eomediex. ollering \er) little in the “at ol eorriperixatiori Sir r ('t'iiriu'i (‘im'mrr lzr/ui/mrr'li

Radio tl’(ii O. t.\liehael 'ltilllll. l'S. 3003i (‘riba (ioodiiig Jr. lad llarrix. ,-\|lre Woodard. S [apatha .\1erkerxon. Brent Sexton lll‘niiiii. (iooding Jr triex tor another ()xear in thix \Hirlli). dull xtor} about a )ouiig man \iith learning dillieultrex u ho beeotnex a rriaxeot lor man} ol the teaiiix at an Amerieaii high xehool in the l‘)7llx. llaxed on a true xtor} (Mum. [Zr/IIl/IHI'L'II.

Raising Helen mm 00 t(iarr} Marxhall. l'S. ZlNl-li Kate lludxoii. John ('orbc‘tt. Joan ('tixaek. lleleii Mrrren. ll‘)miri. (an Helen tlltidxoni a young xueeexxlul axprriiig laxliion agent eoritrnue her career and bring up three kidx'.’ She lookx .‘ir'iilintl lttl' anx“ erx to her brixx. l)uriiirirque t.\lrrrerii. \ilio hax xaerrlieed lttlllll} loi‘ ear'eer and her older xixter‘ Jenn) t('uxaeki. a traditional houxeuile. The t\xo oppoxrng eharaeterx xhare the \ iexx that the part} loxing xoeialite. lleleri. eari‘t xueeexxlullt iuggle being a mother and

hax mg a eareer. (’r‘axx modern lair}tri|e ol’ a moi ie that \iaxtex tiriie ori eonuridrumx that bar‘el} threaten to engage the rritelligeiiee ol the audience. (ieiiem/ I'('/('(l\(’. Repulsion r IX) 00.. iRoman l’olaiixki. l'K. l‘)(i5i ('atherrrie DCHCUVC. lari llendr). John l-‘raxer. lllfimin. l.el't on her ouri in her xixte'r"x llat l'or a ten tla_\x. a xexuall} r'eprexxed _\ourig \xoman gradually deterioralex touardx complete mental breakdown. l’olarixk'i'x lirxt linglixli language mm ie remairix one ol liix bext. a genuiner dixtur'biiig exploration of intenxe paranoia and elatixtrophobia that unlliiieliiiigly piek’x at the audieiiee’x deepext neuroxex. ('(inieu. lz‘rli'rihmjeli.

The Return ( lZAi O... (Andrei 7.\_\ttg‘llll.\C\‘. l'S. 2003) Vladimir (iariri. lVaii l)ulil'tillrtn‘tw. Konxtaritin l.a\'rorieriko. Natalya \'do\'iiia. ltl5min. After an entirer unexplained 12 year abxeiiee. a lather

t|-a\ ronenkoi returnx home to hix tixo adolexeerit xonx Andrei «(iarini and ban tl)obronra\o\ i. and xuggextx to their mother r\’do\ inai that he takex the ehildreii on a lixhirig trip. (‘ompelling dread-tilled px}eho drama. ('rmieo, lat/inbm-gh

Richard Pryor Live in Concert i 1M 0... tJel'l' Margolix. l'S. l‘)"‘)i Riehard Poor. 78min. Splendid eorieert liltnlc urth the lad in lull lloit, l‘.lltllL‘\\l} energetre. eontrriuall} prolarie. he \llh\L'r\l\L‘l} xeridx up the abxrirditiex and li_\poerixiex oi raeial xtereot}ping. liu' Edinburgh. Iii/rn/mre/i.

