Music rock & pop listings

Sunday 11 continued


I The Sunday Sessions (‘zihurct \‘oltziirc. 36-38 Blair Strcct. 2206176. 6pm. £4 (£3). Howard Bridgcs tlnnu Soul) hosts this night of scx'cn cclcctic musical stylcs with u Varying linc-up cuch month. Last month'.\ winncrs. ()mcrtu. tukc thc llL‘iltlllllL‘ \lot.

I Sly 81 Robbie 'l‘hc liquid Room. ‘)c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 7pm. £15. Duh and rcgggic lcgcndx t'cgtturing Bunn} Rigx ot"1'hird World.

I Mignon und Unnecessary Surgery Sulmu}. 6‘) ('ougutc. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4 £5. 1)uhhcd thc ‘xhc- dc\ it on high hcclx'. 1’caichcs' touring- purtncr promixcx an c\p|o\i\ c pcrl'ortnzmcc: M ii humour. catch} 1_\ric\ uccotupttnicd h) clcctt‘o groo\ chm. hcan} mctul guitzir. 1i\ c drums and :i high—pitchcd rock hitch upl‘t'ont.

I Richie Gallacher and Oatbeanie \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5114.‘)pm. l‘rcc. (’o\ct' \t)llg\.


0 T in the Park littlitdt).'\1l'1iL‘lt1. 0870 16‘) 0101). £70 £751cumping L‘.\ll‘;tl. 8()1.I)1)t“1‘. Scc Silt 11).


I Death Angel lltc (1111101th 1.5 l'nion Slrcct. 2486606. 7.30pm. £11). ()\cr- l4x \hou. 'l‘hruxh mctzil comho 11011) Sun 1‘r;inci\co\ 1121} .chu \\ ho lornicd in thc curl} 80x. took \omc timc out in thc ‘)0\ 11nd rcl‘ormcd in 2001.

I Part Chimp rind Pinback tthc) Stct‘co. 12 14 Kchinhuugh Strcct. 576 5018. 8pm. .\log\\;ii\ iihcrnoix} Pl‘ulc‘gc‘s.

I Templelock, Cortez, Full Picture, Mr Fog and Greg James 1111111). 260 ('1_\dc Stt'cct. 0871) ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘)_ 8pm. lict't} rocking t'rom 'I‘cmplclock und hlucx \oundx from Mr 1-‘og. (‘ot'tc/ \\ crc 11)1‘111L‘t'1'\ known 118 thc Strand.

I Panic, The Hunchbacks und Tired of Trying 'l‘hc 13111 .\'o1c (1116. 50 61) King Strcct. 55.3 1638. ‘)pm. £4. l’unk linc-up.

I Hill City Blues Studio ()nc. (il't)\\'Cllt)l' llotcl. (il‘1)\\'cllt)l' 'I'crrucc toll B)rc\ Road). 341 6516. ‘)pm. l-rcc. 13111Cx.

I Acoustic Jam \icc'n'Slcux). 421 Suuchichzill Strcct. 333 ‘)637. 8pm. lircc. With it l‘rcc drink as inccntch for participants.

I Live Music Rockcrs. 14 Midland Strcct. 221 0726. 8pm. l’rcc. Rock hands to hc contirmcd.


I Open Mic \Vliiulchinkim. 4 () South liridgc. 557 51 14. ‘)pm. lircc. thl turn tip and pcrl'orm.

Tuesday 13


I The Doors of the 21st Century S1i('(‘. liiitnicxtonQua}.118711 114114111111. 7.30pm. £32.51). lliix ollc‘ could gocithcr \xzt}. .-\11L‘l‘.\L‘ttl‘\01.130111}: compurcd to dcud l)t)t)l'\ \ingcr Jim .\1orri\on. (‘ult li‘ontniun lun .'\\11)l11‘_\ \tcpx 1111()111\ \llt)t‘\ l'or thix rcunion h} thc quintcxxcntiul grundiow 1,,.\ t'tk‘kct'x, I Wilco ()uccn Murgurct l‘nion. 22 l'nix Cl‘\11_\ (illl'tlt‘lh. 33‘) ‘)784. 7.30pm. £12.51). SL‘L‘ pt‘L‘\ it“ 101’ llllx I‘L‘xpc‘c‘lt‘tl tilt.countr_\ —turncd -cl;t\\ic troulmdour outtit.

I Quannum Suh(’1ul). 22 Jamaica Stt'cct. 248 461111. £111. 1)] Slludtm- ul'liliutcd hip hop collcctix c. lcuturing 1.i1c\;i\;t\ und 1.}1'1c‘\ Born.

I The Hard-ons, The Neverland Sleepovers and A Close Last King ’l'ut'x With “1111 11111. 272:1St \‘inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £6.50. \ctcrun .-\u\tru|i;m puith “1111 u cartoon} imugc but it hurdcorc \nlllitl.

