index Film


Urban living is only for the friendless in U2

The Saddest Music in the World Shattered Glass I l3:\l .0. Spare Parts I ISI 0... Il);uni;in lltll}. llix tum \cndx )Illltlgle‘l' Rudi

I IS! 0... I(iu_\ Muddin. (‘zinndzL Illill} Ru}. [8. 2003) lluylcn Kn/nlc. Slnwnin. 20th l’t'tcr .\ltl\L‘\ \lxl. le'nuicici In hc hix ;I\\l\l;llll and thc luttcr 30th Mark \lclx'innc)‘. lx;ihc|l;i Ruxxcllllll. ('hrixlcnxcn. l’ctcr Surxgtuu'd. ('hln'c Alinxu Knmcic. l’riinn/ l’ctknx xck. xnnn Imrnx that in their Irndc ‘hm ing u .\l;iri;i dc .\lcdcirnx. llltlinin. Tho weird and Sm ign}. Rnxui‘in l);m xnn. \lclunic 37min. ()n tho hnrdcr hctu con Slm cniu guilt} cnnxcicncc ix u \\;t\lL' nl~ tinic’. \xnndcrl‘ul xtnr} nl' nnc uninun‘x qucxt tn l._\'nxkc_\'. 04min. 'l‘nin ('ruixc prnduccd and ('rnutiu xpccdugi} (hump l.ud\ ik ('hilling :ind pnignunt xtrcct lcwl pnliticul lind the xgiddCxt Inuxic in thc unrld. ln thix xingulurl} intclligcnt l'S indic that l.\llle'\ xkii liltikcx hix |i\ ing l'crr) ing thrillcr \\ iIh xninc grout actinn \CtlllL‘llL‘C\. Ku/un Ixhigurn‘x xcrccnplu}. hccr inngul dcluilx thc highx gind ln\\x nl' thc illcgul ininiigruntx :icrnxx tho hni‘dcr inln (1 El. (i/uwun.

lud} l’nrt-lluntl} IRnxxcllinii hnxtx u jnurnulixtic curt-or nl‘ rcul lil'c luhulixt

cninpctitinn In lind thix L‘lll\l\L‘ xnund. \xith Stcplwn (iltl\\. u )nung man Who \\;ix

:1 pri/c xn hig that hnurdx nl' pcnplc trawl l‘nund In haw inudc up hull nl' hix .

l‘rnin all ticrnxx Ihc glnhc tn cnrnpctc. grnundhrcuking iincxtigutiw xtnriCx in tho

Annihcr trul\ llltltl hninugc In cwrwnnc lutc l‘)‘)(lx. .-\ luxcinziting unitinnzin tgilc , , , ,

lrnni Rnlwrt.\\'cinc I'I'III'I 'uhim'l (if/H that Iil'lt‘i'x rml inxight intn the . SUFDFISInq, refreShlnq and completely rewrltten for (‘uliuuril In l’rit/ Lung. Stiluidnr Dali and intichinzitinnx M the ['8 xinnll prcxx

l);i\ id l._\nch lrnni ('unudu'x hcxt kept \xnrld. ('hrixticnxcn tind Surxgzmrd xhinc . .- ; I

lilnnnuking xccrct. Muddcr than u hug nl‘ in the loud rnlt‘x. Split/I'll rr/nm: -' , ~ " ‘- l -> tlt'pi'cxxinn cm hudgcrx. l’tirt nl~ thc .\l;iddin Shaun of the Dead I 15) .0.

rctrnxpcctiw. I'ilmlmuw. [Jilin/Hugh. Ilidggu' Wright. l‘lx. 2004) Sininn l’cgg.

Scooby Doc 2: Monsters Nick limxi. Kutc :\\llllL‘ltl. l)}l;m .\lnr;m.

—]IE— Unleashed Il’(il O. IRuiu Luv) l);i\ ix. Bill \igh). 00min. 'l‘hc tcznn - (inxncll. IS. 2004) l'i'cddic l’rin/c Jr. hchind thc cult ‘l‘V \L‘l'lk‘\ Spam! \cnturt'

500' AND EDINBU' ll

Sarah \lichcllc (lL‘llitl'. .\l;itthc\\ l.ill;u‘d. intn lilin with Q! likcuhlc Inni-rnni-cnni l.ind;i (‘tu‘dcllinL Scth (irccn. l’ctcr lln} Ic. that pitx u hunch nl‘ l.nndnn xluclwrx 92min. 'l‘hc xccnnd Iiw—uctinn lilni zigriinxt thc undcud. l’lcaixingl} pucrilc. zmmmwwmnm-cn ‘litmncd h} lhc l‘)7l)x can'tnnn xct‘iL'x ix gin S/IUH‘I'IIH' (‘i/it'niu. l’uix/m. l’uix/m:

