‘) l I (icorgc Slt'L‘L‘l. .553 3034.

Mon Sat 9am 5pm.

John Lowrie Morrison t'ntil Sat l5 May. New Scottish landscapcx and floral \ltldic\ h) .Iolomo.

Gillian McDonald Sat l5 .‘ylay Sat l3 .lun. .\'c\\ uatcrcolourx.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l'ni\cr\ity ol‘ (ilaxgou. S3 llillhcad Sli'cct. 330 545i. .\lon Sat

9.30am 5pm; Sun I330 4.30pm. Scottish Art 1800-1900 l‘ntil Sat IS Scp. .\ small but significant collcction ol' 19th ccntury Scottish art. giltcd to thc lluntcrian hy pri\atc L'UllL‘L‘lot'x. 'I‘iIL‘ display itlc‘ltldc‘x Works by Sir l)a\ id \Vilkic. Horatio .\lc(’ulloch and Sir William .\lc'l‘aggart.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection t'ntil Fri 5] Dcc. .\ \c‘h‘c‘lion ol thc lltmtcrian'x linc art collcction ol' Britiin art li‘oni thc 3()th ccntury.


lh’a .\ICil(iU\\ Road. 537 I383.

.\lon l’ri llam 5pm; Sat lllam lpm. Young Scottish Artists l'ntil Sat 15 May. .\'c\\ (ilaxgtm gallcry. lnli‘arcd. prcscnts an cxhihition ol' work by young at'llxls. inclttding photography and photo montagc by Michcllc l)a\\n Hannah and paintings by [cila Smith and gallcry t)\\llL‘l' Jamic Rll\\c‘ll.

Jamie Russell Mon 17 Thu 27 May. Painting by .lamic thxc‘ll including rcccnt \york liom Barcclona.

INTERMEDIA GALLERY IX King Sti'cct. 553 354(). [)ain hoot] 6pm.

Seanchaidh - The Great St

Kilda Adventure t’ntil Sat 22 May.

Artist dtio llolc in my l’ockct (Scott .'\ir|ic and Allixlait' Hurt) Silt)“ thc I'L‘SllilS ol' thcir 3005 pi'tiic‘c‘l \\ hiL‘h c\plorcd idcax ol' mobility and \uxtainahilily in contcmporary Scotland. ’l‘hc txyo ztl'll\l\ w! oil. on a iourncy arotmd lhc \\ i|d\ ol' Scotland It) c\changc \lot‘lc‘\ \\ ilh th‘ [)L‘UPIL‘ th‘y lllc‘l. .-\l\() on Silt)“ ttl‘c‘ pt‘npoxttlx lot" a wricx ol' inlcl'\ cnlionx along lhc‘

ScotRail nctyyork and a \cricx ol inodclx, postcrx and paintings iltspit'c‘d h} thc idca of an inncr (11). /.oo in (iltlxgou '\ \lL‘t'L‘htllll (ill).


300 Bath Strccl. 33] 0733. 'l’uc Sat

9am 6pm.

David Kiely Sat l5 May Sat 17 Jul. .-\n c\hihition ol' rcccnt paintings by lrixh ill’ll\l l)a\id Kicly. Knottn l'or hix ahxtract \yorkx. hc hih rcccntly \tartcd to introducc pcoplc and building\ into lhix L‘Ulllptixllltllh. NFW Sl-lOV‘t’.


158 Bath Sti'cct. NI 4060. Mon 'l‘hu noon lam: l‘ri Sat noon 3am. Shapes of Things l'ntil Thu 17 Jun. 'l‘hc Shapcx of Things is a \cricx ol cxhihitionx highlighting tlic work of rcccnt gl'udtlttlc‘x and studcnts at (ilasgtm School of .-\l‘l and olhct‘ at'l c‘ollcgcs. Brian Styccncy shoux \tork from thc 6 May. lolloyycd by Matt 'l'hompxon (30 .\la_\ l and Laura Vickcrx and :\ll(ll'L‘\\ Park (3 Jun l.


ll Mitchcll l.anc. 33| 6363. Mon.

\Vctl Sat 10.30am 5pm: 'l‘uc llam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. £3 (Sllpl.

Field Trip l'ntil Hi 3 Jul. 'l'hc familiar and unlamiliar lttltdsc‘upc‘x. buildings and plach in Scotland arc cxplorcd in thix touring cxhihition.

Co-Existence l'ntil Sun 6 Jun. (iracmc l‘inlay pl‘L‘SL‘llh his ncyy Makalm product. colourful grippcr tilcx dcsigncd l'or Ikca’x childi'cn'x l’S t'angc. and Kirxty Murray \llt)\\ \ hcr ncu “tillpapci‘ (ICSiglIS.

Real: 21 st Century Learning l'nlil Sun 30 May. .-\ cclchralion ol' Rcal l.itclong l.carning. an initiati\c \xith oyc‘l‘ Sl),(lt)fl lllL‘llllk‘l'x, incl 30 community Icarning ccntrcx and l.‘~(l ccntrcx in city huxincxxcx ilL‘l‘t)\\ (ilaxgoty.

