Clubs listings

Glasgow Saturdays continued

0 Smirnoff Experience Central Finale at the Archex. l().3()pm 4am. £l3 tcomhined ticket xingle gig and linale £l5t. l5 May only. lax/y Jelt‘ and tlte l’ltilharmonicx play their lirxt liye gig on lltcxc xltot‘cx at lltix Smirnoff xhindig. joined by xpecial guext Jocelyn Brown. D] Yelloyy. Ryan Shayy'. Jim llutchixon attd Brian Murnin are all there to huttrexx \y hat ix already" a hit ol~ a great line tip. Sec pita-[vita

I Soma Sessions at MAS. Next date thc.

I Subculture at the Suh (‘Iuh

l lpm 3am. £l(). Weekly. The hext hottxe night in Scotland juxt keepx going alter celehrating itx tenth Birthday. llarri and Domenic. \ye xalute ye. The Demon l)uo are xpecial guextx on 32 May.

I Superfly at the \Voodxide Social. l()pm 3am. £5.90. l5 May. 'I‘hix dcliglttl‘ul \ottcc i\ the epicentre of bohemian pxy ehe-cool. Sexy-axxed t'tink. ()ll'x rock and xoul atid a helping ol' neyy xtult' all go into the Superlly experience. The y ixualx are xomething elxe. loo. l.i\ e muxic on thix date comex from the .-\\ iator Shadex.

I Switchback at Sty itehhaek. .v\nniexland. I lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Billy Milligan pt'oy'idcx the chart anthemx and dancel'loor claxxicx at thix commendahle ottl-ol-loyy ner.

I Tiger Tiger at 'l‘iger 'l‘iger.

llptn 3am. £(i. Weekly. Moxt ol the hoyx and girlx at Tiger 'l'iger like to look tlte part. xo nice l'rock'x and xuitx are a good idea. The muxic policy ix commercial dattce and the tihiqtiitoux Rtkli.

I Tumbao at ('ttha .\'orte. 5pm 2am. l‘ree. 15 May. 1)] Duncan dropx xalxa. merengue. latin pop and Rtteda all night long lot the loy cly people ol' the Ntit‘tc club.

I Urizien at the t'nixetxal.

1 1pm 3am. £thc. l5 May. Monthly. :\ neyy drttnt & haxx party can only he a good thing. \y e think. xo \y hy' not xample tlte l‘layour ax l'ri/ien'x rexidentx- .lay l)ouhle l'. Mannan. Jnr Bry xon arid lle\- take it all to another lc‘\ el'.’

I VEGAS! at the Renlreyy l‘erry. 0.30pm 3am. £0 t£7 il' ‘l'ahulouxly drexxed’ t. 3‘) .May. Monthly. Frankie Sumatra. Bugxy Seagull. l)ino Martini and their Shoyygirlx prexent thix eyer- popular night ol‘ eaxy -x\y ingin' claxxicx. lt'x cheaper it you drexx up. remember. I Wired at :\xy lunt. (‘aledonian l'niyerxity l'nion. ltlpm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilaxgoyy 'x longext running alterttatiy e indie night yy ith drinkx promox aplenty.

I Wu-Tang Special at the Arc-hex. ltlfitlpm 3am. £l2. 32 May only. 'l’raxx ey entx prexent a xpecial one off night of Wti madnexx ax part ol' the It) Days in

Back of A List card

.lluy' t'extiy'al. l-‘eaturing (i/.;\/(ieniux. Maxter Killa. l)retly Kruger. [)1 Mathematicx and the l-'reek Menooyerx 1)] team. thix xhould he a rapper'x deligltt all rotmd. Sm' pn'rit'u:

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s at Bennet'x.

l l.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. In which \ye are confronted by a xtrange phenomenon. 'l‘oni playx xome hattgin' handbag and tunex loy'cd hy l2-year-old girlx. to equally appreciatiye gay men. liunny old yyorld.

