ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irindlay Strcct. 248 4848. ll’. 11. ll. \\'(‘. WA]

The Kerry Matchmaker Tue

18 Sat 22 May. 7.45pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £10 (£4 £0). (‘ity 'l'hcatrc Dublin prcscnts thc talc. sct in 50s west coast lt'clittitl. of tlic clil‘orts of Kerry matchmakci'. 1)icky Mick Dicky

()'(‘onnor. who trics to pair tip thc loncly

folks of rcmotc farms.

TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘amhridgc Strcct. 228 1404. ll’. ll. '171'.

watchable \tot'ks pcrl'ormcd by our supcrh national contemporary dancc company.

Proof Fri 21 May. 7.30pm. £8.50

(£0 £7.50). SCC (ilatsgtm‘. thc .-\t‘cltL‘s. Lynebank Charity Concert Sui 2‘) May. 7pm. £5 (£1 £3). (‘harity conccrt lcatiiring singing. dancing. Scottisli music and jazz.

St Andrews


Ahbcy Strcct. 01334 475000. ll’. \\'(‘| Company Chordelia Sui 22 May.

8pm. £0.50 (£5 £7.50). Scc Bruiiion 'l‘hcatrc. lidinhiirgh.



l'niVL‘t'slly ()l~ Sllt'littg. 01780 400000. [l’. ll. \\'(‘. \VAI

Soulskin lllL‘ 18 May. 2pm & 7pm. £8 (£4). (ii'itty new production l'rom Rcdladdcr l‘olloiyiiig thc lil'c 01(‘llt‘isslc. thc ncxy girl on thc cstatc.

The Ensemble Group \Vcd It) May.

8pm. £8 (£4). :\ dilly array ol‘ lcadiiig intcrnational chorcographic uork

listings Theatre & Dance

cxploring tlic thcnics 01 lch and passion. The Selfish Giant \Vcd It) Sui 22 May. 10.30am & 1.30pm: 1 lam & 2pm. £5.51). ()scttt‘ \Viltlc's talc ol' li()\\' a lilllL‘ boy’s l'ricndsliip inspircs thc grumpy old giant to opcn thc gatcs to his gardcn. his scasons and his hcart. Adaptcd iising piippcts. music and storytclling. Scottish Dance Theatre Sui 22 May. 8pm. £8 (£4). Scc ()iitsidc thc ('iiics. (‘arncgic llall.

Zlata’s Diary \Vcd 20 .\la_\. 1.30pm 8; 8pm. £3 (£4). SCL‘ ()lIISltlL‘ lllc ('llle. (‘iimhcrnaiild 'l‘licatrc.

\\'(’. WA]

Fergus Steps Out 'I'hu l3 Sun to May. 8pm. The imprcssiyc Lung lla's 'l‘hcatrc (‘ompany prcscnts this talc ()1 what cnsucs \yhcn thc control ccntrc ()1 lidinhiirgli malfunctions.

Protestants Thu 13 Sat 15 May. 7.30pm. £9 (£4 £5). Ransom Productions. thc tcain hchind thc criitically acclaimcd Iliu'rii‘rmi'. prcscnts its latCst \york. l'caturing Richard l)ormcr. winncr of thc Stagc Bcst Actor Award at thc lidinbiirgh l-‘ringc l-‘cstiyal 2003. Fierce liri 2| & Sat 22 May. 8pm. £10 (£4 £0). Scc rcyicw.

Cyrano 'I’uc 25 Thu 27 May. Scc Kids listings.

Outside the Cities



lay Squarc. 01382 223530. 11’. H. \\'('| Phoenix Dance Theatre Hi 14 & Sat 15 May. 8 9.30pm. £5.75 £10 (£4.75 £8). ()nc of Britain's most cxciting contemporary dancc companies prcscnts works by 1001' cqually iiinmatiyc clu)rcographcrs: Rui llorta. 1)arsliun Siiigh Bhullcr. llcnri ()guikc and .\1arcsa \'on Stockcrt.

The Matchmaker Wed 26 Sui 29 May. 7.45pm (Sat mat 2.30pm).

£9 £l4.50 (£4.75 £8). Scc tlic Royal l.yccum. lidinhurgh.



litist l’oi‘l. (H.183 314000. ll’. ii. m: WA)

Emily’s House Sui 15 May. Scc Kids listings.

Scottish Dance Theatre Thu 2() May. 7.30pm. £10 (£0 £8). 'l'hrcc highly

Royal New Zealand Ballet perform at Festival Theatre, Edinburgh

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 20 5 Friday 21

Dan'd may

Saturday 22

A Sunday 23 ' Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26' Thursday 27

I I V i r i H i I Brain Salad Brain Salad I

_ Citizens Main Gilmorehilth 2

David buddy

mm iaddy

\\ hcick tlic 'qum \\ hcic's (lic ' Jatqm \\ licic‘s llic lauiiii Jacqtn \Vilson

Swingboats Swingboals Swinghoats Upstairs in the Attic Upstairs in the Attic

l-ooiloosi- hoodlum l'tmlloosc (lumcn (IHIIICII (311mm “WW” I g i Showtime H Showtime (‘antoncsc Yucl Ml"? Shm‘lmw . Th ii... ' i)... I I Ramshorn 8 Roberto Zucco Roberto Zucco Roberto Zucco . (“WW-"um" I E . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ x H NIH I .\'1)‘I l .i ltulicmc 1-! “Ultk‘lllt‘ I Lcs Ballet C dc 1a 8 Les Ballet C dc la B 'llii'uv namway 'nii- \lc‘tlloty iii “11th 'I’hc \lt‘lllttly ol wait-i 'riii- .\lcilioiy iii \Valt't‘ 'i'iui-i- Nights in May iiit- \lt'lllnly ol wilt-r Iiii- \icmm o1 mic. l'hc sit-min) iii writ-r Tion Singing in the Rain Singing in thc Rain Singing in the Rain l’t‘t‘f (351" rum-um Church Hill Scottish ()pcm Th Sicplicn lttlllll (limit-n ‘l'hc Kcrr) Matchmaker '11": Kerry .\-latclnnakcr 'llic Kerry Matchmaker ', I “averse 1 Traverse 2

1.4 .‘ Ma. RUN-1 THE LIST 67