
The Edinburgh Festival is coming to a close. But if you've been avoiding Edinburgh for the past three weeks, and fancy catching a show with particular LGBT interest, you .’ could do worse than Forbidden, a story of a wartime love affair between a Jewish woman and a German soldier's wife. It stars Clare Grogan and Cordelia Rayner.

I C Vent/c, Cllzl/lllhfls Shoot, Edi/ibiHo/i. uni/l St) Aug.

4.45pm. 538 (537.530).

Events are listed by city, date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.

Glasgow Fridays


Burly 'l'he .'\I‘CllL‘\. 253 Mg} le Street. 505 lll,‘~5. ll)..‘~llpin 3am. £llllLSl. Monthly lll September. lilokex \ight \xith Burl}. Striet l)re\\ ('ode: ruhher. leather. llliiltil'lli. induxtrial. \[itil'l\\\ ear. kiltx and denim. l)e\igned to he eruix}. LGBT Centre Cafe Bar I I l)i\on St. 32o 505”. ‘lpm llam. l-i'ee. \Veekl}. Karaoke ix \ttpplied tonight l‘or thoxe \\|io like their perl'ormanee art up eloxe and perxonal. .4\n.\ \\;iiiiiahe \tar \\lio


Court Bar (3‘) llutehexon Street. 553 2403. (Lil) lllpm. l‘i'ee. l’opular traditional har.

Delmonica’s (is Virginia Street. 55: 48M. ‘lpm. l‘ree. l).|\. dim and karaoke. LGBT Centre I I l)i\on Street. III "203. l lam midnight. l5ree. ('aie/har. The Merchant Pride In ('andleriggx. 504 l2.\'5. ‘lpm. l-‘ree. l‘ormerl} the (‘andle liar and Him under ne\\ ga_\ o\\ner\hip. there ix nightl} entertainment promi\ed at thi~ ne\\e\t arrixal on the \eene.

Polo Lounge 84 \\'il\on Street. 553 llll. ltipin lain l'i‘ee. lintertaiimient Ii‘om Mon to 'l’hu and a li\el} bar at

\\ Ck'hk‘lltlS.

Revolver ha John Street. 553 245i». S..‘~Ilpiii. l‘ree. l’opular hat:

Waterloo \V‘dlt‘l‘ltm .Sll'L‘Cl. 2:" 53‘”. Noon midnight. Free. We“ knoxxn ga_\ har.


Bennets 9U (ilQISSl-Ul'kl Street. 55

5"hl. llpm 5.30am. U in til 5i.

40 THE LIST ['3 5b.: ‘S-‘-:

happenx to he in the \ ieinit} ean lillxk‘ up the mie thix e\ening and loitiorrou. Fresh at the Polo lounge. Sal \Vilxon Street. 553 llll. lllpm Sam. [5 (Lil. \Veeld}. 'l'he on|_\ plaee in the heart ol‘ lliL‘ eit_\ litil' ti litil tilitl \\\ L‘;Il_\ C\|iL‘l'lCllL‘C. .v\iitl'\ illltl \llt'liL‘llC pro\ ItlL‘ till L'L‘lL‘CllL‘ Iiil\ ol ehart and danee llill\le.

Glasgow Saturdays


LUSI" til the Polo lounge. SJ \Vilxiili Street. 553 llll. lllpm Sam. [5 1U). Saturda} \\\ Illg‘\ round again. and it\ time I'or |o\er\ ol' the luxh me to eome to the aid ol' the part}. You alxo ha\ e a ehoiee ol the door |e\el \eating area. tlie troph} room or the danee area tor the litil'tl L‘til‘L‘ tlttllL'L‘H.

Club Mystyx llogxliead liar. .‘Nli North l'll'L‘thl‘le SII‘L‘L‘I. .55: Nllill. Sat l l

li\eelletit dance aetion “ed to Sun and a \tudent night on 'l'hu.