I Bite at tlte (‘athottxe ltlfitlpm 3am. l-i'ee hel‘ore l l.3(lpm; £3 l .5()) alter. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you'll lind at the city 'x premier rock yenue on Fri or Sat.

I B’Lo at B'lo ‘)ptti-.‘~atti. l‘ree het‘ore llpm: £5 (£3) at‘ter. Weekly. Look on! your Sunday hext tor a night of xmooth. claxxy dance muxic.

I Boogaloo at the Social. 9pm 3am. Free. Weekly. Block xly le party gl'ooy'cx, urhan R&B. xcratch ltip hop. liy-e perettxxion attd guext M(‘x all iii a xyyanky' .\'e\y York-xtyle xetting.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched \‘enue hack on track yyith detailx .xtill thc.

I Candy at 'li‘axli. l lptn 3am. £4t£3). Weekly. Kick hack with your choice of taxty' promox attd enjoy a medley of xyy'eet tunex.

This pass entitles you to a discount (stated in the Club Listings) at the clubs listed on the front of this card.


You can use this pass

want in the two weeks it’s valid and when this one runs out, you can get a brand new card in the next issue.

as many times as you

VALID FROM: 13/05/04 UNTIL: 26/05/04

ll‘tt: l isn't; A l lSl card is; a (l|f$(l()lllll Sclion‘o only and is; £l\.’£l|l£ll)l(} to “10:30 anon ’8 years; and older All participating (:ltitis; rosorvo the right to rofnso (ttl'l‘lf;5;t()ll. Tno pass; has no n‘onotary Villth and IS valid for only one [)(3l'80ll.

76 THE LIST ‘..-. x xiii].


I Club Budda at ('luh Budda. Dumharton Road. ('lydehank. l lptn 3am. £thc. Weekly. Ryan Kerr xpinx. xending ('ly'dehank‘x \\ ell-heeled xct reeling into Monday.

I Club Tropicana at the (iarage t.’\tticl. llpm 3am. £3 t£3t. Weekly. lndie. hotlt claxxic and contemporary. \y ith a healthy doxe ol‘ Britpop.

I Disco Badger at Bamhtm.

llpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Scottie l3. Dominic Martin and Rohin keep the Sunday throng xatixlied in the yenue yyhoxe marriage of Rth and hottxe hax been an unqualilied xttccexx.

I Dream at Strayyherry t-‘ieldx. l()..‘~()pm .‘yam. £l5. Weekly. l-"il'teen quid to get in'.’ You're ‘ayin' a laugh. ain't ya'.’ But yyait: the bar ix contpletely free all night. xo xtop moaning and get drinking. I An Evening with Jazzanova and Dani Siciliano at The ('otticr‘ 'l‘heatre. 7.30pm late. The maxterl’ul (iertnatt production and 1)] collectiy e go up to the Wext lind to entertain at the yyonderl‘ul (‘ottier'x theatre. l.i\e l‘ttnkinexx from l)ani otl'xetx the .xouttdtrack. Part of It) [hm [it .lluy.

I Free Sundays at the t‘nhetxul.

l lptn 3am. Free. Weekly. Hip hop. l'ttnk. xoul. reggae. hottxe and jax/ all in thix great. \ irtually llllkllonll yenue iuxt hehind Sauchiehall Street.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at liquid Lounge. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. :\ Sunday night xltitttlig from the people at ('arhon Recordx and l"i\'c‘2()liztxt Recordx. Taking the xpirit ol‘ hottxe tnuxic and hottxe partiex and cookin' it up real nice. yy itlt added rock. hreak'x. reggae and Rtkli.

I I Candy at 'l'raxh. l lpm .‘yam. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ Rob hax the big anthemx and tloorlillerx to keep (ilaxgoyy ’x beautiful people dancing all night loitg. I Liquid Cool at the Belo. 0pm 3am. £5. Weekly. A]. Krix lx'eegan attd [an 'l‘hoinpxon play top notch yocal garage and hottxe to a cluh packed yy ith hyper- hedonixtic tyyenty xotnething reyellerx. all of yyhom xeem to hay e forgotten that they hay'e yyork in the morning. It quality tunex and glamoroux anticx are your hag. Sun at Belo ix unmixxahle.

