Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

All About my Mother ( IS) 00000 (l’edro .r\lmodo\‘at‘. Spain. WOO) (’ecilia Roth. l’cnelttpe (‘ru/. Antonia San Juan. ltllmin. Arguably .-\lmodoyar'x bext film to date. When Madrid hoxpital worker .\lltllllL‘l1I\ xtttt ix killed in ;I cut ttCCitlL‘lll lllC grief-xtricken woman xetx otit to fulfil her xon'x laxt wixlt to know hix father. and goex to Barcelona to find the tranxycxtite ,xhe ran away from IS yearx earlier. Renowned for hix portrayal of xtrong women. Almodoyar pay x tribute here to their capacity to act. to mother and to create xtrong bondx of xolidarity in tltc face of extremitiex. ('umeo. lat/inlnu'g/t.

Along Came Polly ( IBM 0.

(John llamburg. IS. 2004) Ben Stiller. Jennifer Anixton. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Debra Mexxing. Alec Baldwin. 00min. l-‘ormulaic rottt cottt with Stiller more or lexx recreating hix role in Meet the I’M/THU. A couple of kooky. mixmatched tttidlife tnttck upx go through a whirlwind of rotttancc and xeparation. Attracted to one another. they xubxequently w ind each other tip. xplit. but ultimately tnake up and ottt. Alec Baldwin xtealx the xhow in a cantco ax Stiller'x lewd. crude boxx while .r\nixton docx tlte dottr poxt—grunge xtudent routine all m er again. (Men/I. lit/tuliure/I.

The Apple (l’(ii .0. (Satnira Makhmalbaf. lratt. l‘)‘)7t Maxxoumclt Naderi. /.ahra Naderi. (ihot'ban :\li .\'aderi. A/i/eh Mohamadi 85min. In a xmall 'l‘ehran community. a 65-year-old tnan and hix blind w ife were reported to the authoritiex by cottcerned neighbourx for keeping their twitt daughterx locked up for the entire 12 yeat'x of their liy ex. Taking up thix true xtory in 10‘)? after it hit the headlinex in Iran. director Makhmalbaf'x ttto\ ing docu-drama obxery ex the cltangex ttndcrgone by thix fatnin after tlteir lix ex w erc publicly L‘\poxcd. (il’l. (i/ttyguu:

Archangel (15!... ((iuy Madam. ('anada. l‘J‘JUt (Mann. A (‘anadian xoldicr. Belgian pilot and Ruxxian nurxe are thrown together during World War ll. Bttt tlte cloudx of muxtard gax fog their memoriex. leading to a confuxion of paxxionx. And a confuxion amongxt tlte audience. Maddin tlL‘ll\L‘t‘\ :ttttitltct‘ idioxyncratic xltL‘L‘ (if tltc

bizarre. Part of the Maddin retroxpectiyc. l-‘i/m/mm’e. lit/inlmrglt.

L’Atalante (PG) .0000 (Jean Vigo. l-‘rancc. 103-1) Michel Simon. l)ita l’arlo. Jean l)axtc. (iillc.x Margaritix. l.ouix l.efeyre. Maurice (iillex. 89min. \‘igo‘x mcxmcric. influential maxterpiece of love. bargex and delicate .xurrealixm. l‘orget Young Adult]. thix ix the bext canal-baxed Ittoy'ic eyer. l-‘ilmlmme. Iz'tliIt/imfie/i.

0 Bad Education (La Mala Educacion) ( IS) 00000 (Pedro :\ltttodo\‘ar. Spain. 2004) (iacl (iitl'L‘ltt Bernal. lielc Martinel. Daniel (iimene/ (‘acho. l.lut'.x llomar. ltlSmin. .-\ xuccexxful young moyic director linrique (Martt’ne/t receiyex an unexpected \‘ixitor xomeone claitning to be hix childhood friend and oner Ignacio (Bcrnal l. who now preferx to be called Angel. lle .xhowx linriquc a xhort xtory The Hut. about a tranxxcxual xittget' Zahara (alxo Bernali who xleepx with a married adntirer called linrique and who attemptx to blackmail the priext liather Manolo ((‘aehot who abuxed her xchoolboy .xelf. But who c\actly ix Angel attd w lty i.x he carrying lganacio’x work around'.’ And what ix the connection between Manolo and the myxterioux Berengttcr (llomartl’ l’oxxibly the linext ‘;\lmodrama' to date. thix xix/lex with llitchcockian \crye and Riplcy’exque menace. :\n abxolule delight. .-\ltttod(i\'at' ix undoubtedly one of the tinext lilnunakcrx working in liuropc today. Selected l'(’/(’(l.\(’.

