Classical & opera

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.


I Gumho Shin and Dagmar Duzdova Merehantx llottxe. 7 West (ieot'ge Street. 334 0757. l3.—l5pm. £5 t£3 £4.5tli. Baritone and piano dtio l\\o pri/e—“inning graduates l'rom RS:\.\II) \xith liltl\lL‘ h) Sehuhei't. [)\orak. Moran and Wagner.


I Hebrides Ensemble Si \ltii-k‘x ('hureh. ('astle 'lerraee. (m8 3(ll‘). (rpm. £5 i£3 l. l‘irxt in a hen \L‘l'lL‘\ ol' rush hour eoneertx aimed at eit} eentre oltiee \xoi‘kerx needing to who alter a hard da). lneludex .ltidith \Veir'x Dimmer (lllt/ lain/itininient and Brahinx‘ l’iiinu Quartet no /. the first til the lltl’L‘L‘ llttll the lillu‘llll‘le Pl'L‘\L‘lll\

o\ er three eonxeeuth e 'l'hurxda} s.

I Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers ('anongate Kirk. I53 (‘anongate. (th— 7""(i. 7.45pm. £(i t£3 £3 i. .\'oel ()‘Regan eonduets a eoneert ol' musie h_\ 'ltidor and Jaeohean Iinglish eompoxerx. the eenti'epieee of “their is John 'l'a\ei'ner\ .\la\\ entitled The lli'itt'rn ill/Ill.


I Mozart, Schumann, Prokofiev on Piano RS.v\.\tl). lot) Reiit'ieix Street. 333 505". lpiii. £o i£4i. Billed as '(ilaxgou \ l'a\ottrile pianixt' John l.ill eontinuex to eelehrate hix (illth hirthda} in the eit} \\ ith a lunehtime pei'l'ormaiiee oi .\lo/art\ Sonata in I”. Sehuinann‘x l't1\t'/llll“’\\(lIt/(lllk (1H\ lilt'll and

l’rokolie\ .\ y/ilt't'tlltl ()p/ /.

I Masterclass RSMH). lflll Reiit'i-cii Street. 333 505—. 3.30pm. l’ree. John| direetx this piano masterelaxs.

0 Scottish Opera: The Minotaur 'l'heatt‘e Bond. 383 Hope Street. 333 ‘lfltlfl. "pm. £5 £1“; laiiiil} tieket £38. See llllll\l. right.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Spring Concert RSAMI). too Reiit'icix Street. 333 505'. 3.3llpm. £(i. Agnes Hoe} eonduetx (ilttxgtm '\ talented )otlttg singers ranging from age\ (i H in a eoneert ol llltl\l£‘. \ai'ied in \eope l'i'om elaxxieal to l‘olk to modern.


I Edinburgh University String Orchestra Reid ('oneert llall. lidinhui'gh kitiH‘i‘xit}. Bt'ixto Square. 008 3llll). ".3flpin. £(i l£~ll. Andre“ (iril'lithx eonduetx a programme \xhieh ineludex leighton and Strauss.


0 Scottish Opera: The Minotaur 'l'heatre Ro}al. 383 Hope Street. 333 ()llllll. l.3llpm it 7pm. £5 £ltl1t'amil} tieket £38. See l‘i'i I4.

I Junior Academy Choral Concert RS:\.\ll). loo Keith-ext Street. 333 505". .lpm. l‘i'ee. (ieorgina .\laria \Vilxon eonduelx the .-\eadeiii_\ \ junior and senior ehoirx in a \ai‘ied programme.


I Edinburgh University Music Society Sinfonia and Chorus Reid (‘oneert llall. lidinhurgh l‘nuerxm. Bi‘ixto Square. (iti8 3lll‘). ".3llpm. £5 t£3i. JillllL‘\ l.o\\ e eonduetx. l’rograiiiiiie the.

