Clubs listings

Glasgow clubs continued

Glasgow Saturdays


I Bailamos at Fiesta Havana. 9pm—2am. free. Weekly. DJ Keith 1) brings you a world selection - salsa. R&B. Latin chart action and whatever else that will move you.

I Base at the Tunnel. 10.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. (‘hris and Martin liesketh. along with ('hris Harris and Al Kent. weave a line fahric of funky house and R&B at Mitchell Lane's finest dance emporium.

I BeatGLUERadio at Blackfriars Basement. 7pm midnight. l‘ree. l0 Jtil. Monthly. (iet it sorted with a line selection of top quality tunes as Death Penguin play otit at this night. They're gonna rock your face off with funk. techno. disco. jazz. rock. punk. hip hop. electro dtih metal and soul. (ittests on this date are Stefan Dennis Disco Menace.

I Bedlam at the Queen Margaret L'nion. Next date the.

I Break Yourself at the Liquid Lounge. l()pm ~3am. £7 (£5). 10 Jul. Monthly. A night that allures discerning funk. house and disco punters with its fine line-up of residents. Tedd Stryker. Barry Reeves and (‘olin Davie do their thing hehind the decks.

I Budda at Budda. 8pin-s-3am. the. Weekly. Big tunes and house grooves with residents AJ and Ian Thompson. I The Buff at the Btiff. l()pm-3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ()ld school jazz at Glasgow's newest jazz cluh. DJs Nick Peacock. Mark Rohh. Brian Robertson and Kevan Stevens do the needlework. I Colours at the Arches. Next date 7 Aug.

I Cube Class at (‘uhe. l lpm 3am.

THE sue SESSIONS The Sub Cltib. Glasgow, Wed 2t Jul

£7 (£5). \Vcekly. ()ld-school house classics and up-to-date anthems are the order of the day at this packed Sat nighter. thanks to main room man Matt Le l-‘unk. In the hack DMG serves tip R&B.

I Death Disco at the Arches.Next date 24 Jul.

I Deathkill 4000 at Barfly.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. This class rock night drives a wedge between you and the nasty world of irony. Brian Reynolds. Iii. Dirty Marc and a smattering of live rock are in there for all you had hoys. Pltis hottle of vodka for the best dancer.

I Divine at (ilasgow School of Art. l()pm 3am. £3.50 £6. Weekly. Mighty line ftiiik and northern soul night.

I Eskrima at (ilasgow School of Art. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4n£6). Weekly. Rolling residents Jonnie Wilkes. Bizzy. Twitch. and Martin (Ruh-a-Duh). who play once a month with new tip-and- coming DJs Tom and Close. Brendan. Felix. and Dirty Larry.

I Freakmenoovers at (ilasgow School of Art. l()pm-3am. £0 £5 (£4). Weekly. The best dedicated hip hop cltih in the city. in the melting pot at the Art School every Saturday. Your cordial guests are the venerable Dema and Nice. hoth of whom know how to check themselves hefore they wreck themselves.

I Freeform at Barlly. 9pm 7 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. The Watt hrothers present an eclectic mix of classic sotil. funk. 60s heat music and Latin ttmes. with a selection of big hitters thrown in. You are just as likely to hear ohscure Latino voodoo and dark jazz as Michael Jackson or James Brown. I Groovejet at Trash. 1 lpm-3am. £8. Weekly. Sexy vocal house. R&B. soul and party tunes from Paul N‘Jie. Peter Brown. Steven Brown. Brian and DJ Dave.

An experimental club night born out of the Sub Club’s website message board, the Sub Sessions are quietly pooling the artistic ideas

and talents of Glasgow’s electronic community..0nce a month a disparate

collective make like beatniks and transform this underground club into a

veritable bohemia of candles, slide projections and quality live performance.

I Hi-Karate at the Liquid Lounge. Next date the.

I Homegrown at Bamhoo.

l lpm —3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. Joey Negro makes a welcome return to (ilasgow on 15 Nov. his hag of funky house l2s and big vocal tunes in tow. It's going to he mohhed for Bamhoo‘s hirthday celebrations and Stevie Middleton. Dominic Martin. and Scotti B will he putting on a show.

I Inside Out at the Arches. Next date 31 Jul.

I Lush at the Polo Lounge.

10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l‘eaturing Andy in the Trophy Room with hits from the 60s to the 80s. while Toni provides an tip-front dance selection in the main room at the city’s prettiest gay cltih.

I Melting Pot at Riverside (’ltih. Next date the.

0 Proto Cola at the Barfly.

9pm- 2am. £thc. l0 Jul. Monthly. They take it ‘heyond good and evil‘ at Proto- (‘ola. Musically. it's a tale of two floors. with the Proto boys and girls playing uplifting. downtempo amhicnce and soul- searching. The Rump party. however. is a slightly more subdued affair. with a musical diet encompassing hard-ass house. techno. hip hop and hody rock.

