
Music rook & pop listings

Tuesday 25 continued

I Flying Matchstick Men, Jane No and Captain of the Football Team Stereo. [2 l4 Kelt'inhaugh Street. 576 5(llS. Spill. £4. :\ l'ttsion of rock. electro. l‘olk. glam and pop from the Roxy/Depeche-inlluenced l‘l} ing Matchstick .\len. Jane .\'o otter electronica and ('aptain are a punkish duo.

I Maria Leahy ‘l‘eliat ()Vlltl. 42 ()tago I.ane. 357 4524. Spin. l-‘ree. Singer/ songwriter.

I Das Contras Beanxcene Soutlmtte. l‘) Skirx‘ing Street. 632 St)‘)(). Spitt. l'ree. I.aidhack. hackgrottnd \(ttlltds.

I Phil’s Session t'isge Beatlta. 232 Woodland\ Road. 564 l5‘)6. ‘)pm. Free. Weekly jam.


GGraham Coxon and Cathy Davey The Venue. l7 2] ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £l3. See pre\ iext' lot" charmineg scruff) ex-Bltir man ('oxon. With support from ('ath)‘ Date); a )oung Irish singer/songwriter with musical teeth. I’ur! of It) I)u.\‘.\* in Jim;

I Glitterati: Out of the Bedroom ('al‘e Royal Bistro Bar. l7 \Vext Regixter Street. 557 47‘)2. S’pm midnigltt. £4 (£3). The cream of lidinhtirgh'x (tenthlle talent. I Band Showcase \Vliisilehinkiex.

4 6 Sotith Bridge. 557 5l l4. ‘)pm. Free. See 'l‘ue IS.

Wednesday 26


OGraham Coxon and Cathy Davey King ltth Walt Walt llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). S.3()pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. See preview aitd Tue 25.

I The Music The (iarage. 4‘)t) Sauchiehall Street. 332 I I2”. 7pm. £l(). ()Ver- l4.\ show A limited number of tickets left for lltlx relathely intimate show from the hagg) space rockers \tho are warming tip for an appearance at the Homelands lbsthal.

I Quinn and The Blimp (‘luh 'l'romolo. the Bull (’luh. l42 Bath I.ane. 248 1777. Spin. £4. Ritl'l\lt li\'e performance from tlte \tllll') Quinn. \tho hate recorded a new album \\ itlt l’arixian cat Kid Loco. .-\l\o on the cards. a \et from the BL‘L‘lllCill'l/Zitfiptl-lllllllL'llL'L‘tl the Blimp. an appearance h} drag kiitg l)iane Torr and the opportunin to play Drunk (‘ltex’x

QThe Ponys, The New Rosy Jewels and The Flying Matchstick Men Nice'n'Slea/y. 42l Sattchiehall Street. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. (‘hicago'x the l’on_\'\ tnade a splash at the recent Sotitli h)‘ South West music fest iii 'l’e\a.\ \\ ith their poxl-ptlltk/ltt/l garage interlace. See

e r '

1". M "I

56 THE LIST til-127 Mm, 7004

Jesse Malin plays King Tut’s, Glasgow, Thu 20 May

'l'ue 25 for l‘l}ing .\latch\tick .\len. l’uri of

It) [hm in .llut.

I Kain, Pip Dylan, Laura McGhee, Michael Hagan and therisingson 'l‘lie l3llt .\'ote (are. 5() 6() King Street. 553 I63S. ‘)pm. £3. lliiacked Recordx team tip \\ itlt l‘encc Records again to promote thix acouxtic evening. ranging from indie rock comho Kain to the xpindl} tolk ot' l’ip 1)}lan. I Reuben, The Holiday Plan and Septembre Barl'l}. lot) (lute Street. ()S7() ‘)()7 (l‘)‘)‘). Spm. £6. .\li\ ot' melod) aitd hardcore l'rom Surre} trio Reuhen. .-\l\o on the hill are l.ttlttl()lt-l)tl\etl emo ottllll the llolida} Plan.

I Jack Rose Monorail. 13 King\ ('ourt. King Street. 552 ‘)45S. Spni. l‘rec. liirst e\ er Settlll\ll date l'i-oiii lltlx American l‘olk hltiex der\i\h.

I Open Stage llte ttatt Bar. (on Woodlandx Road. 564 I527. Split. l‘ree. Weekl} \exxion for local muxicianx.

I Live Music .\lacSorle_\ \. 42 .lamaica Street. 24S S5Sl. ‘)pin. l-‘ree. 'l‘hree local hand\ to he continued.


I The Golden Virgins the Venue.

l7 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3(l73. 7.3(lpm. £5. .\ mixed hag ot' \(ttllltl l'rom alternato e rockerx the (iolden Virgins. cttcontpaxxing countr}. next tta\ e and xttaggeriiig gutter rock on their next alhtim Sir/rut u/ I’m/w. I Scatter, Textadventure, Germlin and Amy Duncan & Emily Scott Stihua}. 6‘) (litigate. 225 6766. 7.30 l l.3llpm. £4 (£3 t. 'l‘rainrec“ prexentx a night ol' electronica and improt ixation. accompanied h} \ ideo projectionx.

