Events are listed by type, then by date or city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, or by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.


G asgow

I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’ollock Houxc. l’ollock (‘ounti'} l’ai'k. 3llott l’ollockxhaux Road. Illani 5pm, l-Icc. l'ollov. Ihc tiail ot clucx alound Ihc houxc to tolxc Ihc lll}\lL'l}.

I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson Hoi-dc-ix Bookx_ 0.x Buchanan SIIcct. 333 “no, Ill, itlain. \ \\i‘nin): pioup opcn Io an_\onc intcicxtcd in dcxclopin}: Ihcn cicatixc tlan'. \cu incinhci‘x al\\a_\x \\clconic.

I Chinese Art Theme Tour BurI'cll ('oIIchIoII. 3lloll I’ollokxhaux Road. 33" 355”. lpni, I'Icc. \olunIch' guidcx takc )ou on a tow ot 811' William Bui'i'cll'x ('lnncxc ait collcclion,

I Peace Vigil (iL'Iil'fJL‘ Squarc. 3-1.\’

M” i. 5. ill (t. illpin. ()l'jJtllth'tl h} Ihc Socicl} ol l'I‘Icndx.

I A Summer Evening Exploring the Arboretum (ilaxgou Botanic (iai‘dcnx. ()uccn \lai‘gai'cl l)i‘i\ c. 55"

37 W. "pin. l'i‘cc. .\ guidcd (\\calhci‘ dcpcndcnli \\alk lcd h} an cxpci't li'oin Ihc Botanic (iaI'dcnx. \lcct at thc inain I‘angc. I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \‘arioIIx \cnucx. L' Ill. (‘o\ci'x cult} to ('haI'lcx chnic \lackinonh atII‘acIionx aci'oxx Ihc cit). plux hux and xulma) Ii'a\c| Io ch _\ou Ihci‘c. .-\\;ulah|c H'Ulll participating: atli‘actionx and um cl ccnti'cx.

I Bat Walk Scottixh \\ildlilc ll'lhl \IIxIloI' (‘L‘lIlI'LZ 'l‘ltc lilllx Uli(il_\tlt‘ RL'\L'I'\C. tl|555 («x5303 8pm. £4 (£3): SW13 Incinhci'x ti'cc. l.cai‘n ahout Ihc halx tound on Ihc I‘cxcnc In Ihix gcnllc cwning xll'oll.


I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’ollock Holixc. l’ollock ('ounu') Park. 3tlotl l’ollockx|1a\\x Road. lllain 5pm. l‘I'cc. Scc 'l‘hu l‘).

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \‘arioux \IL'HULN. (Hi. Scc lllll l".


I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollock Houxc. l’ollock (‘ounti'_\ Park. 300” l’ollockxhaxxx Road. Itlain 5pm. lii'cc. Scc ll'ltlt l‘).

I Writers Group (Lillci') ol Modci'n .'\l‘l. ()uccn Slim. 33‘) WWI. |3.3llpni. lii'cc. .v\ll budding: \\ i'ilci'x \\clcoinc Io thix inonIhl} cxcnI.

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \‘arioux \cnucx. (Ill. Scc 'l'hu I‘).

I Bute Highland Games l’uhlic Stadium. High Sti'ch. lx’othcxa}. “I'llll MIMI). ltlain (\pni. 'l‘I'adiIional ganch t‘caturing pipc hand conipclitionx. thchicx. dancing. \\i‘cxtling and hca\_\\\cight chainpionxhipx.


I Scotfairs Antique Fair Kch in Hall lnIcI‘national Spoi‘tx .-\i‘cna. l-l-15 .-\i'g}lc Sti'cct. 35“ 3535. ltlain 4.30pm. L'l Iaccoinpamcd childi'cn ti‘ccl. Bronxc xtallx ladcn \\ith jc\\cl|cr'\. coinx. lincn. nicdalx and antiqucx.

I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollock Houxc. Pollock ('ountr} Park. Boon l’ollockxhaux Road. 10am 5pm. lircc. Scc 'l‘ltll l‘).

