Kitchen Stories Il’( il .00. Inc-III llamer. \III'IIa}. 3003) .lnachiIII (‘alme_\ er. 'l‘nmax .\'nI'xIrnm. lijnrn l'lnherg. Reine

Br} nnll’xxnn. Swrre .'\nker ()Ideal. 95min. .\ [can] Hi 5“ cdixll \c‘ic‘llli\l\ ix Ilixpalcllcd In rural Nnrxxa} in Ihe earl} l‘)5()x in nrder In caI'r) nuI a rexcarch prniecl inIn Ihe kilchen rnIIIincx nl~ cnnlirincd hachelnrx. ()Iic nl Ihe lml'lillx ix Ihe IIIIIlIllc-agcd I'lUll'xL' I.\'nerrnnII. “lin hax heen axxigned In InnnIInI' Ihe hahiIx nl a I'ecluxi\e elderl) larmer lxak IJnachIm (‘almc_\ eI'I. An} l'raIernixaIinn hem een nhxer\ er and parIIpranI ix xlI'Icll} ll'U\\llt‘Il IIpnn. _\eI n\ er IIIne Ihexc l\\n reIIcenI men lind Iheir rnlcx rexerxmg. and. In Ihe Ilixma} nl' l-'nlke'x h} Ihc hnnk hnxx .\lalmherg Ilir}nnll'xxnni and lxak'x II'nIIhleIl neighhnnr (iI'anI Il-‘lnherg I. Ihe) dexelnp an une\pchcIll} xignilicanl I'claIinnthp. lleanIil'ull} nhxcr\ ed. III} cnnied) drama IlIaI la}x npen man} nl Ihc l‘)5llx‘ chenIIlic I'cxcarcli In}Ilix \x iIh an axxIII'cd erIxc nl' Ilelail and deadpan hIInInIII'. .»\|xn Ihe phnIngI'aplI} Ix nulxlanding. l'l/HI/II’IHI'. I:I/III/HIIg/I. L’Inhumaine (The lnhuman Woman) IIhci I.\larccl l.'llcrhicr. lii'ancc. I‘D-l) .lacque (‘alclaIn. l.ennid \Valler dc .\la|Ic. l’hilippe llcrial. l‘rcd Kellerman. (iCUI'g‘L‘llL‘ Leblanc. \lal‘ccllL' l’I'IIIlIIl. l35min. SilenI lilm \\llli lI\e mIIxIcaI accnmpaniInenI h} l‘nI'I'cxIcI‘ l’} ke. Reiccled h} a heaIIIil'IIl xInch'. a _\nImg chenIIxI I'eIIIrnx In hix lahnIaInr} “here he L'\[\L‘I'IIIIL‘Illx \\ III] a lit“ Ieclinique lI) rexurrch Ihe dead III an aIlcnIpI In II") and PU\\C\\ IlIc \\IIIllaII lIL‘ lU\ L'\. .'\II IIIIIIHIIIIH' pIecc nl aI'I dccn cinema made in cnllahnraIInn \\ IIh :\lheI'In ('a\alcanII. (‘laudc .'\Illillil lara. RnhcrI .\lalleI SIewnx and l‘crnand Leger. I‘ll/n/Inuu'. Iz'IlI'II/Ilu'e/I. The Last Kiss (L’Ultimo Bacio) I IHI O. I(iahrIcle .\luccinn. llal}. Illllli SIclann .v\ccner. (iin\anna .\le//ngini'nn. SIelania Sandrclli. ll5mm. l‘laccid hn} In adIIlIlInnd Iranxl'annaIInn piece nl parI \xhimx) paI'I maclnxmn \\l\ll lnllilnienI. (’arln I;\ccnerI hax gnl lIIx gII‘ll‘rIenIl pregnanl. hIx lear lnr Ihe lIIIIIre Ix accenlualcd h} hix hcxl lrIcnd .'\tll'lilllU Il’axxnIiI hickcring cnananIl} ahnIII lIII“ Ihe aI'rI\al nl .I bah} lIax led In xc\ en IIInnlhx nl xe\lcxx and In\ clexx marriage. ('arln )earnx lIII‘ .III IIlcalixcd \iliglc lllc. (.(HHI'U. la/I/I/HII‘g/I.