Cube 3-1 Queen Street. 220 8000. 11.30pm 3am. ('heex} ehart ga_\ nights on Mon Il’;i\\ioii;ilit} i and 'l‘ue il‘l'.\' l. Polo Lounge 34 \Vilmn Street. 553 IZZI. llipm 3am. £5. l-‘rexh. huh and (Kiri) on l’olo. lit to Sun.

Health and Support

Body Positive 3 Park Quadrant. 332 Slllll. .Stlppiil‘l l-Ul' lliti\L‘ tillCL‘lL‘tl li_\ lll\'/.-\ll)S.

Sandyford Initiative 2 (l Saiithl’ord l’laee. Sauehiehall Street. ll l (Willi. (‘entre pro\ idiiig \tippot't. eounwlling atid itil‘ot‘itiatioii lot‘ “omen alxo hoxtx a monthl) lexhian health elinie Ieontaet

II I Sl3ll for more detailxi. a lexhian eounxellmg \er\ iee and one-oil \tippot't ieontaet eentre l'or intormation or appointmenti and the Ste\ e Retmn l’roieet'x t\\ lee \\ eelxl) \e\ual health and eounxelling \ei‘\iee Ior ga} men teontaet II I sols I'or appointment i.

Glasgow Lesbian Line Pt) Bo\ (Ni. (i3 "ll. 84" 05-1". .-\d\ iee. Glasgow Women’s Library Int) 'l‘rongate. 552 8345. ()pen the Hi

Septeml‘ei Spin lain NJ» :5 \lonthl_\ \ night lot the niehe llldllxe‘l uhete entianh llltl\l don tettxhxxeai. l‘ldth thew \llklk'. hut Iio \t‘ott\\\e.it peiinitted

Glasgow Sundays


Mating Game lllk' l)\‘ll‘ l i‘tlllg't‘, \i \\ll\itll Sheet. 55‘ llll lllpm Iam :5 itli lhe l.i\i Sunda} ol the month tite.iti\ old} one thmg and that l\ the oppoitumt) to gnd }otii loim and tom the almoxt legend.n_\ \laittig (iaitie Angie ‘0, \lt‘lelldlll Plltlk'. :ll (itilltllt‘ll‘L‘g'S. Sui l'lt't' llll\ popular hat l.i}\ e laim to hoxtmg the eamptwt Karaoke m Stotlantl \\ llll the \upeilatn e \ngie “. )' oIIieiating .IS the moire“ oi eeiemoniex ll _\Htl \\.inna lind out ll llll\ l\ true iotti hei on the night.

Pop lhe lunnel. Sl \litehell Stieet. Ill-l llllili llpm 3am U. “eekh llll\ netx exent Iillx the Sunda} night \lol nieel}. mm a plethoia oi pait} lllllk“ irom the people \\ho hiing _\ou \lluie' Pink Devotion ('luh l)e\otion. l.\ .lainaiea Street. S-l“ llhlll. llpm Kim. H L‘Iilt’}. l'l_\e'l'\ ll't‘t‘ [Mng are .i\.IIl.tl‘lt' lrom the l.( ili'l eentie and all good ga} \enuex. 'l’xxiee “eekly l'lie eluh Ioimeil} knoxx n a\ l’enelope'x li.I\ undergone a name ehange and mti'odueed a queer night on Stitida}\ and llltil\tlti'\\ \\ itli the do me I” ,\nniel

Glasgow Mondays


Passionality ('uhe. 34 Queen Street. 333 S‘Nll, ll.3ll 3, Want L5, \Veelxl}. Kiekxtart the week eourtex) oi tho\e ga} lriendl} ehapx and ehapexwx at (‘uhe‘ II the eheap drink and eraekmg \oundx oi l).l Shaun don‘t entiee )ou out oi )our pmt-ueekend \lumher then the regular talent on dixpla} Ior girlx and lto_\\ not might.

