
Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Disabled access key \VAT\\'heelchair access: \VA:\:\\'heelchair access \\ItIl assistance; I’ZI’JI'IsIllg Iitlc‘llltlesl \\'(‘r.:\d;ipled loileltsl.


353 Arg) Ie Street. 565 I033. I\\'(’. \VAI Brain Salad l'ntiI Sat 29 Ma). 7.30pm. (U I. Was \sard 'I'heatre‘s ne\\ pla} about No men who trascl lo strange countries in the search of a third person. I)e\ ised b} Ilertnan \an Baar & Andre“ \Icls'innon. I-'ans ma) remember

“as \sard‘s cheek}. l,(H)/\ AI .Iit’.

The Arches Artists’ Forum I‘ri 28 Ma}. opin. I-"ree. ()pen to all artists from all disciplines. this forum offers the chance to netuorls. air \ ieu s and share creati\e ideas.

Hamlet Re:Considered #1 Wed 2 is 'I’hu 3 Jun. 7.30pm i’l‘hu mat 3.30pm). £5 (£5). As part of S/tu/u's/n'urt' in [he

(in. a joint \enture betxseen the Arches. the Ro}al Shakespeare (’onipan} and the RSAMI). final )ear directing students of the contemporar} theatre practice course each direct a contemporar} reflection on Shakespeare’s lIuni/t'l. I‘irst tip is Laura (’otllts.

Hamlet Re:Considered #2 Tue 8 «k Wed 9 Jun. 7..~0pm t\\'ed mat 3.30pm). £5 ([3). Matt Sadka. a Iinal _\ear directing student of the contemporar} theatre practice course at the RSAMI). presents his contemporar} reflection on Shakespeare's Hum/e1 as part of Shakes/ware in I/It’ (in:


93 95 II)ndIand Street. 357 3808. Ill. \\'('. \VAI

Off the Rails Wed 9 tk 'I'hu I0 Jun. 7.30pm. £4 (£3i from 579 556]. The l’artick I’Ia)ers’ coined} pla} re\ol\'ing around a charit) shop run b} 'I'hora 'I’hornns histle and staffed b_\ an eccentric mi\ of characters.


9 t'msersit} Asenuc. 330 5533. |\\'('. WA] Spend, Spend, Spend Thu 3 Sat 5 Jun. 7.30pm. £8 (to). This i'ags-to-riehes musical brings to life the stor} of \'i\ Nicholson. the Yorkshire lass \\ Ito uon a fortune on the I’ools. I’erformed b) Stou ('ollege.

Screaming Queens Tue 3 Jun. 7.30pm. £8 ([5 I. Written and performed b} (ierrs l-‘orristal. this p|a_\ tells the tale of a man escaping small toun \Vaterford to


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the bright lights and gas scene of Dublin. See re\'ie\\.

A Scottish PIay'I’hu I0 Sat I3 .Iun. 730pm. L7 05). Martin .\Ic.\'aughton's re-xsorking of .Iltlt'llt’I/I that puts Shakespeare's faniotis traged) in the context of lIol} I‘ood.

Zlata’s Diary Thu 10 Sat I3 .lun. 7.30pm. [I0 (£5). (’ommunicado presents this nexs adaptation by (iet‘r‘) .\lngre\\ of the no“ famous diar) \sritten b) /.Iata in Sarajem during the siege in I993. Sec prcViexs.

THE HIDDEN GARDENS 'I‘ranixsa}. 35 Albert Wise. 0845 3303501.

The Power of Compassion .\Ion .il .\Ia_\. 7.30pm. £13. A programme of masked dances and sacred chants b} Buddhist monks from the Tashi I.hunpo 'I‘ibetan Monastery


397 Bath Street. 340 I l l I. III. \\‘(’. \\'.-\| Carmen l'ntil Sat 39 Ma). 7.30pm. {I3 £30.50. ()pera Bo\ presents IIi/c‘t's passionate Spaniin opera based on a dangerous g_\ps} girl and her Io\'er I)on .Iose. "

Flora the Red Menace the 1 Sat 5 Jun. 7.30pm tSat mat 3.30pm). £10 U7. Kander and Iibb of (‘liit'uuu and (’u/mn'l fame penned this stoi'} of flight} Horn and her strange ad\enturcs. .\Iusica| connoisseurs might remember the o0s liroadua} original starring l.i/a Minnelli.

Grease Mon 7 Sat l2 Jun. thn Illtl 7.30pm: I‘ri 5.30pm & 8.30pm: Sat 5pm tk 8.30pm. L'l0 £38.50. The colourful goings-on at R}deII IIigh particuIarI} the romance of square out-of-tou ner Sand} and tough gu) I)ann_\ is the stuff of classic escapism. In addition to a plot which groans “ith frustrated passion. bristles \sith gang tensions and s\\ ings \\ ith teen \cr\e. the songs are the soundtrack for a generation. 'Iixsent) _\cars 01]. (il't’tlu' is still the “old.


