thix neu production ol lhxeii'x laxt and grcatcxt \ei‘xe pla).

The Memory of Water'l'uc l Jun. ".3er £0.50 (UH. Sec (ilaxgou. lion 'llieati'e.

Annual Show 2004 lue 3 Sat l0 Jun. 7pm (Sat mat .ipiiii. £8 i£ol. Annual xlioxxcaxe ol dance from the Mora; :\lc\;tltilL‘l' School 0i lXiltc‘L‘.


53a \liit‘ltingflilc Road. 330-1549. Il’. lll Unforgettable Thu 2" Sat 2‘) .\la_\. " £S‘ i£oi. 'l‘cmpo .\luxica| l’roductionx prexciit an ewning ol' xong and dance from the l‘Htlx. 40x and 50x ax a tribute to the great pcrl'orincrx ol' the time. including: l’cgg} l‘raiik Sinatra. l)oi'ix [)a} and .\'at King: (‘ole.

COUNTING HOUSE \VL‘SI \lcitlxott Street. ()0? 0870

Silencio l‘ri ZS Ma}. Spin lam. £3 i£3i.

Surreal and glamoroux ot'l'cringx ax

al\\a_\ x. couriex} ol' tliix iniioxaine perl'oriiiance piece featuring c\perimciita| muxic. theatre. xpokcn nord. \ ixualx. coined) and more \\ itli xurprixe .\l(‘ and D] Daniel. (‘reatne \ intage/glaiii encouraged.


l)lll\C SII'L‘L‘I. l.L‘lllt. 'l'lc‘le‘lS il\illl£lhlt‘ til the 'l'i'a\erxe 'l‘heatre lto\ till-ICC 333 l-lll-l itt‘ ttl \L‘ltllL‘.

The Big Shop \Ved ‘) Sat I: .lun.

".Rtlpm. £l0 i£"’i. Sec pi‘ex ieu.


l5 2‘) \lciilxolt Street. 53‘) (illlltl. Ill. \\‘('. \\'.v\|

Scottish Opera thin 37 Sat 3‘) .\la}. lfillpm; 10am; 7pm iSat mat 3.30pm). U) U: Hamil} ticlxct £30). Baxed on the claxxical (ii‘cck m}tli ol‘ ‘lliexcux and the Minotaur. Scottixh ()pcra prcxeiitx itx lii'xt e\er opera for children. For agex

.S’ H.

Crazy for You 'l‘uc l Sat 5 Jim. 7.30pm i'l'hii & Sat mat 2.30pm).

£8 £35.50. The (icrxlmiiix‘ glittering \cht liiid miixical haxcd on a line- \ll'llL‘lx. ;t\pll'lll:_' actor. Sec pl’c\ ieu.

The History of Motown Sun () .ltllt. 7.30pm. £7 £l5.50. The Mix and "0x .\loto\\ii era ix i'e-—iiiiag_'ined here. Ballet Boyz: George Piper Dances 'l‘ue S Jim. 7.30pm. £7 £lo. Michael Nunn and William 'l'rcx itt comhinc top—notch cliorcograph} \\ itli lilm coiiiiiiciitar). See rcx ieu.


listings Theatre & Dance


Zlata’s Diary Communicado are back, with Gerry tvlulgrew at the helm. His adaptation of this world wide best seller about a teenager suffering at the height of the Bosnian conflict looks set to impress. Touring.

George Piper Dancers The ever popular Ballet Boyz are back. with this new programme promising their usual vital mix of ballet and contemporary work. Festival Theatre. Edinburgh, Tue 8 May.

Brain Salad, The Arches, Glasgow GATEWAY THEATRE

lilllt RU“. l.cilh Walk. 3|" 595‘). Il’. \\'('. \\‘.-\l

The Crucible t'niil Sat 2‘) Ma}. 7.30pm iSat itiat 2.30pm). £(i (£4). Studcntx from the (‘).\ll‘(' pc‘l’lttl'lll Arthur .\li||er'x claxxic pla) ahout religioiix pcrxeciiiion in |7i|i centur} .»\iiierica. Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean 'l‘iic S Sat l2 .liiii. 7.30pm iSat inai l3.5llplttl. L'o it'll. the 20th ttllltl\L‘l'\tll"\ reunion of the l)ixciplcx ol‘ .lamex Heart in a xiiiall 'l‘e\ax tonn hringx man} rc\clationx about the paxt.

Proof 'l‘liii 3 Jun. 7pm. £o t£5 £4). Rapture 'l‘hcau‘e prexenix ilie Scoiiixh premiere of thix award-n inning pla) about lamil) relatioiixhipx pla)ed out like a ilL‘lL‘cliu‘ \tol'}.

Discontented Winter/House Remix 'l‘liii l0 .luii. 7pm. £5

i£3.50 £5). I.) ccum Youth 'l‘licatre prcxcntx Brynn l.a\ei‘} 'x ncu urhaii coined).


3 l.L‘\L‘lt Sll'L‘L‘l. 53‘) ()llllll. Ill. 'lml'. \\'(.I Edinburgh’s Telford College: Taking Flight l’ri 4 & Sat 5 .liiii. 7.30pm. £‘) i£7l. Dance xhoxx caxc ol' coiiteiiipoi';ii'_\. _ia// and tap xi) ch.


2 Ro\hurgh Place. 550 9332.

Kafka: Corpus et Voce inn 3 Sat 5 Jun. 7.30pm. £(i t£~ll lt‘otti ()STI 750 0077. ('ollahoratiic exciit l'caturiiig a mile!) of artixtx \xorking in theatre. dance. art. muxic. animation and more.


l5a l’ciiii_\\\el| ('oiirt. 3l5 2l5l.

Spend a Penny l-‘ri 38 ck Sat 2‘) .\la_\. See KltlS ltxtiiigx

Peer Gynt Wed 2 .liiii. 7pm. £o

i£3 £~ll. Sec lidiiihureh. Briinion 'l'licatrc.

Ecstatic I’IRISIIC licslatic Plastic

llixon A" Soiix llixoii .\ \iillx

I'lHld llit‘ I<ClI \lt'lldx t? l'lHlJ lltt‘ Rt‘il \It'lldx if I'li'ld lllk' Rx‘il \Ik'll.l\ t'

Ryllim ot' the Night

liixoii .\ \oiix

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh’s main theatres. More information, including events at smaller venues, can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free or reduced price previews.

Thursday 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 Sunday 6 Monday 7 Hank: Rdlmicmlfl I Sec (‘omedy See ('omed) Spend, Spend. Spend? Spend. Spend. Spendi Spend. Spend. Spend

(ilaxgim ()riental

lilc ix a Dream

\k'k' Riklx \\ I’l'l‘

Tuesday 8 Wednesday 9 Thursday 10

[haikflhi‘ubihul312: litlliL‘tRL‘fuhibul“: Citizens Main Scottixli I’l.i):/‘x Dial}; 2 King’s

_‘ Mitchell Th

l ilc ix .i l)ic.iiii

_ Tramway Tron

Screaming: Queenx

(ilt‘JSL' (llt'JM' (ilk‘JSC Lexiey Farmer School Lexky l-‘ariner School [He ix .i llicaiii lilc ix .l llicaiii


(ta!) for You (‘i‘a/y for You

(ml) for You

The IIl\lUl'_\ ol' Motown

In l‘lagrante l)elic

'ht 'l'lie Memoi} of Water 1

Annual Show 2004 Annual Show 3004

Annual Shim 300-1 Brunton _Church Hill

. Festival Th

rim m,- iti-a \It‘lt.itt" ii”... llk' lx'cil \ii-natc i in“ [IN iii-ti \ii-naa- Royal Lyceum

Ballet Bo} I

Traverse 2

".'.:. ' ~1THELIST69