Renfrew Ferry, Glasgow, Sat 21 Aug

It’s now been four years since the stylish folk at Vegas! decided to uproot from their spiritual home of Edinburgh and go on a monthly road trip to the shores of the Clyde, and this birthday party promises an extra special splash of colour for the regulars. As well as some live rockabilly music and the usual round of fedoras and angel wings, their will also be an added dash of burlesque from the Pontani Sisters.

‘The Vegas! spirit is much the same in both Edinburgh and Glasgow,’ says the club’s Lenny Love. ‘Although it seems our patrons in Glasgow make even more of an effort to dress up, or maybe that's just because it’s brighter on the Ferry, so we can see them more clearly. But everyone who comes to Vegas! is very musically knowledgeable, l wouldn’t say either audience is better than the other.’

Injecting a much needed dose of real glamour into the Scottish club scene the swinging Vegas! train looks set to just keep rolling. ‘The thing that my colleagues and I all agree on is that we’ll keep on doing it as long as it’s tun,’ says Love. ‘The day that stops so will we.’ (David Pollock)

I Eskrima at (ilaxgoxx School of .-\rt. ltlpm 3am. £7 (£4 £(i). \Vcckl}. .-\ grcat \icckl}. \\ ith rolling rcxidcntx Jonnic \Vilkcx. Iii/l}. 'l‘uitch. Martin (Ruh-A- Duh) and Spudd. \\ ho pla} x oncc a month \xith llC“ tip-and-coming l)J.x Tom and (low. and Dirt} l.arr‘). 'l‘cchno. clcctro and hotixc xoundx from oil thc hcatcn track.

I Freakmenoovers at (ilaxgou School ol‘.-\r‘t. ltlpiri 3am. £7 (£4 £(i). \Vcckl). 'l'hc licxl tlL‘tllL‘tthtl hip hop club in thc cit}. in thc mcltiiig pot ol‘ thc :\r‘t School c\'cr'_\ Saturda).

I Groovejet at 'l‘raxh. l lpm 3am. £8. \VCClKl}. l’ulll .\iC_llil pt'L‘xltlL‘x o\ Ct‘ thc cit} 'x moxt popular Rtkll and xoul night. attracting a lo}al cr‘()\\ d cxcr} \icck. Room I hax lhc Brow) Brothcr'x pla_\ing \ocal and commcrcial houxc and Room 3 liax l)a\ c \\ ith thc part} arithcmx.

I Homecookin’ at Bclo. lllprri 3am. l’rcc hcl‘orc l lprii; £5 altcr. \Vcckl}. l).lx Stcixar‘t Mc(‘allum and Joc lligginx kccp thc dancc lloor jumping all night long. mi\ing Rtkli trackx \xilh thc odd claxxic oi' old-xcliool laxouritc. :\ nc\\ \cnuc conccpt. hut thc xamc attitudc to hax ing a good timc. xo gct on it.

I Homegrown at Bamhoo.

lti.3()pm 3am. £8 (£0). \Vcckl}. Stc\ c Middlcton. Dominic Martin. and Scott} B like to put on a hit of a dam tor thc Bamboo maxxcx on a Sat. l‘unk) houxc muxic and mum top notch RNB.

I Jamboree at Rcdx. l lprri— 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcckl}. John 1.}onx and Martin

llcxkcth ()l‘ \clxct Rooiiix lamc mi\ up a hlcnd ol~ coriirricrcial Rtkli and mid.

I Kevin Austin at ('anxax (:\r'ta). lt).3()pm 3am. £7. \Vcckl}. (‘ontinuc dancing to thc main room xoundx ol' l'unk. dixco and club arithcirix \\lill£‘ thc lix c cntcrtainmcrit takc a \xcll-dcxcrwcd hrcak.

I Life at |.ilc (('oririthian). ltlpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .-\ l‘or‘rriidahlc night of funk lor‘ thoxc xx ho likc thcir‘ cntcrtainmcnt iiiatui'c. hut xtill jammin'. Roxx Macmillan prcxcntx a xclcctiori ol xotil. l'unk and dixco augmcntcd \\ ith original loopx and xamplcx to gtiar'aiitcc a iicix takc on familiar xoundx.

