iIick in which Bloom pIa}x a Lambth boxcr milk man \\ ho cntcrx thc big Icaguc. It \\ ill do Bloom‘x carccr no good at all. .Yt'h’t‘lr'i/ I'l'lt’llH'.

Carandiru I IN oooo tlIL‘L‘IUl' Babcnco. Bra/il :\rgcntina. 2003i I.ui/ ('aron Yaxconcclox. .\liIltcm ('ot'tal. .\IiIton (‘oncal\cx. I\;ttt tic :\Itiicitla. I-ISmin. llaxctl on thc mcnioirx oi I)octor l)rau/io \arclla. u ho xct tip an All)S-prcwntion programmc in thc Iatc 80x at ('arandiru. thix iiIm takcx pIacc in thc notorioux and no“ dcmolixhcd Sao Paolo corrcctionaI iacilit}. uhcrc I l l inmatcx “Ci't‘ maxxacrcd in I‘m: b} militar} policc. In thix. thc moxt xucccxxiul lilm cxcr at thc Bra/ilian bo\ oilicc. Babcnco and hix \xritcrx \\ ca\ c thc inmatcx tach into a mcmorablc tapcxtr}. 'I'hc dctaincd mcn arc ncithcr glamorixcd nor judgcd. but prcxcntcd ax human bcingx. xtruggling to maintain thcir xpiritx in thix moxt dcxpairing oi cm ironmcntx. 'l'hc licxta-Iikc atmoxphcrc oi \ ixitation da_\ and thc to} oi a \xcdding ttt't‘ c‘ottlt'axtctl \\ itIt thc II'L‘uItltL‘ltl oi xL‘\ oiicntlct'x and lItL‘ ktIIittgx oi lItoxc \\ Ito tranxgrcxx thc codc oi rcxpcct. ('(i(' lt’t'n/rt'u .S'In'c’l. (i/uxgun.

Carnages I IS) coo chlpItittc (iIci/c. lirancc/Bclgiuni/Spatn/S“ it/crland. ZIIIHI ('hiara .\Iaxtroianni. :kngcla Molina. l.itlmin. What might a )ottng Spanixh matador. a Il\t‘-}L‘ilI'-()Itl girl \\ ith cpilcpx}. a xchtmltcachcr. a xtruggling Italian actrcxx. a hoxpital rcxcarchcr. hix prcgnant \\ iic. an amatcur ta\idcrmixt and a xuicidal phiItixophcr-turncd- icc-xkatcr hax c in common'.’ In (ilci/c'x dcbtit. thcir dcxtinicx bccomc cntanglcd in a xx cb oi conncctionx aitcr cach rccci\cx a part oi a bull

xlaughtcrcd in thc ring. An initiall) cngaging xtor} linc unra\clx through a xcricx oi xccmingl} unrclatcd xtibplotx. but gro\\x tircxomc ax thc charactcrx' rcIationx and bi/arrc xccrctx bccomc ax complicach ax (Iil'lct‘t‘ltiittl Cztlcttltlx L‘qtlalionx and chx Iikcl} than a Iottcr} “in. (in/mi. [film/Hugh.

Carnival in Flanders (La Kermesse Heroique) t l3.-\i oooo tJacqucx I-‘c}dcr. I‘rancc/(icrman}. I935) l-rancoixc Roxa}. .\lichclinc (‘hcircL I.}ltL‘ (’Icwrx. Mar) xc \chdling. I I7min. .'\ nc\\ print oi I‘c)dcr'x I935 \xartinic talc in which thc ina_\or'x \\ iic xummonx thc \xomcn oi Boom. I‘Iandcrx to grcct a Spanixh I)ukc and hix troopx. \\ ho arc xpcnding a night in thc limit. \Vhilc thc Iadicx tixc thcir icmininc \\ ich to charm thc dukc. thc ma)or pla} x dcad and thc xmaII arm} dcxcrt thcir poxtx. (’Iaxxic prc \xar iarcc. (i/‘Uli (iluxgmi.