:unitihlc cnnugh. il‘ cniincntl} l‘nrgcttuhlc. Shoot for the Sun I IS) Ilun Knn\.

rnrnp, \tht‘c the lirxt lllt)\lL‘ \xux pitchcd l'K. 1087i Jinnn} \ziil. Brian ('n\. Surat

\UlllL‘\\llCl‘C hctu ccn trihutc and xcnd-up nl' ('lcc. 83min. SUI uninng Ihc tll\lll;ll hnclx

thc llunnzi-llzn'lwrzi \lltm. thc xcqucl pl;i)x \ll‘L‘L‘lx nl~ lidinhurgh. Scnttixh dircctnr Inn

thingx prctt} xtruight. 'l'hc gtigx :u‘c u llll\ Knnx'x lilin dclxcx intn thc grim \xnrld nl‘

nl' pnp culture intcrtcxtuulit} and In“ -hrn\\ hcrnin trul'licking. :\ lictinnzil xtnr} \\ ith u

xillincxx: (iclltir'x l)uphnc in u nnd In her dncunicntui‘)»lilw tool and cnm incing

Bull} rnlc xhnxxx nl'l' hcr rnurtiul :u‘tx pcrlkirniunct-x. I'i/m/iuuw. lat/inl’uru/i.

clinpx. \xliilc Shugg} and Scnnh} rcpcut thc Something’s Gotta Give I l2.'\l

lier mm ic'x lurt jnkcx. Ynungcr \ imwrx O. I.\';inc_\ .\lc_\ crx. l‘S. ZIIIHI Jack

“ill hc unitiqu :ind gi'nxxn-upx will lind thc Nichnlxnn. l)i;inc Kczitnn. l‘runccx

upcricncc rclzitiwl} puinla‘xx. (it'm'ml .\lcl)nrinund. Kmnu Rccwx. :\ni;ind;i l’cct.

I'I’II'IIH'. ll‘niin. ()ld pl;i}hn_\ llurr) Sunburn likcx

Secret Window I l2:\i 0.. Il);i\ id tI )nung “ninun until hc hux ll hunt attack

Kncpp. l‘S. 2004i Jnhnny Dorm. Jnhn :ind roulixCx hc :iclugill} lilwx n uninun

'l‘urturrn. .\l;u'i;i llclln. 'l‘ininth} lluttnn. clnxcr tn hix iigc ~;l\ cwinplilicd h} Ihc

(‘hurlt'x l)uttnn. 05min. l’x}clinlt)gictll ;i\\;ird»uinning phi) \\ right and innthcr nl' u

thrillcr huxcd nn it Stcphcn King iinwllzi pm inux girll'ricnd. liriugi Burr} Il)i;inc

lrnin l‘Nl. \thn nn\ clixt .\lnrt Raine} Kcutnni. Druidl'ul. xinng and n\ crlnng xtzn‘

Il)cppi. rctrctitx In it cnuntr} cuhin :il'tcr whiclc thut :ittcniptx tn gider xx thc

dixcnxcring hix “no. .\in} Ilicllni. in bed \ugurit'x nl' :igcing ln\ c tllltl 11th h}

\\ iIh unnthcr man. he qurtx gctting \ ixitx thrnxx ing licupx nl xlur pImCI' and xugzir

l'rnni thc incnucing Jnhn Slinntcr n\ or the xuliicct. .\ hig dixuppnintincnt

I‘l‘urturrnl. \xhn tlL‘Cll\L‘\ hini nl' plzigiurixing l'rnni \ichnlxnn :il’tcr tho cwcllcnt .Il/mul

nnc nl' hix xtnricx 'l'hcrc urc xninc nicc .S'i'lmn'I/I. (Mum. I-jI/i'Ii/mrg/i.

King I'L‘lt‘l't‘llllitl ltitlL‘llC\ hcrc. inan nnttihl} thc cuxting nl’ lluttnn ux .-\in_\ ‘x In\ or Illuttnn. nl' cnurxc. had :1 dual rnlc in thc lilni uduptutinn nl' 'I’In' Dark Ila/Ii. l’lu} ing nnc nl' King'x mun} llL‘lltlllitl ultcr cgnx Ilhc drinking. d}xl'unctinn;il nnct. l)u'pp nncc again [mm at lcuding inun rnlc inIn u

chumctct I‘lll'l. tn \xutchtihlc cl’l'ct‘t. SI'II'I‘II'II i.


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