Secrets and Lies r m 0000 «Mike Leigh. l'K. l‘)‘)(ii Tlllltilll} Spall. Brenda Blethyi. l’li}l|rx Logan. Htlmrii l.ergh'x l’alrne l)'()r-\xiririmg lolltm up to Miler! rx a bitterxu eet take on xuburban domextre lite. Young black" optreiari llorteiixe xearehex for the mother u ho put her up tor adoption ax a bab}. btrt rx xurprixed to tll\L‘(t\ er it'x \xhite \xorkirig-elaxx ('_\iithia, (ieriurnel) emotional. \tith great perl'oririaiieex b} Marianne leaii-Baptixte and 'l‘imoth) Spall. but the xhouxtopprng turn eomex lrom ('anriex \\ iririer Brenda Blethaii. I'i/ni/iorm'. Ifrlrri/uu'eli.

Shrek 2 (H .0. l.-\tttll‘C\\ :\tlttlnxtitl. Kell} Axbur}; (‘onrad Vernon . l'S. 2004i Mike .\l_\erx. liddie Murph}. ('ariieron l)ia/. Julie Andre“ x. Antonio Banderax. John ('leexe. Rupert liVerett. Jeniiiter Saunderx. 92min Patch}. epixodie xequel to l)ream\\'orkx' iiixpir'ed. xatirieal rill on Dlxncy l‘air)‘ lithx. (imteru/ I‘t‘lr'rl.\r'.

Since Otar Left 1 ISi O... rJuIie Bertueelli. Franee/Belgium. 2003i lixther (ioriritiii. Nino Khomaxiirid/e. Diiiara l)ruk’aro\'a. 'leriirir‘ Kalaridad/e. Rtixudaii Boquad/e. Saxha Sarixhvili. l)uta Skhirtlad/e. 103mm. (irandma. daughter and granddaughter all live in a (ieorgian townhouxe together. All they e\ er talk‘ about ix beloved l'nele ()tar \\ ho livex and \x-ork'x iii l’arix and then one day newx ol ()tar'x death arrivexainl‘rirling a remarkable amount


AI"; 27-SEPT 9

0871 200 2000

ot deeeit and emotion Beautitulb pl.i_\ed and xtr‘uetiired eliaraeter xttid} that rriaiiagex to be riplittirig. dexpite itx riiaudlrii themex (i(i.l,(r1't1\;'uii

Site 2i15iiRith} l’anh. l‘l'dllet‘ (ic‘tlll.tll}. l‘lb‘li ‘llmrri [)oerrriierit.rr'_\ m \xhieli legeiidar‘} (‘ambodiari tilmmaker Rllll) l’anh returiix to the retugee eamp that he lled to at the age ot l5 \kllL'll he \\ax on the rim trom the Khmer Rouge murder xquadx l'i/ni/roim'. I'd/ii/iirre/i

16 Years of Alcohol r 1M 0000 tRieliard Jobxori. l'lx'. 200M l:\xeii llremrier. l.aura l-r‘axer‘. Suxaii laneh lttlmin l'.tlllll_\ d}xtunetiori. aleoliolixrii. \ioleriee. mental iiixtabrlit_\ and mueh more torrri the eeiitre ol .lobxoii‘x xemi~aurribiographieal \tr‘iting/dir‘eeting debtil 'l‘liir't}xometliing tormer hard man l’r‘arikie .\lae i.\lel\'iddi relleetx upon hrx troubled )outh .lobxoii liax xotiglit to make beaut} out ol ugliriexx arid hax eralted ari unaxhamed|_\ poelie tilm ('rrrirt'ii. la/lIl/tlll'gll.

Some Like it Hot «Pm ooooo ittillx \Vilder'. LS. 1959) 'l'on} (‘ui'tix. Jaek l.eiiimon. Mai'il}ii Monroe llltmiri luo impeeuiiioux itiale inrixieranx rnadwrteritl} \iitiiexx the St \lileritrriox Ha} .\laxxaeie and take r'eluge m l-lor‘ida \\llll Sxxeet Sue and her Societ} S}rieop.rtoi’x. an all terriale band. Brilliant. brittle. er‘aeker'iaek laree \iith all eorieei'ried at a peak iii their eaieerx (i/rlyunir I'l/m V/illt'tlll't'. (i/rlxuiiii.