Laws of Attraction I 12m 00

Il’cIcr llImIII. l’S. JIM-ii l’IcI'cc lirnxnan. .lIIIIanne \lnnre. l’arker l’nxc}. Michael Sheen. 00min. lla\ Ing xInlen IIx pI'chxc l'rnm .lI/Imr'x II’i/r. Ihe I‘H‘) llcphnrnfl‘racc} ch'cxx hall cnmcd} ahnIII a hIIxhand and \\ Il'c \\l]U muxI piI IlIcII‘ legal nnndx agaIan each nIher \\hi|e delending lending xpnIIxex in cnIIrI. I.IIII \ u/

.ilIrI/I Imn ama/ingl) Inanagcx In he IIcIIth' lunn). \\ ell paced nnr \xcll acch. Rngue la\\_\ei |)anIe| Ral'leI‘I) Ilirnxnani Ix a man nnl} Inlcrcxlcd III pulling hI'Iel'x nn \liim. Andre} \lillcr I.\lnnrci ix Ihe xII'aIghI»-laccd l;I\\_\eI' \xhn ix In I'aIxc hIx chagrin In e\er} \xa} ax llic) gn head In lIcaIl n\ er Bl'llhll Inck xIar 'I'hnrne .lamixnn IShccnI and l'axlnnn dengIIer \\ Ilc Serena Il’nxe} l. \\lin “alllx I'IIl nl' lIIm. I’I'eII} pI‘edIcIahlc lare. (iI'III'rII/ I'I'II'leI'.

Lightning Over Water I I’( il I.\‘Ichnlax Ra} Ik \\‘III1\\‘cnderx. \chl (iI'I'IIIIIII}/ Sucdcn. IUHUI ‘HIIIIII. .-\x a linal pI'nIch hclnI'c d_\Ing nl cancer. \Ichnlax Ra} uanlcd In cI‘eaIc a lilm ahnIII a paInleI' \xlIn x.IIled In ('hina In xcarch nl a cure lnI' cancer. l-Ilnmiakci \VIIII \Venderx InIncd Ra} Inhpr “llll lIIx \xnrk. hIII IthI‘ IIlIInIalc pIndIIcI IIII'nx nIII In hc IhIx liaIInIIng IlncIIIncnIar} ahnIII lhc xIagex nl Ra} 'x dcalli l’arI nl IlIc Ra} xcaxnn. l‘l/IIl/IIIIHI'. I'J/In/mrg/I.

The Lion King Il‘I l)IxIII'}'x liIxI anIIIIaIeIl leaIIII'e gel Ihc |.\l.'\.\ IrcaIIIIenI. /.ll.\.\'. (i/leg'uii.

Lost in Translation I ISI .00. ISnlia (‘nppnlIL l'S/Japan. IINHI liIll .\lIIrIa_\. Scarlcll Jnhanxxnn. .v\k1kn 'l‘akcthIa. K;I/II_\nxlII .\lIIIaIIIInIagne. lll5mm. “Ill .\lIII'r.I_\ play II xII'aIgIII ax an ageing Innuc xI.II lnIchl In xlInnI aIl\crIIxcmenIx III 'l'nk}n hecaIIxe Ihe) are xn lIIcI‘aII\e. ‘l'hIx cIIlIIII‘c claxh. lixh nIII nl \xaIcI. pan laced pxcudn cnIIIeIl} Inarkx

Snlia (‘nppnla‘x xecnnd nuling ax direcInr. l’arI lnxc xInr}. parI nddhall lan \xeekcnd drama. I.mI In 'l'rIIm/IIII'IIII underlinex Ihe cnnIinuing lclilield IalenIx nl' _\lurra} and ('nppnla and. Id cnuI‘xe. Ihc pI'ecnciniIx .lnhanxxnn. (I ll. (‘lu/I'lmnk.

Maestro I ISI lJ()\L‘ll Ramnx. I'S. 2mm 80min. Dncnmenlar} IhaI Ilipx inIn Ihe li\ ex M “L l.aI'r_\ in en nl' l’aradixe (image and Ihe'I'x l)a\ Id .\lancuxn. charIIng Ihe grnulh nl' Ihe dance nIIIxic genre and undergrnnnd xccne. (Iii. (i/mguu.