I Old Skool Summer Sound System at the Arches. l()pm 3am. £l6 (£10). 10 Jul only. Back to the Future hring you a veritahle plethora of old- school hardcore talent. including Human Resource (live). Rhythmic State. Zero B. Mark Smith. 'l‘echnotrance. Joe Deacon. ()hsession. Jonathan Lisle and a host of others. Mad M(‘s come as standard at a rave like this.

0 Rub Down at the Riverside ('luh. Midnight» 3am. £5. l7 Jul. Monthly. Back from the venue grave. Rtih Down takes on the Riverside. Boah's heautiful PA takes centre stage as Pro \‘ynalist Karim. Dillion. Boah and (ialas all play funky hooty-shakin' hass.

To further defy Clubland convention, and in keeping with a digital media theme, all this is achieved Without the use of flyers or posters, and donations are favoured over a fixed door price. ‘We see it as a platform for local fledgling talent,’ explains Mike D, promoter and co-founder of the evening. ‘So it's a tree gig for the artists where they can promote what they‘re deing and meet likeminded people.‘

It would appear that those involved in this sell'SUlllClClll collaboration between electronic artists and enthusiasts are enjoying the organic processes as much as the night itself. And as an experiment it might pave the way towards the future of club night creation and production in Scotland. ‘Each month has been a real mixed bag, and we've no idea where it’s gOing to go,’ says Mike. ‘We’re all really enjoying at the moment, and

that‘s all we ask.’ (Mark Edmundson)

70 THE LIST 8 4'22 .Jul 2004

I Saturdays at Blanket at Blanket. 10.30pm— 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Jazz. soul and funk from the Papacool crew. A club night with a musical emphasis. and that's always a good thing. They keep putting on great nights. so check this club otit on this T in the Park date. (ireat way to end the Saturday.

I Sensoria at the Barfly. 9pm 2am. £thc. 17 Jul. Monthly. A club night dedicated to the cursed. condemned and poisoned ones in society. Thus. we have PIL being played alongside Britney. Peaches next to the Trashcans and Scissor Sisters next to the (lash. It’s a Sensoria overload indeed.

I Streetlife Summer Carnival at the Liquid Lounge. l()pm -3am. £8 (£5). 17 Jtil. Monthly. Loosejoints and Stevie lilements present the annual Streetlife Summer (‘arnival It's a party with surprise guest DJs. singers. dancers and forward-[hinking [)Js.

I Subculture at the Suh (‘luh 10.30pm 3am. £10. Weekly. The best house night in the cottntry. with llarri and Domenic. It's almost correct to say ‘We‘re not worthy of a night this good‘. htit not qttite.

I Superfly at Woodsidc Social ('luh. l()pm-12am. £5. l7 Jul. Monthly. The psychedelic cluh caharet cluh careers through the summer with resident DJs [an ‘The Midnight (‘owhoy‘ Lamarra and Duncan Superlly bringing the funk to a line simmer. There‘s sotil. grand funk. sweaty disco heats and pop-art side shows. Live music comes from the People. Fine all round.

I VEGAS! at Renfrew l-‘erry. Next date 34 Jul.

0 Winchester Club at The Woodsidc Social. 9pm 2am. £4. 10 Jul. Monthly. More summer pop fun from the Winchester (‘luh Live music comes from the lilectroluvs. Adam Smith and the llector (’ollector. Then it‘s the delightful Winchester DJs all the way. playing pop. soul. funk. indie. whatever.

I Wired at Asylum Back Room.

l()pm ~3am. £3. Weekly. (ilasgow‘s longest running alternative indie night with drinks promos aplenty.

Chart & Party

I Jamboree at Reds. l lpm~3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llesketh of Velvet Rooms fame mix tip a blend of commercial R&B and soil].

I Kevin Austin at Canvas.

l().30pm~ 3am. £7. Weekly. Keep dancing to the main room sounds of funk. disco and cltih anthems.

I Seduce at Archaos. l lpm» -3am. £8 (£6). Weekly. (‘harty dance and R&B.

I Homecookin’ at the Social.

l()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. DJs Stewart Mc(‘allum and Joe Higgins keep the music jammin' and the dance floor jumpin' all night long. R&B tracks mixed with the odd classic and old-skool favourites. Just watch out for football players.

I The Shack at the Shack. l0.30pm~3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. Whatever your hag. chart. dance or party. Ian llanlan and (iraeme l-‘erguson should hit the spot with his mix of party-up tunes.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at the ('athouse. l0.30pm~-3am. liree hefore l 1.30pm: £3 (£1.50) after. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you'll find at the city's premier rock venue on Fri or Sat.

I Boogaloo at the Social. ‘inii~3;iiii. free. Weekly. New regular night at this swanky new venue. The night presents hlock style party grooves. hip hop. urhan flavours and deckmanship.

I Chill on the Hill at Brel. 3pm 79pm. liree. l I. IS Jul. This fine summer session keeps going throughout Jul. with Boom Monk Ben. lli M Sean. Andrew Divine and the Kite lilying (‘luh all in fora hit of funky outdoor husiness. It‘s free. and all you have to hring along are your good