Stttith ( 18 Jun) l‘ollowcd h_\' \Varp signing .\1ark Pritchard (aka 'l‘rouhlcman) on 25 Jun.

I UTI presents: HIDDEN at Studio 24. cht datc 2 Jul.

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at .\lood. 9pm 3am. 15rcc hci'orc 1 1pm; £3 al'tcr (t't'cc to mcmhcrs). \Vcckl}; A l‘atttastic start to thc wcckcnd as you ca\'ort to all thosc pop classics from thc last lix c dccadcs. I Blend @ City at (’it)‘: lidinhurgh.

1 1pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl)‘. 1)} Bahcs ctttct‘taitts thc masscs with thc hcst in currcnt attd classic chart action from Blottdic to l3c‘)‘(ittc‘c‘.

I Office Party at ('a\‘ctt(lis1t/l)i\'a. 4pm 3am. lircc. \Vcckl}; Night of al'tcr work sillincss attd chccs)‘ i‘utt. Buckittg hrottcos. gamcs attd morc to kccp thc .suitcd masscs cntcrtaincd. Bullet for prc- hookcd partics (as wcll as a bus pick ttp sct'\ iL‘c l.

I The Subway at Suhwa}. 7pm 3am. £1. \Vcckl)‘. Niglt on a (‘ow'galc instittttiott oi commcrcial dancc attd cltart hits with thc odd indic classic.

Edinburgh Saturdays Club I Ascension Goth Club at ‘l‘cx-iot Row l'nion. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (£2 lil)(i&R mcmhcrs). 26 Jun. Monthly. ltt association witlt lidinhurglt i'nix'crsit} 's (ioth attd Rock Socict)‘ cotncs this chccr} tnix o1 up-to-datc (lttl'kncss l‘caturing all thc latcst goth. rock attd industrial gt'cats. I Audio Tourism at l’ixo Bar ('luh. 9pm 3am. l-"rcc. \Vcckl}. .\ scrious altcrttatix'c to cotthtttiottal night clubbing with chunk}. l'tmk} housc tracks. I Audio at Bcrlin Bicrhaus.

10.30pm 3am. l-‘rcc hcl'orc llpm: £5 al’tcr. 1‘) Jun. Stttootlt. soull'ul ltousc l'rom Audio l)c1uxc’s tttaitttttatt and spccial gucsts mixing up ‘l‘rcc st}1c hod} music'. I Colours Live! at tltc Liquid Room. 10.30pm 3am. £10. 12 Jun. .\lorc hig houscy action from thc (‘olours crcw as

thcy host a rcsidcnt's spccial w itlt Smokc} & thc Bandit. Jon Mancini attd llttgg}.

I DEFinition at thc (’cllar Bar.

10pm 3am. £5. 1‘) Jun. Nast) l’ and I’- St_\'l/ host a night of turnlahlism hip hop l‘rom ('hilc & 1.itttc as l)lil’inition makcs its rcturn. Inna Soul arc in tltc housc pcrl‘orttting 1i\‘c. thc ‘.\ligltt}’ lloward Bridgcs lcads tltis ja/x hascd linc-up as thc} pcrl'orm hip hop and rcggac classics as w'cll as sotttc ol' tltcit' owtt tnatct'ial.

I Diggity at thc listahlishmcnt.

10pm 5am. £7 (£5). \Vcckl). 1)] l'ahttlo/ attd llarr} l.(i gc! down with thcir had sclx'cs. playing wildst}lc RckB. hip hop and strcct soul.

I The £99 at \Vcc Rcd Bar.

llpttt 3am. £4.50 (£5.50). \Vcckl). Still thc hcst tnix ol' indic. (ills garagc. northcrn sottl. ska. 70s puttk attd ncw wavc )ou'rc likcl} to staggcr across. A

w cll lo\'cd institution that rcl'uscs to changc.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. 10pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl). Scc Thu.

I Fag-Tag at ligo. 1 1pm 3am. £5. 12 Jun onl}. ()nc-oll ga} night l'rom Jamcs l.ongworth attd spccial gucsts. cxact dctails arcn’t clcar at this timc oi going to pt‘css hut kttowittg tltcsc gtl}s it'll hc onc hcll (it a part).