Main H00" Na Il’(i) Il‘arali Khan. lndia. ZIIII-li Sliahrnkh Khan. /.a} ed Khan. .'\Illl‘ll;l Ran. SIIthniIa Senliaxed nn Ilie l'axnIII'IIc cnI'I'enI linll_\\\nnd IlIeInc nl lndn l’akixlani I'clalinnx. Ihix Iellx IlIe xInr} nl .\la|nr Ram l’raxad Sharma I Khan) \xlin hax In gn hack In xchnnl In prnIecI (ieneral .'\lllL‘l'_|L‘Cl liakxhi‘x danghler SanIana IRanI. “linxL‘ lilc ix In danger lrnm Ihnxe \xhn dn IInI \xanl peace hem een India and l’akaIan. l‘un. li'nlicx and a lIlllc lill nl' \I‘I’Inllx pnlillcx ha\e made Ihix a huge lIiI III IIx hnmeland. ()III'IHI .vil I'III' QIIIH. (i/Ingnn .' (I ‘I. IiI/In/mre/I.

A Mighty Wind I ll.-\I 0.. I(‘hI'IxInpher (iIchI. [8. 3003) llarr) Shearer. Michael \lclx'ean. (‘IIrIxIanIcr (iIIexI. liIIgcne l.c'\}. linh lialahan. \laI'I} liclalxk}. ‘llInIII. \Vhen lnlk grnIIp agcnI ll'\ ing Slcmhlnnin dch. hix xnn .lnnthan Ilialahani and Ihe I‘aggle Iaggle cnllecIInn Ul‘ l‘aIlle lilx lallicl' lIiIikt'Il Illlt'l’ IlL‘L‘lilc l0 linld a cnmniemnralixc nIgIII l'nr IIInI aI .\'e\\ ank ‘l‘nxxn Hall. llicicK .\lIIch and .\lIckc} flex} and ('aIlIcI'Ine ()‘llarai. a

d} xlImcIinnal lnlked nIII Snnn} and (her. Iherc'x ‘l‘hc l‘nlkxmen l(illL‘\l. \lclx‘ean and Slicarcri and Ihc .\lam SII'ch Singerx IJnhn .\lIclIae| llIggInx. .lane l._\IIclI and Parker l’nxc} ). a ncu age lnlk I'CgllllL'lll. \Vhen IlIIx lUl I'llll llllU CIIL‘li UlllL‘l' IIllCl' .Ill llIC\L' _\L‘;Il‘\ lllCI'L' l\. Ul' c‘IIIIINc. chain. 50 \U dncIIInenIaI') xpnnl lrnm IlIe Xpmu/ IIl/’ hn} x. (I ’l. liIlIn/Iure/I.

MonsterI 1M 0000 Il’all} Jenkinx. l'S. ZIIIHI (’haI‘li/e ‘l‘hernn. (‘ln'ixIIna RIch. liI'IIcc l)ern. ScnII \Vilxnn. l’rIIIII 'l'a_\ lnr \‘Incc. lll‘lnnn. \Vell made. ll hleak and harrnu iIIg drama detailing Ihe ll‘Ulll‘lt‘Il. t'\PlUilC(l lilc and Ilcalll III ['5 \L‘I'lal killer .-\i|een \Vunrnnx. 'l‘hcrnn Ix remarkable ax \Vnnrnnx. \\liU Ix learnI xII'nIIg \Ilpliiil'l lI'nIn Rich in a llll\llU\\_\ rnlc ax l'ricnd Sclh}. l’all) JcnkInx' mcaxIII'ed grim cnnlrnl nl Ihix d} xpepIIc Iale pa}x IIIIImaIc Ilix Idcndx. XI’II’I II‘I/ H'II'IIH’.

No Dowry No Date II’III Shun dncnmenlar} made h) (ill'l/ ln l).I llnnd. a grnup III I: l.\' _\c;Ir nld .-\xian gII'lx III (ilaxgnu \Ihn er up an Imagmar} .'\\lIIli

xi} le H/llli/ I’IIII' thm In nI'deI' In c\plnrc Ihe Ixxnex nl’ arranged and lnrced InaI'I'Iagcx \\Illllli Ithr cnInInIInIIicx. (il' /. (i/Iixunu.

Our House I l2.-\I .0. Il)ann) l)e\'iIn. is. 2003) lien SlillL‘I'. l)I‘L‘\\ Barrynnrc. liileen lixxel. llarx e} liieercin. 83min. .\'e\\ l)\\L'Il\ Alex and Nanc) Kendrickx ISIillcr and Barr) Innrei ha\e juxl purchaxed Ihcir lier hnmc. a In-Ilie-l'nr Iluple\ in Brnnklyi. And lnr a knnckdnxxn xum. BIII IIIm cnIIlIl Ihe) pnxxihl} haxe gllexxcd that [he Ilnddcr} nlIl lad} Ilpxlairx nnnld IIIrn nIII In he an Irixh hI'Iiixer. l‘nnn}. \icinIIx. nccaxinnall} \er} cruel anneinc cnmed) alnng Ihe xaine linex ax l)e\'iIn'x prcx innx lilm. 'I’III' llIIr III the Rmm. SI’II'I’II’I/ I'I'II'IHI’.

