\ingcr/xonguritcrx. lcd h} thc hcautil'ul countr} —tingcd \ocals ol' Thomas. Scc pi'c\ ic“.


I Magic Feet 'l‘olhooth. .lail \\'_\nd. rinse 374mm. 7.30pm. £l2 (£8). A \pic} Scots/Hungarian musical goulash “licn .lohti Riic\ (’cltic l‘cct and llungar} '\ Rohi Iiirktis and \lihal} l‘arkas mch tip tor a ‘(i)px_\ .la// ('cilidh'. Scc prc\ ic\\.


I Fife Traditional Singing Weekend 2004 l-il'c Animal Park. Biriiic I.och. ('ollcxsic. h} l.ad_\baul\. (H.337 830773. chtaut‘ant. Bar. l'rcc (‘ampiitg Morning Workshops. and (’onccrts 2pm and 7.30pm. Scc Hi 15 atid Sun lo.


I Kevin MacKenzie’s Vital Signs 'Iron ‘I'hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 552 4207. 8pm. £85” t£7.5l)i. .la/I. lllll\ and dancc gt'oo\c\ cooked tip h} tlic top-llight guitarist and aii iuno\ati\ c. cclcctic linc tip that lllL‘lllth\ Konrad \Vix/ttic“ ski on \a\. :\idan ()‘Rourkc on liddlcs. Simon 'I‘houmirc on concci'tina and l)a\ id .\lilligaii on piano. plus tttoi‘c.

I Don Williams, Judy Collins and Tim Williams l{l)}ill ('oncct‘t llall. Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 353 8000. 7.3(lpm. £23 £25. \Villiamx l\ thc lcgcndar} l'S countr} \ingcr \\ itlt a “arm. liicltor} baritonc. (‘olliiis rcmains onc ol .v\nicrica'\ hcxt oncd \ingct'x. \\lio oiicc had thc pic—Buds Rogcr .\lc( itiinn as hcr musical dircctor/guitarist. Don‘s singing son 'l’im i\ also in ion.

I Wilson (.Lll‘c‘ (ill\\§lL.llUl\. Rll\\l;|ll ('ultui'al (‘cutrc. King Strch 553 U733. 8.3(lpm. l‘rcc. ('lasxical. l'laiiicnco and ja// guitar.

I The Clachies Bar I85. Buchanan llotcl. Bucltanan Strcct. 332 7284. 5pm. l’t'cc. chtilar Scottish and ll'l\ll \c\\iott.

I The Zulu Acoustic Sessions \Va\_\ ()'('onnoi'\. \\'c\t (icorgc Strcct. 35—1 5l5-1. "pm. l‘i‘cc. l,i\ c acoustic music limit a host ol local pcrlortiici's.


I Mark Dunlop \Vcc liollt (‘liilx Rina] ()ak. lnlirtnai') Sti‘cct. 557 297i. 8.30pm. £3. 'l'hc .\lalinl\_\ singcr \xitli songs in his \oi‘thcrn Irish tradition.


I Fife Traditional Singing Weekend 2004 l‘ilc Animal Park. Bii'nic l.oclt. (‘ollcssita b} l.;itl}li;iiil\. lnl'ormation and tickctx lt'om (ll 337 830","3. Morning Workshops. and l‘arcucll Scssioii 2pm. Scc l’ri l5.


I Me Suena Tu Cara 'l‘hc Doric 'l'a\ci'n. \larkct Strch 225 1084. 0pm. l-i'cc. .'\l'rti/Spanixh/Bra/ilian l'oui'xoiitc.

Thesday 18


I Folk’n’Friends ‘l'ht- (‘anoiic (iait. ('auongatc. 550 4181. ‘)pm. l‘t'cc. lnl'ortiial \\cc|\l_\ tolk club.

Wednesday 1 9


I Ceilidh Dance St .-\ttdt'c\\ '\ in thc Stlttarc. oll Saltmai‘kcl. Sl

.'\ndi‘c\\ \ Strcct. 518 0020.

7.3” Ill.3flptn. £5. \Vcckl} dattcc \\itlt callcr.