I Edinburgh University Music Society SI .\l;tl'k'\ (illlll‘ell. (tulle ‘l'eri'aee. (ifi8 3lll‘). ".3llpm. £the. liuan

60 THE LIST '- "3:.

.-\rinstrong eonduets the premiere of London-based L‘ttlllptlxe‘l‘ I)a\‘id :\rditti\ setting of‘ the traditional Latin .\l;l.\\ in (’. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Queen's llall. (‘lL'l'lK Street. 003 3(ll‘). 7.45pm. £7 £33. 'l'hierr} l-‘ixeher eonduets a perl‘orinanee ol' l-‘reneh and l’i'eneh inspired musie. Joan Roget‘s i\ soloist in Britten'x Ln l/limiinuiinm and Rmel's delightful .llot/ii'r (imiw is heard in its eomplete hallet \erxion.


I Meadows Chamber Orchestra (‘)tleL‘tt\ llall. ('lerk Slt'L‘Cl. (ihh' 3(ll‘). 7.45pm. £8 t£l £(i.5tli. l’eter li\an\ eonduets a perl'ornninee ol' Sail} iiL‘illlll\l1.\ Illt' (it/t’r/Ultltlll RUM]. lilg‘ill“\ ('t’l/o (‘orii-i’riu. featuring the auard-

\\ inning )ottttg (Clli\l Rti\\et1a(.;tl\et‘l. and Beethm ett\ .Svni/i/iiint no 7.


GScottish Opera: The Minotaur 'l‘heatre Royll. 333 Hope Street. 5.53 Ulltltl. 7pm. £5 £ltl; laiiiil} tieket £38. See l-‘ri l4.

Tuesday 18


GScottish Opera: The Minotaur 'l‘heatre l{tt};tl. 3‘53 llope Slt‘L‘L‘l. .353 ()tltltl. 10.30am tk 7pm. £5 £|tl; l'amil} tieket £33. SL‘C l‘il'l l-l.

I Silver, Phillip Ramxhorn Theatre. ()8 lngrain Street. 553 318‘). l.l5 3pm. £35”. l’hillip Si|\er pla} \ Sehulhol'l'K Ja//—l.ike and niuxie h) [\raeli eoiiipoxer. l’aul Ben-llaim.


I Rhode Island College Chamber Singers Si .\l;ii~k‘~ (‘liiii't-li. (’axtle 'l'erraee. (r08 3lll‘). l3.|5pm. l'ree. litii‘opean \aered lllll\l£‘ It} l);tlL‘\ll‘lll;l. Baeh and l’oulene.

Wednesday 19


QScottish Opera: The Minotaur 'l‘heatre Ro)al. 383 Hope Street. 333 ‘)l)t)(l. l.3(lpin. £5 £Il); lttlllll} tieket £38. SL‘L‘ l‘il'l l—l.

Thursday 20


I Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concert Si .\l;ii~k\ (littl'e‘ll. ('axtle 'lei'i'aee. (i(i8 3(ll‘). (rpm. £5 l£3i. Seeond ol' the \peeial rush hour eoneertx pairing the three piano quartets h) lil'étlllth \\ ith eonteinporar) eonipoxei'x. .v\l‘ter a \log at the de\k. loda} \ treat is the seeond quartet. .\lartin lillllL‘l"\ .S/irine Ronni/x atid Jtidith Weir's .l/‘iu'.’ .‘ll'l\(’.'


I Best of Brass RS.r\.\ll). ltiti Renl'reu Street. 333 505.". lpm. U) l £4). Bi'_\ an .v\l|en direets highlightx from the Ro}a| Seottixh .I\eadem'\ Braxx' war featuring lllll\lL‘ h} ja/l eonipoxer Thomas ‘l‘atx' \Vallei'.

0 Endellion String Quartet l<ti_\;il (‘oiieert Hall. 3 Satiehiehall Street. 353 80”“. 7.45pm. £75”. 'l‘hix aeelaittied quartet. l'eaturing James Bind on \ iola. perl'orni Britten‘x Quarter no / in l) and .\lo/art\ String Quill/('1 in (i nii'niir. l'irxt in a mini-series from these juxtl} \xorld retumned iiiusieiaux pairing the .\lo/ai't quintetx \\ ith Britten.


