Film index

Sunrise il’( it .0... W W .\lurnau. l‘S. l‘)2"’i (ieorge ()' Brien. .laiiet (ia_\nor. Margaret l.i\ingxtoii. Bodil Roxing ‘)7iiiin. Alter a l‘ling \\ ith a heautilul hroad lrom the big eit}. a L‘Ullllll'} ho} triex to murder hix \sile. but then repeutx and xpendx the text ot' tlie mox ie making up with her. l.)i'iea| xilent |o\ e xtor). \\ llll xupei'h monoehrome iinager} and xome genuinel} xurprixing tuixtx. (i/meim l'i/ni Hiram; (i/(IVJUlL Temptress Moon t Ifli 000 t( ‘tien Kaige. llong Kong. 100m (iong l.i. l.exlie (‘heung. Xhou Yemang. lfittmin. ()pium addietion. ineext and raging paxxionx are the highlightx ot' iliix eomple\ lo\ e xtor} \xhieh inirrorx the late iii a ehangiiig (‘hina during the NIH» 'l'he tilm xhai'ex the \ixual |ii\ur} ol' Kaige‘x l'tll't'llt'll ill\ ('n/ii'ii/i/iit'. hut xaei'ilieex elai'it} h) attempting to taekle a mountain ol ixxuex. Rieh in period detail. thix emotional xtoi'm ot' politieal and pei'xonal paxxion ix perhapx too eont'uxing lor thoxe untamiliar \\ itli (‘hinexe hixtol'}. l’l/lll/lrlllu'. l'fi/iIi/iiu'g/i.

A Thousand Months t 12m 0... il‘aou/i lienxaidi. l'i'anee/ Belgium/Mortieeo. Ztltlsii l‘ouad l.;tl‘lL‘tl. .\'e/ha Rahile. \lohamed \laid. II-lmin. See re\ re“, page It), I'i/ni/iuuu'. I‘.i/Ill/’Ill""/I. 13 Going on 301l31\l... i(iai"\ \Vinniek. l'S.v\. Zttti-ti. .lenniter (iarnei'. .\lark Rutlalo. .\latt l‘lamlialt. Jud} (ii'eei. ‘Fimn. See i'ex 1C“. page I". (it-iiuir/ H'li'uu'. 3D Mania il'i (the. l'S. 3003i Stuart l’ankui. lih ii'a. l.\l.'\.\ il) animation hell l‘oi‘ maxoehixtx and eomputei render geekx ottl}. I.l/.'l.\' “It'd/rt; (i/ihQUii. Thunderbirds rl’( ii 0 iJohnathan l’rakex. l'S/l'lx'. ZttttJi Brad} ('oi'het. Ben lx'ingxle}. Bill l’a\toii. Sophia .\l_\lex. Ron (‘ook. 03min. See re\ ieu. page 352 ([4 mm/ I'i'li’tlul Titan A5 I l2) 0... rl)on Bluth (iai') (ioldinan. l’S. Ztitttii \‘oieex ot \latt Damon. Bill l’ulman. [)reu liari')niore, 05min. l1ai‘th hax iuxt heen ei’eamed h} the unxpeakahl} e\il alien l)re|. lluinankind'x tale rextx Iliteiall) l in the liandx ot hunihle axtiomeehaiiie ('ale ’l'iieker il)ainoni \\ho ix part ol the xmall nuinher ot human i‘elugeex xpi'inkled about the um\eixe. :\ i‘ip roaring xpaee ad\enture like the} eeitaiiil} ne\ er iixed to make ‘em. llltlll .ll: t:\ll\‘l‘ liarthi ix animation imitating in e aetion. and ix inai'kedl} poxt .lrniuut'i/i/uii and llltlt'llt'IIt/t'llt (' l)u\ hoth in look and outlook. (inuii‘iioi; (i/irxgim.

Treasure Planet t t ‘i 0 (Roll (‘lementx and John .\liixkar. l’S. :lllHl Voieex til .liixpcll (iitt'LlUtt l.L‘\ tll. l).I\ til ll}de l’ieree. lilllllld ‘l'hompxon. ‘loniin. Dreadliil l)ixne_\ \eixioii oi Roherl l.ouix Ste\enxoii'x elaxxie hook I'n'mun [\lrl/ltl. /.l/.l.\‘ li/lt'rlllt'. (i/rtu'riiir

