It would have been the reformation of the decade - if only original vocalist Rob Tyner and guitarist Fred ‘Sonic’ Smith hadn’t been dead for a decade and more. But never mind, this is still the best chance yet for a generation under the influence of the M05 (from the Hives to Queens of the Stone Age, and all points in between) to kick out the jams, motherfuckers, with some of the original princes of garage rock. Reuniting bassist Mike Davis, guitarist Wayne Kramer and drummer Dennis Thompson - hence those initials - the place of Tyner will be taken here by Mudhoney's Mark Arm and the Hellacopters' Nick Royale. Sounds like a fair deal to us. (David Pollock)

I Hm Gzru'rgu. G/(i:.go.'.c Trio (37 Aug.

Saturday 28 continued

I Grant Campbell llcanxccnc. It) Skinrng Slrccl. (r32 KIWI). .\' l‘r‘cc. laidhack background \iilllltl\.

I Rush Hour Sarrriicl Dim \. ()7 7| \lllhillllt‘ Road. 42% (WW. N_,ill|)lll. l‘rcc. I Open Stage ‘I‘lic- llalr Bar. Inn \Vriiidlullik Road. 3.52 WWI). (iplll. l‘rcc. \Vcckl} \cxxion l'or‘ local lllll\lt‘l;lll\. no“ running: all night.

I Open Mic Brunxxiick ('cllars. 23‘) Saucliicliall Sll‘t‘t‘l. 5.” IX)”. ~l|tlll. l‘rcc. \Vcckl} \L'\\IU|I.

I Live Music (irand ()lc ()pi'). l’aixlc} Road loll. 42‘) 53W). 7.30pm. H (U rncrnlrcr'xi. (‘ounlr‘y


I Tom Hingley 8. the Lovers, Trap 6 and Surround King: 'l‘ur\ \Valr \Vali llirl. 372a Si \‘inccnl Slrccl. 231 527‘). H.3(lprri. [050. ll _\oir didri'l “an! to rcliw WW) l») “min; a

fill)“ \llt‘lx Ill l;l\l lllglll'\ ()ltl Skilill \lirndig. do w in indic \l} lc \\Illl llic c\ lll\pll';ll ('arpclx l’ronlrnari.

I Smiler, The Childs and The Merchants \ic-c'ii‘Slm/y. JZI Saircliicliall Slr‘ccl. 333 Uer. ‘lprn. L5. l.oca| rock/pop.

I Carpe Diem, Rubix Touch, Audiopool, Graduation Day and Underdog 'l'lic (’alliouxc. l5 l'riron SII‘L‘L‘I. 3-18 (ifillh, "hillplll. (4.5“ llltlhlllt‘c‘l. U) ldoor'l. ()\c‘l'~ l-l\ \lli\\\, Rock and pop liill.

I BIflCk Sun ilillL‘ l5lll \Ulc‘ (311C. 50 (ll) King ~\‘lrccl. 553 1038. ‘Iprri. t5. Mucho \lo\\ r'li}l|irnic lrca\ l\l\ll_\ lr'orn llll\ nnlxcc‘iil'c null-ll.

I Eleven RUCkL‘l’\. l~l \lltllllllil Sll'L‘L‘I. III 0730. 8pm. lir'cc. .\lor'c rock harrdx to ho contir‘rncd.

I Das Contras Bcamccrrc. 38 42 \Voodlandx Road. 353 ‘lh'llll. 8.30pm. lir'cc. laid hack background \oiind\.

I 8 l’i\o l’lHi. l5 \VIIIL‘I‘IUO Slr‘ccl. 5(14 Xllltl. H.3llpin. l'i'c‘c‘. .v\cou\lic l‘L‘fldCllc‘).

I Engine The Sc-oiia. l I: I I4 Slockncll Sli'ccl. 553 \'(i.\‘l. 4pm. l-‘r'cc. Rock c‘U\L‘l'\ l'C\lLlCllL‘_\.