I Edinburgh University Music Society Sinfonia and Chorus (ire) l'riai‘x Kirk. (ire) l'i'iarx l’laee. (i(i8 3fll‘). 7.30pm. £7 t£~li. James l.o\\ e. just

announeed as the nen associate eonduetor ol' the RSNU. eonduetx a programme of musie that ineludex Strauxx’ I)t'r It’iixt'nkui'u/ii'r Suite.


0 Czech National Symphony Orchestra Ro)a| ('oneert Hall. 2 Sauehiehall Street. 353 8000, 7.30pm. £|5 £35. See llllllxl. right.


I Edinburgh Academy Annual School Concert Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (i(i.\' 3(ll‘). 7pm. £the. Varied programme of Itlthle‘ lor ehainher ehoii'. ttl'L‘llL‘\ll'tl\. eoneert hands and danee hand. I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra (ire) lriarx Kirk. (ire) l'riarx l’laee. (iti8 3tll‘). ".3llpm. £7 t£3 £5i. (ierard l)ohert_\ eonduetx a pei'l'ormanee ol' Brahmx‘ .Si/ii/i/iuni Ito J. Siltelittxi l’i'lli'm i'l .l’t'll\tllI(/(' and lilgar'x In Illt' Soul/i.

I Rudsambee Rti\\l_\lt ('hapel. Roxlin. 44f) 3|5‘). ".3llpni. £(i t£4i. Wide-ranging relk'rtoire ol~ Seottixh. (iaelie. \Vext :\l'i'iean. .\lidd|e liaxtern and Seandinm ian llltlxlc. ()riginal arrangements and eonipoxitionx l'i'oin thix l‘)-\trong enwmhle.


0 Endellion String Quartet Ro}al ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 353 Mill”. 4pm. £".5ll. Seeond in the short season ol' eoneei'tx hour this quartet perl'oi'iiiing .\lo/art\ Quill/('1 in 12' tliil and Britten\ Quit/tel no 3 in (3


I Carmen l’la_\hott\e. l5 :3 (it'L‘L‘lhltlL‘ l’lae‘e. llhqll (ill(i3—l:-l, “1.30an

£l-1.5ll £33.50. Starring the lttlllttth Romale (ink) [)anee troupe in a da/Iling and traditional nen prodtietion. including a repltea ot' Se\ ille'x main square \\ ith ltllllllttllh lilo“ ing \\llll \xatei'. flowers and tH'dllg‘C ll'L'L‘\.

I Jubilo Choir with the Edinburgh Players (il'L‘_\ t'i-iai-x Kirk. (iretl'riarx l’laee. (iti8 3lll‘). ".3llpm. £8 I£hi. \Valtei' ‘l'homxon eottdtteh a perl'oi'inanee ol' muxie h} lla_\dn. Mendelssohn. Part} and lame.


I Paisley Philharmonic Choir Spring Concert l’aide} ’l‘tmii ll;ill. .-\hhe_\ (lose. 88" Illll). ".3flpm. £8.5ll t£"i. 'l'he l’aixle} l’hilharmonie is joined h} \llltll\l\ :tlltl orehexti‘a l‘t‘l’ ;t [k‘l'l-lll'lllilllk'k‘ ttl' Rutler\ Requiem. lla_\dn\ I/iii'niiinii' .llt‘nt' tllttl \iL'lltlL'l\\Ulllli\ “(lint/(W ()ii'rtiii‘i'.

Tuesday 25


I Elena Riu Rttllhllttl'll 'l’heatre. ‘LS liigraiii Street. 553 318‘). l.|5 3pm. £35”. l’iamxt lulena Riu [lL‘I‘ltll'llh Spanish hai'oqtie muxie and “ink h} J S Baeh.

