Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.


The festival runs from Fri 30 Jul to Sun 6 Aug. For all our preview coverage see the The List’s Edinburgh Festival Guide which comes free with this issue. For listings details, see below.


I The Michael Deans Quartet lic‘c‘t' (321136. (‘andlcriggx 552 9815.

9 1 1.45pm. l-rcc. .\lodcrn ia/x quartct lcd h} tcnor saxman 1)cans.


I Ross Milligan Time Cube 11c‘iii'}'thi// (‘cllatz 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. (itiitarist Ross Milligan lcads a lix'cl)‘ quartct lcaturing Paul Harrison on piano. Brian Shicls on hass and :\1)n (’oskcr on drums. QTim Barella Big Band The Mailman. 50 chlicld Strcct. 331 0200 . 8pm. £5. Suinging ja/x and big hand classics. \\ itlt \‘ocals from litldic ’l‘oal.


I A Brazilian Odyssey - The Eden/Stell Duo (’aird Hall. (it) Squarc. 01382 434040. 1.30pm. £5 l£4). .\lorc cxccptional guitar \\ork from this dtio planing lrom thcir lalcst alhum Samha. Part of thc Dunch (iuitar licstix‘m.

I Nylon 8. Steel - Clive Carroll & Graham Devine ('aird Hall. (it) Squarc. 01382 434040. 7.30pm. £15 l£10). ('arroll has hccn picking tip plaudits tron) xit‘umlit' (iuilur \\ hilc l)c\ inc is l'cntmnctl ltn' pushing thc gttitar to its limits. Part of thc l)undcc (iuilar l't‘sllHll.


I The Finale Bar Jazz Group the finale Bar. .\'o\'otc1. l.attriston l’lacc. 656 3500. 7pm. 1‘rcc. A changing sclcction of top jaJ/ playcrs. lirst as a trio

17pm 9pm) thcn as a quartct

10pm midnight).

I Dave Keir’s Hot Five and Bill Salmond’s Louisiana Ragtime Band l-trirrnilc Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 312 8243. 8pm. £4 (£3 mcmhcrs). 'l‘raditional ja/l at lhc lidinhurgh Ja/l'n'Jiw (’luh.

I Danny Moss chr} 's Jan ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £8. 'l‘cnor sax pla}cr Darin} .\1oss supporch h) thc Rick) Stcclc 'l'rio.

I Guest Band Night 80 ()ticcn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 226 5097. 0pm midnight. l’rcc. chularja/z night l'caturing top Scottish ia/l groups.

I Chaos Theory 'I‘hc (‘cllar Bar. 1 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 467 2539. 9pm. l-rcc. ()riginal l‘unk} unit “illl ll'ipp) ia/I \ocals.

I Madaleine chr} ‘s Ja// (‘cllaiz 8 Morrison Slrcct. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. lnlt‘clitnlsl} tlccp \t)cttlisl fronts classic soul groo\ c hand 1'catui‘ing l’aul 'l'oxsndrou on sa\cs.


0 Hugh Burns & Friends (‘aird Hall. (’it} Squarc. 01382 434040. 1.30pm. £5 (£3.50). Hugh has rackcd tip

an illustrious scssion carccr. and has l'L‘L‘tit'tlL‘tl ttlitl lolll'L‘tl \\1lli llic‘ likt‘s ()1~ (icorgc .\lichacl. l’atil .\lc('artnc_\'. Michacl Jackson and (icrr) Ral‘lcrt). hut has non rclcascd his own alhum. and pt'm ing that hc is a \ irtuoso p1a}cr in his oun right. Part of thc 1)undcc (iuitar l't‘sli\';tl.

I Martin Taylor Solo (‘airtl Hall. (‘it_\ Squarc. 01382 434040. 7.30pm. £15 (£10). :\ solo pcrl'ormancc from this \irtuosoja/I guitarist.

Saturday 24


I George McGowan and his Orchestra .\lcrchant'.s (‘ornciz 18 John Strcct. 552 3801. 2.30 5.30pm. l‘t‘cc. l)rumntcr .\lc(io\\ an lcads his big hand ullli gllt‘sl \tic‘ttlisls.

I Lorna Brown Quartet Brcl.

30 43 Ashton l.anc. 342 4066. 3pm. 'I‘hisjall l'oursomc. l'caturing guitar. hass and drums. is ironch h} on-thc-up sa\ophonisl Bro“ n.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Bar I85. Buchanan Hotcl. 185 Buchanan Strcct. 332 7284. 5.30pm. l'i‘cc. chular swinging ja/l scssion.

I Eddie Toal and Quintet ()'.\Clll's. 71 Albion Strch 552 0822.

0 11.45pm. lircc. liddic sings his ua) through .-\mcrican songhook standards.