POV: Compassion in Exile IIth I.\lIcke_\ l.emie. l‘S. I993) 53min. liingi‘aph) nl' Ihe l-llll l)alai Lama. depicling hix hIIInhle heginmngx In a rural larmlinuxe. xuhxcqnenl e\ile lrnm 'l‘iheI and currenI xlrIIggle In I'eIuI'n In lIIx linmeland. l-‘nllnucd h) .-\ llI'l/ ()n IZIH'I/I. an inlcrx iexx \\llli \cnerahle liagdrn \\ lIn “ax InI'IIIred and nan'Ixnncd h) IIIe ('hmexe \xhile lixing in a 'l‘IheIan InnnaxIer). l'I/III/IIIIIII'. l'fI/I'IIIIIII'e/I. Paris Gui Dort (The Crazy Ray) Il’(ii IRene ('lair. l‘rance. I‘ll.“ llcnri Rnllan. .'\lherI l’I‘eIcan. Madeleine RnIlI'igIIe. Marcel Vallee, (Illnnn. When a chenIIxI achIlcnIall} l'I'ee/ex l’aI‘Ix inIn a xpliI-xecnnd nl~ Iimc \\ IIh an In\ ithle Ia}. xnIne luck} cII} duellcrx excape heing eIIheI' nn Ihe liil'l’el in“ cI' nr in a plane Iaking aIl\anIage nl Ihe inIIaIinn In hreak nlll nl llIcII' xnclal rnlcx. (il’l. (i/Ilwmi. The Passion of the Christ I lxI

O I.\lel (iihxnn. [8. 2004) Jamex (‘axIe/cl. .\lnmca licllucci. .\laia .\lnrgcaneI'n. 120mm. .'\x xIIhIle .Ix a xpcar Iahhed under Ihe I‘Ihx. and mnre hnring Ihan a lIl'eIIme‘x unI'Ih nl xancIImnmnIIx xcrmnnx. (iihxnn'x xadn-leIIthxIIc accnIIIII Hl lllt' laxl l3 lIIilll'x Ul(.lll'l\l.\ lilL' I\ II crude. IInchl}ing mcxx. l-ealIIrIng mnre gI'aIIIiInIIx \ Inlencc Ihan Ihe a\erage ‘\ iIlen IIaxl} '. II prcxenlx a pick‘n'nin xcleclinn nl Ihe lillll' gnxpclx. plIIx a pcdexIrIan xInmhle- Ihrnugh Iil I/‘III' XIII/[INN III I/II’ (.I'nn all in Ihe harnquc. hlnnd drenched xI_\ le nl a llUl'l‘UI‘ IllU\ IL‘. XI’II’I‘II'I/ I‘I'lI'Ilu’. Performance I l.\’I 0.... I.\'ic Rneg Ik l)nIIalIl ('ammell. l'lx'. l‘)7I)I Jamex l‘n\. Mick Jagger. .-\niIa l’allcnherg. lllSnIin. ('hax Il-'n\ nex eI' heIIer Ihan lIercI ix a

\ inlenI gangxler \xhn hax In gn InIn hiding In a\nId reII'IhIIIInn l'I'nm ll;II'I‘_\ l'lnu erx' I.lnlIIIII) Shannnni Innh. B} chance he enle up In IlIe .\'nIIIng llIll hnuxe nl' 'l‘nrner ‘~l"3—':—‘cri. 'l‘IIrner xeex ('liax ax a xnIII‘ce nl' rekInIllIng IIIx creth II) and xIarIx InrnIenIIng him \\llll drug Induced Inind gamcx \\ iIh Ihe hpr nl' Ihe hcaIIIIlnl l’herher Il’allcnhergi and Ihe andrngyinnx Inc) I.\lichclc lirelnni. Slinl III l\\n hal\ex. nne hall gangxIcr lilrn. nnc hall a rquIIeIII In px_\ chcdelic cnhancemenl. c\perImeIIIal lilm

index Film

and Ihe belief in Ihe xcll'. I’I'r/In'nIIIIII'v lnnkx. l'cclx and xnundx like nnlliing else. it ix a miracnlnux piece nl' cinema IhaI will xIand Ihe march nl' lime. .\lixx at _\nIIr peril. ('IImI'n. Iz'I/I'Ii/ml'g/I.

