Theatre events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after Theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to anna©, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Disabled access key \\ \ \\ llk'k'lt llall .lkkk'\\. \\ \ \ \\ llk'k'l\ ll.tll .itt‘cm \\ Illl .I\\l\ltlll\t'. l’ l’aiking lat lllllt‘S.

\\ (7 ‘\\l.ll‘lk'tI lllllt'll \l


35 i Argui- Stit't‘t. 50.5 iiizi.i\\t1\\s\l ARCHES LIVE! 'lliti ‘) Still 1‘) Scp. 'l'initw \ar}. (5 LS tL5 Hi. 'lt'n da_\\ ol pt'rlorniant‘c. dant‘t' and tlit'atit' at (ilaxgoit '\ laxouritt' \L‘llllL' lot um and intimatnt' \tork.


Ill) (iorlialx Strt‘t‘l. 42‘) titi22. Il’. II. II. \\’( '. \\'.-\|

House of Murders Inc 31 :\tig Sat .1 Sch 7.5llpin. (.5 IE5). I’t‘tt-r .'\t‘nott\ adaptation ol lllL‘ ()rt'xtaia ol (\t'Sk‘ll} ll|\. dcpit‘ting lllt' altt'rniatli ol tlit' lro|att \Vat'.


207 Bath Strt'ct. 24” | I I I. III. \\'('. \\'.'\| Annie lilllll Sat 23 :\tlg. SL‘L‘ Kltl\ llxllllgx

Jaleo l‘ri 5 & Sat -l St‘p. 7,5(lplll.

LES LII. Authentic I'lanit‘nt'o pacla‘d \\llll L‘\Pll)\l\L‘ I’ootttorlt and \ ll‘lllt)\ti guitar pla} ing.


l2l Rt‘llllt'ltl SII'L‘L‘I. 552 lS-l(i. Ill. “(5. \\'.-\|

A Kick Up the 805 t'ntil Sat 4 Scp tiiot Stini. 7.5llplll tSat inai 2pini.

(It) [l5 tLlll U2). .-\ glamorous and Inn \arit't} pcrl'orinancc l'oi‘ lllL‘ \xliolt' Iaiiiil} to Cllltt}. \tarring tlic Kranldt‘x. Stti I-raiit'ix and man} ntorc.


(i5 'l'i'ongatc. 552 4207.

The Wonderful World of Dissocia l'ntil l’ri 27 .'\ll:_‘. 7.5llplll. £5, .-\ l'tinn}. scar}. dark no“ pla} Ironi .-\ntlioit} \cilxon about a girl callcd l.i\a and hcr lll\til\L‘lllClll \iith a l‘orliiddcn placc kntmn ax l)i\\ocia.


BRUNTON THEATRE Midsummer Night’s Dream lllll

2 Sat 4 Scp. 7.5llpni. {Ill ([5 [n.5tli. l'olloxt ing a \ticccxxltil l-i‘ingc licxtnal l'tlll 'l’hcatrc .'\Iha prcwntx its adaptation ol' \Villiani Slialxt‘xpctii‘ox t'nt‘lianting talc ol' lair} magic and tuircquitcd lo\c.


l5a l’L‘Illl}\\L‘ll (‘otirt. 5|5 2|5 I. Dying for It l’ri 3 .k Sat 4 Sop. lllain x 7pm; 2pm. [5 tL‘Si. Scotiixh Youth lllt‘illl'k‘ pt'L‘\L‘ttl\ tliix pla} l-Ul‘ agL‘S l5+ looking at the iiillucncc ol' \C\ll;tl ttllt‘t‘llttth fill a group til lt‘lCtltl\ and \torkuiatm.

Outside the cities



Alum} Strcct. 01334 475mm. |I’. II. \\‘(‘_ \\'.-\|

Private Lives t'ntil Sat I l Scp. Spin tSat niat 2.5tlpnti. {S50 {I450 (£3.50 L'l2i. .\'ocl (‘tmard'x \parkling coincd} about No di\orccc\ \\ ho hump into onc anothcr on thcir \ccond

lioitt‘) moonx \\ iih di~a\troti\ CUIlSL‘qUL‘llCCS.

38 THE LIST .5'5 5.52'15‘51“:

Thursday 26


Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe Iht- Stand. HHVoodlandx Road. ns‘n (inn (ill55. ‘lplll. L“ ()It' Brut't' littltl\ \l‘llll \\lllI l‘lllljJL' [it'i'lornit'rx \orinan l owtt t.\l\'.\ lloll) lroin lt’ti/ Hutu/i. (it-ordn- iokcrx .\lalt tk lawn and \t'\\ /t'a|andt‘i \lit'licllc .\ ('otirt.