34 THE LIST ‘2“ .1: Nat: .X‘.‘-1

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \ai-ioux

\cnucx. Llll Scc Hm I”


I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’ollocL Houxc. Pollock (‘ounux l’aik. 3lloll l’ollockxhaux Road. Illani 5pm lIcc Scc 'l hu 1‘)

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \allHle \cnucx. {Ill ~\cc Hm I"

I Greg Philo \lilnganc lilttthxllttl‘. ‘— l)I>llj3l.I\ Sticct. “Pill l Icc (ilc'g l’lllh‘ laHxx ahout hix acclauncd ncxx hook Ilia," \ I/om /\Im /. It /( I/mw \l I: x and I’M/MM I “(It IinHn/mu o/ the lmn /1 I’d/i \H/Ilti'll (I‘ll/[It I.

Tuesday 24


I Pollok House Murder Mystery l’ollock Holixc. l’ollock (‘ounlia l’aik. 3llhll l’ollockxhaux Road. Illaln 5pm I’I'cc. Scc llIlI l‘).

I Chinese Art Theme Tour HIII'IL‘H (Killcctlon. 3W“ l’oHolxxlIaux Road. 35— 355ll. l3, illpin. l'i'cc. Scc 'I'hu l‘),

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \.It'lotlx \cnucx. UH, Scc 'l'hu It).

Wednesday 25


I Pollok House Murder Mystery I’ollock Houxc. l’ollock (Uttllll') l’aI‘k. 3H0” l’ollockxhaux Road. Illani 5pm. l'I‘cc. Scc Ililllt l‘).

I Plant Surgery 'l‘hc lliddcn (iai-dcnx. 'l‘i‘anma}. 35 :\lhci'I Him: “845 Vill35lll. noon lpin. l-I'cc. (iot a gardcning duct} 1’ 'l'hIx ix )our chancc to dim Ihc Hcad (igIl'tlL‘llL‘I'.

I Garden TOUT 'l‘hc llltltlt‘ll (iardcnx. 'l‘I'aImxa). 35 .v\lth't l)i‘|\c. U345 Ull35tll. lpin. l‘I'cc. |)ixco\cr Ihc Hiddcn (iai‘dcn'x xch'ch_

I Alex Gray ()uakar‘x Bookxlot'c. t'nii (i. Buchanan (iallci'icx. Buchanan Sti‘ch. 353 litlll. (X5lell. .loin ci'iinc llU\L‘H\l .'\|c\ (ira_\ ax xhc launchcx hci' IachI \\oi'k. Ihc (ilaxgon haxcd .\ Sum/l lli'i'pmu.

I Zoe Strachen \Vath‘onIIc'x. I53 IS? Sauchichall Sti'cct. 333 ‘)ltl5. (ifillpin. l'ii‘cc. 'l‘hc local author \\ ill hc I‘cading H‘Ulll and xigning copicx ot' Spin ('it‘lc'. th‘ criticall} acclaiincd no\cl.

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket Varioux \cnucx. Ull. Scc 'l‘hu It).

Thursday 26


I Pollok House Murder Mystery Pollock Houxc. l’ollock (‘ounti'} Park. Juno l’ollockxhaux Road. Illain 5pm. l‘rcc. Scc ll)“ 1‘).

I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Bonk-ix Bookx. UN Buchanan Sti‘cct. 333 .“rtltl. 0pm. £5. Scc 'I‘hu It).

I Frank O’Hare Bot‘dcl'x Bookx. 98 Buchanan Sli'cct. 333 “till. opin. 'I‘hc l‘caI‘lcxx l.l\ in; litc coach ix hack \\ilh anolhci‘ I'ound ol htc iinpim in; Iipx.

I Robert Bauval (ilaxgou Scicncc ('cnII'c. 5“ Pacific Qua}. 43H 5(ltlt).