I Acoustic Night The Hall Bar. Inn \Voodland\ Road. 352 0000. 0pm. l'i'c‘c‘.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()iic. (ir‘oxxcnor' llolcl. (ir'mxcrior' 'lcr‘r'acc. HI (r5lo. 7. illprii. I'rcc. lli)\lc‘il It} llrc .\'c\\ lllucx Surlcr‘x \\ illr conlr'rliirliorix lr'orri Studio ( )nc r'cgular‘x \uclr ax Rm l)oc and llrc \irrirno llr'ollicr'x.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'ixgc llcallia. 333 \Voodlarrdx Road. .504 I590. (llHll. l‘rcc. Bring; )our oun lll\ll‘lllllL‘lll. I Live Music \l;rc‘Srir'|c'}\. .13 .lariiaica Slrccl. Z-IN 35M. ‘Iprn. l'rcc.

Monday 30


I Culture and Sweet T 8- the Section 'l'lic .'\rclic\. 353 .-\r'g_'_\ lc Slr‘ccl. 5o5 Hill. Spin. [II ladurrrccr. t'I-l liliiiil’l. Roolx ll‘fly'ilt‘ \L‘lc'l';lll\ l'cllll‘ll In (i|a\g_'o\\ lo prorriolc llrcir corncliack alliurii lliil'li/ I’m”:

I Overhaul, Black Dahlia, Bigfoot and The Prayers 'l’lic l3l|r \olc ('alc. 5i) (rt) King Slr‘ccl. 553 HHS. ‘lprn. H. llcgn} rock.

I Alan Nimmo SriidroUnc. (ir'oucnor' llolcl. (ir'o\\cnor‘ 'lcr'r'acc lull |i}rc\ Road). .i-II o5lo. ‘lprn. l'r'cc. ()nc liall ol'(ila\3_'o\\ lilucx lir‘oilicr‘x. \\ illi an acouxlrc \cl.

I John Alexander Hurlixc'L‘llc. I In liaillclicld Road. 036 (iv—'7. 8.30pm, l‘r'cc. l‘irigcr-pickrrig lilucx and cumin} \Ulllltl\ hour a \rngcr/xorigxxr'rlcr' polxcd lo r‘clcaxc Irix llc‘\\ \inglc ‘|.o\ c & (il‘L‘L‘il'.

I Acoustic Jam \icc’rr'Slcal}. til Saiicliicliall Slr'ccl. 333 ‘Nrfi‘. Spin. l’rcc. \Vth a l‘r'cc drink ax inccrilnc lor' parlrcipanlx.

I Live Music Rockcrx. H \lrillarrd Slr'ccl. 32| (VII). Spin. l'rcc. l’uiik lull io lic conlir‘nrcd.

Tuesday 31


OVelvet Revolver (Err-ling .'\c‘;ltlL‘lll). III laglinion Sirch li‘)lt5 till) sow/ox?) “I Zorro. "pm. S()l.I) ()l'll ()\c'l‘— l-l\ \llim. \Vllllc‘ .‘\\l RTHL‘ kL‘L‘p\ hiring and firing hand rricrrilicr‘x. lrr\ cr‘xmhilc (iirnx‘u‘Roxcx rnuckcr‘x haw l'orriicd anoilicr hand. \\ iili Slonc 'lcrnplc l’ilol\ \ingcr Scoll \Vicland. in oi‘dcr' to rock likc onl} llrc Sunxcl Strip wt can. I DKT/MC5, The Icarus Line and Do Me Bad Things The (iar'agc. 4w

Sairclricliall Slr'ccl. 333 Hill "pin. tl-l5ll.