The Edinburgh Edition lllt' llllk'k‘ 'ltin\ \Viiit' \aultx. l| llanowi Slit-ct. (Flint) 552 5-15. Split. L2. lopit'al llt'\\\ liaxt'd qtn/ \\llll \tand up lioni |)a\t~ Ingram and lati l-o\.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. l'(i(‘ Building. Rt'nlrt'tt Sti‘t‘t‘t. USN)" S"()"ti". Spin. U2. ('oint‘d) giant ('olin ('olt' tt'anix up \\ ith a lltt\l ol gtit'xtx and L'\Pl(l\l\t' lIUSI l‘rankit‘ Bo_\lc.

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe ’l’ht- Stand. 555 \Voodlands Road. (IS—WI (illll (i055. ‘lpin. LS .\ gt‘nt‘rotix Itclping oI l'ringc CUIIICtl} Iroin lorint'r .luit‘c l’ig l’liil \it‘ol. Kt‘xin lla_\t‘\. Iotil niotitlicd Bruuunit- .Sll\;lll Mirna} and host Brut't‘ .\lorton.

North Berwick

Capital Comedy: Comedy County('otiiit_\ IIUlL‘l. l5 l7 High Strcct. “7000 5525-15. 0pm. [5. litSllldlllilll .\l(‘ .\lat‘ Star plinx lltiSI to t‘tilllt‘d} liL‘l‘tK‘x ()\\ t'li \ililtit'lx. l);t\t‘ Ingrani. Ian l‘o\ and llk‘iltlllllt‘l' .loliii ('titipt‘l'.

Saturday 28


Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlt'urx. l'(i(' Building. Rt'llllt‘“ Struct. “3707 S7ll7ll7. Spin. U5. St't‘ l'ri

Bruce’s Pick of the Fringe 'l‘hc Sltliltl. 555 \Vtititllitiidx Road. “37” NI” 0055. Upnt. L"). Sliarp-tongucd ('ountr) and \Vt'xtcrn di\a 'l'ina (‘ ioinx l)a\ id Ka}. l)t'rniot ('arinod} and limt BI'UL'C .\lorton tor a spot ol' \\L'\l coaxt taunt-d}. The Vault Comedy Club the Vault. l l ll) l’tllltll\\llil\\\ Road. 04‘) WNW. Ulitti. L‘S. Dcadpan ll’lSllllltlIl Michacl Rcdinond lL‘illllS up \\ itli \uri‘cal (ilaxiwgian l)c\ .\lcl.caii. (‘lirixtian Rt‘ill} and Inuit} lad} .-\) L‘Sllil lla/arika,


The Sunday Service the Stand. 333 \Vtititllantlx Rtiatl. (lS‘ll (illll (ill55. .S’.5llpnt. £4. \lit‘liitcl RL‘tllllttlltl t'otilid\ up thc talcntx ol topical Irishman Kt-tin lla}c\. \xith atnplc \upport l'roin local latiglitcr-iiicixtcr Sainxliur} .\lc(ii\t'rn. loin Bcll and Ion} l)unn.

Tuesday 31


Red Raw llic Stand. 555 \Voodlandx Road. (ISW) (\llll (itt55. S..‘~llpiii. [2 (‘onipcrc \igcl Bticldand and hcadlincr .lohn (iordon hpr \tand-up ncut‘oincrx takc tlicir lirxt \tcpx along that UlL' coined} road.

Wednesday 1

Glasgow The Phil Kay Show 'l‘hc \‘ault. I I In I)UllUl\\llil\\\ Road. (i-W llllll". 0pm. £5.

Stiiical \i‘lllt‘tllalt and tainl‘ltng \\t'ltl\lIIIIll l’lul Ra} \\.Ill\l‘\'l\ owi tlit' [‘l.tIII\ ol tontt‘d} III lll\ IIIIIIIIlal‘lt' \tilt'

Thursday 2


Jongleurs Comedy Club tough-tin. l(i(~ Building. lx’cntrt'tx Stit't‘t. “VIE \"llallfi \pni L“ llal‘} l.l\k'\I \tt‘plit'n (iiant ltiingx on thy latiglis \\lllI lit'lp lioni Illll‘lCSSIt‘IIISl Stt'tano l’aoluu and tingt'i on the [‘lll\t' lllllllitlhl lx’onnit'

l duaidx

The Thursday Show lht- \tantl. 1*; \\titttll.intl\ I\’ll‘ld. ll.\~ll (illll lill55 ‘llim Hi L5i Boinliadit’ llt\\l Ra} niond \lt'dlllS introdut't‘x t'ontidt-nt (‘anadian St'ati (‘ollinx \\llll\' .lolin (iillit'k. l \ntond and lon_\ l)unn \tand up in \tippoit