" 8.30pm. £4.05 Incinhci'x [5.95. 'l'hc I'cno\\ncd authoi ol I’ln' ()I'm/i .lli \Ii'n dectixxcx lnx IhcoI'icx about ancicnt l:g}plioii axlroinon}.

I Mackintosh Trail Ticket \‘arioux

\‘cnucx. UH. Scc Hm I”. Kids

Activities and Fun

Pottery Workshops Sat 2i Aug.

noon opin. £5. l5ircxxorkx Studio. 35a l)illll\‘ll\lC Strcct. 5.“: 55.55. .-\:_'cx 4+. l’allil [\on or haw a go on Ihc pottcr‘x \\hccl in thcxc \\ccld} \\Iii'kxliiipx tor clnldrcn. Saturday Art Club Sat 3] Aug.

lilain lpin. lircc. (itHlL‘l') ot‘ \lodcrn .-\rt.

()Iiccn \IIch __" l‘Nt‘ l un ait acImIch loi childicn accd i III iclatin; Io ait on dixi‘la} \\IHI Ill.I\\lll_‘_'. collacc. xculi‘Iuic making and gaincx [‘aIcnIx can xtuck

Kids Activity Week lhu IU \ug. llani opni Li 5” ml '5‘ ('lxdchuilI \coIIIxh \laiitnnc \luxcuni. Biachcad \hoppin; ('cnIIc. Kingx lll\ll Road. \\h ltlll \ \aIIcI} ol acII\IIch loi kidx including aIt\\oIl\. Inodcl panning. ciattuoik and pIi/xlcx

Sunday Craft Club \un 33 \ug. llain ll‘lll licc (ll,l\:_'\‘\\ \luxcunix RUM‘tllct' (.cllllk‘. 3H” \\mtilllcail Rikki. \ilenll. To U WI [hop In cIatt cluh mm a ditthcnI Ihcinc cach \\cck \intahlc loi \ l3 )cal-thx

Cybertots l'll 3tl.\u;_'."~15ani. ll‘llt I\ 3pm licc (‘axIIcnulk l ihiai}. llllt (axtlciiulk Hm c. Iii-l 3lltih lIIIcincI and (l) Roni tun toi pic xchool childicn

On Your Bike! .\at 3l \ug. Illani loin .\luxciun ot lianxpoil. Kclnn Hall. I Bunhouxc Road. 33" 353” 'l‘akc _\oui hikc along lot a i'a|l_\ iound lx'clnngioxc l’aik at noon oi‘ loin lll Ihc hic_\clc Ihcnicd \\ol'lxxltopx.

Doggie Sports Day Sun 33 \llj_'.

l3. illpni l‘lllltl} onnc (‘ountu l xlalc. l‘llll.l_\ onnc Houxc. langhank. llltlfi5 5-lll5ll5. (icI xiiiii‘ pooch In Iiaining: loi thix xpoI'Ix tun da} toi' dogx and tannhcx Scottish Miniatura International Dolls House Show Sal It a Sun 33 .\ug:. Sat Ill. Wain ~l. Winn; Sun

ltl.3ll;iiii -lpni, {3.5” t-l5llitl5ll L3. \\cckcnd lickct to 5th. Sl:('('. l'Inniconn Qua}. t).\"(I (Hit JIIIIII ,\n c\hihition ot dollx houxcx and nuniaIin'cx lcatunng: Intci‘national xpcciahxtx and \\Hl‘hxlliipx, Lucky Lanterns Sat 3| .\ug_'. 3 him. licc. Buri'cll ('ollcction. 3th) l’ollokxhaux Road. 337' 355”. .\ \\oi‘kxhop to Inakc and dccoi'atc _\oIn~ o\\ n hanging: ('hincxc papci' Ianlci‘n

Moths, Bats and Owls luc 3-1 _\u;_'. Spin. l'I'cc. (ilaxgou Botanic (iai‘dcnx. ()uccn \largal‘ct |)i‘i\ c. 35* i" W. \lch at Ihc inain gatcx to loin Ihix xcai'ch toi' Ihc night Iunc ci'caIui‘cx that inhahit Ihc Botanicx.