I Mungo’s Hi Fi at the Butt.

h’pm 3am. l-‘ree hel'ore l lpm: £5 at'ter. Weekly. Scotlattd‘x numher one reggae dancehall collecliye. l‘ormerly rexidentx at the \Voodxidc Social. do \\ Ital they loy e moxt at their neyy yenue. playing inna xound xy xtem xty le. and packing in the maxxex With their rootx riddimx and mic action.

I One Sunday at the Tunnel.

llpm 3am. £4 t£l l. Weekly. The Rtyli

Oxia guests at Pressure, Fri 28 May

xexxionx continue at thix xint'ttl Sahhatlt xeance. Wear nice clothex l‘or admixxion. plL‘aSL‘.

I Optimo (Espacio) at the Suh (‘luh llpm 3am. £(i t£5 t. Weekly. :\n inxtitution feeding the cultural life of (ilaxgoyy ceaxelexxly. ll you hay en't been to ()ptimo. check it out. ()n In May yye hay e a liye perl'ormance trout Luciano. and on 23 May it'x the turn ot‘ Jamex ('hance.

I Opus at ()pux. Spm 3am. liree. Weekly. (iilex playx the piano all night and ittto the morning. too. A line mid toyy n yenue l'or thoxe \\ ho like the iyoriex tinkled ax they xyy ally.

I Passion at ('ltih Media. l lptn 3am. £5 (£3 het‘ore midnight \yith l‘lyeri. Weekly. [1' you like chunky hottxe. techno and a xtnidgeon of trance. and yott dixlilxc cheexe. then you could do \yot'xc than get in yyith the Media lot. ()n xpinning dutiex y\ e hay e 'l'reyor Reilly. Andy l’erry. Jamex Broyyn. Ken l-erguxon and Michael l’aterxon.

I The Priory at Blanket. | lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. 'I‘hix cluh'x xomething ol‘ a mixnotner. l'nlexx ol' courxe dancing all night to xtudent anthemx and Rtin ix ltoyy you deto\. Jl’ and the 'l'utmelx' Richard l.e\ inxon are the ltoxtx.

I Salsa Romantica at (‘).\tt'. Next date the.

I Streaker at Shack. ltmopm 3am. £5 (£5). \Veekly. [)1 .lamex 'thc Boy. (iardncr \pttt\ tlte trackx l'ot' thoxe enjoying immature anticx and naked lun. I Sunday Shoutin’ at Max.

llpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. .\ cluh named alter Johnny ('orporate'x Hoot—filling Detected claxxic yyax alyyayx going to he pretty darn tine. Big \ocal hottxe numherx and a yery xyyeaty dancel'loor. I Sunday Surgery at ('uhe.

llpm 3am. £5 (£5). Weekly. ('anteron (‘raig dixpenxex xome xalye l'or your xoul at thix medical-themed \\ inder~doxt ner. I Sunday Best at the Shetl.

lt)..‘~()pm 3am. £3 t£2t. Weekly. littan .\'eilxon aitd Andy Rohertxon are in charge of the tunex at thix maxxiyely popular xouthxide cltih. .ltixt he quiet

W hen leay ing the premixex. pleaxe.

I Temptation Sundays at 'l‘tger 'l‘iger. l2.3(lam 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. ('alling all yyell-<pt‘exented. young protexxional typex. l).l Willx playx l'unky hottxe aitd cluh claxxicx lrom “Pm.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Real pop l'or real people yy ith l).lx .\'iall McMurray and Wayne [hunt

I Urban Europe Afterparty at the Archex. llpm 3am. £thc. lo May only. (‘elehrate the xtart ot' xttmmer'x l'rhan