I Exposure Suhua). 6‘) ('ougate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. Free. See “ed l‘).

I Absolute Zero, Battalion of Flies and Leechhate ‘I‘lie Bongo (‘luh. .\lora_\ Home. 37 llol)rood Road. 55S 7604. Spin. £4 £5. \'i\ceral rock music.

I Inge Mcllroy and Laconia \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 6 Sotitli Bridge. 557

5] l4. ‘)pin. l’ree. (iuitar rock lt‘ottt .\'e\\ca\tle\ I.aconia on at midnight.

I Fleamarket Funk (‘aharet Voltaire. 36 3S Blair Street. 22() 6l76. I lpitt 3am. £2. See \Ved l‘).


I Deacon Blue and Karen Matheson 8: friends Ro_\al (‘oiieei-t Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 Stltltl. 7.30pm. £25/£22.5t). 'l‘he enduringl} popular Deacon Blue are joined h} well- connected (‘apercaillie lrontttoman Karen .\lathe\on tor thix heiielit concert lor dixahilil} charit} linahle. More actx \till to he conlirmed.

f ' ._."

OThe Golden Virgins, Attic Lights and Ampersand King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. Split. £5. See Wed 26. I’url (if I!) l)u_\'\ in .llm:

QTV on the Radio \iee‘rt‘Slt-iix}. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. £6. See prex iew tor hep next .-\tnerican rockers 'l'\' on the Radio. l’itrr u/ 1!) Dan m .\l((_\'.

I Phantom Riffage, Sinthetic, Slave Radio and Modus Barll}. Zoo (‘l_\'de Street. ()S7tl ‘)l)7 ()‘)‘)‘). Spm. £4. ()\er-l4\ \hou. Metal/induxtrial rock line-up.

I Gum, Marciano, Table 18 and Toy Heroes Rau. Queen Margaret l'nion. 22 l'niterxit) (iardenx. 33‘) ‘)7S4. 7.3l)pm. £3. \Veek‘l} \houcaxe ol local hand\.

I Basement Breaks ‘l‘lte l3llt .\'me (are. 50 6() King Street. 553 l63S. ‘)pm. £3. Regular \houcaxe l'or Scottixlt hip hop actx \\ll() don't itixt “ant to imitate .-\merican arti\t\.

I Wake, Subdermis, The Wheels and Stark Raving Normal l’ur} .\lurr_\ \_ ‘)6 .\la\\\ ell Street. 221 65] l. S.3()pm. £4. including entr} to poxt-gig cluh. Another \etni-linal in the l‘ur} '\ l'nsigned hattle ol the hands 2004.

I Cobra Grande aitd Conestone Stttllltl\c‘l. the Sttlllttlllttth. 47 ll_\de Park Street. 22l 465‘). S.3l)pin. £4.5(l. \Veekl} \houcaxe ol' tip-and-coming hand\.

I Shaun Cuddy (irand ()le ()pr}. l’ttlxle} Road loll. 42‘) 5396. 7.3(lpttl. £4 (£3 memherxi. (‘oiintr_\ hoedottn.

I Jupiter 8. Teardrop lite Bunker. l‘).3 l‘)‘) Bath Street. 22‘) I427. lllpm. liree. Singer/song“ riter (ieoll Mart} n and hand.

I Carah Nugent Beaiixeeue \cht liltd. .5 (‘l'exxu ell l.ane. .334 6776. S.3()pm. l-‘ree. I.aidhack. hackground \oundx.

I Roost Studio One. (irimenor llotel. (il‘tt\\L‘llUl' 'l'errace (ol'l' B} rex Road l. 341 6.5 l6. ‘)pm. l-‘ree.

I Mexico and Malice \ltleSttl‘le}\. 42 Jamaica Street. 24S S5S l. ‘)pin. l"ree. l.ocal hand line-tip.

I Ordinaryson 'l‘cltai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. Spiti. £2. ‘ll\\ogtttlttl\ and a laptop.

I The Vagabonds 'I‘lie Scotia.

l l2 ll4 Stockuell Street. 552 S6Sl. ‘)pm. l‘ree. l’opular co\er\.

I Jam Session Samuel l)tl\\ 'x.

67 7| Nitlhdale Road. 423 ()ll)". S.3()pin. liree. lloxted h} Independence. I Live Music .\lc('huill\. 4() High Street. 552 2135. ‘).3()pnt. l‘ree. .\'e\t handx night.


I Misled Youth, Nisted Elixer aitd Guantanamo Bay the Bongo ('luh. Mora} llouxe. 37 llol_\rood Road. 55S 76(l4. Spm. £4 £5. The \econd (it'eenloce night on the trot \\ itlt more uncompromixing rock.

I Peter Michael Rowan (‘at‘e Ro)al Bixtro Bar. l7 \Vext Regixter Street. 557 4792. 9pm. l'ree. See lltll l3.


