Buddhist Craft Workshop Sun 23 Ma}. 2.30 4pm. The Hidden (ittl‘tlt‘llx. Trauma}. 25 .-\lhert Wire. 0845 55055Ul. :\ da} oT \\()l'l\‘\litlp\ including mandala tnaking and producing hutter sculptures. lead h} Tibetan Buddhist Monk‘s,

Creatures of the Deep Tlllt 27 Ha}. I 4pm. £4.50 (£3.25). The Tall Ship at (ilaxgou llarhour. l00 Stohcross Road. 222 25l.‘~. The Tall Ship l\ del\ ing into the mark} “aterx ol' the sea toda} there are pictures and pu//le\ to colour and complete.

Theatre & Dance

The Witch, the Wizard and Little Red Riding Hood Sat l5 Ma}. 2pm. £4 (£3). Scottish Mask «k l’uppet 'I'heatre (‘entre. S l0 Balcarres .v\\ enue. Kelx indale. 33‘) (i185. Talking Heads puppets tell the tale ol‘ Little Red Riding Hood \\l1o\ oil- to \isil (irann) Smith. That is until llitlllthlS the Witch gets ill the ua}. (‘ome and lind out \\ hat happens to the wee laxsie.

Travels in a Wash Basket Sat 22 .\la_\. 2pm. £4 03.50). Sc‘ttlllSll .\l;I\l\ & l’uppet 'I‘heatre ('cntre. S l0 Balcarres .-\\enue. Kel\ indale. 35‘) (ilS5. loin S}l\ ia Troon Kenxpeckle l’uppcts' ad\enture\ \\ ith (iarden (ihome and Bah} Binklehurp.


On the Beach, under the Sea l'ntil Mon 23 Aug. Thu l3 Ma}. Sat l5 .\la_\. l'ntil Thu 20 Ma}. Sat 22 Ma} ck l'ntil Thu 27 .\la_\ l0am 5pm; l‘ri & Sun 11am 5pm. Scotland Street School .\lu\eum. Museum ol‘ liducation. 225 Scotland Street. 2S7 0500. Tourng e\hihition tor children \i\ and under l‘ocusing on the hidden treasures of the seashore. featuring a beach hut and a giant shell l‘or storytelling. plus a shell imextigalion centre.


Tall Tales in the Tower Sat l5 tk Sat 22 Ma}. noon. Free. Tron Theatre. ()3 'l‘rongate. 552 4207. l‘un. interactne Slor}lelling Sexsionx in the Tron‘x (‘loek To“ er for ages 5 5. Up the Stairs and in the Attic Mon 24 & Tue 25 .\la_\. 1.45 2.20pm. £3.50. (iilmorehill(il2. ‘) l'ni\ei\it} Axenuc. 330 5522. .\ multi-xenxor} tale ol' the imaginatne \Htl‘ltlS \\ e create in hide} -llole\ in our homes. li\perience the ama/ing tranxl'ormation ol'(irandad\ attic as )titt iourne} to tar oll’ places \\ ith magical colours. te\ture\ and smells.


The Saddest Music in the World tl5l .\lon l7 Ma}. l0..‘~0atn. Special screening for parents and babies. £2.50. (ilztsgtm l'ilm 'l‘heatrc. l2 Roxe Street. 332 SI2S. See l‘ilm lnde\.

Bugs 30 it’i: Ghosts of the Abyss 30 «Ho. Cyberworld 30 il’(}i. The Lion King it'i. limes tar}. check l‘ilm listings tor \houing times. 9.5 (£3.50l. l.\l:\.\ 'l‘hcatre. (ilasgoxt Science (T‘lllll‘. 5” Pacific ()uav ~42” 5000. '


Activities and Fun

On Your Marks l'nlil Sun 20 .lun. .\lon. Wed Thu 10am 5pm: Sun noon 5pm; Tue l0am Spin. liree. l{o_\al .\lu\eum. 2 ('hamhers Street. 247 42l‘)/4422. (iet set. go . . . put }otii' lllllL‘SS to the test and lime l'un \\ ith all Soils oi‘ sports and games from around the \\ol‘ltl.