The Thursday Show Iht- Stand. 5 \oik l’lat't'. 55S 521‘ ‘lpni to i {5: Quick \\IllL'\l (ilaxxxt'gian l l.llll\lk' Bo}|c k'lllL'lldIlh tlic l.llk'lll\ ol Rit'liard \llt'n. .loliii (ioidon. t'ard \lt.tll\ Stt'wn Dick and Sit-\t'n l);t\ltl\ttll

The Snatch Social ’I lit' | Itlllltl Rooin. ‘It‘ Vittoria Strut-t. 225 250.1 Ill.5llpin 5am. L31 1L5.5lli. Inuit) dixt‘o \‘IIIII t‘aliart-t (output-d It} loll} (aim and Hair} \nimorth. \\ tth lunk and hip hop lllllk'S Ii’oin Balwx and 'l'it'nd} \\t'iitl) iinonthl} tt'xidcntt.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .IongIt-tux. l'( i(' Building. Rt'llllt‘“ Strt't't. “Hall” 370707. Spin. Ll:..\hk't'llll12,

The Stand lllt‘ Slitlltl. Hi\\tititll;illtl\ Road. ns‘ti (lllll (inss, ‘lplll. L‘“ tun. Scan (‘ollinx lu'ingx lux trans .'\llillll|\' k'tllIIL‘tl} \t_\ lL‘ to [BC Stand. \\ llll alilt' support Iroin Scotx iokcr .lolin l‘lllll. .-\nd_\ Sn and laxinond and llthl Stixan .\lorri\on.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltiitglt‘tIH. ()inni (‘t'nti‘tx (irt‘t‘nxidt' I’lilL'L'. “VII” S7tl7li7. Spin. U2. \orthcrn ltlllll} man .\Ill\L' .\li|ligan kccpx tlit' latiglix rolling with lit-Ip Ironi St‘olx Italian iuiprt'xxiouixt IlltlL‘\ll'tt (icoll Bo_\/ and Sabrina .\lattlit‘\\\.

The Stand lltt' Stand. .5 York l’lat‘t'. 553 7272. “put. LE (UH. l’h}\it'al t‘tttlit‘tllttli Slt‘u‘ BLWI |tI||l\ lt‘l'CL'S \ktllt .Ioliii (iordoii. t'ard ti‘it‘kxtt'i' Stt'tt'n Dick and Stt‘wn l)a\id\on Ior a night ol ht‘ll} laughs llUSIL‘tl It} .lant' Marita}.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllleL‘lII'S. l'(i(‘ Building. Rt'tilrt'ix Strt't't. llVll‘ VIN)". Spin. L'l5. Su' lliti 2. Madcap Comedy Club 'I‘ht- Start- Bar. l—ltS’ llolland Sti't‘ct. 552 2|5‘). S5llpni. £5 it-Ii. Bill} Bonkcrx rciurnx \Hlll lll\ \xcckl} coincd) \pot lL‘itllll'lllj.’ licadlincr (icrr) (iraiit. liltix local Illkt'l \L‘il Macliu‘latit'.

The Stand llit‘ Stand. 555 “oodlandx Road. HIS-7H (illll (ill55. ‘lpiii. LES. St'c Ill 5. but \xith conipcrc .lanc Macka}.

The Vault Comedy Club lllt' Vault. I I ll) l’tilltikxllitux Rtigitl (wl‘) nun". 9pm, LS. .\ liundlc ol laughx li‘oin lllleI-ll}L'l‘ l’arrol. plus nionkL‘} ho} .lot' llccnan. (ircg \lcllugh. youicd} Staluart Bill l)c\\ar and .\\lilt‘_\ l'l‘lL‘lL‘.


Jongleurs Comedy Club JttllleL‘lll'\. ()inni (‘cntrta (irccnxidc l’lat'c. “VIE SWI‘H". Spin. LII Scc lit 5.

The Stand ‘l‘lic Stand. .5 York l’lacc. 558 "2-2. ‘lprn. LS Scc lit 5. although Su\an Morrixon takcx owr a\ ltoxl.