I Song Session (kite Soui'cc. 8i .'\lltll'L'\\\ in thc Squai‘c. St .'\lltll'L‘\\\ Stittarc. oll Saltmarkcl. 5.18 (M20.

8. 3llpm. l‘t'cc. .v\ll “clcotttc.


I Richard Thompson t‘xhci' llall. I.othian Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm. £l7.5(). l-‘ounding mcmhcr ol linglisli l'ollx-roclx originals l’airport (‘omcntioit 'l‘honixon'x \olo carccr continucd as a major singci/songui‘itcr and brilliant guitarist. Support from Virginia—born singcr lirin .\lcl\'co\\n. I Duck Baker lidinhurgh l-"olk ('luh. ('aharct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcasancc. 650 234‘). 8pm. £(i t£5f. I'S acoustic lingcrpicking guitar star mcrgcx lilticx. gospcl and ragtimc \\ ith old—timc}. Scolx and Irish.

I Beating the Retreat and Highland Dancing lidinhurgh ('astlc lixplanadc. Ro}al .\lilc. 225 0840. 8pm. l’ipcrx. drummci‘s and Highland dancci's l‘rom thc Scottish Schools (’omhincd (‘adct l'ltll‘L'L‘S.

Thursday 20


0 Duck Baker St .'\lltll'c\\ \ in thc Stitiai‘c. oll Stiltiiiat'kct. St :\tidt'c\\ ‘\ SII‘L‘L‘I. 548 (i020. (Split. £7 (£5l. SL‘L‘ \VL'tl l9.


I John Rae’s Celtic Feet ()ticcn's llall. ('lcrk Strcct. (i(i8 201‘). 8pm. £ l 2 (£10). 'l‘hc liitcst folk/tau l'ttsion \xith pianist Brian Kcllock. \a\ pla}cr l’hil Baiicrolt. bassist Mario (‘arihc. liddlcr liilidh Shim. concci'tina pla)cr Simon 'I'houmirc and thc lcadci' on drums. Scc prc\ icu.

I Beating the Retreat and Highland Dancing llUl}l'UUtl l’alacc l‘orccourt. 332 228i. (i.3f)pm. SL‘L‘ \Vcd l‘).

I Zuba Bongo (‘lulx Mora} llUll\L‘. llol_\rood Road. 558 Will-l. lllpm. £5. lilcctric/acouslic \\ot‘ld dancc gi'oo\ cs l'rotn lltc (ilaxgou hascd hand \\ itlt inciiihct's l'rom l.ibcria. [imbalm c. thc Baxtluc ('ouiiti'} and Scotland.


I Dance 5! lil'ltlc‘\ (.L‘llll‘L‘. ()rucll ‘l‘ct'i'acc. 3~l(i l~ll)5.

7.30 ll.3llpm. £5 £8 (£2 childrcii tiiidct' l2). .loint lundraisct‘ l'ot' l’irstliand tncu namc l‘ot' lidinhut‘gli Sittci‘si and Sitip. \xith music troni thc Bcllc Star Band.

I Ceilidh Dance .'\\\L‘llll3l) Rooms. (icorgc Strcct. 22“ 434‘). 8pm. £8 i£5i. .\lu\ic lroin thc hand lll.l \xith callcr Kcn (iottt'la).


I Shooglenifty lolhoollt. .lail \\'}iitl.lll78(i27-1000. 7.30pm. £l2 i£8i. Scotland's \\ol’ld—t‘ctto\\ ticd atid tiiiitiuc liddlc. haii_ia\. and inandoliu~ lrontcd acid crol't groo\ crx.


I Flamenco Night ('at'c ('osxachok. Russian ('ultui‘al ('cntt'c. King Strch 55.3 (W33. ()pm. £5 (£3f. lilccti‘o l'laiiicnco trio l)c\co makc thcii' ('oxsachok dclittl.

I The Clachies Bar I85. Buchanan llotcl. Buchanan Strcct. 332 7284. 5pm. l'rcc. Scc Stiii lo.