Youth Dance \Vetl l‘) \ltl} ck \Vt‘tl 20 .\la_\. \Ved 4.30 (rpm & (r30 Spin. U. North lidinhurgh .-\rt\ (‘entre. l5a l’eiin)\\ell (‘ourt. 3|5 2l5l. Ages 7 l2 & l5 lo. Learn a range ol~ dance \t_\ lex lrom conteniporar} to street dance. Youth Theatre Thu l3 Ma}. Thu 20 Ma} & Thu 27 Ma}. 4.30 opni. [3. North lidinhurgh :\l‘l\ (‘entrc. l5a l’ciiii)\\cII ('ourt. H5 2l5l. .r\ge\ ll l5.

llll Al Hi


Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 25—Thu 27 May, 12.15pm (also Tue-Wed 7pm)

It’s all you need; it’s in the air; it’s making the world spin round . . . LOVE. The big flashing pulse inspiring madness, joy and pain is beating fast on the stage with Catherine Wheel’s adaptation of Cyrano de Bergerac.

As everyone knows, if only from Steve Martin’s classic Roxanne, the beautiful lady inspires the love of two men Christian and Cyrano. One has looks, the other great chat. Sadly, Cyrano also has the gift of a huge, massive nozzle so big you could poke someone’s eye out with it, as he does. But Christian can’t speak the language of love for toffee, so they team up. ‘Together we can be the perfect romantic hero,’ Cyrano says. And for a while it works.

The production is, unlike Martin’s permed and highlighted 80s version, rooted in the play’s original setting of 19th century France more

Depardieu then, but the epic scale has been paired down to a cast of three.

It reduces the triangle to its essential elements and distils the confusions and misunderstandings so that hope, delight and despair all fire around in the wrong direction with painful and humorous clarity. Pace, in the main, is kept up with snappy dialogue, duelling, swooning and bursts of pop love songs - Kylie’s ‘I just can’t get you out of my head’ chamber music-style - though at moments it does lag slightly. The actors occasionally feel a little sparse on the big stage at the Brunton Theatre but Veronica Leer, Ronnie Simon and Jordan Young perform with passion and zest befitting this great love story. (Ruth Hedges)

Theatre & Dance

Wee Witches Thu l3 & l‘ri l4 Ma). 10.15am & l.30pm. t5 t£2 £5.50). North lidinhurgh Arts (‘entre. l5a l’enn) \\ ell (‘ourt. .il5 2l5 l. Next oll'shoot lrom \Vee Slol‘lt'S littl'l} Yt‘dl'S l’l'ttlet‘l. Ticket} Spit [tl'exellh its :Intll't'llic look til the \\ eird tltltl \tonderl'ul \Htl'ltl ol~ \\ itches. Ages 5+. See rex lL‘\\.

Wee Witches Sat 15 Ha}. I lam .k 2pm. £5; lamil) ticket US. Brunton Theatre. Lad} \\ ell \Va}. .\lll\\L‘ll‘lll':_'ll. («5 2240. See aho\c and re\ ie\\.

Upstairs in the Sky Thu 20 Sat 22 .\la}. Thu l‘ri lpm tl'l'l mat |0.30aml: Sat

l)e\ elop a range ol‘ drama and [ill)\lt‘ttl llletlll't‘ SkillS tll lllix )olllll theatre group.

Design-a-Cat Workshops Sat i5 .\la}. Sat 12.30pm. lpm. l.30pm. 2.30pm. 3pm N 3.50pm. l‘ree. l{o_\al \ltixc‘tittt. 2 (‘hamhers Street. 247 42lU/4422. l)i\eo\ er the \eL‘I‘L‘IS ol-

sun i\al and design )ottt‘ o\\ n cat does it ha\ e what it takes to he the littest'.’ Famin Saturday Sat 15 .\la_\.

l lam 2pm. l-‘ree. North lidinhurgh Arts (‘entt‘e. l5a Penn)“ ell ('ourt. 3|.5

2 l 5 l. .»\ programme ol' e\ent\ l'or all the Tamil) including a stor}telling

listings Kids

I lam. t5 H.250 £3.50). North lidinhurgh Arts (‘entre. l5a Penn)“ ell ('ourl. 315

2 l 5 l. Quickxiher Theatre ('ompan} tells the stor) ol t\\o l'riendx who tall out tr) ing to decide which \tor} to tell the audience. Cyrano Tue 25 ck Wed 20 Ma}. 7pm. £4. 'l’ra\er\e 'l'heatre. ('amhridge Street. 228 I404. .'\:.!C\ 10+. ('atherine Wheels returns \\ ith a he“ adaptation ol the man \\ ith the hig conk and his tale ol‘ low and loss. See re\ ie\\.