Troy 1 l5! 0.. i\\‘o|lgang l’eterxen. l‘S. ZtltHi Brad Pitt. lli'iaii (’o\. Orlando Bloom. Julian (ilox er. l(i:tttttt. \Vithin 'l’io_\ 'x towering \\.illx ltt\L'l'\ l’arix illloomi and Helen iKrugei'i flee to a\oid the attentioux ot her huxhand .\lene|aux

t( ileexoni and liix all eontiuering hi'olhei‘ Againenmon r(‘o\ i. lo make thingx \\ot'xe


l’arix' hiother lleetor i Banai and lather l’riani it )"l'oolei turn out to he lexx than enthuxed h} the )oiing prinee'x ehoiee. lipie eompheaiionx eaii onl} enxiie. the real xtar ol Inn ix. ol eoui‘xe. Brad Pitt ax the \iai'rior'x \xai‘rior .-\ehil|ex. :\gainemnon'x \seapon ot niaxx dexti'iietion. l’itt eulx a homo L't'ttlte iltixlt ax he xlteex .ttlil illeex ltlx “as through the 'li‘oian ariniex. lle‘x a xllpet' xoliltel' \\ ltoxe ltt'mel‘} Ix'ltexxeil to the \(ll'l'llpl _\o|k ol .1 greed} kings |.ike ilx hero. Imi ix not \iithoiit llaxxx the range ot aeeentx on xlio\\ ix xinipl} hemldering. the aetion ix xeheinatie at hext and an} xtoi'} \shieh i'exol\ ex aioiiiid the eonxtruetion ol a large \xooden horxe ixn't ahout to xpi'ing man} xui‘pi'ixex on aii_\one4 But Pitt and the xupei-xi/ed xet pieeex are xupei'h. a north} xttu'u'xxi‘t ltl (I/u'r/Irllul It] the L‘ple tie'llittl xtakex. Show (I\( ("i/ii'niti. (Mil/Hitler. (i/rhg'uii .' h/luttr tIH (.lllr Illii'. ’rlI\/¢‘\. ’tiix/n.

Nisted I l5i O il’hihp Kaiitman. l‘S. :lllhll .v\xh|e_\ .liidd. Samuel l, .laekxoii. .v\nd.\ (iaieia. l)a\id Stiathairii. Riixxell “orig, ‘Hiinm. .lexxiea Shepard i.liiddi ix a perk}. attiaetn e San l‘i‘aneixeo eop. iuxt tuined inxpeetor. \\ itli a talent tor intuiti\ e deteetn e \sork and a penehant loi‘ hrutal xe\ \\llll paxxing xli'angeix. But “hen the poliee xtail tixhing the hodiex ol her paxt lo\ei'x out ot the xea. Shepard i'ealixex that xhe'x i‘apidl} heeoming the numhei one xiixpeet in


Revolver TV are looking for unique, young, I! namic party people for new Scottish based internet t annel.

Presenters, performers and wannabe celebs may all apply. No experienre neressary.

Auditions will be held from l2.30 - 7.30pm (ll

EDINBURGH: lst August at the Opal lounge, 5i George St. GlASGOW: 8th August at Salty Dog, Princes Square, 48 Buchanan St.

lo guarantee being seen register at www.revolvertv.(o.ul< Entrants must be 18 or over

36 THE LIST 9.- a. ; ./ x.

I e. .

Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy get a second chance in Before Sunset

hei‘ o\\ii iinextigation. And eould her

in} xterioux hlaekoutx hax e ainthing to do

\\ ith ii‘.’ ()r do in) xtei'ioux mentor ilaekxoni or xlllll} eolleague i(iareiai hax e xometliing to hide .' l’iddle and toxh trom the uxuall} \er} ieliahle Kaulman iQui/lx. 'I'lii’ lx’ie/il XIII/ll. ,Vrii'i It i/ I'i'lr rtu’.

TWO Brothers il’( it .0 ilean .laeque .-\nnaud. l'ranee/l ’K. liltHi (iii) l’L‘at‘L'L‘. .lCaIt (iléllltlk‘ l)t'C_\ lltx. l'il'k'tltllk' llighmore. ()anh \giisi'ii. ltl‘hniii See

in ie\\. page _‘.\'_ (Jun [11/ re/uiuu

Under the Tuscan Sun I 12m

.0 i.'\udre_\ \Vellx. l’Siltal}. :llll-ll l)iane lane. Sandra ()h. l.indxa_\ l)unean

l | iinin. x\n uiitaithtul adaptation ot' l-‘raneex .\la}e< autiihiograplueal hook ahout her xummerx xpent \\ itli her new lm er reno\atmg a Iiouxe in tire 'l'uxean hillx. \Vellx doex little to dixguixe the taet that the inxpiration tor lane ix (iiulietta .\laxxma in the l'L‘llllll elaxxie Nita/ilx or (ii/mitt. 'l‘lie l'ellini iel'ereneex do not xtop there: [)unean e\ en takex a dip in a tountaiii a la .-\nita lakhei'g m [J] [hi/i e \ilti. l'nlortuiiatel}. \Vellx gi\ ex iix l‘L'llllll ax xeen through the e}ex ot a .\li|lx and Boon tio\el. \Vhereax l'L'llllll exxa_\ed the trouhled internal (Ulllllx‘l ot a \xonian in a lie.ii‘t|ex\ uorld. \Vellx tlL‘llM‘t‘x Hill} .ll'lllleL‘ titlil \‘ltL'llC. ()(lt'llll. Ipi/IIi/iiug/i.

