Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow©, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Dirty Thursdays at Blaiikct.

llpm iam. £5 (£3! \Vcckly. (ict dccp doxx n and dirty ax Raymond Woodx and \accni llll\ up xoiiic ol' !lic iiioxt bootyliciotIx Rtkli in tlic city. \xhilc Hilly .\lilligaii xcr\cx up tlic xtudcii! claxxicx and dirty pop !uiicx.

I Evil at llarlly. llHllpiii 3am. £3. \Vcckly. (iolli. iiidiixtrial. punk and niclal mcc! a! !liix black-clad happciiing.

I Fantastique a! MAS. I Ipm 3am. £4 (£3 l. \Vcckly. lhc \crnacular l)J Mirrorban play x a li'icndly brand (it pop- iiiluxcd liouxc tor a ’l'hu nigh! crou d looking !or kickx. l’tirxc—lricndly driiikx pi'iccx inakc (liix nigh! a good draxx.

I Firewire a! Bamboo. llpm 3am. £4 (£3! \Vcckly. (irahani l'ci‘guxon xpinx Rtin and char! claxxicx in room I. \xhilc l).l !oax! ix iii !lic rcd i'ooiii playing iiidic pop and rock. lii !hc loungc. Robin M playx an cclcclic mix ol dixco. l'uiik and MN”.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgoxy School ol' .'\r!. llpiii 3am. £3 (£2). \\'cckly. l'ltra- liiic Iiip hop night !or !hc xtudcntx. \\ itli l).lx l)cnia and .\'icc.

I Homework at Vault. l lpiii 3am. £5 (£4i. \Vcckly. Ian and Stcxic man !hc box. xo all inxccuriiicx mcr !hc !iincx arc dixpcllcd. 'l‘hix nigh! aiinx a! xttidcnt xaiixtaction \\ itlioti! coiiiproiiiixiiig tlic quality |c\clx.

I Hips, Lips and Watermelons a! ('ubc. ll..i()piii 3am. £3 (£3). \\'cckly. Richard ix !hc l’c\i(lc!il ollct'itig !hc latcx! Rtyll. hip hop and juicy pop. 'l‘hcrc‘x alxo a licaltliy xniattcring of fun gaiiicx and l'rcc \yalcriiiclon (I’i. l’axt gaincx hax c iiicliidcd ‘li'x a xxatci‘niclon hold-iip'. ‘.\loiicy Balloon liaiiaii/a' and tlic curi‘cn! layouritc ‘llula llipx'.

I Instant Access a! Sub (‘Iub

llpm 5am. £3. \Vcckly. Back to !hc i'cxidciiix at !liix tinc party \\ itli no xc! iiiuxical policy (thank (iodi. 'l'ill l’cachcx and (iroundxkcx‘l‘cr (ilcnn rock ‘Iikc Dcl‘ l.L'Ppai'd in a xcr\ icc xtatioii cat‘C‘. l-inc. lllcll.

I Loaded a! liquid l.o!ingc.

ltlpiii 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly. 'l'hrcc liyc bandx kick !hc nigh! ol'l'. making \yay for Joc Kanc on dcckx \\ itli xonic indic. mod and xoul a! lam.

I Madhouse a! !hc Shack.

ltl.3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). \\'cckl_\. ('J and Andy !akc you to thc brink of inxanity

\\ itli xomc ol‘ thc iiioxt oiitragcoux and couragcoux xiiidcn! aniliciiix.

I Phunky Monkey at Bclo (l‘oi'iiicrly Baba/ai. 8pm 5am. l-rcc bcl‘orc l lpiii: £4 (£5! at'tcr. \Vcckly. Scot! (iraingci‘. \tlllcc (!lltl Ricliic .\lc(‘0llll arc (in xpinning diiticx at !liix iicxx club !lia! lookx likc gc!!ing c\cn biggcr than llaba/a. l’lciity ol' drinkx proniox. liinky anthcnix and floor tillcrx makc it a

\\ inning !orniiila.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgoxx School of .»\r!. 10.30pm 73.30am. £3 (£3. t'i'cci. chkly. ln !hc Vic Bar !hc Rccord l’lay cr/ l)Jx lli-l-‘i Scan and llllxliptippy lila) to a packcd croix d ol ti‘axhcd t'axhion junkicx and llk‘kL‘d up !‘orcigii dixco t'rcakx. Thc club that l’ran/ l-‘ci'dinaiid and Scixxor Sixtcrx appcarcd at. long bcl'orc !hc liypc took hold.

