((‘lmt' (ll Hum/I. ll'ltti/t’rx t'I'lrt' ll'lm/t' Ship) and Smtrixt' nil/r Sui .tlmtxlt'rx. Curator’s Favourites \Vetl It) .\la_\'. l2..‘~() lpttt. t-ree. .\'oorah Al-(iailani. curator of lxlamic civilisationx. dixcuxxex a l’erxian minai ceramic cup/jug from Iran. late l2th centtir}.

Curator’s Favourites Wed 20 Ma). I230 lptn. l’i'ec. 'l‘obiax (’apxxell. curator of arm\ and armottr dixcuxxex the armour ol' the limperor l't‘l‘tllllillld I.


'l'ranma}. 25 Albert l)ri\c. ()S45 33(lb50l. 'l’ue Sat l0am 4pttt1Sttnnoon 4pm. The Hidden Gardens Scotland'x lirxt \anctuar} garden dedicated to peace created in collaboration \\ itlt ma organisation. landxcape architech (‘it_\ Dexign ('ooperatixe. the local ettttltlltltllt) attd a teattt ol ttl'tixtx. A derelict induxtrial \ite adjoining 'l'ramtxa} \xax tranxlormed ittto a contemplatixe garden \\ ith dedicated artxxorkx.

HOUSE FOR AN ART LOVER Bellahottxton Park. 10 Dumbreck Road. 353 4773. Hail} ltlam 5pm. £3.50 t£2.5t)). Norman Stevens that Mon 3! .\la_\. titchingx and aquatintx b) .\'orman Ste\enx.


t'nixerxit} Axentte. 330 4221. Mon Sat 0.30am 5pm.

Robert the Bruce: Warrior King I‘ntil Fri 28 Ala}. A \mall exhibition xhtmcaxing a botte that cante lt'ont tlte bod} ol' Robert the Brttce. alottg \\ ilh otlter t‘eltL‘S dixem eretl \\ ithin the collin and tomb.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year t'ntil Sttit l .Attg. 'l'hix cxhibitiott \hoxxcaxex tlte \er} bext intagex lrom tltix prextigioux contpetition. produced b_\ amatettr tlx \\ ell ax pt‘olcxxional photographerx.

The World of Chaucer: Medieval Books and Manuscripts Sat t5

.\la_\ Sat 2S Attg. Art exhibition ol' (ilaxgoxx t‘nixerxit) \ riclt ltoldingx ot ('haucerian llltllltISL‘l'iPIS aitd earl} printed hoolxx. man} of \tlticlt are rare. unique and beatttilttll) decorated. ltighlightx include (ilaxgou '\ l5th centur} illuminated cop} ol' ('hattcei'\ to\ e poem The Ronni/H oft/1c Row. a late cop} of The (Miler/nut Iii/tit attd tlte onl} \urx l\ ing manuscript cop} ol' the l‘rench “nth l.('\ (771“ .VHHt't'I/t'x .Vnut‘c/lt'x. Ni Si lC)‘.'.’.


Kehin Hall. I Bttnhottxc Road. 287 2720. Mon 'l'hu tk Sat ltlam 5pm; l-‘ri tk Stttt llant 5pm.

All Change! l‘nttl l‘t'i 3t Dec. 'l‘he \tot'} ol‘ (ilttxgoxx '\ tl’ttllxpttt‘t and technolog} collectionx.


(ilihgtm (ireen. 554 0223. Mon 'l‘hu (& Sat ltlam 5pm; l-‘ri & Sttn llam 5pm. One Hundred Years of Tennis t'ntil 'l‘hu l‘) .Atig. 'l'ennix \Vext ol' Scotland celebratex \\ ith art exhibition of photograph. memorabilia. trophiex attd L‘ttxtlllttc‘S nx centenar).


\lttxettm ol' lidttcation. 225 Scotland Street. 287 ()500. Mon 'l'ltu & Sat ltlam 5pm; liri a Sun llam 5pm.

On the Beach, Under the Sea t'ntil .\lon 23 Atig. 'l’ouring exhibition lor children xix and under. lik‘ttxiltg on tlte hidden treasures ot tlte xeaxhore. teaturing a beaclt httt attd a giant \hell l'or \tor}telhng. plttx a xhell inxextigation centre.


