Clubs listings


W Hip-Hop/R'n'B

Hip-HOp/R'n'B Junior Campos Indie/ Rock

Tarn Cogle

Indie/ Rock

Main Room: Classic Shack Anthems

7 nights a week from l0.30pm (llpm Sun/Mon)

Shack Electronic Guest List - visit www.shackl93.corn to book your place

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1’, t). lllll

,l ('16)). ill, ll 11')

BB Pitt St, Glasgow

68 THE LIST 91).); r'; /\(1<; PCP-1

Glasgow Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow®, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Blunt at ('ottierx 'l‘heatre. 9pm lam. Hip-hop. Rtin and dancehall with l)a\id Mac and heatx. glitch and electronicx with .\'el.

I Cheeze at Strathelyde Student‘x :\xx()ciilli()n. 0pm 3am. £thc. \Veekl). 'l‘he higgexl and tackiext xtudent night

I Columbian at the .-\x} lum Back Room. Shin lam. liree to ('l'Sl' memherx: £l otherw ixe. \Veekl}. :\ union littllollx lor itx rcxelr). with an inlamoux 'l‘hurxda}.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. (iet deep down and dirt} ax Ra} mond \Voodx and .\'aee1n mi\ 11p xome ol' the moxt hoot_\licioux Rth in the cit}. while Bill} \lilligan xerx ex tip the xtudent claxxicx and dirt} pop tunex.

I Evil at Barll}. l().3()pm 3am. £2. \Veekl}. (ioth. induxtrial. punk and metal meet at thix hlack-clad happening.

I Fantastique at MAS. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Veckl}. 'l‘he \ernacular 1)] .\lirrorhaw pla}x a lriendl} hrand ol pop- ltixed houxe tor a 'I’hu night crowd looking l'or kickx. l’urxe—lriendl) drinkx pricex make thix night a good draw.

I Firewire at Bamhoo. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. (iraham l‘erguxon xpinx R&B and chart claxxicx in room I. while DJ toaxl ix in the red room pla_\ing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Rohin B pla}x an eclectic mi\ ol dixco. lunk and xoul.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgow School ol Art. I lpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veekl}. l'ltra- line hip hop night lor the xtudentx. with l).lx l)ema and .\'ice. 5 Aug xeex a wry xpecial guext in the xhape ol Skinn} man and 1)] Hip. Skininman ix one ol the moxt highl} regarded ligurex in l’lx' hip hop. lle ix accompanied h} D] l-"lip. who hux :1 hackground (lot onl} in hip hop. hut alxo punk. hea\_\ metal. and xoul. (pleaxe note entr} £5 (£3 £4) lor thix date 1111]} ).

I Homework at Vault. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Veekl). Ian and Stex ie man the ho\. xo all inxecuritiex o\ er the tunex are dixpelled. 'l’hix nigln aimx at xtudent xatixlaction without compromixing the qualit} lexelx.

I Hype at ('uhe. l 1.30pm 3am. £3 (£2). \Veekl}. Jim 1);) Bext teamx 11p with the Hype crew to put on a night ol' (wixled. ultra-lunky houxe. l’lent} 111 cheap hoo/e makex thix a (1111 night out. I Instant Access at Suh (‘luh.

llpm 3am. £2 (lree). \Veekl}. 'l‘hix ix the night the Suh dancex in itx xlipperx to the xoundx ol Motown. hreakx. lunk. and a xmattering ol' ho11xe. 'l‘il'l' l’eachex and Ste1ie lilementx captain the xummer xweatho\ xuh accexx o\ er the coming

w eekx.

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge.

l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. ’l‘hree li\e handx kick the night oil. making wa} lor Joe Kane on (lL‘Clx\ with xome illtlit‘. mod and xoul at lam.

I Madhouse at the Shack.

ll).3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. ('J and And} t:1ke_\ou to the hrink ol inxanit_\ with xome ol the moxt outrageoux and courageoux xtudent anthemx.

I Phunky Monkey at Belo (l'ormerl) Baha/a). 8pm 3am. l-‘ree hel‘ore l lpm; £4 (£5) tlllt‘l‘. \VL‘L‘kl}. Scott (il‘uillgt‘l‘. Vance and Richie .\lc(‘olm are on xpinning dutiex at thix new cluh that lookx like getting ex e11 higger than Baha/a. l’lent) oldrinkx promox. l'unk)

anthemx and lloor lillerx make it a winning lormula.

I Polo for Me at the Polo Lounge. l()pm lam. l‘ree. Weekly You. the lucky punter. take the helm tonight. ax requext cardx are a\'ailahle o\ er the bar and in the hooth. Notice for the unimaginative: ‘I am What I am’ ix prohihited by law and punixhahle h_\ xpanking.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgow' School ol'Art. l().3()pm 2.30am. £3 (£2. l'l'L‘L‘l. \VCL‘k‘l}; In the Vic Bar the Record l’l;1_\er/ l)Jx lli—l’i Sean and lluxhpupp)‘ play to a packed crowd of traxhed l'axhion junkiex and lucked 11p l'oreign dixco lireakx. The cluh that l‘ran/ l't‘l'tllllitlltl and Scixxor Sixterx appeared at. long hel‘ore the lope took hold.

I Retro at 'l'raxh. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). \\'eekl_\. l)a\e Young. Steven Brown and the Kra/_\ Karaoke team ply their warex at thix l’ahuloux night under Pitt Street. A xtudent night with xtunning tunex. xtunning looking people and a xmattering ol dt'inkx proittolionx.

I Skint at the ('athouxe. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). \Veekl}. :\ night that rellectx the l‘CxtlI'gL‘lll ttllL‘l‘lltlllu‘ \L‘L‘IIL‘ at the moment. Rock. indie and xome tough chemical hreakx and heatx. with a crowd much like the one you xee outxide the (ialler) of Modern Art.

I Speakeasy at the l'niVerxal (Sauchiehall Lane). lllpm 2am. l"ree. Weekl}. ll. _\ou feel like a few drinkx alter the puh. hut don’t want to go cluhhing. Speakeax} ix l'or _\ou. 'l'hc muxic ain't compromixed. hut the \ ihe ix chilled.

I Topform at the Bull. lllpm 3am. l'il'L'C hel'ore l().3()pm; £5 alter. Weekly. l think we hax e to turn mer lo 'l'oplorm themxehex to xum 11p thix new night: ‘.-\11 e\tra\agan/a ol muxic and twixted entertainment. think the Royal Variet} l’erl'ormance hoxted by _\our drunkext drunken uncle. 'l‘hink’ end ol the pier. think end ol‘ the world. think out ol}o1n‘ hoxl' \Vith Radio ()ne‘x (iill Millx.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilaxgow School ()1. Art. .\'e\t date the

I Archaos at Arehaox. l lpm 3am. £5 (£2.50). \Veekl}. .\lainxtream chart dance. xoul and cheexe at one (it the huxiext l'ri nighterx in town.

I Babaza at Belo. ()plll 3am (l)J.x lrom l lpm). l‘ree before I lpm; £5 alter. \Veekl). The \enue'x legendar} l-'ri nightx take the name ol the cluhhing inxtitution that 11.xed to he here. l’aul 'I‘ra} nor. Bill} Jonex and Roxx .\lacinillan are in charge ol' the muxic. and the} '\‘e heen know 11 to rip it tip in the paxt.

I Bass Invaders at l-‘ury .\lurr} ‘x.

l lpm 3am. £7. The e\ er inventixe Baxx Invader collecti\ e hring Bill Youngman ('l‘rexor) o\er l'rom Berlin to rock lhix old (ilaxgow cluh. A collecli\ e doing their thing well. not hothering ahout laxhion. (iood xtul‘l' all round.

I Boogie Wonderland at lint-y. llpm 3am. '7 (£5). \Veekl}. Mad dixco night with loadx ol drinkx promox and a xoundtrack to make the ladiex xhakc their

I British Airwaves at MAS.

l lpm 3am. £thc. \Veekl}. ()n the xecond and laxt l‘rida} ol‘exer} month. DJ lx'rix l-‘orrext celehratex 4t) )earx ol Britixh muxic. Starting at (904 (duh) and moving through e\e1‘_\thing to the prexent da)‘. he'x going to take _\()11 on a wonderlul muxical excapade. Rememher _\our packed lunch. that‘x all. hecauxe the in-l'light meal ix not xo good.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. \Veekl}. l)rinkx promox and xome \er} xe\_\ R&B lrom DJ Vance make thix not a had place to xtart the weekend.

I The Buff at the Bull. 8pm 3am. l'il'L‘t‘ lk‘lUI't‘ ll).3(lpm; £5 alter. \VL‘L‘kl}. ()ld xchool lit/l at (ilaxgow 'x new ext jal/ cltih. DJx .\lark Rohh and Ke\an Ste\enx do the needlmxork. while the l‘uxion li\perience mix iaH. rock and ‘a whole lot ol' groo\e' in a li\ e laxhion.