I Rumble Thursdays at !hc (iaragc. l lpiii— 3am. £5 (£3. t'i'cci. \Vcckly. .>\ iiiaxxiyc 'l‘hurxday nigh! for thc boo/c- xoakcd .xitidcnt population. .\laiii hall niuxic ix prox idcd by (‘icrry 'Kiiigh! Ridcr' Lyoiix and Baby Brian playing

28 THE LIST 19—136 Aug 200.:

chart. claxxicx. anthcmx and rcqucxtx 'l‘hc attic ix hoiiic to Paul and him c and !hc cnginc roonix arc iiiadc tuiiky by !hc irrcprcxxiblc Nicola.

I Shagtag at !hc ltlllllcl | lpiii 3am. 'l‘hc nou iiitaiiioux dating club gainc nigh! coiitiiiiicx to makc protligatc iiuttcrx o!!! ol !hc ‘xtudcnt' population. licach ballx. !lip llopx and xun !aii lotion iiiakc thix thc

I Skint a! !hc (‘athouxc. l lpiii 3am. £4 ([2 I. \Vcckly. .-\ lllg‘lll lllttl i‘cllcclx !hc i'cxurgcii! altcrnatiy c xcciic a! !hc nioinciii. Rock. indic and xoinc !oiigli clicniical brcakx and bcatx. \\ itli a croyx d much likc !hc onc you xcc outxidc !hc (iallci’y ol Modcrii .'\rt.

I Speakeasy a! tlic t'nncrxal (Satichicliall l.anci. lllpni 3am. l'rcc. \Vcckly. I! you l'ccl likc a lc\\ drinkx altcr !hc pub. but don‘t \xant to go clubbing. Spcakcaxy ix !or you. 'l'hc muxic ain't conipromixcd. but !hc \ ibc ix chilch.

I Topform a! thc Bull. ltlpni 3am. l’rcc bclorc lll..ill|illll £3 al'tcr. \Vcckly. I think u c ha! c to !urn o\ ci' to 'lopl'oriii lllclll\cl\C\ !o xiini up !liix llc\\ night: '.\ii c\!ra\agan/a ol iiiuxic and t“ ixtcd cntcriainnicnt. !liiiik !lic Royal Varicty l’ci‘l'orniancc hoxtcd by your drunkcx! drunkcn !iiiclc. 'l‘liink ciid ot' !hc picr. think cnd o!~ !hc \xoi'ld. think out of your bo\?' \Vith Radio ()nc'x (iill .\lil|x and !hc ‘xci‘y tall' Kc\in McKay.

Glasgow Fridays


I Archaos at :\i'cliaox. l lpiii 3am. £5 (£3.50! \Vcckly. .\lainx!rcaiii char! dancc. xotll and cliccxc til oiic ol~ llic litixicxl l'll‘i nightci'x in to“ ii.

I Babaza at llclo. (ipm 3am (l)Jx lroiii l lpm). l’i'cc bcl'orc l lpiii: £5 al'tcr. chkly. 'l'hc \cntic'x lcgcndary l‘i'i iiiglitx !akc !hc nainc ot~ !hc clubbing iiixtitution !lia! !ixcd to bc licrc. l’aul 'l‘raynor. Billy ham and Roxx Macmillan arc in chargc ol' !hc niuxic. and !hcy '\‘c bccn knoyx n to rip it up in !hc paxt.

I Bass Invaders at l-‘ury .‘xturry‘x.

l lpiii 3am. £7. :\ collccliyc doing !hcir !liiiig \ycll. no! bothcriiig about laxhion. (iood xtull all round.

I British Airwaves a! MAS.

l lpiii 3am. £!bc. chkly. ()n !hc xccoiid and lax! Friday ot'cwry month. DJ Mix l‘iit‘i‘Cxl cclcliratL'x ~10 _\c;!l'x ol' lit'ilixli iiiiixic. Starting at l‘)(i4 (duh! and llio\ ing through cyci'ything to !hc prcxcn! day. hc'x going to !akc you on a \xondcrliil muxical cxcapadc. Rciiicinbcr your Paickcd lunch. tliat'x all. bccauxc !hc iii- lligh! iiical ix no! xo good.

