I Colin McEwan 'l'indcrhox. I89 Byrcs Road. 33‘) 3108. ‘)pm. lircc. Acoustic sCI.

I Blues Burglars Studio ()nc. (irosycnor llotcl. (irosycnor 'l‘crracc toll Byrcs Road). 341 6516. ‘)pm. lircc. Blucs. I. Open Mic 'l'chai ()yna. 42 ()tago |.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. lircc. l-‘ortnightly opcn slztgc CVCttl.

I Jam Session Samucl Dow's. 67771 .\'ithsdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. l’rcc. llostcd hy lndcpcndcncc.

I Live Music Soundsct. thc Soundliatis. 47 llydc l’ark Strcct. 221 465‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. \‘I'cckly show casc ot up-and-coming hands.

I Live Music .\Ic(‘huills. 40 High SII‘L‘CI. 552 2l55. ‘).30pm. l-‘rcc. NC“ hands night.

I Battle of the Bands MacSorlcys. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 8581. ‘)pm. l‘rcc. Taking placc oyct‘ thc ncxt tcn w ccks.


I Zl28’s, Electra, Crevice Inspection and Norman Lamont & the Innocents Banncrman's. .\'iddry Strcct. 556 3254. 7.45pm. £thc. Alt.county punk from /J28's and thcir mix of tcn gallon hats and l'l‘() sightings. l’urr of [kiln/rural! RIM/1.

I The Full Moon Club’s Greatest Hits Banncrman‘s. Niddry Strcct. 556 3254. ‘)pm 1am. l-‘rcc. A yaricty of acts from thc l-'u|| .\loon .\lusic ('luh. including 7128. (’rcy icc Inspcction and lilcctra. play this spccial sct as part ol~ lidinhurgh's Rtish l‘cstiyal.

I The 3rd Man and Echo 20 \Vliistlchinkics. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557

51 I4. ‘)pm. l-‘rcc. ()riginal guitar rock.

I Azzuri and Endorpin lIci-iot-\\'att l'niycrsity l'nion. Riccarton. 451 5333. 9pm. l-rcc. l)ouhlc hill of rock and indic tstudcnts and thcir gucsts only).

I Peter Michael Rowan ('alc Royal Bistro Bar. 17 \Vcst chistcr Strcct. 557 4792. ‘)pm. lircc. Scc Thu 27.

I Born to Be Wide ’I‘hc \‘cnuc. I7 21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 1 1pm 3am. I‘rcc. Scc Thu 27.

I Denison Witmer, Charlemagne and Calvin ('alcdonian Backpackcrs. 3 Quccnsl‘crry Strcct. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £3. .'\|t.country strummcry from ollhcat cast coast w himsicalists and lidinhurgh alt- popstct's. SL‘L‘ pattIL‘l llot‘ l)cnison \VlltttCt‘.


I Heart (‘lydc Auditoritun. Sli('('. l-‘innicston ()uay. 08700404000. 7.30pm. £28.50. Big hair. hig \‘oiL‘Cs and hig licks from this quintcsscntial 80s soft rock hand t'rontcd hy sistcrs Ann and .\'ancy Wilson. I My Chemical Romance, Hondo MacLean and The Bled King ‘I‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah lllIl. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8pm. £7.50. ()yct'- 14s show. llcadlincrs .\l_\ ('hcmical Romancc arc an cxtrcmo outlit. hlcnding pop mclodics and thc occasional old school guitar rill. Singcr (icrard \Vay has hccn dcscrihcd as ‘thc punk rock Morrisscy'.

I The Pat Travers Band 'I‘hc l-‘crry. 42 (‘lydc l’lacc, 01698 265 .51 1. ‘)pm. £12.50. lilcctric hlucs from this (‘anadian guitarist. originally inllucnccd hy llcndrix and kit Bcck. and prohahly hcst known for his track ‘8norting Whisky '. l)on‘t try that at homc.

I Eddie 8. the Hot Rods and The COOI Jerks RoL‘kL‘I's. l4 Midland SII'L‘CI. 221 0726. 8pm. l-rcc. l’unk cra dichards. oncc upstagcd hy thcir support hand. thc Scx l’istols. hut rcmcmlwrcd I'or thcir tracks "l‘ccnagc l)cprcssion' and ‘1)o Anything You Wanna l)o'. 'l‘hcir ncw alhum is callcd Ifr'ltr'r I.(lll' “tr/It Maw:

I The Loose Cannons 'I‘hc 'I‘unncl. 84 .\1itchcll Slrcct. 204 1000. ‘)pm. £6 t£4i. 1‘unky Ircaks thc l.oosc ('annons. aka l.ord l‘adcr and Kaiscr Saucy rcccntly supportcd thc Scissor Sistcrs hut arc now hcading out on thcir own ‘Rcturn to .\'cw York' tour. with Icgcndary NY produccr Arthur Bakcr and Mark Ronson on l)_iing tluttcs.