52 THE LIST >4. .“I’ ,


You never realised you needed a band that mixed lounge singing with electroclash beats, did you? Well you do and here they are in the shape of Hoboken, a~sassy foursome from Glasgow named after Old Blue Eyes’ birthplace. Like a soused Dean Martin turning up at a Goldfrapp gig and heckling in a sexy croon, Hoboken are a blast of cocktail-drenched air in the lager-stained world of indie, and are garnering acclaim as a result. Two well-received singles under their patent leather belts, the bands have a sumptuous debut album, Crazy Glue.

dugout later this month. Altogether now, ‘Start spreading the news . .

I King Tut's, Glasgow. Thu 22 Jul.

I Then Came Music, Groucho, Tony Shoebox, the Blimp, the Front, Synthesizer Jones illltl Landslide Built}. 2611 ('1)dc Strum. 11870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. 'l‘hcn ('umc .\1u\ic :u'c it x) nth pop band lroin .-\hcrdccn.

\\ ho hm c \chI thc 1;1\1 [\H) )L‘Lll’\ hnxcd in .\I;mchc\tcr.

I Shim-R mid Spyre Stcl‘co. 12 14 Kchinhuugh Strcct. 576 5018. 8pm. £4. .\1c|odic pop/rock.

I Mexico, New Religion illltl Nicky MacDougall 111C 13111 .\'otc (2116.51) 61)1\'ing Strcct. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3.

I Mutley, DNR, UK Deathcharge illltl Pencilhead Rockcrx. 14 Midland Strcct. 221 0726. 8pm. 151cc. Linc-up o1 _\oung punk bands.

I The Mars Patrol Bczmxccnc. 1‘) Skin ing Strcct. 632 8000. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. 1.;tid hack. huckgt'ound \1)lllltl\.


I Band Showcase \Vliiulctiinkicx. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5114. ‘)pm. 1"t'cc. (‘ull in udumcc 1111' u

Wednesday 14


I Amy Rigby, Astrid Williamson and Figure 5 1.;turic'x Bur. 34 King Strcct. 552 7123. 8pm. £7. Scc prc\ic\\ lot” this \ingcr/xongu ritcr douhlc hill. 1cuturing thc :tccc\\il)|c 1'1)1)l\} tuncx o1 Righ} and thc Shctluml»horn \\'i|li;tm\on.

O Futureheads and Death from Above Sikohkl 1’1)11\1l(.1111). .5 1’;it'kgi'o\ c 'l'crrucc. 7.30pm. £5. :\cc|;timcd _\oung hund lrotu thc Sundcrlimd urcit “111111 lo\ c ol' tltc \pik} poxt-punk 111111\111L‘\\ o1(i;tt)g ol~ 1~’our illltl lltc Iikc. 1’1u\ .\11):_'\\1111).1\.

I Captain Everything!, Adequate Seven, The Foamers and Da Skywalkers King 'l'ut‘x \\';111 Wall Hut. 272:1S1Vinccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8pm. £6.50. ()wr l4\ \hou. Scc prc\ icu lot thix punk tour 1cuturing hundx l'rom thc 111)11\L'111)1t1 \umc Rccordx \tuldc.

I Area 39 'l'ltc 1311) Nolc (Eric. 511 ()1) King Strccl. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. |)igit;tl/ induxtriul \1)11f2\1111111L‘1'_\.

I Combat Rock .\‘icc‘n‘81c;1x_\. 421 Sutichichiill Strcct. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. £3. ('luxh triliutc hand.

I Orange Goblin, Grand Magus und Witchcraft 1111111}. 260 (’1}dc Strcct. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘). 8pm. Stonct' rock linc-up lion) linglund :md Sucdcn.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc 111111 Bur. 160 \Voodliindx Road. 352 ‘)‘)‘)6. 8pm. 151cc. \VL‘L‘H} \c‘\\11)ll 1'1)1'11)c‘;11 tlltl\lci;tn\.

I Live Music Stcrco. 12 14

Kch inhuugh Strcct. 576 5018. 8pm. chuliu' Iii: /\\ilt’-\[)1)lt\1)t‘ctl night \\ ith hands to hc conlirmcd.

I Live Music Rtk‘lxcl'x. 14 Midland Strcct. 221 0726. 8pm. l'tcc. 1‘our indic rock hundx to hc conlirmctl.

I Live Music .\l;icSor1c_\ \. 421;)111;11c;1 Strccl. 243 3581. ‘)pm. 151cc. llll‘L‘L‘ ltiL‘dl hands to hc conlirmcd.


I The Hard Ons, Chinese Burn, the Dangerfields and The Declined \Vltctllxhcul. 207201) Bitlgrccn Road. 346 ‘)801. 7.30pm. £5. .'\u\tr;ili;in punk lcgcndx Hard ()11\ on tour promoting thcir lutcxt ulhutn li'l‘l [ain‘t/inc hczidlinc thcir lirxt lidinhurgh gig \\ ith \upport l‘rom 1.i\ ittgxlott puith (‘hincxc Burn. lrixh hurdcorc ilL'l thc Dungcrlicldx and )oqu 1";ilkirk pups thc Dcclincd.