I The Buff at !hc Butt. 8pm 3am. l'rcc bct'orc 10.30pm: £5 al'tcr. \Vcckly. ()ld xcliool ja/I at (ilaxgtm 'x ncxxcxt ja/l club. l)J.x Mark Robb and Kcyaii Sicycnx do !hc iiccdlcyyork. \yliilc thc laixioii li\pcriciicc ini.\ _ia//. rock and ‘a \yholc lot of grooyc' iii a li\ c l‘axliion.

I Canvas a! Aria. l lpiii 3am. £!bc. \Vcckly. l).l Wallcr play x a plcthoi'a ol' lunk. xoul and R&B a! !liix bcautitul .\lcrchan! ('ity bar.

I The Cathouse at !hc (‘athouxc. lll..‘~(lpni 3am. £l bctorc l lpm: £4 (£3) altcr. \Vcckly. Riding high on !hc nu mctal \\ a\ c. thix ix onc ol' !hc buxicx! iiiglitx in toxxn. Rock. griingc. indic and a daxh ol lit‘cakhca! acroxx !lircc llooi‘x at (ilaxgoyx 'x top \cnuc !or rockcrx and altcriiatccnx.

I Coded at Vault. l lpiii 3am. £5 (£4!. \Vcckly. 'l‘hcy 'rc from a rccord xtorc. xo tlic !uncx arc going to bc trcxh and highly liiiiky. arcii't !hcy '.’ .-\ rotating roxtcr o! I)Jx al‘l'iliatcd to 23rd l’rccinc! xtipply !hc houxc-lcd gromcx you can rcly on. Stc\cii .\lc(‘rccry ix !hc main man. but !hc pool of talcii! includcx Billy Kilkic. Billy Woodx and Amanda l’ricc.

I Crash at !hc Shcd. l()._‘~()pm 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckly. liiian and Andy play !hc tincx! o!‘ cycrything at !liix blinding Southxidc club !liat aluayx xcciiix to bc hllxy.

I Creation at Corinthian. l lpm 3am. £!bc. \Vcckly. .-\l‘tcr a warm-up in !hc Litc Bar ii’x doxxnxtairx xx itli !hc gcar !or Paul

Rca and Kciin -\ux!in. your lioxtx a! mix claxxicxt o! \ciiucx

I Cribs at lllankct, llpm 5a!!! £b (£4! \Vcckly l)ari'cii 1). Raymond \\oodx and Billy \lilligan arc iii !or !liix nigh! o! !unky liouxc. Rikll and xtudcnty madncxx. .-\ \cr_\ popular club right no“. I Destiny at l)cxtin_\. l lpiii 3am. £!bc. \Vcckly. l)cx!iny 'x rclatincli coiitinucx xx llll tip-!or-it party tuncx. houxc and Rtkll lla\;ix.

I Fluid a! 'l‘raxh. llpm 3am. £(i (£4 l. \Vcckly llca! lllfi'x l.ixa l Ittlcyxood. Scot! \lacka} and Rayx H all play ax rcxidciitx a! thix raucon party up at !hc mad ciid o! !oxxn. l‘tllll'x} hoiixc. urban pop and loadx ol clicap boo/c iiiakc it a winning propoxiiion.

I Fresh a! thc l’olo loungc.

llpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .\lichcllc and Andy arc in chargc ol !hc niuxical duticx a! !liix dclicioux. gay/niixcd Mcrchan! (‘ity club. .\lox! \x ho ciitcr conic out xiiiiling.

I Full On at l’rixilcgc. lll5llpin 3am. U) (£7 l. \Vcckly (iL‘l’xl’xtll‘tl). Stcyxai‘! (irccii. \Villiam l)anicl. (iax llouxion. Stu llirxt and (iio l‘cri‘i arc your lioxtx at lltlx \\ cckly (lttllcc lllglil tltl\\ll on llopc Sti‘cct.

I Funhouse a! liarl‘ly. l lpiii 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckly .-\ nigh! o! clucd-up punk and cathartic indic pop nonxciixc. lt'x pogo-a-gogo \\ itli Radio l'x Vic (ialloyxay. Mr Paul .\'ccdlcx and [)1 .-\lpha .\litchcll.

I Funk Room a! tlic :\!‘clicx.

llpm 3am. £(i (£5). 2!) Aug. Monthly. lt‘x rcxidcn! city in thc room (liix month. .'\ndrc\\ l)i\ inc and Simon lligbcat ply you \\ itli all !hc bcxt niuxic l‘roni !hc liixlory ol' !liat linc niiixical gcni'c !liat thcy call !unk.