I Fever at ligo. 11pm 5am. £l0 (l'rcc to 'l‘astc mcttthcrs hcl‘orc 1 1.15pm: £3 for mcmhcrs aitcr). 26 Jun. 'l‘hc l'olk at ’l‘astc (lidinhurgh‘s original attd longcst rutttting w cckl} gayl'ricndl} ttigltt) launch a ttcw tttotttltl} \cntut‘c. 'l'aking (w cr a Saturda} night l‘or tltosc who rcall) do ha\ c to work on Honda}. 'lastc ll];tlllsltt_\s l-‘ishcr (k l’ricc and Martin Valcntinc takc carc ol thc ltlaittlloot'

w hilc thc Visitor attd ls'aupuss takc an itll}llllllg gocs attitudc itt thc ('octcau louttgc. l’rc—cluh part} at 1’1anct (hit from 0pm.

I Flaunt at .\lassa. l lpm 3am.

£(i £10. 1‘) Jun. .\1onc} pcntt} 's pt'cscnt this night ol‘ timclcss cluh classics that tnadc housc music what it is toda}. With 'l‘omm} (iallo. .\larco Stnith and Jon

lidw at'ds.

i i .t i g. gt 3

I Funkysensual at Po Na Na.

0pm 3am. lircc hcl‘orc 1 1pm; £5 al‘tcr. \Vcckl)‘. llot mix ol‘ scx}; l'unk)‘ ltousc ntusic from Mark B.

I Glitterball at Bcrlin Bicrltaus.

1 1pm 3am. £6. 12 Jun. llottsc tnttsic as spccial gthsts Liquid l’coplc (:\1l‘lCtllliSIll/ l)clcctcd) arc joincd by vocalist llcitli \r'ogucl.

I Headspin at thc Bongo ('luh. 10.30pm 3am. £8. 1‘) Jun. Monthly. The hcst itt hip hop. lunk. soul. ltousc attd hrcakhcat as w'c sa_\' wclcomc back to thc rcsidcnt 1)] display (cam l‘caturing Allan. thc Rcsonancc (Data and (‘olin .\li|lar) and Stcx'c Spin. Anothcr llcadspin hand sltowcasc as thc)‘

w clcontc a sclcction of local acts who .sharc a similar world \‘icw to gt‘acc tltc stagc (linc-up thc).

I Inter-Zone at ()pium. 5.30—9pm. £5. 1‘) Jun. Altcrnattxc night for thc ttndcr 18s with liltns as w'cll as thc usual mix ol' trash. goth. mctal. punk attd industrial.

I Kiss Kiss Bang Bang at .\lassa. l0..i0pm 3am. £5 hcl'ot‘c midnight: £8 al‘tcr. 12 Jun. l‘ortnightl). l-‘rcsh. ncw ltn‘llligltll} Saturda} party for bold and hcautil’ul girls and boys hitting thc targct with a hlcnd ol' glorious vocal housc and littnk} disco ltcats.

I Luvely at lllc Liquid Room.

ltlptn 5am. £12 (£10 mcmhcrs). 26 Jun. .\1onth|_\. :\ sauc} soircc. gcarcd towards a gzl}/llll\L‘(1 crowd and l’caturing a music polic} ol' lull-on. driving ltousc l'rom rcsidcnts Tommy K. (il’. Ncwton & Stonc attd Jarcd. th anothcr ct'al.) month l‘ot‘ thc l.u\'crs as tltc inx itc you to thcir l.icutcnant l.u\'cl_\ part}. milllilt')‘ ltardw arc is pusill\‘Cl}' cncouragcd.

I Majestica at lllc \cnttc.

10.30pm 3am. £10. 1‘) Jun. Down and dirt} housc ttigltt l‘caturing rcsidcttts l)a\ id .-\mos. lid 1). 'l‘rcx'ot‘ (i. Bruno l"- K and Ryan lillis joincd h)‘ l’ako & l-‘rcdcrik ((ilohal l'ndcrground) tor a SCUlllslt L‘XCltlsch.