I Goldrush, Severin, Samba Sene, St Judes’s Infirmary nnd Calvin 111C 11011121) (.1111). 310111} 1101180. 37 111)1_\l‘1)1)t1 R1);tt1.553 7(ill—1. Spill. £5. 1-‘olk—popxtcrx (ioldruxh hcgidlinc ;i ‘cht 0113111)} '11ch" night \houcuxing \omc ol' B'IK linouritc lidinhurgh huntlx ol' tlic

I Darklight, Tonebrae und Starsky \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 6 South lii‘idgc. 557 51 14. ‘)pm. 1‘rcc. Sonic rock 111111 indic uction.

Thursday 15


I Eamon Burro“ land. 244 (iullougntc. 552-16111.7.30pm. £l‘).50. ()\cr-- 1-~1\ \hou. l’ctulunt rup hint ulto Iiux t’cccntl} conducch it “in H1 1 \ucur) \\1)1'11\ \\ 1111 ‘c\ girll'ricnd' l-t‘unkic 111 thc top 111 thc hit pnrudc.

I Vertigo 101 King 1111\ \Vuh “1111 11111. 272;1S1\'inccnt Strcct. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. £4.50.

0 Maxton Grainger, Desalvo and Party Bacon 1111111}. 260(‘1'\dc Strut-t. 0870 ‘)07 0‘)‘)‘), 8pm. £4. Scc prc\ icu 1111' llic incorrigihlc 1)L‘\;11\1).‘1.11L"\ pl;t_\ \xith lrlt licld \upcrgroup .\1;i\ton (irumgci'.

. (Doug Johnstone)

l'cuturing mcmhcrx ot' 1‘.\l\;1. 1);l\\.\()ll and lil llomhrc 'lit'ujcztdo.

I Plymsole, Jade, Underdog, Stones Throw and The Front 'l'hc (’utliouxc. 15 l'nion Strcct. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £4. ()\cr— 14.x \htm. Rock and pop linc-up.

I Loris and Soul Candy Nicc'n‘Slcti/y 421 Saiuchichtill Strcct. 333 ‘)637. ‘)pm. £3. 'I'hcutricztl. Bcclhcurtiun p\_\L‘1lL‘L1C11d from 1.ol‘i.\. I Desert Hearts, Spleen and Holmes The 13111 .\'otc (‘iu‘c‘n 51) 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. ‘)pm. £3. 'l‘hc hcaidlincrs urc 2m itltt'ock trio lrom Bcllitxt.

I Amy Bell, Midnight Swimmer, Core Ten and Dienstone Thc Big (‘hill ((1 Soundsct. thc Soundhuus. 47 llydc Park Strcct. 221 465‘). 8.30pm. £4.50. chkly 8111)\\L‘11.\L‘ ol‘ up-tmd- coming hands.

I Open Mic 'l‘chui ()Vliil. 42 ()tugo 1.;mc. 357 4524. 8pm. 151cc. Fortnightly sstioll.

I Roost Studio ()nc. (it‘ochnot‘ Hotcl. (i1'1)\\cltt)t' 'I‘crrucc toll B)'I'C.\ Road). 341 6516. ‘)pm. 151cc. Rock and hlucx co\cr\.

I Wing 81 a Prayer 'I‘indcrhox. 181) 11}t‘c\ Road. 33‘) 3108. ‘)pm. lircc. .'\C1)ll\11L‘ \t‘l.

I Finnieston Bcunsccnc. 5 ('rcsswcll 1.;inc. 334 6776. 8.30pm. l’rcc. 1.;tid huck. huckgrotmd \oundx l‘rom this duo. I Battle of the Bands .\1;1L‘StH'1L‘)\ 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 8581. ‘)pm. lircc.

I Phil’s Session t'isgc BL‘ztlllil. 232 \VUUtlllllltlS Road. 504 1591). Split. 151cc. \Vcckl} 111111.

I The Vagabonds ‘l‘hc Scotti).

112 114 Sltk‘kucll 511601.552 8081. ‘)pm. lircc. Popular cmcrx.

I Jam Session Sztmucl Dims

()7 71 NilltxdulcR1);td.423111117. S.3(lpm. 1"t‘cc. 111)\1L‘t1 1)} lttdch‘ndL‘llc‘L‘. I Live MUSiC Rockcl'x. 14 Midland Strch 221 0726. 8pm. l'i'cc. 1:1)111' iudic rock hands to hc conlirtncd.

I Live Music .\lc(‘hui1|\.401ligh Strch 552 2135. ‘).30pm. l’rcc. .\'c\\ hundx night.


I Adequate Seven, The Foamers, Captain Everything! illltl Da Skywalkers Studio 24.

24 26 (1111111) Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £6.