I The Zulu Acoustic Sessions \\‘;I\'\ ().(‘()llll(ll'.\, \Vcsl (it'til'gt‘ Sti'cct. 35-1 5l5-l. 7pm. l‘i‘cc. Scc Stiti lh.


0 Danu (‘)llt‘clt'\ llttll. (‘lt'l'h Sll'ct‘l. («)8 2l)l‘). 8pm. £l~l I 2 i. ()nc ol' li'cland'x top hall do/cii groups. this )oiing traditional hand ll;l\ \oiigs in l'.ttgli\lt and ll'lxll (iaclic. and a linc tip of brilliant instrumcntalists.

I Tony Mitchell \Vcc l'olk (‘lulx Ro}a| ()ak. liilit'mar} Strch 557 2070. 8.30pm. £3. Songs. intricatc guitar and di‘} humour.

Monday 24


I Tom Russell lltc limit-r Bar. ’l‘itin ‘l‘hcalrc. 552 4267. 8pm. £l l.ll(). Edinburgh

I Me Suena Tu Cara ‘l‘lit- l)oi‘ic 'l‘a\crii. .\lat‘l\ct Stt‘cct. 225 ll)8»l. ()pm. l’i'cc. SL‘L‘ .\lon l7.

Tuesday 25

Edinburgh I Folk’n’Friends ’l’lic (‘anoiix' (iail. ('anongatc. 55h J-l8l. ()I‘HI. l‘t'cc. Scc luc l8.

Wednesday 26


I St Andrew’s in the Square

SI .'\lltll‘c\\ .\ it] thc Stillttl'c. till Saltiiiarltct. St ;\ndt‘c\\ \ Strcct. 518 (M20. ".30 lfl.3l)pm. £5. Scc “MI W.

I Song Session ('alc Sourcc. SI :\lldl‘L‘\\\ in tltc Stittarc. St .i\lltll'c\\\ Stitiai'c. oll Siiltiiitii'kc‘t. 548 (M20. 8.30pm. l’t‘cc. Scc \Vcd l‘).


I Fraser Nimmo and Ian Bolens lzdinhui'gh l‘olk ('ltih. ('ahai‘ct Bar. 'l‘hc l’lcaxaucc. 05” 234‘). 8pm. £0 i£5 f. \ixit hotttc l'roin thc Scolx \lltgt‘l‘ \\llt) coiiihincx traditional songs \\ ith lll\ tt\\ll original iiiatci‘ial. accoiiipaiticd h) \ ll'ltltixtt (‘anadiatt guilarN Bolcns.


I lan Bruce St :\lltll't‘\\ \ in thc Stiuarc. ol'l Saltmai'kct. St .‘\lltll‘t‘\\ '\ Sti‘cct. 548 (M20. 8pm. £(i i£»li. Big \oiccd \ongttritci'. \\ ith a rcpcrtoirc that L‘llc‘tllllp‘tt\\c\ Burns aitd thc Scots tradition ithcrc lic aiid his guitar ti'a\ cl h} tttolot'c)clc.

folk & world listings Music

Danu Their youthful seven- strong line-up of top Irish instrumentalists includes one woman singer «Muireann Nic Amhlaoibhl and has family roots in the Gaelic-speaking region of Waterford that go back to Seamus Ennis and the Clancy Brothers. and are picking up all the folky Oscars. Queen's Hall. Sun 23 May.

Fife Traditional Singing Weekend This annual event brings some of the greatest voices from the Scots bothy ballad and related traditions to a weekend of workshops. concerts and informal singai‘ounds in the beautiful wildfow! nature reserve near Auchtermuchty. Fife Anima/ Park, Fife, Fri I i/l—St/n 761‘ /a)./.

thequeenshal lpi‘esents

MAGIC FEET: canto gYSpyland

thursday 20 may 8pm

"Each piece, a fresh, idea, another facet comes into play,

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john rae's cel’ttc feet with robi farkas 8i mihaly farkas from Iitingary

Tickets: £12.00 Concessions: £10.00


0131 668 2019

clerk street edinburgh eh8 9jg www.queenshaIledinburgh.co.uk

' v... -1THE LIST 59