I Lush at thc l’olo l.oungc.

|().3()pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. And) 'x in lhc 'l‘r'oph} Room \\ ith hrtx t'r'om thc ()()x to thc 80x. \xhilc 'l‘om pi‘o\ idcx an upli'oni dancc xclcction in thc main room. llax to hc thc prctticxt ga} club in lhc cit}.

I Moda at Moda. 9pm 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). l'iinc (ilaxgou DJ (and l'oothallcr‘) Barr} (icmmcl dr‘opx xoiric c\ploxi\ c xoundx at thix hcautil‘ul bar in thc git) tllxll'lc‘l.

I Red and Gold Room at .-\r'ta. lllpm -3ani. l5rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £8 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. Bill} Milligaii matix thc dcckx at thix l'inc night of l.atin houxc. ll‘ )our lilc nccdx xpicirig tip. look no liur‘thcr'.

I Saturdays at Blanket at Blankct. ltl.3()pm~ 3am. £7 (£5). 'l'hc l‘unkicxt Rth in thc cit) rockx thc hig hack hcdrooni on a Sat in Bcd \\ ith thc lcgcridar) Ra} mond \Voodx. Jim da cht

and liix iritrxrtal aritrcx kccp )otr axxakc in thc trorit l‘cdrooir) iriakrrig thix ncxx Sat night onc ot thc irroxt popular in thc \ll_\ I Saturdays at the Garage a! (tit- (iat‘ag‘c. ll! 3Hprii 3am 15%“. £5. 1-1) \\cckl} (icr’r) l}orix lioxtx a iiicrital night in thc main hall. pl.i_\irig all )oiii la\our'itc claxxicx. anthcrrix. pop and rndic hr‘illiancc KL‘llll} ix iii thc attic and llr‘iari'x in (i3

ISeduce at \i'chaox llpri) 3am LS (£(wi. \\cckl} ('hart} dancc and RM). not to riiciitroii an tlllltt‘allll} xiriattcring ()l cllL'L'xt' (ill llllx hugc Sat lllg‘lilt‘l

I Sensoria at thc Harll} llprii 3am £thc. 3| .-\ug Monthl} l'or loxcr'x ol ar'trxtx xuch ax Maga/iric. Soiix and Daughtcrx. lhc (‘ranipx. l’atti Smith. (lic l'ndcr‘toricx and Mrchacl Dracula. (ict down to thc cluh ricar thc i‘i\cr to rock all damn night.

I Shack at lhc Shack

Ill.3llpiri 3.3Harri. £" (£5). \M‘t‘kl}. (ir‘aciiic l-cr'guxoii pla.\x to thc crim d with a linc linc iii Shack l.i\o(ii'itcx. xo hit tlic dancclloor and gct rrio\ iiig. \xrll )oii'.’

. The ill lllL‘ Sllt'tl.

lll.3llpiii Ian). £0. \Vcckl}. l)ciriand ix high loi‘ thix onc. xo gct thcr‘c cai'l}. ‘l‘uiicagc dcplo_\cd l)_\ liriari \cilxon and :\titl_\ R()l)ct‘lxoli.

0 Subculture at tlic Siih ('liil). llpm 3am. £|ll. \Vcckl}. ll )oii liaxcii' clicckcd otit Ham and l)oiiicnic hclorc. do xo hcliu‘c _\oti dic ol riiclaiichol}. \ \ci‘) lahuloux liouxc gticxt _|orrix thc cultur'c part} ax (riiccri o! .\'c\\ York lloiic} l)iioii pla}x a xct on 2| .-\(ig. l)clitlllcl_\ ottc for thc tllttt'}. lltlx.

I Superfly at lhc \Voodxrdc Social. lllprii 3am. £5. 3| .-\ug. Moritlil}. chidciit l).lx Duncan Supcrll} and Ian l.aiiiari'a hi‘iiig _\o(i thc hcxt in rock. xotil. Milk and poxt ptiiik. 'l'lic night rx rcplctc \\llll \ixual art and pop-art xlrdc \ll()\\ x.

I VEGAS! at thc Rcrilrcxx l't‘l'l‘}. 9pm 2am. £8. 2| Aug. Montlil}. l‘our‘th hirthda} lot' thcir (ilaxgou \cnturc and xtill going xtr‘ong ax oric ol thc hcxt cltil) iiiglitx in Scotland. ’l‘liix loxchoat part} ix lairioux hccauxc thc puritci'x ahxa} x iiiakc ari cl'l'oi‘t to drcxx up and xuppl_\ lllc good \ ilk‘x. 'l‘hc llxllttl ttl’l‘a} ol' \cgttx critcrtaincr'x arc in lull cl'l'cct alongxidc thc l’ontani Slxlct'x. .Si'i' [’I't'l'lt’ll.