The Cat in the Hat tl’(il oo (Bo \YL‘IL‘II. [‘5. 2003) .\Iikc \I}Ct‘x. :\IL‘L‘ Baldwin. KcII} I’rcxton. Dakota lianning. Spcnccr Brcxlin. 82min. :\mct'ican cIaxxic. pcrx crtcd and robbcd oi an} charm. .\Iikc .\I_\crx' goldcn touch ma} ha\ c juxt comic to an cnd. .\Iind )ou thix did prctt} ucll in thc xlatcx. hut thcrc ix. oi courxc. no accotmting ior public taxtc. (inm'u/ n'lt'uw. Colonel Kwiatkowski (Pulkownik Kwiatowski) tthci oooo (Ka/imcra Kut/. l’oIand. I‘Nm .\Iarck Kondrat. chata I)ancc\x icI. [bignicu [antachoxxxki I23min. Baxcd on a truc xtor} about an arm} doctor-iilliccr. \\ ho. through dixguixing Itimxcli ax a \cr) important mcmbcr oi thc (‘ommunixt I’art}. managcd to .xa\ c man} mcmbcrx oi thc l'ndcrground Arm} (AK! irom thc paux oi Sox ict I’olixh \L‘Cl'L‘l xcr\ iL‘L‘ militia xqttatlx. \xltit‘h lol'lttt’cd and brutall} murdcrcd thouxandx oi pcoplc in Iatc I‘Htix and I‘ifillx. Surprixingl} tconxidcring thc SchindIcr-quuc xubicct mattcri thix ix \cr} cntcrtaining. It alxo boaxtx a litth} xtructurcd plot linc tmainI} duc to thc iact that moxt oi it ix truci and xomc xupcrb acting. Ii _\ou arc c\ctt xlightl) intcrcxtcd in I’oIixh hixtor} or cincma. thix ix a maxi. l’art oi thc .\larck Kondrat xcaxon. I‘i/Hl/IUIIH’. [Jilin/Hugh.

The Company 1 ISA: coo Altman. l'S/(icrman). 2003i Nu c ('ampbcll. Malcolm .\IcI)o\xcll. Jamcx I’ranco. Barbara Robcrtxon. \YiIIiam I)ick. I Ilmin. A drama about thc Ii\cx and lo\ cx. hopcx and icarx and xucccxxcx and iaiIurcx oi a baIIct compan}. IiItcrcd through thc

\ ixion oi IIoII_\ \xood maxcrick Altman. Iixcltc“ ing thc mcIodrama and hixtrionicx axxociatcd \x ith iilm ioi';i_\x into thc \xorld oi xtagc xho\\bi/. thix inxtcad conxtructx a dctailcd Portrait oi thc baIIct \xorld. .\ dixtinctI} Altinan-quuc lilm. 'I'lu' (hm/nun ix. in iact. thc brainchild oi ('ampbcll. (‘ampbclL oncc a xtudcnt at thc National School oi BaIIct in ('anada. gctx a xtor} -\\riting and producing crcdit alongxidc hcr xtar billing and xhc gi\cx an impi'cxxi\c|_\ naturalixtic pcriormancc. much oi \\Iticlt ilt\oI\L‘x dancc. lt'x .\Icl)o\chI ax tItc patcrnal l)rant ‘.\Ir :\‘. lit)“ C\ L't‘. “Ito g't‘lx IIlC Iittttix xItztt‘L‘ UI' lllC Iilm'x juic} dialoguc and grand xpccchcx. l'(i(‘ Ix’t'nm'u .S‘In'c'l. (i/mgun .' Film/mun: l'fi/I’Ii/mrg/i.

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen tl’(ii .0. tSara Sugarman. I'S. IOU-ii l.indxa) I.ohan. Adam (iarcia. :\Iixon I’ill. .\Icgan l’o\. 80min. 'I‘ccnagc princcxx I.ola tl.ohani ix dc\axtatcd \xlicn iamil} circumxtanccx dictatc that xhc hax to mm c ironi .\'c\\ York to In c in Nut Jcrxc}. In hcr nc\\ xuburban xurroundx l.ola ix dctcrmincd to pro\ c that )ou can lakc thc girl out oi .\'c\\ York. btit _\ou can't takc .\'c\\ York out oi thc girl ax xhc makcx thc moxl oi ItL‘t' nati\ c xaxxincxx to land thc Icad rolc in thc Itiin xchool tnuxical. In thc proccxx xhc makcx cncmicx oi thc rich kid ('arIa Santini rim! and bciricndx thc chi- doubting liIIa tI’iIl i. 'I'hc iricndxhip bctxtccn I.oIa tttttl I'illtt Ix chtctl “Itcti thc l‘cxl iricndx Itcad into .\'c\\ York to \\oo a drunkcn Britixh rock xtar t(iarciai. x\l\o\ c a\cragc xiniplixtic moral liic chxon Ilto\ ic. a kind oi prc- Sci am! [In (in ax it \tcrc. (ii’m'l'u/ I't'lt’tlH'.

t Rolu‘l'l