I The Ruffness North lidinburgh Arts ('entre. 15a Pennyu’ell ('ourt. 315 3151. 7pm. £0 (£3 £4). A liuxion ol’ blues. reggae. drutn & bass and dub l'rom thix lidinburgh lixe-pieee.

Saturday 1 0


I Soul Circus, 2 Floors Heat, Versity, Glasvegas, The Thiles and The Merchants Bar”). 360 (‘lttlc Street. 0370 007 0000. 8pm. Bumper bill of loeal aetx.

I Pigscum, Evidence of Trauma, Nebukadnzza and Dor Eterna Niee'n'Slea/y. 431 Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £4 l£7 l'or \\'CL‘1\C11(11. The Weekend from Hell eoneludex \\ ith more it)\ e1) death metal bands.

I Roost Rttt‘lxt‘l'x. l4 Mltlittlltl Sll‘L‘Cl. 331 (1730. 8pm. liree. Rock and blue\

I Free Candy Collective liquid Lounge. 94 \Vext Regent Street. 353 (i333. bpm. liree. .-\ diet of funk. \ottl. blues, ja/l and “hate\ er else at this alternative pre-elub night.

I Springfield (irand ()le ()pr}. Paisley Road Toll. 439 5396. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 mernberxl. (‘ountr_\'.

I The Underground Jam Bourbon Street. 108 (ieorge Street. 553 (1141. 7pm. £5 (£13.50 “llh dinner). Jam tribute band.

I The Saturns .\1e('huillx. 40 High Street. 553 3135. lllpni. I’ree.

I Jamie Barnes & Cochise .\1aeSor1e_\\. 43 Jamaica Street. 348 8581. (ipin. l-‘ree. Rexidene} lot thix bluex veteran.

I Halcyon Days MttcSttl‘lL‘_V\. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 8581. 9pm. l‘ree.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 100 \Voodlandx Road. 353 999(i. 4 8pm. liree. Weekly sexxion l'or loeal niuxieianx. I Contras and Merchant City The Hall Bar. Hill \Voodlantlx Road. 353 9990. 9pm. Free.

I Peer Group Pressure Samuel Don’s. (i7 71 \ililxtlitle Road. 433 (1107. 8.30pm. 1-‘ree.

I Open Mic Brunswick ('ellarx. 339 Sauehehall Street. 331 1830. 4pm. liree. Weekly \exxiott.


I Inge Mcllroy, Dakota and Jiva \\'hi\tlebinkie\. 4 (3 South Bridge. 557 51 14. (min. l-‘ree bel'ore midnight; £3 alter. Bluegrass 110111 Dakota \xith l'unk roekin‘ l'rom I’il'e's Jiva at midnight.

I The Very Forest. 3 Bt‘ixto Place. 330 4538. 7pm. liree. Raw t'oek’n'roll two piece blending earl}- punk mixed \titb \tripped down minimalism.

I April, Four Star and Anarchix (‘aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queenxl'erry Street. 476 7334. 8.30pm. £4. (ilasgou' and Dundee punk-pop with all all girl lialkirk act to \tart Illlltgx ol‘l‘.


GT in the Park Balado Airlield. ()87() l(i9 ()1()(). £71) £75 (camping extra). S()1.1) ()1"I‘. Seotland'x biggest music l'extival reachex il\ 1 1th year with the Darkness. Mme. \Vti-‘l‘ang ('lan. lilL‘ l’leL‘S. KCHIIL‘. the Slt‘ttkc\ and tar too man} more to mention.


I Zink Barfly. 3(il) ('1_\'de Street. 0870 9(17 (1999. 8pm. ()\'et‘-l4\ \hou.

I The February Solution, Stoma and What the Dead Know 111C 13”] Note (321136. 50 ()0 King Street. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. .\1i.\ of hardcore punk and good rockin‘.

I Figure 8 Pin) Pin). 15 \Vttlt‘t'ltm Street. 564 8100. 8.30pm. l‘ree. :\L‘Ull\11L‘ l‘L‘SltiL‘llL‘}'.

I Engine The Seoiia. l I: I I4 Stoektt'ell Street. 553 8081. 4pm. l’ree. Rock cm erx t‘exidettc).

T in the Park It happens every year apparently: thousands of peOple converge on the countryside to stand around and listen to pop bands playing live music. The thought is it might catch on but we'll wait and see. See feature. Ba/ado. by Klnross. Sat 70 & Sun 7 7 Jul.

Futureheads and Death From Above It‘s more than just the quaint choice of venue that makes this an appealing show as the Futureheads do their warped punk pop thing with verve and aplomb as exhibited on their eponymously- titled debut album. Sikorskl Pol/sh Club Glasgow. Wed 74 Jul.

Maxton Grainger, Desalvo and Party Bacon Music for the strange and estranged. here’s a triple dose of rock shocks laced with varying degrees of mania and measure. And there's a band on there called Party Bacon. Now they've gotta be good with a name like that. Barf/y, Glasgow. Thu 75 Jul.

Nic Armstrong and Mr David Viner A meeting of minds here as the troubadoric Armstrong heads out on the road with the debonair doyen of garage rock chic. lvlr Viner (pictured). King Tut’s. Glasgow, Sat 77 Jul.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()ne. (it'o\\enot' llotel. (irowenor '1'erraee. 341 (i516. (1.30pm. liree. lloxted b} the .\'e\\ Bluex Surlers \\l111 contributionx lrotn Studio ()ne regulars \ueh a\ Re\ Doe and the \imnto Brotherx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session t’ixge Beatha. 333 \Voodlatidx Road. 5(i4 159(i. (ipm. l‘ree. Bring _\our out] inxtrument. I Live Music Rockerx. l4 Midland Street. 331 (1730. 8pm. l-ree. 1-‘our punk ilttlttlx to be continued.

I Live Music Mat-Sorta“. .12 Jatnaiea Street. 348 8581. 9pm. l‘ree. l.oeal littlltk to be eonlirmed.

rock & pop listings Music

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'- THE LIST 51