Piemonte: Land of Innovation, Art, Industry and Style Hi It .\lay. 6pm. l-‘rcc. Italian \tylc maga/inc Lulu-l pi‘cscntx a night ol art. dcxign. music and dancc l‘caturing a pcrl'ormancc lrom Stalkcrlcatro and thc Working Party. thc launch of a ncyy hook Iii/mi'uliun in l’ii'rlmmil.‘ sin l/lmlmli'tl Story and a [)1 \ct hy (iiorgio Vallclta.

All Day by David Kiely on show at the Lloyd Jerome Gallery


Station Road. .\lilnga\'ic. 578 8847. 'l‘uc Sat ltlam lpm & 3 5pm. Light Through Colour t'ntil Wed 36 Ma); .»\n cxhihition draun from thc gallcry \ pcrmancnt collcction cxploi‘ing tlic application ol’ colour to canyax. papcr. gltl\\ and ccramic. Living Paint that Well 36 May. l‘orly ol‘ Scottish ('olout‘ixt .ll) l"c‘i‘gti.x.xoii'x lk‘Sl-kllnyt n oil paintings.

MANSFIELD PARK GALLERY 5 llyndland Strcct. 343 4 l 34. \Vcd l‘ri llam 6pm; Sat llain 5pm; Sun noon 4pm.

London Calling that Well 9 .lun. Rcccnt pilillllllgx. drau ing\ and ctchingx hy liyc (ilasgou -ha.\cd artists who arc currcntly \ltld} ing at thc Princc of Wales l)ra\\ ing School in Shoi'cdilch. :\l‘ll.\l\ includc l.i/a Dimhlchy. [my id (‘aldyyclL I)iana [.cxlic. Massimo l’ranco and llcnry (iihhons (itiy.


333 & 334 l)ukc Strcct. l)c‘lttti\lottn. 556 7376. 'l‘uc Sat noon 6pm. Mutiny l'ntil Sat l5 May. :\n cxhihilion ol' uot'k by third ycar photography studcntx at (ilasgoyt School of All.


370 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 565 4 Hit).

.\lon Sat lllam 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'ntil .\'o\' 3005. :\.\ thc Kclyingroyc .\lu.\cum & Art (iallcry has noyy cloxcd its doors l‘or major rcl'urhithcnt. oycr 3()() paintings from thc Kclx ingroyc collcction takc up rcsidcncy at lhc .\IL'I.CIIZIII (iallcricx. 'l'hc dixpltl} includcx Thomas l-‘acd’x 'l'lu’ /.u.\'l ol'l/u' (Yuri and Rcmhrandt'x .-l .llun in Armour. plus \york hy ('harlcs chnic Mackintole Dutch and l-"lcmixh art.

TRACEY MCNEE FINE ARTS 47 l’arnic Slrcct. 553 5637. 'I'uc Sat llam 5pm.

Gallery Artists t’ntil Thu 37 May. A \hoyy ol \tork hy gallcry ill'll\l\ including \torkx hy (icrard M Burns. lirancix Boag. Kcly in Burgoync. ('olin Park and Sandra Bcll.

listings Art

Nathan Coley A long- overdue major survey on the work of Scottish artist Nathan Coley. including a new commission in which every place of worship listed in Edinburgh's Yellow Pages is recreated out of cardboard. See feature. Fruitmarkef Gallery, Edinburgh, Sat 22 May—Sun 78 Jul.

Dundee Degree Show 2004 Dundee kicks the degree show season off early with graduate work from all disciplines. See preview. Duncan of Jordanslone College Of Art and Design, Dundee. Sat 22—Sat 29 May.

Hanneline Visnes New works on paper and board by the Glasgow-based Norwegian anist. best known for her intriguing compositions of unrelated objects. See preview. dogged/sitter: Edinburgh, Sat 75 May—Sat 70 Jul.

Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age The Queen's world—class collection of 17th century Dutch paintings go on display. including works by Vermeer. Rembrandt and Terborch. Queen's Gallery. Edinburgh, Fri 74 May-Sun 7 Nov.

Once Upon our Time A contemporary take on the portrait miniature as Moyna Flannigan creates 50 new fictional characters. National Pom‘ail Gallery, Edinburgh. Thu 73 May—Sun :3 Sep.

Martin Boyce Boyce's acclaimed 2002 Tramway exhibition is the starting point for this exhibition of related sculptures. Surprisingly, this is his first solo show at the gallery that represents him. Modern Institute. Glasgow, until Fri 4 Jun.

Interim MFA A chance to see the work of the first year students on the acclaimed postgraduate Master of Fine Art course. Glasgow School of Art. Glasgow, Sat l:3-——Fri 28 May

".’.l.:. .‘ THE LIST 85