
Bill Hicks and Jenny Eclair ‘return’ while Leslie Ash faces an uncertain debut

Fringe line-up unveiled

It’s the usual mix of the good, the bad and the downright ugly for August. Words: Brian Donaldson

ead (:on‘res. rr\.’(} rrr‘pr‘()\.’. pools ‘.'.’liil pianos. ladies ‘.'.'!l'i lrps and the usual bunch of (:ltar‘latarrs are among those coining our ‘.'.’£t‘\, for the Edinburgh Fringe this year.

it he trplrtted don-:nheat that h s story arrives in the guise of [3' * /' trons: Sig/rt Return. If that has all the makings of being ths year 's .l t'tr",'r<:;r/:<,>. then we also hate an rdenttkrt 12 Angry

‘The pools are on the loose. rr‘ore hairdresser than har‘heist‘ror: fer‘. Orr; Masterson has folio-.‘xed up last year's hrt with another

as they rhinee their ‘.'.'a\, to Edinburgh to present their prand nex.‘ (:arnp eaharet.’ Not our x'xor'ds. htrt those of the l tillttt}

srdekreks. ‘.'.l'rth a shoz': (:urtnrngl', titled r"t.r"e~./e/ \"Jhreh could have been a ready -rnade titre for l eslre Ash's Edinburgh dehtrt. Fortunately her one-z'xon‘an sho‘-.'.'. tten :2, Lynn Ferguson. is more S;(3ltf§ri)l\, called Biographies a Bag. llox'xeyer'. (:onsrderrng her current health prohlen‘s. a (:anee-llato‘.

isn't otrt'.'.r.th the realms of possrhrlsty

Bill HKZKES doesn't need to ‘.'ro'r\, about hrs health '.'.inat .‘urtl‘ hrn‘ having been dead for ten years now. but fans of the recon:

rvrrrrzr l’rt: Horst.


l (:Iarr.

‘s‘.'.'ear‘, seat rr‘ag'.

rs her'rg generated '.'.I

ertserr‘t).e preee. One / rer'.’ Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Macken/re (Irorm and l r'anees Barber's appearances are yet to be cast in programme as rt rntroduees tne dehut appearance o‘ l our l’ools stone, but .Jett Green. Lucy Porter and Owen O'Neill are in there. and a Piano. the gents hetter knot-git as Jonathan Ross" ."Kr‘f; :a Or were tarnilrar ground are Paul Merton. who Will be ad-

.'.'a\, aroand t()‘.'.’n ‘.'./|li‘. hrs lrnpr‘o Churns. and Jenny iI'l the Andy ll/a/no/ S‘fi/Xl/‘O/NU, a one-woman show about a real :3. TV star. Among the big names doing T on the

l rrvrge are the Charlatans and the Hives :rhrle rnueh excrternent rth the l/r/ hoys. Simon Donald and Alex Cotter. telling rlor one n.ght onlyr ot the ups and downs of life in a

I / mge .K/r’l‘; from {-5- .’;’() August; t‘i/‘.t’t‘./.()(ffl'lli§]().()()/7i.

New West End uic venue opens

Victorian Church on Byres Road transformed into multi- functional entertainment hub. Words: Sue Wilson

lasgo'xr's nez': eagerly, —a.'.'arted

Oranivlor venue. par and

restaurant (:ornptex opens its doors thrs inorrth. Housed in the ior‘rrier' Kel‘rrnsrde Parish Church in the ertg. "s West End. the S‘tirn xenture rs pt‘o'trdlg. nrlled by its owners. ‘.'.'el| kent local entertainment entrer)reneur‘s Colin Beattre and George S's/arisen. as nothrng less than a celebratory showcase of Seottrsh arts. culture. heritage. food and drink.

Taking rt front the top. the upper floor

houses a state of the art .150 seater atrdrtorrurn, adorned zvrth a speerall‘, eornrnrssroned (Lerlrrrg rr‘ural h}, Alasdair Gray. At ground level. the r;entr‘epre<;e rs a elassrt: horseshoe snapert par. '.'.ihrle downstairs rs a late-rut ’YY .'“tlf3|(;. performance and (lanerng venue. Besides

4 THE LIST L"? .; .'

other har areas, there rs also a line dining prasserre ".‘Jest (:oast seafood a speeralrtyr ar‘d conservatory 'estatrrant.

Oranivlor's \"v’est l nd i estrual t)l()t]l'£lll‘.’t‘. : sets The tone curtl‘ a line up ineludrng (Iaperearrlre Kar‘e'r [)un'trar and Kate Hush; Beattre says: 'lhrs rs more

than a i)£tl or restaurant protect. and arrris

cottfem art’s, ulturo;;r heritage, food and drink“

to appeal to even, taste. There Will he gureter areas for lrusrnesspeople and pensioners wrth performances and turretrons in the evening. All that has to happen in a way that makes everyone comfortable in the spaeef

I Oran/Worn jt/lei/O/l of Bytes Road Great l'/estem Road. Glasgow

r llunllers

With Europe having just gone to the polls and Portugal getting set to host Euro 2004, we dig around for a few facts and figures about the thoroughly contentious


Countries in Europe 44

Percentage of Swiss who use mobile phones 44

Nobel Prize winners from Sweden 30

Billionaires in Russia 8

Internet users in Austria 2.6m

Christians in Italy 47.7m

Cash spent (in dollars) on military in the Netherlands 6.5bn

T0urrsts visiting Spain each year 48.2m

Olympic medals won by Hungary 442

Number of meanings for the German w0rd ‘Berliner' 2

Airports with paved runways in NOrway 67

Square miles in Greenland. the largest island in the world 840,000

Population of Wales 2.9m

Number of sheep in Wales 5m

Tonnes of snails eaten in France each year 35,000

Percentage turnout in the Denmark's 2000 Europe referendum. in which the country voted not to join the EU 90

Tracks on Europe‘s 1983 eponymous debut album 7