Glasgow Michael Redmond’s Sunday

Service llic Stand. l5‘\\\oodland\ Raul ti\“ti (\INI titi<< \ Itipm 1.1.11. .loltn (ioidon and ntagn lingcix \tt‘wn llitl. tout the li‘IlIlCl ('iagg} ldand lk'\l\l\‘lll \litliat'l lx‘t-dinond tor a Ill:‘lIl ot tlIIlIttl_\ latiglix i Disposable Theatre tlit- \atill. lllll l’r~llolwlia\\ \ lx’oad. bl" llllll~ "pin L5 Bi inontlilx toint'dt nniuox niglit It‘attuing \kt'ttlicx garnt'x and \llt‘Il tlit'atit‘ tioin tlit‘ l)l\l‘i‘\.il‘lt‘ lltt'atic

( onipain lli‘lll‘C


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? Ill.- Stand. 5 \oil\ l’latt'. 55\ '5'.‘ liiin lit‘t' lop nnprm l.ttl_t'ltlt‘l gurus l’aul (iI.tll.tlII aitd \lttatl \ltupln it'ttun to that it'gtilai \lllltl.:_\ \pot \\lllI innit" Iit't'lortn toint‘d} .lllll\ \

Bruce’s Sunday Social Club Ili.~ Stand. 5 \oik l’latt'. 55\ '2 '2 S illiun L l itii \\ l\ kt'd tonipcit' Bititt‘ lhw lIII llit\l\ a night ot iokm and tonit'dt taiwix It'attuing .lolin ( lllll\ k and l \lIIt‘Iltl


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance Ilit- \lalltl. 555 \\tititll.tlltl\ l\)\l.l\l. I“ 5” lillll (ill55 .\ 5llpin L-l Sand} \t-lxon. lx’a}iiioiid \lt'.llll\. .lllk' llt't'nan and l)\'\ \lt'l can \llti\\ tlit' \xoild \\ tan ltt' donc \ktlll tlit' aid ot a piano. a guitar and a lug \lit't' ol t‘oinit‘ ttnagination


Red Raw llit‘ Stand. 5 \titk l’latt‘. 5‘5 “‘“2. S 5llltlll. L'l (‘oinpt'it' loin (".iitt'i and lit-atllint'i Stt'wn l)it*l\ ait' lllt' at t\ to lolloxt lot a llti\l ol \tand up \itgtnx

Tuesday 7

G asgow

“Cd Raw lllt‘ Slalltl. 555 \\i>tttll.itltl\ Road. nxfli (inn (itiii 3 input l2 (‘oinpcit' .Io .lo Stitlit‘iland and lit'adlint'i Stt‘wn l)It'l\ lt'ad a clutch ol t'oint-d} llk'\\\'ttlllt'l\ tluougli lllt'll pau‘x


Fred MacAulay lllt' Stand. 5 mt l’lat'c. 55S “252. “pm. LS l\ and Radio pit‘xt'ntt‘i l'lt'tl .\'.\ttl.i} llttlll\ llll\ llt'\\ niontlil} \llti\\ It'aturing a litt\l ol stand up \l;it'\.

Wednesday 8


Fred MacAulay 'I lit' Stand. 555 \Vtititllgintlx Rtiatl, (IS-5H ()llll (ill55 0pm [3. St't' ll NC a


Melting Pot 'I lit' Stand. 5 York l’lat't'. 55S "2H2. ‘lptn. L5 iL-li lit and \‘tilllllljj t'oint'tl} \\lIlL'I'\ llll'ti\\ lllL'll \llitll tlit-atit- pint-x into lllL' int-Iting pot. “till my

\\ nint-i pit‘ltt'd otii It} tlit' audit-nu"

Thursday 9


Jongleurs Comedy Club .ltilllek'lll'S. l'( i(‘ Btiilding. Rt'nlit-v. Strccl. “NEH” «S‘ll‘llq, Spin, L". .lvlqll and ll_\dt' L'lllllt'tllilll Brcndon Burns \liart'x lllL' \tantlaip \ptillllell \‘. lllI R

l)a\ id. Sit-w Harris and lll\k'ill‘lk' Iridinian ()twn U'Nt'ill.

The Thursday Show 1 hr Stand. Ht \Vtititllantlx Rtiatl (IS—5H (illll ()II55 Upm to “45 I. Raynond \lcarnx introdut'w lllL' lauglitcr-inducing létlL'llh oI Sinion l:\an\. (iracint- ‘l‘lioinax and L'Hlllt‘tl}

radgc .lanicx l'L'I'lehtill.


The Thursday Show 'I lIL' Stand. 5 York l’lat‘c. 553 “2‘2. Uplti. U) lL5i. (ilaxucgian lNilllL'l'vlllitSlCl' l'rankic Botlc Illll'tttllIL‘CS Darin} Bucklcr. gliait} comedian \tk (‘oppin and lzuan John, The Snatch Social 'I'hc l.lqtlltl Room. 9g Victoria Strcct. 225 2564 Illfillpin 5am. £4 tl;5.5lli. Scc Thu 2.