I David Schultheiss 8. Gavin Brady Rttllhllttl'll 'l'heatre. 98 Ingram Street. 553 3-18‘). l.l5 3pm. £35“. Violinist l)a\ id Seliultheixx teams tip \\ ith [tittlttxl (Sax iii Brad} to perl'oriii a \oiiata h} Brahms.

I Scottish Opera: La Boheme 'l‘heatt'e l{o_\al. 383 Hope Street. 333 ‘llltltl. ".ISpm. £10.50 £39.50 'l‘he lirxt ne\\ [tl‘tttltlt'lltltt til llll\ t'l;t\\lt' \mi'k ll} Seottixh ()pei'a \iiiee W88 See re\ re“ page to


I Competition l<8.\.\tl). lllll Reiit‘ieu Street. 333 5ll5'. 5pm. l'i‘ee. Ye ('roniex ()pera .\\\ai'd (‘oiiipetition

I Scottish Opera: La Boheme Al'healt'e Rinal. 383 Hope Street. 333 ‘llltltl. ".I5piii. £I‘).5ll £30.50. See 'lue 35.

I Staffa Award l’ttlltlk llttll\L'. l’ollokxhanx Road. lilo (ill ll). ".3llpin. £l5 tine inter\a| \\ the and eanapexl. 'l‘hree


The Minotaur They say that kids get everything these days. but in terms of the arts it is somewhat unusual to have an opera especially created for children. Telling the exciting Greek legend of Theseus and how he destroyed the Cretan monster, it is surely not just for eight-year-olds to enjoy. so sneak in or find a kid and tag along. Theatre Royal. Glasgow. 74 8. 75. I 7— 19 May; Edinburgh Festival Theatre. 27 «29 May.

Endellion String Quartet Quartet-in-Residence at Cambridge University. the Endellion four ipicturedi are well regarded as one of the finest string quartets around. Their mini-series centred round the three Britten Quartets and the Phantasy Quintet with the four Mozart double viola Quintets is one that will work best if you go to all four concerts. but each one will be totally satisfying in its O‘-.‘./n right. Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. 2 l. 23. 28 <3 30 May

Czech National Symphony Orchestra They've just joined the European Union. but C7ech inuSical culture is Olltl)(}(l(l(}(l in the history of Western classical music. Just over ten years old. this orchestra. founded by a trumpet j.)lz.iyer. is young as orchestras go. but has a glowing reputation and is xix/ell worth hearing. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow 22 May.

finalists eonipete tor the prestigious Stal'l'a .v\\\ard run h} the National Youth ()l'L‘llL‘\ll';l\ ol' Seolland. .-\t a time \\llL‘li )tittiig l‘;l\\0ttlll\l\ are thin on the ground. it ix astonishing that [no are tip against (‘eliiie Saotit on harp.


I Scottish Opera: The Minotaur l‘t‘\ll\;tl lllk'illll‘. l3 3‘) \lettlstill Street. 53‘) (illllll. |.3(lpm. £(i £I3; l'amil} tieket ‘53“. See l'il‘l l-l.

I Hebrides Ensemble: Rush Hour Concert St Marks (‘hiii-eli. (Hutlc 'li‘i't‘;ie‘e'_ (i(i.\' 3(ll‘). (rpm. £5 l£.3 l. l‘inal ol' the rush hour eoneerts it‘llllll'lltg' .\lai'tiii Butler's Sit/inimi' \r’lllll'lltl and Bt‘altttN I’liinii Quit/tit no 3' in ('Ininiir'. I George Heriot’s School Junior Concert ()ueen’x llall. ('Iei'k Street. (i(i8 3lll‘). "pin. £-l i£3i. Pupils from l’i'iniar} 5-1 to l’rimar) " pei‘loi'ni a \\ ide \eleetion ol’ muxie ineluding L‘llttll'\. i'eeordei' groups. \ll‘lllg' and \\ ind Cll\k‘llll3lt‘\. Alilkilxt‘l\ a\ai|a|\|e l'l'ttlll lllC

\ehool ol'liee.