I Voodoo at tlic (’athouxc. 5pm 0pm. £5 (£3). \Vcckl}. Scotland'x onl} altcrnatix c (iridcr le cluh. 'l‘hc xight ol all thc \\ cc ptiritcr‘x qticiiing up l'irion Sti'cct hax put thc l'car' ol ( iod into thc gootl pcoplc ol (ilaxgou lol‘ xottic lltlic no“. xo il‘ _\ou arc (iridcr thc agc (it IS. \xh) not xcc \\ hat all lhc ltixx ix ahout'.’

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at thc (’athotixc. lt),3()piri 3am. l‘r‘cc hcl'oi'c l l.3()prri; £3 l .50) al'tcr. \Vcckl}. .»\ niildcr mix or indic and rock than _\ou'll lind at thc cit} ‘x prcriiici‘ rock \cntic oi) l‘r‘i or Sat.

I B’Lo at Blo. ‘lpiri 3am. l-‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £5 (£3) al'tcr'. \Vcckl}. Look otit _\otii‘ Sunda} hcxt tor a night or xiriooth. claxx) daricc muxic.

I Boogaloo at thc Social. 9pm 3am. lit‘cc. \Vcckl}. Block x!) lc part} groin cx. ur'hari Rtkli. xcratch hip hop. lix c pci‘cuxxion and gucxt M('x all in a xuank} \cu Yoi‘k-xt}|c xciting.

k on track \xith dctailx xtill thc.

I Cabaret at (hc 'l‘tiriiicl.

ll.3()prri 3am. £4 (£3 ). \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc 'l‘unncl'x xccoiid ga} cluh night. 'lhingx ar'c dcl'initcl} lahtiloux at thix Sunda} night part}.

I Chill on the Hill at Brcl.

3pm ‘)pm. l‘i'cc. \Vcckl}. lluxhpupp) and r‘cgular‘ l'ricndx hoxt thix outxidc part} with tlll thc lllll-tl“ cllL‘l‘x on Lt \\ L'L'lkl} haxix throughout .-\ugtrxt. xo gct to thc xtart ol‘ .-\xhtori l.anc tor it.

I Club Tropicana at lhc (iaragc (Attic). llpm 3am. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. ltitllc. holli claxxlc and contcrriporar}.

\\ llli it hcalth} doxc ol lit'tlpop.

is: "firs Clubs

I Disco Badger ai Bamboo

llpri) 3am :5 \\cckl_\ \ottrc li. lloiiirrirc Martin and lx'ohrrr kccr‘ (lic Sunda} throng x.itrxrrt'(l rii tlic \critrc \\hoxc riiairragc o! lx‘kli and houxc hax hccr) ar) tiritrrialilicd xrrtccxx

I Dream .it Straxxlx'rrx l rclilx

ll! 3Hprii 3am £l5 \\ccklx littccrr illlltl to gct ii) ' \oti'rc 'a\ iii‘ a laugh. ain't x.i‘ litit \\.iit thc l‘ai ix torriplctclx ticc all night. xo xtop riioarirrig and gct drunk

I Free Sundays at rht- t iri\crxal llprii 3am lrcc \\cckl} Hip hop ltlllk. xotil. rcggac. liotixc and |.r// all in tliix grcat. \irtuall_\ (iiikriouii \c‘lltlt' riixt hchirid Sarrchichall Sticct

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at l ltlllltl l oiirigc llprii 3arii LS lLll l\’\‘\l(l\‘lll\ lllt‘ l)(‘\\lll(!\\ll lliixtlcrx and thc lx’ch‘iigc xpir) at lliix gicat (‘arhoii irixpircil part) I I Candy .it lraxli llpirr 3am :1 (£2) \\cckl_\ l).l Rol) hax thc lug antliciiix and llooilillcrx to kccr) (ilaxgou 'x hcaiitrlril pcoplc (lain irrg all night long