I Latin Fever at llayaiia. 0pm 2am. l'i‘cc. \\'cckly. l).l Kcilh l) xpinx up xotlic ('oloiiibiaii. (‘uban. .\'c\\ York and African xalxa. adding a tn ix! ol l.atin chart. R&ll and global licatx to tlic i‘liythiiiical xtcyx. 'laxty.

I Lite a! !hc ('oi'iiitliian. ltlpni 3am. £!bc. \Vcckly. 'l‘lic (‘oriiithiaii lacclil! gctx into lull x\\i!ig. \xilh !hc l.itc bar and chili !akiiig o\ cr !hc action on l'ii‘idayx. .-\ll !hc IUP l)Jx t'roiii (il'x othcr \cnucx makc i'cgtilai' appcaranccx.

I Moda a! .\loda. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckly. l)arrcn l)uiin caxcx liix \xay through !hc nigh! \xith !hc l'incx! in houxc. garagc and Rtyll.

O Neophilia til !hc l'lilH'l‘xztl.

lllpni 51!”). £5. 2!) Aug. Monthly. 'l‘cchno. l'uiik and glitch arc !hc iiiuxical xty lcx at !liix brand ncyx nigh! a! !hc l'iiiyci'xal. onc ol‘ (ilaxgou 'x gi‘ca! unuxcd club \cniicx. .-\rcliacop!ri\. Jonglcur and DJ llookcr arc among !hc l)Jx xpinniiig on !liix inaugural nigh! ol- iiiodci'ii l'uiik. Try it you jux! might likc it.

I The N00 Groove a! ()ran Moi:

l lpiii 3am. £5. \‘l'cckly. 'l'hix \xondcrlul. long running club gocx ucckly at !liix ncyx \cht liiid iiixtitiitioii. Brian and Nick play !hc bcxt rccordx lroiii cy cry anglc ol' !hc !unk xpccti‘iiiii. Ja/x. xoul. liouxc. hip hop and \x'hatcwr. .»\ brilliant \\ cckly.

I Offset at ('ubc. lt)..‘~()pni 3am. £3 (£5l. \VL‘L‘lxl}. l)ancc claxxicx (!l‘.(l lllll houxc li‘oiii rcxidcn! l)Jx. A \cry popular \cnuc and club night.

I Outer Drive a! !hc Subcluh. 10.30pm 3am. £8 (£5 iiicmbcrxi. 2!) Aug. Bill} \Voodx‘ Magliilicclil llouxc Party rcaclicx it‘x tirxt birthday.

I Pop Noodle Fridays at !hc (iaragc. l lpiii 3am. £5 (£3). \\'cckly. Rctro. Britpop and altcriiatiyc pop ix play cd out in !hc attic. \xhilc Brian Macquillan. litiaii and (mix llcxkcth play in !hc main hall.

Pulse Meets Redeye a! !hc Sotiiidliaiix. llpm 4am. U”. 2!) Aug. ()nc !or tlic triic tcchno t'anx. l)anilo \"igoriio layx doyxn liix tradcniark gromcx at !liix dccp. dark new club. \thn !hc liglitx go till. it‘x jux! you. !hc groo\ c. and !hc lowly pcoplc ol !hc Soiindliaux. lt'x alxo \xorth noting that

(ilaxgoyx'x \ci'y o\\n claxx ac! Ill .lon Mancini (("olourxi \\Ill lic xiilnnin; on !liix datc \ci‘} !inc indccd 5“! pm um I Pukka Funk a! !hc l'tiniicl

llpm 3am £5 (£3! \\cckly \laxxixc ncu night !or !hc luniicl. bringing togcthcr llll‘cc (!l (il.t\:_'(i\\ .\ l‘k'\l'l\ll!‘\\ll l).lx. Ki'ix chgan. lain ‘Santox‘ l‘hoiiixon and \l l:\pcct big \ibcx. cox !liix onc'x liccll lldllL‘tl .!\ Scull.tll(l'\ .tllx\\ C! [U “ml l'x'andi

I Pussy Galore a! !hc (‘orinthiaii ‘lpni 2am. £tbc \\cckl_\ lliiggy in liix tirxt c\ci \\cxt coax! i'cxidciicy. play mg alongxidc .lini Ila licx! in !liix gicat (ilaxgou \cnuc

I Red and Gold Room at .\!'ta lllpiii ‘ani. l'icc bcloic llpm; £5 .i!!ci \\cckl_\. l).l .\lichacl (l'Shca popx up to xpin only !hc !iiicx! xalxa and l atni !uncx to a \cry \xcll licclcd .\i‘!a cioyy d.