Theatre & Dance

Annie \\cd 35 Sat 38 Aug. ",illpni I'l‘hu & Sat inat 3.3llpini. L750 L'3~l_5t)_ King'x 'l'hcatl'c. 397 Bath Strch. 340 l l l 1. Su l’ollai'd. ol Hi dc lh lainc. xtaI'x lll Ihc claxxic Inuxical .v\nnic. packcd lu|| ol all Ihc claxxic xongx and danccx.



I Tennis: West of Scotland Centenary Championships .\'c\\|andx l.'l'(‘. IN \lochi'un Road. M3 I743. 'l‘inicx \ai‘}. l'I'cc. ()pcn Icnnix

coIIII‘ciztwn art. mutiny tra'zi'x .z'ui i.:\l‘.t‘\ xinclcx. donhlcx a lll.Ichc‘\ Io ccichiaIc Ilic lcnnix \\cxl ot \coIland


I Rugby: Glasgow Rugby v Sale Sharks Hughcndcix. 1.3 lluchczidcr‘. lx‘oad ll\7'353 11"“ 3iIII‘IIi :5 IIc.‘ \\.::i‘.: up match hctoi.‘ Ihc xIaII of thc (chic lc‘.I:QIlc‘

I Tennis: West of Scotland Centenary Championships \c\\.landxl It. 'l\ \lochiun Road 15‘ lfll3 linicx \.:l\ l:.'.' \c ll‘ai l"

Otitsizlir tlic Cillt‘tx I Horse racing: Ayr Races \\I

lx’acccoinxc. 3 \\hiIchIx Road. \\I Hi 3"_‘ 3hll5" 331mm :15 Al” \n .Illt'Yflin‘Il

ol tlaI laclllf:

Saturday 21


I Football: Rangers v Hibernian |hio\ Madnnn. l dnanon HIP-c. ll\ 'H Mill l‘N‘ ‘pni \lc\ \lcl \‘l\ll \‘.c‘ltl‘lllt‘\ liix toiinci chanch Io hix noun honic. llitl‘lllz' lot a poxitnc icxulI ahcad ot \\.-Ilii.-x\l.i\ K | uiopcan I) da_\

I Tennis: West of Scotland Centenary Championships \c\\1.iiidxl l('. |\ \ll‘\lllllll Road. (~13 1713 Inncx \aI_\ lIcc \cc lhu l"

G asgow

I Athletics: The Great Scottish Run (ilaxjgou (iiccn. (iiccnd\ la‘ \IIch. 315 Wth ‘lani Ll 15H t3\ 5H cnIi\ lcc \lHtlllIl |3_Hllll cnlianIx aic cxpct ch Io \llel up loi Ihc hipycxl [\aIIit Ipatixc xiioiIx c\cnt in Scotland \\ iIh thtcc ditlcicnI i‘accx Io chooxc lIoIn Ihc hall InaIiiIhon. Ihc ncu lllk and lhc lunioi (ilcal \citlllxll Run Ihc iacc ix toi all aj_'cx and ahthicx

Outside the cities

I Horse racing: Scottish Trophy Hannlton l’aik Racccouixc. BoIhucll lx’nail. Hannlton. tllo‘m 3.\ iMIo _‘ lip...

[Ill Ho. Scottixh 'lioph} hoixc lacing

Wednesday 25


I Football: Rangers v CSKA MOSCOW Ihio\ Stadium. ldnnxton Iliiw. (that) (will) 10‘” H -l5pm (Vail \Icl cixlix nicn tinixh Ihc ioh Ihc} xIaIch Ill \loxmxl. and gi‘ah a lllItllc}\[tllllllllL' placc lll Ihc ("hainpionx l.ca_-_'uc pioup xtiiccx Hi In. ill Ihc \L'Hdlt'fll'llc‘l huIIon hc puxhcd “UK c aL'aIn’

The Great Scottish Run, W

i, .7. J, i

. 4.0 r Green, Sun i 22 Aug, 9am