I Liquid Cool .it tlic llclo "prri 3airr £5 \\cckl} \.l. lxiix lxccgaii and Ian l'horiipxori pla_\ top notch \iical garagc arid houxc to a cltil) packcd \\ rtli h) pcr hcdoriixtic l\\t‘lll_\\(‘lllt‘llllll}f rc\cllctx. all ol \xhorri xcciii to liaxc lorgottcii that lhc} lia\c work in tlic riioriiriig ll (pialrtx tiiiicx arid glariioroiix .tllll\‘\ arc _\our hag. Sun at liclo ix iiiirrirxxahlc

I Optimo (Espacio) .tl iht- xii)» ( ‘Iuti llprii 3am. £(i ( £5) \\cckl_\ i\\ll\ h and \Vrlkcx pla} ai)_\thrrig at lhc pail_\ krrou rr all o\ci tlic \\(illtl lor it‘x riiiird opciriiiz' attrttidc and approach.

I The Priory at lilarikct llprii 3airi £5. \Vcckl}. ‘l'lirx cltil)‘x xoiiictliirig ol a llll\llt!lllt‘l'. l'rilcxx. ol coiiixc. darn my all night to xtiidciit anthcriix arid lx’A'll ix l)()\\ _\ou dcto\. .ll’ and thc lllllllt'lx Rlcllttl'tl l.t‘\ lltxoll ill't' lllt' llrixlx

I Spunk at thc ('atliouxc llprii ialll £llk‘. \Vt't‘kl}. (ict gt g‘ootl xpaliklttg' or) thc Sahhatli l)_| Bari} [)l.i}x altciriati\c. punk. claxxic rock. hip hop. rrictal and croxxowr' iiidiixtr'ial to a lait- \xcckcrid (loud.

I Sunday Shoutin’ at .\la\.

llpm 3am. £thc. “ct-kl}. .\ cliil) ll.tlllt'(l altcr‘ .loliriii} ('oi'por'atc'x llooi tilliiig l)clcctcd claxxrc \ktix trl\\a_\x going! lo lic prctt} darn liric. llig \ocal hotixc ritimhcr‘x and a \L'l'_\ x\\t‘;il} daritctlooi I Sundays at the Buff at ‘I ht- Itiiri (‘liih llpiri 3am. £3. 33 .'\lljJ oril}. Mi Bull (.r\l\'.'\ Mark Rohh) riii\cx ll up \kllll xoriic i'ai'c Rtixxrari j._'l'()\t‘\ at llllx oiic olt cltil) night.

I Sunday Surgery at t‘uhta

I lpiri 3am. £5 (£3). \Vcckl}. ('ariiciori (‘r‘aig dixpcnxcx xoriic xalw loi _\()lll xoiil at thix iricdical tlicriicd \‘. iridcr tl()\‘.llt‘l. I Sunday Best at lllt' Slit-(I.

lt),_i()prr) 3am. £3 (£3). \Vcckl}. l'.ll.’tll \crlxori and And) Rohcr‘txori arc in chargc ol thc tuncx at thix Ill;i\\l\t‘l} popular Sotithxrdc cluh. .ltixt hc t|lllt‘l \xhcn lcaxirig lhc pr'crriixcx. plcaxc.

I Transistor at thc l’olo lotingc. llpiri 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Rcal pop tor i'cal pcoplc \Hlll l).lx .\'ial| .\lL'.\lllll.‘t} and \Va_\r)c l)i\ori.

I Urban Vinyl at lilaiikct. llpii) 3am. £4 (£3). \Vcckl}. Raymond \Voodx. l’aul \‘Jic. Naccrri and Stuart Mc('alltirii pr‘cxciit lollimcr'x ol urhari iriiixrc \kllll thc \ci‘} hcxt in hip hop. Rtkli. xoul. and c\cr'_\ othci' kind ol urhari hcat.

I Vinylicious ill l.()\\tl()\\ ti.

Midnight 3am. £5 (£3). “ct-kl}. 'l hc \ci'} x£‘\} pcoplc lrorii Soulxa hr'rrig iix anotlicr liiic iiighi ()l hotixc inn and gariicx.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. llpm 3am. l'r'cc lot xtall' or an} pub or club; £3 to c'\c'r}()t1c clxc. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc higgcxt tradc part} ol thc )car. \Hlll Burn rcxidcntx .\'orrrixki and [cm pla}ing lhc tuncx that will hax c _\ou xiiiiling all \tcck. All drinkx arc oiic pound. all night long.

. .‘ /',I,‘