Radio Il’(i) O. I.\lichael 'l’nllin. l'S. 3003i ('uha (innding Jr. lid llarrix. Allre \Vnndard. S lipalha Merkerxnn. BrenI SexInn. ll)‘)min. See review, page 24. SI’II'I‘II'I/ I‘I'II'IIM’.

Red, White & Blues I ISI I.\IIk-c l'iggix. 1’8. 200%) llnmin. Filmmaker and cnmpnxer .\like l'iggix gelx In hang arnund \\ ilh xnIne nl' hix mIIxical hcrnex. nnIieeahly Jcll Beck. 'l‘nm Jnnex. Van .\lnrrixnn. liric (‘lapInIL l.nnnie l)nnnegan and (ienrge .\lcll_\ ax he rex iinx Ihe xnundx nl~ Ihe I‘)(»I).x BriIixh Innxical inxaxinn IhaI Innk inxpiralinn l‘rnm. and el'l‘ecmel} re- inIrnduceIl. the American hlnex .xnund In the SIaIex. This l‘axcinaIing inxighl in In Ihe crnxx-pnllinaIinn nl' Iranxailanlic rnck xnIIndx ix parI M a xeriex nl‘ xpeciall} cnmmixxinned lilmx nII \xnrld I'nnIx Inuxic. I‘ll/HINHLH'. IleI'nlmIfiu/I.

The Royal Tenenbaums I ISI .0... I\\'ex :\llIlCI'xnIl. IS. 2002) (iene llackman. Aniclica llIIxInn. (ixxynelh l’alIrIm. l lllmin. 'l‘he 'l‘enenhaumx are nn nrdinar} l‘aInil}. l)exccnded l'rnm a lnng line nl' mer-achiex'erx. Ihexe .\'e\x ank geniIIxex are nnu in qulIil'}ing decline. The memnry nl' Ihe hrilliance nl' Ihe _\nIIng 'l‘enenlmumx llax \llch‘ hCL‘li L‘I‘IINL‘Il l1} (“0 Ilccailc\ Ul' lk‘ll';l_\£ll. l'ailIIre and anneinc dixaxler. Inan nl' “lllL‘li ix percei\cIl h) Ihe laniil} In he Ihe I'aull nl~ ahxenl l‘ther. Rnyal Illackmani. ’l‘hen. aI Ihe \eI'_\ mnnient hix Ihree grnun- up children have. lnr \arinux reaxnnx. all mnx ed hack inIn Ihe rambling hnme nl Iheir mnIher. Rn}al decidex he \xanlx hix l'amil}. Willi li'III'II/)(llllll.\. Anderxnn iRll.\/IHIIH'('l hax xIII‘paxxed hinixell \\ iIh an enchanIing. ndIl Iale M an :mkxxard family and iIx Incmherx' impnxxihle magnetic aIIracIinn In each nIheI'. (‘IImI'IL l-.'III'IIIIIIrI:/I.

Rugrats in Paris: The Movie II'I 0.. ISIig Ber'ngixI. l’aIII Demqer. l'S. 3(l()l I \nicex nl' (‘hriinnc (‘manauglL SIIxan Sarandnn. Dehhic Reyrnldx. 77min. 'l'he anIicx nl' Ihnxe diaper-clad under-lb ex. 'l‘nmm}. ('hnckie. l)i|. Phil and and InI'InenIing hig cnnxin Angelica. make a grcal kiilx carInnn. BCllCI' Ihan ilx predecexxnr. Ruemlx In I’In'ix hax Ihe gang dexcending nn l£an)I'eplarland Iread linrndixne) l. u here cnnnix ing Angelica li\ex Iip mnIherlexx ('hnckie and hix gullihle l'ther. ('hax. \inh Ihe \ illainnux (‘ncn l.a Bnuche \xhn haIex children. Tn xa\e ('huckic Ihe kidx hijack Ihe gianI rnhnIic Replar and race linr \nIrc l)anIc In .xlnp lllc xxedding. l.i\el). “ell-paced enIcrIainmenI l'nr _\nunger children. and 'jIIxI xmarI cnnugh l'nr Inan adulIx. (irmwnm: (iIII.\cnII.


Vincent Rottiers fights the law in Les Diables

1.3 112' Mr; 90:»: THE LIST 33