(i (iramille Street. (IS-I5 350 350I. III. II. \\'('. \\'AI

Showtime 2004 Thu 37 Ma}. 7pm. £7. The Isobel Donnell} School of Dance perfoi'm Shtmtime 3004. their annual shoncase.


I3I Renlield Street. 553 I340. II). “'(‘I This Lonely Heart - Biography of Roy Orbison t-‘ri 4 Jun. 7.30pm. L'IJ. Musical biograph} of Ro} ()rbison

re|i\ ing the highs and onss of his music and life featuring I.arr_\ Branson.


9S Ingram Street. 553 3489 II’. \\'(‘. \VA. \VAAI

Life is a Dream Mon 7 Sat I: Jun. 7.30pm. to £9 (£3 £4.50i. Ad\enture tale from the (iolden Age of Spanish theatre in which a \soman seeks re\enge on her cheating Io\ er and ends up imprisoned \\ ith the true Prince of Poland.


3 Sauehichall Street. 553 S000. II’. II. “(1 “AI SOULS - Celebrating Glasgow Peace Concert Sun 30 Ma}. 7.30pm. l‘ree. International performers of ancient and conteniporar} dances. intisie and traditions gather to celebrate the massi\ e arra} of multicultural aeti\it} in Scotland toda}.


35 Albert I)ri\e. 0845 330 350I. It‘ll \\’('. \\'AI

Togue: Spina and Ariadone Thu 37 Sat 39 Ma}. .S’pm. I39 t£5i. A collaboration betueen I-rench rock band Spina and Japanese dance compan} Ariadone. See pre\ ieu.

RSAMD: Alone Up Here Wed 9 Hi I | Jun. Spin. A performance b) final _\ear students of ('ontempoi'ar} theatre and Practice. in collaboration \s ith Portuguese artists Joana ('ra\eiro and Kiko AICEJria.


(i3 'I'rongate. 553 4367.

The Memory of Water t‘niil Sat 29 Ma} inot Sun/\toni. Spin tSat mat 3me. [4 {l3 ([4 rm. Stellar Quincs tof the The Retiree. IIi'I famei presents the SIM") of three sisters \\ ho meet on the e\ e of their mother's funeral. I’ost shim discussion 'l‘liu l0 ,lun.

Three Nights in May Mon 31 Ma}. 3pm. £5. ('abarct \IIU“ from a selection of RSA.\II) post-graduate musical theatre students.

Cyrano Inc 1 ts Wed 2 Jun. See KItIs listings.

Bison and Sons Thu 3 Sat 5 Jun. Sce Kids listings.

Lords of the Railway Thu 3 Sat 5 Jun. See Kids listings.



I..itl}\\ell \Va}. .\Iusse|burgh. («)5 3340. II’. II. ff. \\'('. \VAI

Peer Gynt ’l'hu 37 & I’ri 3S Ma}. 7.30pm. £9.50 tun. IIenchtours presents

Arches Citizens Main Gilmorehillmz King’s

('.ii men

Theatre Guide

Thursday 27

Brain Salad

Friday 28

Brain Salad

Saturday 29

Brain Salad 5

Sunday 30

Sec Rock & Pop

Monday 31

Wednesday 2

qunlct RethnsideruI it I

Tuesday 1

I'IUIJ IIIC Retl \It'llaet‘ I'lIUlJ the Red \It‘ttdx’s‘

MitchellyTheatre Ramshorn hamway H



Church Hill Festival Theatre

Showtime 3004 lfcstatic Plastic Ecstatic Plastic

Sec (.I.l\\l\ .II See I'UII.

3 O 0 III 4 .I 0

Togue 'I‘ogue 'l‘ogue

I'hc \lcrnoi} ot \\.itei Ilie Mentor) ol \\.itci Ihc \Icmois ol “am See ,l.I// lItIce Nights in \Ia) (‘siano (‘siano

I’ecr (but Peer (3) in See (.‘Iass‘ieal See Folk The :VIClliUr} of Water

linlolgcltalilc l‘nloii'ellalile l'nloig..'cll.iI\|c

Scottish Opera Scottish Opera Scottiin ()pera Crazy For You Ural) For You

Royal Lyceum h...- t-.............. Traverse I See Kids See Kids See Kids See Kids See Kids See ls'ids 2 \t‘t' Klils \K't' Kltls See I\I\Is Sec Kltls

68 THE LIST Pf Ma. .Ji." 209.: