lil'es and landscapes. highlights include Walton Wood ('ottagc no I t l‘)(i8) atid June [96/ (green enh/el and blue square).

Ben Nicholson and the St Ives School l'iitil Sun 13 .ltiii. l‘ree. An exhibition looking at the long and prolilic career ol‘ Ben Nicholson

(1894 l‘)82i. presented in the context of that ol‘ his St Ives contemptiraries.


lhe Mound. (i2-l (i2lll) trecorded lllltil'lnillltlll 332 22(ioi. .\loii Wed tk

I‘ri Stiii 10am 5pm; ’l’hu Illam 7pm. DY Cameron Etchings t'ntil Sun () Jun. Drawn lt‘titll the pertiianent collection. an exhibition ol‘ prints by the best known etcher ol' the (ilasgow School. Sir l)a\ id Young ('anieron

t l8(i5 l‘)-l5 l. The show leatures over 3() works iticluding etchings ol' the tow us in Northern l-‘rance and Belgium. architectural studies and \ iew s of the Scottish Highlands.

After Hours - Squair Mile Consort of Viols Thu 3 Jun. 12.45pm. l‘ree. The Alter llours progratiiiiie continues with loth and l7th century music It)!" consort til. \ itils and \(IPI'EIIIU.

American Artists: Frederick Edwin Church Fri 4 Jun. l2.-l5ptii. l'ree. Andrew Wilton lrom Tate Britain discusses Frederick lidw iii ('hurch's landscapes til the late l‘)lh century.


(ieorge IV Bridge. 226 455 . .\ltitt Sat ltlam 5pm: Sun 2 5pm.

Read All About It! Sat 5 Jun Sun 3| Oct. This exhibition takes you on a journey through 400 years or new s in Scotland. Ni V! Sl l()\.'i./,

NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. (i2-l (i2lll) trecorded iiil'ortiiatioii 332 2260). Mon \Ved &

l'ri Sun Illani Splllllllu ltlani 7pm. (idle.

Below Stairs: 400 Years of Servants’ Portraits t'ntil Mon 3| .\lay. £4 (£3); under 12s tree. Anne French and (itles Waterlield curate this exhibition of over Utl paintings. draw iiigs and photographs which locus on the portraiture ol' servants l'roiii the early

For Bernard Jacobson, 1979, by Howard Hodgkin on show

l7th century to the present day. li‘irst shown at the National Portrait (iallery' in London to great acclaim. the display includes Kenneth .\lacl.eay's watercolour til. Queen Victoria’s servant John Brown and the Scottish National (iallery’s recent purchase. The Lain/3- I'im/ by Richard Waitt.

0 Once Upon our Time: Portrait Miniatures By Moyna Flannigan l'ntil Sun 5 Sep. l’ree. Iidinburgh-based artist .‘yloyna lilaiiiiigan. best known l'or her lictional portraits. has been commissioned to create 5() new contemporary portrait miniatures painted in watercolour and gouache on vellum. The works locus on universal themes ol‘ youth and age. rites ol‘ passage. dressing up and. in the accompanying catalogue. writer l)ilys Rose has written a short vignette alongside each of l‘laniiigaii’s tiny imagined characters. See review and llitlist.

The Miniatures of Moyna Flannigan Wed () Jun. l2.-l5pni. l’ree. Keith Hartley discusses .\loyiia lilaiinigan's contemporary miniature portraits of lictional characters.

0 Portrait Miniatures from the National Galleries of Scotland l'ntil Stiii 5 Sep. 'l'o accompany .‘yloyiia l-‘laiiiiigan's contemporary iiiiniatures. a display ol over 7() ol' the National (ialleries‘ most important portrait miniatures dating from the mid 16th century to present day. See review and llitlist.

Portrait Miniatures Wed 3 Jun. 12.45pm. l-‘ree. (‘urator Stephen Lloyd gives a talk on the National (ialleries' collection or portrait miniatures. or which around 7() are currently on display.

After Hours - A Choral Concert Thu 27 .\la_\. (thin. liree. As part or the programme or alter gallery hours events. the (‘hapter House Singers perl'oriii a selection of choral works.


'l‘he l-‘orum (iallery. Ocean Drive. 555 8888. .\lon l‘ri ltlani 8.30pm; Sat 10am 7pm; Sttii llam (ipni.

Fuse l'ntil Sttti 3t) .\lay. l-‘unctional arid sculptural pieces tiiade from metal by l‘use. a sell-tunding group or established and emerging artists.


at the Scottish Gallery


3-1 Abercromby Place. 557 l()2().

Mon Fri [0am 6pm; Sat 10am 4pm. Calum Colvin l‘ntil Wed 2 Jun. An exhibition ol ('alum (‘olviii‘s unique photographic works in which the painted image appears to be superimposed over constructed environments. NEW SHOW. Colin Black - Illuminated t'ntil 'l'ue l Jun. New paintings composed of mixed media and collage.

Chris Bushe Sat 5~Wed 23 Jun. ('onteniporary landscape paintings by (‘hris Bttslie.