()\cr ltlx \lroxx. .\nd \\llllc' \kc'ic' talking; .ll‘lllll cxxcncc (ll rock. llc‘l'L' ill'L‘ lllt'

\ur\ rung: lllL'llll‘L‘h ol tlic hand who. along: \\ llll Illc‘ll' l)clliill L'Ullllltlill'LN lllL‘ SloiigLW.

rrncnlcd rnodcrn lurlio~cliargcd rock lllll\lt'.

rock & 0ch listings Music

\ludlronc} \ \Iark \rrrr rorrrx llrcrn ax a :ircxl \ocalN on Illl\ [our

Pharoahe Monch and Livesciences l'lic \rclrcx. 25: -\r;§lc‘ \lrc‘c‘l. 5H5 Ill:l Spur tll‘ril-ll \drrrrrcd hip lioppcr \xlrmc rdca ol licrn; pro\oc.ilr\ c l\ to crcalc rnlcllrgcnl. ollcn politicallx clrargcd oralrorrx \\ lrrcli \\ c lrkc I Rock Idol llrc (Krilroirxc. l5 l'riron \lrccl. 3-15 NW» 5 zllprn t.‘ l'll\llll}1lll ol .r ric\\ criorrno lmlllc ol llrc .lllL‘llllet‘ liaridx. lcalurrng; ciglrl Illl\l}lllc‘\l Scollrdr groiipx pcr \icck. conipclrriy tor .i pri/c \klllc‘ll rrrclirdcx .i \Ilm‘llll \lol “fill a lllilli‘l touring .icr. plii~ ~lirdro Irrrrc .iiid lol\ ol Ion-l} liurrirxlicd liquor lrorrr llrcir \porixon .lack l).illrcl\ I Bozilla, Chow, Rochelle .rnil Thriftshop XL llrc l-rid ol llrc .\lonlli (‘lulx llrc lilll \oic (Xrlc. 5” MI Kiri; Slrccl. 55l llrix ‘lprii Li \lorc clcclro popprri' cut and padc laptoprca and ollicr goings on at llic l-l )l'.\l(‘ I Stewart Traquair l'chai ()\ll.l. .13 (Mayo I am. ‘57152-1 Spin tl \couxlrc \Illgcl‘rxrtllg“lllc'l. I Richie Gallagher lit-.imccnc. Iii Skrr\rng_' Slrccl. hi3 SHUT) .\' illpnr l'rcc laid back background \ouridx I Open Stage llarll} lll[\\l.lll\l. Still ('l_\dc Slrccl. IIXTH til)“ ll‘l‘N Spin I Live Music Rockclx. 1-: Midland Slrccl. III “"20, 8pm. l'rcc Rock lull lo lic conlirrncd.

Wednesday 1


OSonic Youth lltll‘l’()\\l;lliil. 3‘14 (ialloxxggalc. 553 .thI, 7.30pm. [1-1 ()\cr l~<l\ \llll“. \orxc \[k‘c‘llllhh llllllk'tl L‘ltlt'l \lalcxrncri. .\lari_\ rcgar'd llicrr lalcxl lir'acc ol alliurnx. lll\pllt‘tl h} llicir' nainc chx York. ax lllllllllfJ llic llllt‘\l \iork ol lhcrr c‘;il'cL‘l\. ()Illc‘h Illlllk Ilix lllc \lllllt' old Inon- ixong. Scc prc\ic\\ pagc ll».

By arrangement wrrh ITB

6c are

8y arrangement with IHE AGENCY GROUP




TICKETS: '5'24HRS: 0870 169 0100 & ll Person: st GLASGOW Virgin legastore. Tickets Scotland, EDINBURGH Ripping. Trclrcts Scotland.

Virgil legastore. DUNDEE Grouclos, Virgil legastore. fALllllill Virgin Megastore. And Ollile: Q mmtlandticlretmsterconlr & mgigsilscotlaldeorri

EDINBURGH THE VENUE Tuesday 21st September

GLASGOW THE GARAGE _ Wednesday 22nd September


2'7, erg—e Ber/29311 THE LIST 31