Walking Tall t IS» 0. «Km Ill tsia}. l'S. Stilt-ti 'l'he Roek. .lohnn} lx'nouille.


Falkirk Town Hall

Tues 2730/11/5’ Song for a Raggy Boy (15) / 5‘0pn: [nu/s 29!!) J: Bus 174 (15) 7 30pm Dion 2nd Ant} Bad Education (15) 7 301m: LCM 43/) Aug The Notebook (12a) / 30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

lx'rixten \Vilxon. :\xlllC_\ Seott. Vinin. ('hrix Vaughn ithe Roeki l'L‘llll'le t'i'om eight )eai'x in the Speeial l-oreex to tind hix hometown gone to xeed and iii the eontrol ol eaxmo hmx Ja} llamilton Jr i.\'eal .\lel)onoughi and \oux to xax e it. The Roek and

Kno\\ ille make an ineredihl} likeahle team ltlll lllC xlUt'} xlllttt‘lxx tll eliehe. Se/u Ir'r/ I'('/(’tt\i',

Wild Chimpanzees it‘i tl);l\ltl l.lL‘l\lL‘_\. lS/(dlltttltt. Illllli Jane (ioodall and a load ot‘ elumpan/eex. 53min. (Set up eloxe and perxonal \\ ith the \\ ild (iomhe ehiinpan/eex in thix hig xereen l\l:\.\ prexentatioii /.ll.l.\' II/Ir'rlll'r'. (i/tngmi.

Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Too) t list .000 t.-\llottxti (‘uaroiL .\le\ieo. Zttttl i (iael (iareia Berna]. l)iego luna. \larrhel \‘erdii. 105mm ln thix upheat. rauneh} road ino\ ie .lulio illernali and ehildhood t'riend ‘l‘eiioeh il.unai

eom inee goi‘geoux older Spanixh \sotiian l.uixa i\‘erdui to |Ullt them on the road to an iiiixlmilt heaeh knoun ax 'llea\en‘x .\louth‘. The horn} hosx‘ plan ix to get into l.uixa'x pantx. “hieh. ax ll turnx out. xhe ix quite happ} \Hlll. ()t eourxe. \ihen l,lllx.t xleepx lii'xt \\ith Diego and then .lulio. the einotionall} immature hosx tall out. and it'x kit to their more e\perieneed partner to teaeh them xoinething ahout lo\et lhe eaxt gi\ e ('uaron l'la“ lL‘xx pei'loi'maneex. \\ hile the dii‘eetor and hix eo \\ i‘iter hrother (Iii'lox enxui'e the drama ix at onee tender and hoixtei‘oux. leelgnod and hill ot' pathox. and uholl} l'i'ee ol eliehe, ('(mu'u. lat/inlmreli Zatoichi t l.\'i O... t'llikexlii Kitano. Japan. :lllHl Beat 'l'akexhi. \lie‘liisti ()okuxu. laka (iatai'ukanaru. llomiii.

lla\ mg i'eimented the eopx and )aku/ax genie. Kitaiio makex a xtah at doing likeuixe \\ ith the xamurai lilm. and onee again xheex through eomentionx like a kmte through hutter. Here he hiiiigx hix inaxtei xtrokex to the 10th eentur} .lapanexe hero /atoiehi. a hlind x\\ made tamoiix iii the Shiiitaiio Katxu tilin xeiiex uhreh ran two: h"). The men /tl/i'li lii ix tull ol

Kitano xt_\ le tonal ehangex hemeeii eomie and \iolent. tender and giapliie. .\leau\\hi|e. the tightx heeome e\ er more d} iianue ax /,.itoiehi. lielpinga ieniote mountain touii that‘x heiiig tei'roi'ixed h} the (illl/U gang. and liix nemexix. the ronin llattoii i'l'adanohu .\xanoi \xho'x heeii lined h} (iin/o to eiitoi'ee hix rule. dra“ eloxei~ tor the tinal hattle. lt'x eiitting edge xtiitt, (t ‘I (-/\(/('/’ti'/Il\. (v/\(/(‘/’(1H/\.' (t ‘I [xi/iii/iiirg/I. I'.i/ui/iiue/i.