Theall " seeing

The folk behind PULSE MEETS REDEYE tell Johnny Regan why they are so

excited by special guest Danilo Vigorito.

tinilo Vigorito ix the ltitext ttnd gretttext exponent ol‘ the .\'tiple.x teehno .xound. tt noixe eretited b}. timong otherx. .\ltireo ('ttrolti tind (itiettino I’tirixittno. lle httx inxigortited (no ptiii intended) the Southern lttilittn dtinee .xeene \\llil tt .xeriex ol‘ reletixex ehttt'tietei'ixed by |i\e—xounding production teehnitlttex. ttitd the people beltind the Soundhtittx‘ Ititext teehno elub. l’ulxe Meetx Rede} e. tire right|_\ e\eited tibotit the proxpeet ol' hix ttppettrtinee. l.ilxe mttn} pt'olilie tind inl‘luentittl teehno prodtieerx belore him. Vigorito htiilx l‘rom tin impmerixhed tit'eti ol‘ hix home eit): the Sptmixh l)i,xtriet in \ttplex. lt‘x tii'gutible thttt teehno. tix ti xotmd titid ti leeling. til\\tt_\x httx itx rootx in det'elietion. inliltieneed tind inxpired b} the ine\orttble. grtiduttl dextrttetion ol‘ the inner eit} ltindxetipe. For ti genre Citttl'uclel‘ixtlL‘ttiI} ltteking ill \tiL‘ttl ttetion. it'x del'initel) not tin unl_\rietil t‘orm. ttnd Vigorito'x li\'e-.xounding pt'odtietion xpetth ttbottt the meeting ol‘ the tiieehtmiettl ttnd the orgttnie thtit oeeurx in till good teehno. llix reeording methodx tire tmuxtitil: moxt ol' hix xtudio equipment ix tintilogue. \\hile he .xettueneex hix trtiekx oti tt ltiptop. It ix perhtipx thix .x_\mbio_xi.x thttt gix ex rixe to the it”. eruneh). l'unk-inl‘ltietieed .xound thtit Vigorito ix lttuded l‘or. llix lttbel. ()rion Mtt/ik. ix ti itiHilll'llL‘ \\ ith till the right teehno l)_l.x right noxx. tind there'x ti \er} good ehttnee thttt _\ou \xill htt\ e jumped ttround \xith gti_\ ttbttndon to one of \‘igorito'x tunex in )Utll'

\xeelxend mttnoeuxrex.

i’tli\t‘ \lL‘L‘h RL‘tiL‘}C I'L‘\itiettl Sergio i'.ltt‘itie xtiittibl} e\eited ttbottt the proxpeet ol' hetit'itig tiii underground legend xpiii: '(ilttxgoxx‘x eitliiiit‘l'x tire timong the moxt htti'dened in lzttrope. 'l’he} ‘\ e hetird e\L‘t"\t|iiIig. xo the-\‘il‘e hunt to pletixe. 'Iilittt'x \\il_\ \\e‘re bringing xomething ne\\ to the xeene ne\\ ttilent. \Ve rexpeet l)tmilo ttx ti muxieittti lit‘xt tmd l‘oremoxt. bttt he‘x timtt/ing ttx ti l).l. “it three deeltx.‘

l’ulxe Meetx Rede} e tmderxtttnd tlittt the white ix ol'


pttrttmotmt importtmee to the xtteeexx ol' tin tmderground teehno night. lt‘x httrd to imttgine ti while more xtiited to thix night thtin the Sottndhtitix. ‘l‘\ e been going to the Sotmdhtittx ttx tt eltibber l'or _\ettrx. lt‘x the llttixl originttl \enue iii (iltixgohf e\plttinx liiieide. 'ltix ti i'xlllti til} |‘(l\l \\;it' bunker. tttid it'x the old} pltiee thttt ne\ er plti} x tin_\ mttinxtretitit eheexef ()n the xttbieet ol’ the Sottndhtitix. it‘x \xorth mentioning tlitit onl} eluhx \kllil xomething ll'tli_V interexting to ol‘l’er etm xtixtttin ti eroud right up to itx Sttm eloxing time. 'l‘he Soundhttux xot'tx the \\ilL‘ttl l'rom the k'ilttii. ttnd lineide ix eonl‘ident thtit Vigorito \till work the eroud tip to eloxing time: ‘\\’e‘re till looking l‘oruttrd to next \xeek \er} mtteh. We‘re going to hti\e ti mm d right tip to the end beetittxe l)ttnilo Vigot‘ito ix xo \\ ell rexpeeted throughout the l'lx'.‘

Pulse Meets Redeye, Soundhaus, Glasgow, Fri 20 Aug.

Neophilia 5x t.:

I \ ti ."' ~ I' t. Pulse eets Redeye " :‘t t '1' ..‘D .x.‘ \ :0»‘ t0 i:i'v\'i flx‘x' Tl "' I'. "‘ l v f; i\‘i. I: ' 4' ' 1‘ ' R 0c ' i\tlti \t'ti‘ it ‘il 1%. 11"“ :.;\:'.‘ i l i, I: ' ' 't-i " it. . ‘t' )' ti it i i [Lint-i" ,ilt "Ht 1' Death DISCO t ..ttl1tl 1-9..y‘,1 ll ’t 1",! - .’ y‘,,'\ “"t,lti» it 9 t'.. i H. tH » ttltl'. i .i" 'il 2 ii \lt)' ttii‘tt'it .r' l' l‘..‘.t' tlti tit,» in» it i; Itttl, ()( ix"‘( (1". N Jlil. /"

/-ti't /lt'.';. fitit' fit/l} Subculture it run, tutti

ii’t‘,‘ itil,tt!',ttn tt', W,- tum?

litttifzt: tutti, :'t H A’tirttt tilt“!

and ll’flt‘t'fii" lilit’tl“ t.‘» t:.

iii/f) (I‘LHI/i, ()‘tt’f ti/t' /.\_'l',' Club Tromolo .w lteitlwl fiim ’tltt' Y'l'l'ii it)" iii“ tititl‘

.ti trio t tutu m,

it"i'ririiw tlw: limit-mt ultitt It: tiit: ’li‘,’. SJ?"itiii?!<,Ji'l'ttit,-"1t't-T

x)? viiiti'tictu“: “Wilt Natty: in“, t:

i‘iél’itltzl illit‘,tl’fl jzi/x' ’2 Hit l)t:titotn.~tittx. ti “mi? time, Witt ttttt‘ti :‘Jiity t'tt’ittt tuli'i Litt if it Mitt l)(: (MW/l. l'w: to“ [YOU 1/7)") Aid}.

Tongue In Cheek tn

"~.'./t:t:'t‘tt/‘Jlti/T 'ttt'tt' it‘frt flit; .'~;.‘.'

llitirstltiy'fi ii/ilfltl‘fl bitty; Stilt {ltt’f hit, imp iii UY‘J: .‘.’f!1i‘: Hunt; ‘gltlllFL‘Jiétf1‘)l’, tutti! :iin ’ltt’lt‘d‘; If


tittvotit: (Lt’il‘t tint é: <,tr,.‘.vi mi: ti

’ltf‘ttm l.'l flit}

WUltitxxtléiy. intuit/x, xiii:

int/Mm, ti/tmrit. t’.”,"t.

'- THE LIST 27