I Messenger Sound System at Bongo ('luh. llpttt 3am. £7. 12 Jun. l-‘ortnightlx. Bass o1-howcl—sltil-liltg proportions as thc might)" MCssCllgc‘l' Sound sttcm hlasts out thc hcst in t‘iglttcotts roots attd duh rcggac.

I Mingin’ at thc \"cnuc. l lpnt 3am. £5 hcl‘ot'c midnight: £(i al‘tcr. 12 Jun. Monthl}. Rcsidcnts Brian l)cmpstcr attd Alan Joy ltost thc usual .\lingin' madncss. lilth} housc attd twisch trancc tor a l'risk} and prcdominantly ga) crowd. l’lcnty of drinks promos from

1 1pm so w cll worth turning tip cat'ly as thcy lttox‘c tip thc road to thcir ncw

I Mission Jnr at Studio 24. 7 ltlpm. £5. \Vcckl). (iolh. rock. punk attd oi coursc all that nu mctal slllll that thc kids craxc so tnttch. So it _\'otl cvcr wondct‘cd whcrc all thosc hlack clad )otttlts l‘rom thc top of (‘ockhurn Strcct wcnt al'tcr dark look no l'tirthcr. 'l‘hc hcst and original ttttdcr lSs mctal gathcring itt town.

I Mission at Studio 24. 1 lpttt 3am. £5 (£4 tttcttthcrs). \Vcckl}. Nigltt oi mctal mayhcm. goth rock and lttot‘c l't'om thc darksidc a rcal lidinhurgh institution. Still with a ltwal lanhasc attd an opcn door polic) tor anyonc with a l()\ c of rock and mctal. 'l'hings arc ccrtainl} al'oot down Mission w a} as thcir ncw top lloor policy kicks into gcar with thc (iollt l"loor ( 12 Jun) lollowcd h} \‘oid w ho spccialisc itt thc morc cxtrctttc cnds ol' mctal. Will llaVcn. Brutal Truth. ('arcass. (iod l-‘lcsh. that kittda thing ( 1‘) Jun).

6 Musotica at (‘ommplcx. Spm 2am. £5. 1‘) Jun. Nigltt ol tcchno and clcctronica l‘t'om t'csidcnts J('. Dog. Roach & Boncs. pltts gucst action from Ycla (Digital Scicncc) and ('hcstnut (’hamhcrs (aka ('lair lill using liittal SL‘l'ttlcll.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal Loungc. 10pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl); l)a\c Shcddcn with his mix ()1 disco attd l‘tmk) hottsc tracks.

listings Clubs


Dr No’s There can be few genres more upbeat and purely danceable than ska. And one of Edinburgh‘s main purveyors of the rocksteady sound. Dr No‘s. hits its fifth birthday with free CDs before midnight and a live set from the mighty Skaramanga. Get on it. Studio 24, Fri 7 7 Jun.

Nuklear Puppy Hard dance specialists keeping the sound alive in the capital. Also time for another birthday as the Puppies reach their third year with the queen of the scene Anne Savage joined by Eddie Halliwell and. of course. your trusty hosts Jason Cortez and Phil York (with a special back to back set). Ego, Fr/ 77 Jun.

React Launching at a new venue but never compromising on musical integrity as Mark Hawkins (pictured) gives it up with a two hour live. FX and decks set of sheer techno heaven. The Venue, Fri 7 7 Jun.

Optimo (Espacio) Do we really need to remind you to get your asses down to one of the country’s - if not the world's greatest club nights? Expect the unexpected. The Venue, Sat 72 Jun.

Phenomena 8. Flava: The Urban Takeover A very rare sighting of Why Not? in the hallowed Hitlist. Not that surprising when you see Phenomena and Flava are back in town with their irresistible blend of bhangra. R88. hip hop and urban cuts. Raghav and Panjabi Hit Squad are among those dishing out the musical melting pot. Why Not?, Sun 73 Jun.

Musotica Chestnut Chambers (aka Clair Fl) gets on the Final Scratch and Yela turns up the techno at this unpretentious night of quality deckmanship. The Commp/ex, Sat 79 Jun.

to-(h: .ltii» Rot): THE LIST 83