I Ruth Martin and Attic Lights Acoustic A Hair. 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. 'l'rongatc. 552 4267. ‘).30pm. £8. Martin is a l’aislcy- hascd singcr/songw‘ritcr. inllucnccd hy Tori Amos. .\'ick 1)rakc and 1’] Nancy.

I Vera Cruise and The Mars Hotel Nicc’n'Slca/y. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. £3. lndic rock with an alt.country Ilayour.

I Mellow Submachine and Nordin Zaoui Thc l'niycrsal. 57 5‘) Sauchichall l.anc. 332 88‘)‘). 7pm. l-‘rcc. 'l‘hc Stow ('ollcgc-administcrcd clcctronica lahcl (idansk launchcs its ncw' compilation with a couplc of liyc pcrl‘ormanccs l’lus “drunk I)./.\‘.

I Bolz Bolz Scismic. Ad l.ih. l l I llopc Strcct. 248 6645. 1 1pm. £7 t£6 studcntsl. 1.ch sct I'roin thc (icrman clcctro and tcchnomcistcr who rccords tor lahcls such as lirsat/ Audio. l’cis and his own World lilcctric imprint.

I The Grease Monkeys, The Money Shot and The X1 'I‘hc l3th .\'otc ('alc. 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. (iaragc rock and post-punk hill. I Kain and The Echo Session Thc llit? (‘luh. thc Valc. 5 1)undas Strcct. 333 0‘)46. 8pm. £4 (£3). Local garagc rock'n'rollcrs Kain host thcir fortnightly llit? (‘luh with gucsts. rctro Britrockcrs licho Scssion. and a hunch ol' grooyy \inyl trcats.

I Portobella, Michael Dracula and Hors La Loi Barfly. 260 (‘lydc Stt‘cct. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. £4.

I Underdog, Sunflower Trip, Secrets We’ve Told and 14 Corners l‘ury .\lurrys. ‘)6 Maxw'cll Strcct. 221 6511. 8.30pm. £4. including cntry to post-gig cluh. Bill of upcoming local hands.

I The Fusion Experience The Bull (’luh. I42 Bath l.anc. 248 1777. 8pm. l‘rcc hcl‘orc 10.30pm: £5 al‘tcr. \Vcckly jal/y loungc sct in thc low cr har.

I The Furz MacSorlcy s. 42 Jamaica Slrcct. 248 858l. ‘)pm. l'rcc. RL‘tl llol ('hili l’cppcrs.

I Independence Samucl I)th ‘s.

67 71 Nlthsdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. l'iliCL‘.

I Frank O’Hagan Inc Scotia.

l l2 ll4 Stock“ cll 50111552 8681. ‘)pm. l'rcc. ('oycrs ol' Dylan. thc Band. (ICCLlL‘IIL‘L‘.


I Richie Gallacher, Dakota and The Usual Suspects \Vltistlchinkics. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 51 14. 6pm. l’rcc hcl'orc midnight; £3 altcr. Rock‘n'roll with a country \‘ihc from Dakota with soul. funk and hlucs l'rom thc l'sual Stispccts on at midnight.

I Aberteldy .\'orth lidinhurgh Arts (‘cntrc. 15a l’cnnywcll (‘ourt. 315 2151. 7pm. £8 (£4 £6). liiyc-piccc hand from lidinhurgh who hayc just hccn signcd to Rough 'l‘radc Records which also hosts Bcllc and Schastian.

I Carbon/Silicone 'l’hc \cnuc. I7 21 (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £thc. .\'cw outfit from Tony Jamcs and Mick Joncs Ithc (’lashl hot oil his production dutics with thc l.ihcrtincs.


O Edwyn Collins 8: the Alexander Brothers l‘cstiyal (‘1qu \Vcllington Squarc. 012‘)2 611 222. 7.30pm. £1 l.50. It‘s thc L‘t‘tt/tt‘st collahoration sincc Shakin' Stcycns and Bonnic Ty Icrl lixccpt hopcl'ully hcttcr. I’url (if/{urns (III ' u' 'I‘lml.’


I Peter Gabriel Sli('('. l‘innicston Quay, 0870 040 4000. 7.30pm. £36. 'l'hc man w ho hcgan his stagc carccr w caring Ilowcrs on his hcatl in (icncsis collahorach with acclaimcd thcatrc imprcsario Rohcrt l.cl’agc on his 2002/2003 (irowing l'p Tour. which was stagcd in thc round. This timc. it‘s hillcd as thc Still (irowing l'p 'l‘our. so prcsumahly a thcatrical spcctaclc awaits.

rock & pop listings Music







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.;.n 9094 THE LIST 57