I Jazz@Lunch 8t) Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 226 5007. 2 5pm. 1"rcc. Lunchtimc iax/ \xitlt thc 80 ()ticcn Strch piatio trio kids \Vclcomc.

I Cathie Rae: The Flow Experience chr} ‘s .la// ('cllar. 8 .\lorrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. .la/I standards from lhc 1idinhurgh-hascd \ocalist joincd h) Martin Kcrsha“ lsa\) and Stc\ c Hamilton lpiano).

I 80QSt House Band 80 ()uccn Strcct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 QlIL‘Cll Strcct. 2265097. 9pm midnight. 1-‘rcc. Modcrn ja/I classics from this thnamic ll\L‘—[)lL‘L‘L‘.

I Funkafize llcnr} 's Ja// ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. Midnight. £5. ('1assic. hig. dancclioor l'unk poncrcd h) .\'c\\ York drummcr l’aul .\lil|s.


I Carmen - Tetra (‘airtl Hall. (it) Squarc. 01382 434940. 1.30pm. £5 (£3.50). 'l'ctra pcrl‘orm sonic ol thc hcst kntmn opcra tracks on tour guitars. Part of thc l)undcc (iuitar l‘cstixal.

I WEB ('aird Hall. (’it} Stitlarc, 01382 434940. 7.30pm. £9 £18.50

(£6 £12.50). John Williams. John lithcridgc and Patrick Bchc} l\\'1-'.B) tcam tip mising classical. ja/x and \\t)l'ltl inl'luciiccs. Scc prc\ icu. l’art ol‘ thc Dundcc (itiitar 1-‘csti\a|.


I Kenny Paterson ('uha \ortc. l4 John Strccl. 552 3505. 4 7pm. l‘rcc. .\ tic“ talcnt on tltc Scottish ja/x sccnc. l’atcrson pro\ idcs smooth sotil and \\\ ing Vocals.


I Jazz@Lunch 81) ()ticcn Sirch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 226 5007. 2 5pm. 1’rcc. Lunchtimc ja/l \sith thc Rohcrt l’cttigrc“ 'I‘rio kids \xclcomc.

I Kevin MacKenzie Trio llL‘lll'} \ Ja/l ('cllat‘. 8 Morrison Slrccl. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. .»\ ncu trio lrontcd h} Kc\in MacKcn/ic a major l‘orcc in ja/l guitar. hc claims Jimi llcndri\ and \Vcs Montgomcr} as his main inl'lticnccs. htit his pla} ing is morc ol'tcn associatcd \\lll1 that of John :\hcl‘cromhic l\\ ith \thont hc has studicd in .\'c\\ York).

I Paul Kirby Trio ()\_\gcn Bar tk (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar) Strcct. 557 0007. 0pm midnight. 1-‘rcc. lixcning scssion lcd h} pianist Paul Kirh}. lcaluring Kc\in

Glasgow on bass and Bill K)1c on drums.


I Student Showcase Concert ('airtl Hall. ('it} Squarc. 01382 434040. 1pm. (‘haritahlc donation on thc door. 'l'hc Dundcc (itiitar 1‘cstital studcnts play a sclcction ol' ttincs.

I International Guitar Competition Final ('aird Hall. ('it} Squarc. 01382 434040. 7pm. £5 (£3.50). Scotland's lirst c\cr lntcrnational (iuitar ('oinpctition and you cart cwn \otc for )our l’axouritc pcrl'ormcr.

Monday 26


I 4 Jazz Burnhrac. .\li1nga\ ic. 042 5951. 8pm. 1’rcc. Quartct producing

sxs inging lit/l standards lcaturing guitarist Boh Sloan and And} Sharkc} on dollhlc littss.


I Jam Session Xi) Quccn Slt‘cct Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 Quccn Strcct. 226 5007. 8.30 1 1.30pm. I-‘rcc. ()pcn scssion \\ ith thc 1)a\ id l’atrick 'I‘rio conic and pla) or conic to hcar a uholc load ol ncu talcnt.

Tuesday 27


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“r Hot Jazz Quartet ()\}gc‘t) Bar & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Strcct. 557 0007.

0pm midnight. l'rcc. I)rummcr Bill K}lc’s latcst grouping. lcaturing Doug 'I'iplad} (sa\cs). 1’aul Kirh} (piano) and Kc\in (ilasgtm (hass).

Wednesday 28


I Open Mic chr) ‘s Jan ('c11ar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £5. A chancc l'or aspiring musicians and singcl's It) pcrl’orni \\ ill] lotltl (iol'tltm. plcasc call 0131 667 2008 ii )otl “ant to takc part.

Thursday 29


I The Michael Deans Quartet liL'L‘l' ('tllt“. (Ittlitllc‘l'iggs. 552 98 l .5.