PATRIOTHALL GALLERY (\VASl’Sl l’att‘itithall Studios. (ill. 48 Hamilton Place. 225 128‘). Sat Wed noon (ipiii.

Celebration l‘ntil Thu 27 May. Artists at \VASPS l’atriothall studios present aii exhibition of work which celebrates the now secured future or their studios and gallery thanks to support from the (‘ity of lidinburgh (‘ounci|. Anne Bevan. 'I‘rude Blows. .\loyiia l-‘lannigan. Joyce (iunn-(‘airiim Alati Kilpatrick. Keiko .\lukaide. llenry Kondracki and Ian llealey are among the 40 artists showing new work.

The Biggar Picture Sat 2‘)

May Sun (i Jun. An exhibition of Latiarksliire landscapes organised by the Landscape Project (iroup or Stepping Stones lidinburgh l'niversity' Settlement Mental Health programme.


3 l)undas Street. 556 (i407. 'l’ue Sat noon 7pm.

John McNairn l‘iitil Thu 3 Jun. Born iii the Borders in 1910. John .\lc.\'airn studied at lidiiiburgli (‘ollege ol‘ Art in the 20s and Parts in the 30s. He still paints vibrant landscapes atid still life in the post-impressionist tradition. despite being in his ()(ls.

Janet Patterson Sat 5 Wed 30 Jun. New. seiiii-abstract paintings inspired by natural l'ornis.


Palace ()l‘ lloly t'oodliouse. 55b 5 100. Daily 9.30am 4.30pm.

Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age l'ntil Sun 7 .\'ov. £5 (£3 £4); family ticket L’ l 3. From Vermeer arid Rembrandt to l‘rans llals and (‘uyp. the Royal

listings Art

(‘ollectioii's world class group of l7th century l)utcli paintings takes up residence at the Queen's (‘ialleryz ()ver 50 works featuring still life. portraits. history paintings. landscape and seascapes rellect the conlidence and social tensions of this (iolden Age of painting. Highlights include Vermeer‘s A [July at the Virgina/x. The Artist's Mother by Rembrandt and Jan Steen‘s A ll'mmm at her 'Iiii/el. See review. Recommended.


4(i l)undas Street. 556 ()808. Mon Fri l().3()am 5.30pm; Sat 10am 4pm. James Fairgrieve t'ntil Mon 3t May. A solo show of new still lilie paintings by James Fairgrieve.

The Summer Show 2004 Mon 7 Jun Sat 24 Jul. A mixed show ol‘ paititirigs by gallery artists including Barbara Balmer. James Fairgreave. Alexander Robb and David Sinclair.


42 Victoria Street. 477 3255. Mon Sat l2.3()am 5.30pm; Sun noon- 5pm. Mixed Group Show tfntil Wed 30 Jun. A mixed show of work by up-and- coming atid established artists featuring etchings by Judith Rowan and artists books by A(‘ Berkheiser.


[5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 75-15. .\lt)ll>*l"ri 9am 5pm (except local batik holidays). A Vulnerable Beauty: Earth & Architecture in Iran t'ntil Fri 28 May. An exhibition of photographs ol southern lraniati earth buildings by Tum Morton of Arc Architects. The works explore the beauty of traditional Iranian adobe construction and were taketi at a number of sites around the ninth International (‘onl'erence on the Study and (‘onservation ol' liastern Architecture iii Yazd.

RIAS Aberdeen Sketch Design Competition Mon 31 May hi 4 Juti. A display ol‘ the winning work of the RIAS sketch design competitions for Aberdeen city centre.

Lindsay Neil Mon 7 Fri l8 Jun. Paintings by Lindsay .\'eil inspired by suburban architecture and sociology.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Iixliibition llall. lnverleith Row. 552 7|7l. Daily ltlam 5pm.

DNA in the Garden l'ntil Sun 27 Jtiii tlixliibition llall). An exhibition exploring how the discovery of the l).\'A double helix has altered our knowledge of plants.

George Forrest - A Life and Legacy l'ntil Sun 27 Jun tlixhibition llall). An exhibition exploring the life or Scottish plant hunter (ieorge Forrest who. during his travels to the mountains and valleys of (‘hina. discovered many plant species.

ROYAL OVER-SEAS HOUSE Landings Gallery. 100 Princes Street. 225 I50]. Mon Fri l()am (ipni. Hybrid l'ntil Fri 2 Jul. An exhibition of work by (‘hila Burman who has recently completed a conunission for the BB(' and produced artwork for book covers by .\leera Syal and (iodlried Donkor. who represented the [K in the 48th Venice Biennale.


'l‘he Mound. 624 (i200. Mon Sat

ltlam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

0 Delia Baillie Fri 4 Jun Sun 4 Jul. Dundee-based artist l)elia Baillie shows the results other Royal Scottisli Academy Alastair Salvesen Travel Scholarship. which took her to the [SA in March 2003. The exhibition l'eatures new paintings. drawitigs and collages which are inspired by a place ol‘ extreme seismic activity in the western-iiiost coast of America. See preview and

llitlist. NEW SHOW.

2/ May—it) Jun 71):)! THE LIST 95