I Paul Dunmall, Paul Rogers and Hamid Drake 'I’olhootli. Jail \\‘_\nd. t)l7S6 274l)()(). Spm. £l2 (£St da} paxxz l‘extiuil paxxex a\ailahle. l.e Weekend kick\ (ill (‘lticago hath percusxionixt llamid l)rake. \a\man Dunmall and douhle haxx \ ll'ltlt)\t) Rogers for a nigltt ol‘ tmcomprtintixing. experimental tall.

I Borbetomagus ’l‘olhuuili. .lail

\V} ltd. ()l 7S6 274()()(). ‘)pm. £ l 2 (LS) da} paxx; l'extnal paxxex atailahle. Melding liherated \a\ \\ ith a limo} metal roar into a \ottttd the} ha\ e dtihhed ‘xnull-

iii/f ax helitx Stirling‘x e\perimental

llttl\le le\ll\;tl l.e Weekend.


I Carson, Stone Cold Rumours and Azzuri ('onnoll) ‘x. 23 .\'iclto|\on Street. ()l475 SSS ‘)7_. S.3()pm. l-ree. Rock night.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.


I Tord Gustavsen Trio (‘(‘.'\. 35o Sauchiehall Street. 352 4‘)t)(l. Spiit. £S (£6l. \iii‘uegian trio \\ ith a l'tixion ol‘ Scandinmian l'olk lllll\lL‘. goxpel. ('arihhean and tan.

I The Michael Deans Quartet Beer (are. (‘andleriggx 552 ‘)S l 5.

‘) l l.45pm. l‘ree. .\lodern ja/x quartet led h_\ tenor \a\man l)ean\.


I Konrad Wiszniewski Quartet llenr} '\ Jan (‘ellar. S .\lorri\on Street. 467 5260. S.3l)pm. £5. S;t\(tpllttlll\l Konrad \Vixniettxki ha\ a rich \ttlllltl. rooted in the tradition ol' the \a\ophone giantx. lle hax spent \ome time at Berklee ('ollege ltt BUSH)”. ttltd \\ ill \ll(t\\L’;t\e hix next attack and technique.


I Fraser Fifield Trio l’aixle} .-\rt\ (t‘ltlll‘. New Street. SS7 llllll. 7.30pm. £5 (£3 1. World claxx piper. soprano \a\opltotti\t. and l(t\\ \\ltl\lle pla} er ot' Salxa ('eltica. hacked h} electric guitar ja/I groo\e\ l‘rom (iraeme Stephen.


I Marion and Maud’s Box of Delights Queen'x llall. ('lerk Street. 66S 2(ll‘). 7.45pm. £ll) (£Si. .loin Marion and Hand lor an exening ol' llltl\lL'. mirth and chat. replete \\ ith Big Band attd lull \tipporting cast.

0 Kevin MacKenzie’s Vital Signs llenr} \ .la// ('ellar. S .\lorri\on Street. 467 5200. S.3()pm. £6. Jan. t'olk attd dance groo\e\ harnessed together in guitarixt Ke\in .\lacken/ie\ llll\ innotatite line~iip. lt‘ttllll‘lllg Konrad \Vix/niett \ki on tenor \a\. Martin Kel'\lttt\\ on alto \a\. .-\idan ()‘Rourke and Jenna Reid on liddlex. Simon 'l'houmire on concertina. l)a\ id .\li|ligan on piano. loin l._\ ne on ha\\ and Tom Bancrol't on drumx.

I Guest Band Night St) Queen Street Bar and Rextaurant. St) Queen Street. 226 50‘)": ‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. Regular _ia// night l'eaturing top Scottixlt ia// groups.

I Life Sciences llL‘lll'} \ .la// ('ellar. S \ltti‘i‘ixon Street_ 467 52(lll. lttldltlgltl. £5. Hip hop l‘tink collectit e \\ itlt l'unk} horns and l).l\.


I Alex Yellowlees’ Hot Club l’aixle) :\rt\ ('entre. New Street. SS7 llllll. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). l-‘ormerh knoun \llttpl} ax the Hot (’ltih. \ iolinixt .'\le\ Yellotx leex' trio \er\ e tip \\\ ittg iii the claxxic Reinltardt-(irappelli \t}|e.


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\lercltant\ (‘ornetz lS John Street. 552 3Slll. 2.30 5.30pm. l‘ree. Drummer .\lc(io\\alt leadx ltlx hig hand \\ lllt gtiext \ocali\t\.

I Alex Goumas Quartet Brel.

3‘) 43 .>\\hton lane. 342 4066. 3pm. l'ree. International line—tip leaturing Konrad \\'i\nie\ki arid pla_\er\ l'rom Xe“ York. Rio and l’arix.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar (SS. Buchanan llotel. 1S5 Buchanan Street. 332 72S4. 5.30pm. l-‘ree. Regular

\\\ inging jal/ \L‘SSlttll.