SOUI Planer Ibl. tJL'xx) 'lt'ltero. l'S. 3004i Snoop Dogg. 'l’oiri Arnold. Kenn Hart. Method \lttll. Sormn. See r'eneu. page l4. (1“. Rr'Il/I‘r'it .Vll't'r‘l, (i/thQHii. (i/rtigun.

Space Station 30 it'i t'l‘orii \txer-x. (‘aiiada/l'S. 2003i ~17miri. Narrated b} 'l‘om ('ruixe. thix big xer‘eeri l.\l:\.\ pi‘exentatron l'olloxix real axtronautx into the big blue. Imprexxixe. but riot ax a\iexome ax it xhorild have been. [VAX ’Hrr'rllrr'. (i/rngmr. Spider-Man 2 r 12m 000. main Rairiii. l'SA. 2004i lobe} Magurr‘e. l'x'ir'xteri l)urixt. Jamex lirarieo. l27miri. Peter Parker


~\laguirel xtiugglex to pa} the billx. keep hix iob. get through college .iiid \too xxxeetlieart \lar} .laiie illuiixti \x be ix about to go e up. \lt‘lllhl llr (lilo ( letaxiux I\li\ltll.tt trirrix into eight limbed treak ‘l‘oe lick. and \e\\ \ork rieedx a xtrper hero RaiiiiiK enellent xetiuel to the \xebbed orie'x tirxt tilm outing ix a textbook e\ample ot xiipertieak xriperheio blockbuxter tilmmaking (it e. r.;.' it It an

3 Stage Beauty . 1M 00.

ilx’reliard Hie. l l\ (ierrii.rii_\ l N". It'll-1i (‘laiie llaiiex. Hill} ('rridrip. lom

\\ rlkirixori. lien (liapliii. Rupert l \eiett. /oe lapper l lttmin ~\ee leatuie. page ti and re\ie\\. page H I (it /\'r r:'r. it \{n r I. (r/ri'xguii, (Hawaii, I (it ( in: mm [till/I}‘.'ll'\';l. I din/Hue}:

The Station Agent 1% COO \leearth}. l S \. 301'“ Peter lliiiklage. llobb} (aiiria\ale. l’atritia (‘larkxon .\.\riiiii lliriklage'x l'lllil ix a train obxexxed d\\.rrl.


\\ ho liax inherited .i dixrixed l.tll\\.t_\ depot in rural \eu .lerxe} lioiii an old brixiriexx partner lle \xaiitx to be lett m peaee to do up the property walk the tiaekx and \i‘lllll the trairix that xtill paxx through the area llix xolrtude ix dixtrirbed. though. b_\ t\\o otliei loriel) mixlitx. artixt ()|r\ia i('larkxorii and gariuloux hot dog xalexmari loe

r( ‘arina\alei Mix a xeiixiti\e|} aeted. geritl} amuxrrig and eareltill} eratted lilrn. \ihith iie\ er‘ |ea\ ex ux in mueh doubt ax to itx lirial dextiriatiori Still. it'x uiialraid to riieaiider along at itx it\\ll rela\ed tempo. and Hmklage pim idex an imprexxnel) urider'xtated lead perlormanee It '/ (‘ln/i'liiirik. ("In/(lurid. I '( '/ It/rrrltiue/i. lat/iir/mre/i.

The Stepford Wives t ISM .0

thank 0/. IS. 2004) Nicole Kidiiian. .\lalthe\\ llr'oderiek. llette .\lidler. (ilenri (‘loxe. ('hrixtoplier \Valkeri ‘Hmrri ()/'x update ol the 10—75 elaxxie llrtari l-orbex' adaptation ol lr'a l.e\ in'x bextxellirig iioiel ix an ableet lexxon on him to deliuiiiariixe a elaxxre mo\ re. (it'iienil i't'lr'im'

“does for portable cell phones what RING

' did for


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26 Amy”: Ser, 293‘". THE LIST 19