2 (‘axtle Street. 555 2557. Mon 'l‘htt tk Sat lttam 5pm: l‘ri & Sun I latn 5pm. Priests, Patrons and Piety t'ntil Mon 27 Sep. .A \mall exhibition cltartittg the lltxtttl'} ol' the Scot\ ('ollage l’arix. loot 2003.

Edinburgh Galleries


Moray Home. 57 llolyrood Road. 558 7(i04.

Never the Same Again: 20 Years on from the Miners’ Strike 'l‘hu l3 Ma}. Photographs by Roxx Murray and Douglax Roberton including recent pttt'tt'tttIS ol‘ the mining communin lrom (iorebridgc.

Crude Cuts II Hi 14 Ma) 'l‘hu l0 Jun. A Selection of littoettl prints and paintingx b} t’attl Ballittgall. NFW

St l()W.


() l)ttttd;tx Street. 557 4050. Mon Fri ltlam (rpm; Sat llam 2pm.

Scottish Paintings 1650 to Present t'ntil .\Ion 3| Ma). A Selection ol~ Scottixh paintingx including \xorkx b} (ieorgc Leslie lluntcr. William Mc'laggart. John Knox. William Simpxon and l)\' ('ameron.


2 Market Street. 52‘) 3003. Mon Sat 10am 5pm.

Benchmark t'ntil Sat 22 .\la_\. Photographer (irahant ('Iark presents the rexttltx on hix ongoing project depicting \xooden park benchex.

IONA - Island of Inspiration t'ntit Sat 1‘) Jun. Art exploration ot him the xmall ixlztlld oll~ the “ext coaxt ot Scotland. Iona. has been the lltxpit‘uttntl for man) ttl‘tixtx o\ er l5 centttriex. Northern Light t‘tttil Sat It) .ltm. ()n \lttm tor the lirxt time. a dixpitt} ol‘ \xorkx from the cit) '\ photographic collection. teaturing “(it'le b) Hill and Atlantxon. ()\\ en l.og;tlt. Weird} .\lc.\lttrtlo. l’atricia Macdonald attd ('alttm (‘olx in.

Raw Talent: 100 Years of Scottish Art l'ntil Sat 20 Jun. A Selection ot “(Nix than n from the cit} \ art collection. tetltlll'lltg‘ “(it‘le b} ('adell. t’crguxxon. Bellan). .\tac'l‘aggart and .\I(l)llit l-‘lannigan.

Gardens of Tuscany Sat 23

Ma} Sat 20 Jun. A l‘octtx on the ltaliatt garden from the Renaixxance to the prexent da}. concentrating on the creation ot Italian-\t} Ie garden\ in Britain attd in 'l‘uxcatt} dttring the l‘)th and cart} 20th ccntttriex. 'l‘hexe include the gardenx ol~ (‘ontpton Acrex in Bournemouth. 'l‘rentltam at Stoke-on- ‘l'rent and l.;tlll'i\tt)tl (‘axtle in lidinbttrgh. NtW St l()\"\.’.

A Long Look Homeward Sat 32 Ma) Sat 2(i .lun. 'l‘ibet'x tttrbttlent llixtttt‘) is explored iit thix exhibition featuring contemporat'} Tibetan photograph» highl} cral'ted ‘thangka‘ painting\ and an authentic notnatl'x tent. NH“! Sl'l()\".’.


22 2S ('oeixhut'tt Street. 220 I200.

'l'tie Sat noon 5pm.

Photocopies t'ntil Sat 2‘) Ma}. A lirxl Seottixh \hoxx tor Bt‘ttxxclx-baxed ztt'tixtx duo Simona Denicolia and lxo l’t'oxooxt. \\ ho ha\e cox cred the gutter) \xith large and \mall plltttttc‘opiex ol~ draxx ingx. text attd re-interpreted headlinex.

Harald Thys and Jos De Gruyter I’lltil Sat 2‘) Ma) tI’roject Roomt. Video \Htt‘le b} Belgian duo Harald 'l'h) \ and Jttx [)e (it‘ll)tL‘l' \xhich explore lttxx ol' identit}.

Screening Night 't‘htt 27 .\la_\. (L5HPIII. I'lt‘t‘. 'l'ltree lilm \\ttl'lx\ bx llarald ’l‘h} \ and .lttx dc (irtt) ter \\ ill be Screened.


4l l)unda\ Street. 557 456‘). .\ton l'ri 10.30am 5.30pm1Sat 10.30am 5pm. Group Show t'ntil Sat 5 Jun. A group \lttm ol' paitttittgx including landscapex b} 'l‘on} (iillexpie and .lamcx Macattla}. theatrical. tiguratix e \tlltliex b_\ Alan King. landxcapex attd ligttratix e “ot‘kx b} [in l’attullo attd abxtractx b} Andre“ Squire.

A Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman by Johannes Vermeer

listings Art

(1632-1675) on show at the Queen’s Gallery


3 Home 'l'errace. 225 "ISO. Mon Fri 9am 5pm: Sat llatn 3pm.

Kaspar Bonnen l‘ntil \\'etl fit) Jun. Young l);lttixlt painter lx'axpar Bonttett reuorkx exer}tla_\ motilx itt tlti\ exhibition ot paintingx.

THE DEAN GALLERY Bell'ord Road. (t24 (t200 trccortletl intormation 332 22(tot. _\lon \Vetl tk

l-‘ri Stttt l0am 5pm; 'l'htt Illam "pm. (’ate.

Max Ernst’s Books t‘ntil Sun 3“ .lttn. A dixpla} ot illuxtrated bookx b} .\tax lirnxt. ranging trom hix lirxt collaborationx \xith poet l’aul liluard in W22 to l’;tt’;tltl_\tlle\ publixhetl in l‘)(t7.


ISa l)tllltiit\ Street. 557 5227. Mon Sat ttlam 5.30pm.

Jane Duckfield and Frank Colclough Mon 24 .\la} Stttt l3 .lllll. An exhibition ol' land and \c;t\cape\ featuring \\ ext L'ttaxl \c‘ette\.


ll (i;t_\ licld Square. 5.53 7i l0. \Ved l'il'i llatn (rpm; Sat noon 5pm.

0 Hanneline Visnes: Ring Around Paradise Square Sat t5 .\ta_\ Sat to Jill. .\ tit‘xt \Uitl tilx' \lttm it} tip-and-

conting (il;t\go\\ -ba\etl artixt llannelitte \ixnex. bext knonn tor her intriguing \xorlxx on paper which juxtapoxe a xeriex ol' unrelated objectx together. Intricate patternx draxxn lrom l’erxian tilex. l'lbekixtan tabric dexign and earl} tinglixh tapextriex ha\e tlhpil‘etl her ne\\ “Ulla. Sec pt‘e\ ten and llitlixt. NE lt)‘.'.,


(ia I)lllltlil\ Street. 558 9303. Mon l‘ri l0am (rpm: Sat ltlant 4pm.

John Lowrie Morrison: Memories of Iona t'ttttl Sat 15 .\la_\. A \olo \hotx til next Scottish landxcapc paintingx b} .lolottto.

20th Century Russian Paintings Stttt to Sat 22 Ala). l0.50;tltl 7.30pm. RtleCll Baker l'ine Art prexent an exhibition ol' paintingx bx \tell knoxxn RtISSlttll artixtx l'ront the l‘)4()\ to the i‘)(\()\.


llol}t’tmd Road. .550 7800. Hail)

l0am (>pm. [7.05 W450). Heriot-Watt University Fashion Show 2004 Hi 2! Ala}. U0 (£5 for 4pm \hoxx tk under Hm. ('atxxalk collectionx b_\ third and l'ottrth )car tuition dexignerx at the Scottixh liot'det‘x campux at lleriot—\\'att t'nixerxit}.

‘" ;; f Talbot Rico Gallery"

', J- Modern Scottish Art

From the University a! am» Mon

24 April » 29 May 2004 » $81, 1031mm, PM

Visit our mm» for {all event M,

University of Edinburgh 01d College, .

mm ' gh EH8 Wt. 0131 m 2211

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".l.a.. -'- THE LIST 87