0 1 1.45pm. 151cc. Scc Thu 22.


I John Petters and his Swing Band Brunton 'I’hcatrc.}\\c11 \Va}. Mussclhurgh. 665 2240. 7.30pm. £11.50 (£8.50). ('clchratc .\lttssclhurgh l‘csthal \\ ith a s\\ inging trip do“ n ntcntor} lanc in this allcctionatc trihulc to Bing (Tosh).

I Fionna Duncan chr} \ Ja// ('cllar. 8 Morrison Strcct. 467 5200. 8.30pm. £6. chouncd \ocalist Duncan pl‘c‘sc‘nls :l \at'icd l‘cpc‘l'ltnl'c (lli‘iil/l.


I Starbucks Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival 2004 Various \cnucs. lidinhurgh. 'l'ickcts: 0131 473 2000. Scc hclo“ l'or l-llll tlctails.

I Starbucks 8. All That Jazz Starhucks. 106 (icorgc Strcct. 220 1451. 2.20pm. l'rcc. :\ sclcction ol' 1i\ c jaH to hpr thc col‘l‘cc go tlt)\\l1.

I The Finale Bar Jazz Group The l'iinalc Bar. .\'o\otc|. l.attriston l’lacc. 656 3500. 7pm. 1"rcc. Scc Hi 23.

I Hot Antic Jazz Band l-‘airmilc Inn. 44 Biggar Road. 312 8243. 8pm. £8 t£6 mcmhcrs). 'I'raditional _ia//. ragtimc and \\\ ing at thc lidinhurgh Ja/I‘n'Jh c (‘Iuh I Jazzin’ Babies Rt)_\al ()\cr-Scas 1.00200. 1011 l’rinccs 80001. 225 1.501. 8pm. £8. Young scnsations l'rom thc \orucgian traditional ja/l sccnc.

I Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra l'shcr Hall. 1.othiait Road. 228 1155. 8pm. £15 £2.3.5(1.\\')iitt)ii

jazz listings Music


J : Tim Barella Big Band One for fans of classic big band music. Tim Barella's long- running Glasgow-based band has been keeping the faith with big band swing for. well, probany longer than the leader likes to remember. The Ma/tman, Glasgow, Thu 22 Jul.

Hugh Burns Hugh Burns has been one of those invisible presences behind a host of recording sessions and touring bands. but the virtuoso Scottish guitarist has been emerging into the spotlight in his own right for a couple of years now. He celebrates the release of his new album with a series of Festival appearances this summer, including this lunchtime outing with various friends (make a day of it and catch Martin Taylor solo in the evening as well). Ca/rd Hall, Dundee. Fr/ 23 Jul.

.\iarsa|is Icads sonic ol‘:\mcrica's lincst musicians in thc opcning conccrt o1 thc lidinhurgh Jan and Bltics 1’cstixal.

I Max Collie & his Rhythm Aces and Bill Salinond’s Louisiana Ragtime Band 'l‘hc Famous Spicgcltcnt. (icorgc Squarc. 8pm. £10. Trad ja/x from this douhic hill of \th ()rlcans.

I Singing and Swinging: Craig McMurdo and Alyson Orr 'l'lic Huh. (’astlchill. Rt)_\;il .\Iilc. 473 2000. 8pm. £15. (‘raig McMurdo is ioincd h) .-\1_\son (hr and thc S“ ing Kings 'I‘rio pcrl‘orming songs from thc Amcrican composcrs ('olc l’ortcr. 1r\ ing Bcrlin and Rogcrs and Hart.

I Esbjorn Svensson Trio Quccn's lltlll. (‘lL‘l'ls $0061. 008 2019. 8.30pm. £18.50. Statc of thc art contcmporar} acoustic ja// from this \cr) popular Sucdish trio. \\ ith lishiorn on kc} hoards. Dan Bcrglund on bass and Magnus ()strom on drums and pcrcussion. 1’art o1 thc lidinhurgh Jan and Blucs l‘cstixal. I Guest Band Night 80 Quccn Strch Bar and Rcstaurant. 80 ()uccn Strcct. 226 5007. 0pm midnight. 1‘rcc. SL‘L‘ l‘ll 23.

I Chaos Theory ’l‘hc ('cllar Bar. 1 ('hamhcrs Strcct. 467 2539. 9pm. l'rcc. Scc l-‘ri 23.

I Havard Wiik Trio and Special Quintet llcnt'} 's Ja// (‘cllatz 8 Morrison Slrcct. 467 5200. 9pm. £8.50. l’ianist \Yiik lcads his trio. c\pandcd to a qtiintct l‘or thc sccond sct \\ ith thc addition ol~ spccial gucsts l.aura .\1acdonald and R}an Qtiiglc}.

\ '\ \lti' Ant} 308-: