Music rock 8 pop listings

50 Cent 8. G Unit While his mentor Eminem lS away formulating his next globe straddling strategy. 50 Cent rolls out his crew for a pair of live shows which would suggest that some live hip hop is hugely popular up north despite what other shows (or no showsr this year might suggest. Note rescheduled dates. SECC. Glasgow, Tue 24 <3 Thu 26 Aug.

Pretty Girls Make Graves The notion of emo rock has become tarnished of late. which is to be expected for a genre that gathers together choirs of boys whining abOut being dumped in one handy pigeonhole. But as long as there are people like Seattle's Pretty Girls . . . out there doing it with some balls and heart it will thrive. King Tut's, Glasgow. Mon 23 Aug.

Noah Howard Saxophonist Howard first emerged in the midst of the tree jazz ferment of the 60s. and although he was never one of the big names in that circle. he worked with the likes of Archie Shepp and Sun Ra. among others. He has led his own groups in the ensuing decades. much of which he has spent in Europe. Brel, Glasgow. Wed 25 Aug.

Solas US/lrish band are huge in the States with their fusion of high-powered Irish jigs and reels with songs based on reworkings of Dylan, Nick Drake and Tom Waits. Here tor the Festival, they take a trip up to Stirling's great little arts centre. To/booth. Stirling, Thu 27 Aug.

Marymass Festival Irvine's old Marymass Festival presents the Poozies and Colcannon amidst the Summer sessions and singarounds. while on Sunday who can resist the World Whammy-Diddling Championship and the World Chuckie-Chucking Championship? Various venues. /rv/ne. Thu 79-Sun 22 Aug.

2: THE LIST rel—.31: Aug

Saturday 21 continued I The Kicks and The Deltas g3.

-1‘)il.S;tllL‘ltlelt;tll Sll'L'L'l. 353 .il l l. [5. (b er Hx \htm. lhe Krekx are a quartet t'r'tiiti little Ruck. .'\l'i\;tll\;t\. \xhti .tiek the liiiti liigbterx \iiurtd \\ rtli a bit iil' ( ‘heal‘ 'l'rielt and the (’ai'x llll'ii\\ll iii l’iir lllSIUI'lL‘ili lllL‘;t\lll'L'.

I The Owsley Sunshine, Blind Pew, Cosmos, Little Buddha, Sbindrift and Uncle Jack It till}. 3(itl ('l}de Street. lliS'Hll “ll—7 09‘”) Split. [5. Stiiiri} (\(l\ prip relei'eriem truth the ()\\\lL"\ Sumhrne. bluex melt l'riir l Blind l’exx pi'tirtiiiling their album l't'tll' -i/ (im/

arid rrttid i‘tiek lrtirii ('iixiiim. attituig iither

\UlllltiS at this bumper bash.

I Projekt A-ko and Simple Storm Stereo. I: H Kebiiihaugli Street. 57x SilliS’. Split. [3. l’riiiekt .'\-i\U leattae three-quarter‘s Hi the line-up Hi indie llUlSL‘lllk\ l'ruxei Yatxur'a. pieking ~ip iiiuxieall} \\ here their l'ririiier band lelt till.

I Piesta De Fiesta (‘tiiiiixtil stirx. Kt .'\ll‘lt)ll Street. 7pm. [(i. ('ieneriiux irne~up ineluding the (ilaxgtm (impel ("hi it. i'eggae/xxiirld band /.tha. Mungii'x Hill and artists limit the ne label irieludiiig BONUS l’iiiiitx. Bub ‘l‘eehnii 4-1. lii\ Nble .lirri. :\ridr‘} biidtiii. Salet) .\'et. 'l'erxi .lettera\. .\'e\\ Burn \tibiid} and 'l'rrigle. l\ [littl ttlll' |)|'L‘\\ litil‘ iii}. the} MI}.

I High Roller, The Electroluvs, Das Contras and The Safe Rave Gang .\'iee'n'Slea/'\. «ill Saueltit hall Street. 333 003". ‘lprri. £3. 'l‘he lileetriiltn \ are a bin/girl duii \\ iltl riiarr') analogue/digital litilSL‘ \xith xiiarrrig elitir'uxex.

I The Poppadoms and The Flying Matchstick Men the .lili \HIL‘ (ittle‘. 5” (ill Kllig Street. 55.: HHS. S’ptii. £4. Sell—\t}|ed Monk} i‘l';t\\- ed giiiip ptip' limit the i’ttmtittittllh. \mn li;t\L‘ 5U iiCC CtiplL'S Uli their new ‘S:rarrge Shaped l’etiple' lil’ [U gix e aua} at 'hi~ laurieh

I Sticky Fingers Bourbon Strest. lllS‘ (ietirge Street. 553 “Ml. "pin. £5 it'llfitl \xith dinrieri. Rolling Stiiiiex tribute.

I Tigers on Vaseline .\te(‘liuill\. 4n High Street. 553 2135. lllprti. l‘ree

l)a\ id Btm ie tribute.

I Jamie Barnes 8. Cochise MaeSurle) \. 43 Jariiaiea Street. 345 SSS]. (rpm. liree. Residene} t’ur [ith blues \eter'an.

I Full Metal Racket MaeStirlep. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 S'SS'I. 9pm. Free.

I Peer Group Pressure Samuel i)tt\\ S. (iq “l \llllStidlL' Rikki. l: i Hill“ Sfillptri. l-r‘ee.

I Open Stage llte Halt Hat. lbll \Viiiidlartdx Road. ‘52 WNW (iptit l‘ree. \Veekl} \L'\\lttll liir ltieal llllhlt’litlh. him running all iiight.

I Open Mic llruiixmek ('\. I“) Satiehiehall Street. .iil lSIll. ~lprii. l'ree \VL‘L'H} \L‘\\liill.

I Live Music (irand ()le ()pi}. i’dlSlL‘} Road in”. ll" 5 “lb ". illprti. L31 it“ lllL‘llli‘L‘l'H. ('iiuiiti‘}.


I Wolfstone liillirmili. .l;lll \\_\iitl. ill-'Sb Zillltlll, ". illpiii. [l3 itSi. \Viillxtiirie tiller their u\ .iriialgaiiiatiiiii til riiek lllll\le iiti\ed \\llil a liiiil til



I The 5,6,7,85, The Needles illltl OBE Built}. :(iri ('l}de Street. rix‘ii till" ll‘N‘). S'prri. L'". The Itar‘ll} hmt the launch part} tor the Kill li’i/l MI 3 DH). and “lid! better triuxreal xiiuridtraek thaii the (MS gulltg‘t'rtiltxeved .lttltttllt'u‘ f_‘ll’l lllri \\hti plain-d iii the \eerie iii /\'r// Ill/l lii/ / \xhere exeryute grit hiirr'rbl} iiiirtilared ('ai'eltrl \Hlli that \aiiiurai mind there

I Dean Friedman ('ntiiei 'l lit-.irie. ll_\ridlaiid Street. 35" *SbS. Spin L'lli l'S singer/sting“rrter‘ \\ilH rixalled (iilbert ()'Sulli\ari liir drippirrexs iii the "llx. CHUHLN} Hi ltl\ \tiriwrtie llll\ 'Iuek} Star'x' and ‘l.'\dia‘.

I Trachtenburg Family Sideshow Players, The Blimp .tllti HOW to Swim King lutk \\.ih \\.ih llut. I‘la St \‘iiieerit Street. III 53“) S'Rllpiii. Ur. 'l'he \lt‘;tllf_‘L'\l lariiil} nuttit mice the Von 'l’rapp l-.iriirl_\ Sirigerx. 'l he 'l'raehteriburg i'dltlll} geek} dad. gattd} lllttlll and preeiieiiiux daughter pertiirrii iimelt} drttiex llhpllt‘tl b_\ \ iritage lirilida} \ltdex. :\ real title—till. 'l hanklull).

I Sherman Robertson & Blues Move The l’err}. 42 ('l_\de l’laee. lilti‘lS 2(i5 5i l. Spin. ill. Bluex guitarht \ihri pla_\ed «in Paul StiltttllS (iim ( lum/ .ilburii. beliire launching l]l\ nun reeiirdrng eareer. Born in l.tiltl\l.tlt.t but iarxed in le\a\. Rubertwit L'Ullli‘llte\ the ll'.ttillltlll\ til both areas \\\.tltl[‘_\ Ade-err \tilllltiS and wultul eleetrre blue\.

I The Zips, Juju Ten and Painted Little Men Stereii. l3 l4 Kebinhaugh Street. 5"(i FillS'. Spin. {-1. lzdg} punk} bill.

Multiplies bring their quaking instrumental electronica to Glasgow School of Art, Wed 25 Aug

I Fiveparkdrive, Tony Shoebox, The Encierro, Believe .tlltl Alfonso llte ('alltiithe. IS I lllHll Slte'e'l. (iliilh 7‘ iillirn LlSll l.ttl\.tllet'l. Ut ltiiiiill ()\t'l ll\ \ltii\‘. lx’riek .irid pup bill

I Black Widow, Raul Duke .tllti Deco Sepali the l trli \iitt' (Lite.

5“ (ill King Street. S“ lbiS ‘lpiri ti \iiuiig triek band Illat k \\ ltit‘\\ \t} then ballx are .1\ big ax their \Hllllti Shouldn‘t that be the other \\.r_\ iriurid'

I Das Contras lleaiixeerie. ;.S l.‘ \\riiidl.tttd\ lx’riad. “.7 “Mill S illptli l'tee. latdbaek baekgiiiuiitl \illllltl\

I Figure 8 Pub l’i\ii. IS \\.iterlriii Street. Slil Slllll S illpiii liee \tiiuxtrt rexiderie}

I Engine llie Serilta. ll.‘ l l l Stiiekuell Street. SS) SliSl lprii Iree lx’iiek emeix re\rdeiie\

I Big Blues Jam \iiirliii ( iiie. (irmwrtm lliitel. (ilit\\k'lll‘l lettaee. ill (filly illprii l'ree llmted b_\ the \ev. liltiex Surteix \xttli ettllllll‘llllilllS ltiirii Studiii ( )iie regularx \ueli .l\ |<e\ i)tl\ arid the \lllllllit lliritlieix

I Phil’s Sunday Session I I\_‘.'t‘ Heatlla. 3i: “(Midlandx l\’ii.itl. Q’i-l lg‘lli (ipiii. l'iee. llriiig _\Hlll mart |ll\lllllllt‘lll I Live Music \’\itllt‘}\. l.‘ .latiiaiea Street. 3 1S SSS] ‘lpiii l'iee


I Gig in the Garden illitlttll “lithe. \\e\t (irarige rtiiiiri Llll. \ lttll Hll lltllll bettelil lt'\ll\.tl lril ill\t' \i”\i\ Hale Raeixtii. teatutirig \ ll/ tiiiited i.itlltlilllt'l\ the l l1\llllll‘.' and the l’.iddiiigliiri\ .i\ \‘.ell .ix lllillt‘ liital tl\i\ web a\ i)t'_'_‘l.t\\l. .\ l |_‘.‘t'l\. illtldllhliill. the S\\.i_\ and more. (‘aiiiprrig IS .i\.irl.ib|e .t\ V-L'il .t\ .t lt‘\‘- lt‘\llt‘'lllllt'\ ririeludirig a bar «it t’tilll\t'l lot more iiilri elreel. u v.v..gtgiiitlreeardert tit and liil llelxt'h eiiiail

lelelllltL'jittltlL‘lll“ liiitrii;ir|.eiirii iii eall .leriria ('hexher' «in llfiS" (ill "Hri‘l.


0 Pretty Girls Make Graves and Seachange King 'I ah will \\.tl1 lltit. 3-3a St \iiieertt Street. ZII <3”) S. illptii. L". l’urieli} Seattle baxed riielxei‘x. lriitited b} the l.tllLHll\ .\ridre.i /.rillii. return in thew \hrirex tri telebrale the till] l’lx' relea\e iil their debut album (imit/ Ill u/rli. which \\;i\ pre\ litll\l} Ulll} axailable «in iriipiirt. Reiiiiee. L'lllii lttltN'