Cats . . . the Ultimate Predators l'ntil Sun 3031a}. .\lon. \Ved Sat

l0ani 5pm: Sun noon 5pm; Tue

l0am Spin. £418.50 Bl; lainil} ticket t'l2. Ro}al Museum. 2 ('hamherx Street. 247 42 I‘)/4422. .\ lamil} orientated c\hihition dedicated to o\ er 30 knoutl \\ ild cat \PL‘CTL‘S.


Aileen Paterson and Maisie the Cat Sat 22 .\la_\. 2pm. l-‘ree. Ro}al .\lu\etnn. 2 ('hamherx Street. 247

42 l‘)/4422. [i\cryme'x linouritc lidinhurgh mogg} has got into all Sol‘lS ol ad\cnture\ in her time. llear her creator tell the tales. including the one u here she gets stuck in the Ro}al Museum. Ties in with the (‘ats . . . the ultimate predators e\hihition.


Solaris t l2.'\l. Thu 20 .\la_\. 10.30am. The Big Scream: special screening l'or parents and hahies. £2.50. The ('ameo ('inema. RS llome Street. 228 4l4l. See l-‘ilm Index.

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

Fife Dunfermline Printmakers’ Workshop Sat 15 .\la_\ Sun 20 Jun.

l lam 5pm. l’ittencriel'l' llollxe Museum. l’ittencrieil' l’ark. l)unl‘erniline. 0l385 722035. Learn about the intricate techniques ol' printmaking. \\llll l\\o \\t)l'k\ltop\ especiall} littl' children.

If Trees Could Talk! Sat IS Ma). 2.30 4pm. l-‘ree. l)ean (‘axtle (‘ountry l’ark. Dean Road. Kilmarnock. ()l5o3 522702. Hear the tales of truth and legend that surround the “oodlttnds and animals at the park.

Theatre & Dance

Cyrano Sat l5 Ma}. 2pm. £4.50 (£5.50). littSl Kill‘l'ltlt‘ .'\l't\ (’entt'e. ()ltl ('oach Road. liast Kilht‘ide. (H555 2ol000. See lidinhurgh and re\ie\\. Emily’s House Thu 20 Ha}. I lam. £3.50. ('umhernauld 'I'heatre. Kildruin. (’umhernauld. 0l23(i 752887. \‘isihle l‘ictions presents this llc‘“ pltt} h} lxahel \Vright ahout stepsister and brother (iillian and lien \\ ho are brought together in a strange and supernatural “215 a mischiexous ghost named limil). Cyrano Thu 20 Ma}. 2pm & 7.30pm. to (£4 ). liastgate Theatre & :\l‘l\ (‘entre. litlSlgttlL‘. l’eeltlL‘S. (ll72l 72.5777. See Iidinhurgh and MW ie\\.

\\ork\llop led h} \'i\ ian l-‘rench. a lu'eakdance \\ot‘k\ltop and a chance to get in\ol\ ed in the Nli.v\(‘ communit} garden.

Body Breakdance Sat 15 Ma}. 1.30pni.t'41L'l.50 L'2l. North lidinhurgh .'\rt\ ('cntt'e. l5a Penn)“ ell (‘ourt. .il5 2l5l. .v\ge\ l.i+. learn all the lttlest street tlilllL'L‘ and hip ltop mo\e\ at this dance \\ot'l\\ltttp. T-Shirt Design Sat 22 .\la_\. lpin. to t£|.5() [4». North lidinhurgh .’\rt\ ('entre. l5a l’enn_\\\ell (‘ourt. 315

2 l 5 l. .'\ge\ S+. ('t'eate )our \er) o\\ n T-xhirt design.


Edinburgh International Children’s Theatre Festival Tue 25 .\la) Wed 2 .lun. Timex \ar}. £4 t[.i.5()l. Various 'l'heatrcx tlidinhurghl. 22.5 HUSH. ilillt‘ ltt‘Sl L'lllltll't‘ll‘S lltt‘nll't‘ lllL' \\ttl‘ltl THIS [0 HlTL‘l'. Sec llL'\l i\xtlt‘ l‘or pre\ ic\\ and in” details and check out \\ \\ “imaginatc .org.uk


more than theatre...

Up the Stairs and in the Attic Presented by Giant productions Mon 24 -Tue 25 May @ IOam. | l.45am & |.4Spm

Ages 5 || years A multi-sensory tale of the imaginative worlds we create in the hidey-holes of our homes.

Experience the amazing transformation of Grandad's attic as you journey to far off places with magical colours. textures and smells. You never know what you might find on the way... 54

0|4| 330 5522 A?

boxofflce@gilmorehillgl 2.co.uk www.gilmorehillgl 2.co.uk