O Rockita! Bamboo, Illillpni ‘xim. Ui (£4 l. \Vcckly ()nc t'oiill! lltlll\£'. onc room xoul and !unk and xomc chillout in thc loungc. :\n iiiiincnxcly popiilai night. ()n Ill -\ug. Radio l \tra'x (i ('hild ix in thc houxc !or xoiiic gucxty action in a hip hop and !unk xtylc. (icoll .\l and Junior ('aiiipox llank him all night l‘cc licc Su' Illil'l It'll.

I Stateside at liquid loiiiigc.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£ii. \Vcckly. (ic! yci arxc Statcxidc tor a night o! !unk. xoul. ia/I. hip hop and brokcn bcatx xx itli rcxidcntx .-\aroii l’ctric and .\licliacl Rallct'ty.

I Tidy a! !hc Shack. “hillplll 3. illaiii. £5 (£‘~i. \Vcckly. l.c! !lia! inlcctioux l‘l'l l‘ccliiig takc Iiold ot you \xhilc l).| lain llaiiloii !akcx control ol !hc daiicc lloor. I Urban a! !hc ’l'unncl. llpm 3am. £5 (Lil. \Vcckly. .-\li R!in xcxxloii courtcxy ol l’aul .\"Jic a! !liix ncyxly rclaunchcd. claxxic (ilaxgoyx \ciiiic.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Bailamos at llayaiia. ‘)piii 3am. £!bc. \Vcckly. l).l Kcitli l) liriiigx you a \xorld xclcctioii: xalxa. Rtyll. Latin chart action and \xhatcxcr clxc gctx ‘ciii going.

I Base at tlic lllllllL‘l. ll). illpiii \aiii. £7 (£5!. \Vcckly. ('hrix and Martin llcxkclh. along xx itli ('lirix llarrix and .-\l Kciit. \\ ca\ c a linc labric ol lunky lioiixc and R&B at .\li!chcll |.anc‘x liiicx! dancc ciiipoi‘iuiii.

I The Buff a! !hc Bull. 3pm 3am. l‘rcc bcl'orc lll.5llplll1 £5 al'tcr. \Vcckly. Kcyaii Stcyciix and Mark Robb cook tip 1! littlc tic“ xcliiiol (Qt/l litlxilic\\ at (ilaxgoxx ’x ncu ja/l. xoul and liiiik club. I Club Cuba! at (‘tilia .\'or!c.

9pm 3am. l‘ircc. \Vcckly. (ic! in touch with your l.a!in xpiri! at !liix nigh! o! claxxy dancing. |)uncaii. l'arah and Shannon xupply !hc lincx! l.a!in bcatx. .\lakc xurc you arriy c call} to guarantcc cnti'y.

I Cubism Hedonism a! (‘ubc lll..5llplll 4;!!!1. {H (UH. \Vcckly. Scott playx !lic bcxt in lunky honicgroxxn and ('8 houxc. liixcd \xith coniiiici'cial and chili claxxicx in bar oiic. ('tit/ and l)a\c .\l (!lxo colilitillc l!) kccp llic (laticclilool‘x packcd in ('iibc 44 \\ itli urban bcatx. “pm to 4am throughout xumiiicr.

0 Death Disco at !hc- :\!'L‘l!c\.

llpm .‘saiii. £l() (£3). 2| Aug. Monthly. .-\ laiitaxtic night o! to ixtcd houxc on !liix datc. ax !hc \cry tinc .\lr l)anicl Wang playx a rarc .-\rchcx xct. 'l'hcrc‘x alxo (‘arlox Adollo l)oiiiinguc/ liyc. and [)1 Mingo-(io in thc rcxidcnt'x chair. ('ool. ax pcr !ixual.

I Deathkill4000 at Barfly.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£4). \Vcckly. A bit ol hair iiictal. a t“ ix! ol' hrcak'corc and xoiiic banging tccliiio. xci'ycd \\ itli laxhiiigx ol‘ clcclro-punk and a xidc ol Scandinay ian rock'n'roll.

I Divine at (ilaxgou' School (ll Art (dounxtairxi. lllpiii 3am. £6 (£5 1.4!: £3.50 (BSA xiiidcnix. chkly. Dccp l'unk'. (in and 70x grooxcx and a loyal croud go into !hc mix a! !liix ycry long running (ilaxgoyy rcxidcntx' night.