Big Fish (l’(il 0.. (Tim Burton. l'S. 3003i liw an Mc(iregor. Albert l‘inney. Billy ('rudup. Jexxica Lange. .-\lixon l.olunan.

l ltlmin. lidward Bloom (l-‘inneyt ix much lot ed. but hix eompulxiye yarn-xpinning hax alienated him frottt ltix journalixt xon Will ((‘rudupt. whoxe wedding day lidward upxtaged with a typically xcene-xtealing xpeeeh. lixtrangcd xtnce then. lidward and Will are reunited when the father fallx ill and the xon returnx from l’arix. together with hix l‘rcnclt w ifc. Joxephine (Marion (’otillardt who xoon fallx for lidward'x entertaining ntettdacity. Will. on the other hand. ix determined to find the truth behind hix father'x xlippcry fictionx. ('uc gentle giantx. utopian \ illagcx full of happy -.xhiny' lk‘t’Ple. L‘\(tlic circux Pc‘t‘l‘ttt'tttct‘x. L'ultttt‘cl- performing conjoined tw inx and poetry- xpouting batik robberx. l'nfortunately. the lilm'x big moral mexxagc ix mawkixh and dixappointingly conventional. bttt Burton country ix alwayx worth Venturing iitto for a bit. Ster ('enttu‘y. [Jilin/Hugh.

Billy Elliott IS) 0... (Stephen l)aldry. l'K. 200th Jamie Bell. Julie Waltcrx. (lary l.ewix. l l ltnin. Billy (Bell)

t'tndx releaxe front life'x daily drttdi—‘ct'l through ballet dancing. :\x unlikely a leisure purxuit ax that might be for a teenage boy growing tip in the recexxion-hit Yorkxhire of the 80.x (and that'x the point t. it becomex young Billy'x ticket ottt of ltard titttex. Making hix film debut. theatre director l)aldry‘ handlex the political backdrop and dramatic foreground with eqttal axxurance. The dance routinex provide much of the lilm'x humour and qttitc (werwhelming feclgood factor. ()(/('()II at tlte Quay. (Hinton:

Bon Voyage ( IBM 00 (Jean-Paul Rappeneau. l-‘rancc. 2003b (ierard I)epardieu. lxabelle Adjani. Virginie l.edoyen. Yyan .-\ttal. (ingori Derangere. l’cter (.U'VUIL‘. l l-llttitt. l’ttl‘ix. at the .x'tttt1 of World War ll and movie .xtarlct Viyiane l)en\’er.x (Adjani) hax juxt accidentally killed the .xcedy producer of her laxt picture. She callx her childhood friend l’rederic ((iregori DcrangL‘re) for help. It i.x a mixtake that ix to rexult in them both being .xtranded in the Hotel Splendide in Bordeaux. along with other refugeex. lin route Frederic meetx xcientixt ('amille (Virginie l.edoyen) and thingx becotne cycn more complicated. I)reary. mildly hy .xterical farce front the director of (‘ymnu (/e Berger-tie. (ireat clothcx. though. ('(i(’ Reit/i'en' Street. (i/uyemt': Film/tome. I'ftlI'It/itu'e/i.

Bugs 30 or Space Station 30 (the) School groupx take priority at thix early .xhowing of either Bugs _\’I) or Space Station 31). IllxlX. (i/ttyumt:

Bugs! 30 (l't (Mike Slee. l’K. 2003) 40min. Dame Judi Dench narratex thix giant xcreen 3|) film which focuxcx on the life cyclcx of a praying mantix and a butterfly frotn their birth to their ineyitable dcmixe in the tropical rainforextx of Southeaxt Axia. Ill/ix. Glitter)“.

Can I Have Your Attention Please? (18) (\‘at‘ioux. l‘K. 3003/4) Digicult ix a low budget digital film project that faxt trackx weird and wonderful film talent in the region. Watch the rexultx here tonight they utay bore yott xilly or they may blow your mind. Nothing yentured. nothing gained. There are no promixex tnade for thix unique xlt(i\\'ca.xe L‘Vcning. (iI'U/i (ilusgmt;

3 Check oUt the


Charlotte Rampling in Mike Hodges’ I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead


index Film



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27 May—10 Jun 2004 THE LIST 31