Glasgow Tuesdays


FUN ('uhe 3-1 Queen St. 223 SW)“. |l..‘~(lpm Hillam. U. \Vk‘t‘hl}. l'til' lliiim' \\ llli llte \ta} ing aitd the \peuding poxx et' to enio} another midueek danee-a-thon. ('uhe prexentx ll\ \eeond night ol llltl\le;tl iiia_\hem MCC ahoxei.

Glasgow Wednesdays


Fourplay l'.n\_\. 3o ('amhridge Street. 333 343". llpiii 3am. L4 iL‘Z uith ll}L'l'i. \Veekl}. .\'e\\ ga} eluh. .\ great night I\ guaranteed at liin}. \xith \UIIIL‘ ol the hext l),l lunkin' in lii\\li.

I (Will; Sat 2 5pm. \Vomen'x literature and the lt‘\l‘litll arehn e. al\o hmi to meeting\ ol the |.ll’S group Ior lL‘\l\l;Ili\ and hi\e\ua| women under 25 iIortnightl) I and the lit“ l.ll’S group ior “omen aged IS or under Ieontaet Shona liruee on 553 33-15 Ior more detail~ on meeting lllliL‘\l. Reporting Homophobic Crime (‘ontaet SJ" not". ()pen llipm dail}. Phace Scotland 4‘) Bath Street. 3.12 3838. The main \er\ tee in the \text oI Seollatid loi' thoxe alleeted h) lll\'«';\ll)Sl Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard Pt) Bo\ 33. (i2 2QIi. 54‘ H44". ()pen " llipm dail}. ('otilidetitial ad\ lee, VividYouth S'I't '(‘ ('enti'e. 333 \Voiitlltitith Road. 2-15 LS4: \lL‘L‘llIigN weekl} on 'l'ue " 0.30pm Ior young \ ‘tiPlL‘ tI‘JL‘tl l5

Opping Clone Zone 45 Virginia Street. 553 2mm. .\lon Sat Ham 9me Sun \ooti ‘lpm. Clothing. \idem. maga/mex and Io}\. Joys-4-Us I.(iti't' (‘eiitre it l)I\HIi Street. 231 "3H3. \ooti Spin. Next lexhian run \hop \ltk‘lxllig‘ goodiex galore,

Allure lhe ltzzitte', \l \lzteheII Street. air: 1“ \\ee'.\'.\ lhe

:ii.l lllllll 'll lino“; l neunl: g. l‘ci‘rle Irom the i‘iazrt'x lx'ittrid Uzbek

l’axvoihilztt arid ll \ pioztnxmg lt.i;‘;‘\. thew} pop in the tortxpaiti o! lll llazien

Glasgow Thursdays C Club Devotion mitt lit \mit: I\ Jamaiea \tteet‘ \V HS?” llpm 1am 1‘

ll iee pawex tlteix axtnlahle Iiom the

neatl‘} llilil tentie» \nothei thante llll\ \xeek to enio_\ the delightx oi llll\ ne\\ ;_xi_\ night tomteo oi the tluh totineih knoun

ax l’enelope\


The bad news is The Tunnel Nightclub in Glasgow has cancelled its short-lived Cabaret Night on Sundays. The good news is it has re-branded it as a sparklingly new event called POP.

Gordon Roberts of Thom Leisure, the outfit behind the night, said, ‘We listened to what our customers want, and they told us they didn't like the name Cabaret, so we are changing it.’ They are also opening the doors earlier and reducing the entry price. So, as Gordon said, ‘Be there early on the re-launch night: we expect large crowds!‘ I See //Sl/llgf;, this page

SOCia LGBT Centre ll l)i\on Sheet. 23] 7303. Mail ga} eentre hoxting lieymd liai'rierx Iehallengmg lioinophohiai. Ste\e Reth ga_\ men\ \e\ual health ad\ tee I'l’hu 5. ill S. ileini. llolixtie llealing (iroup (Mon 7, it) llipmi. l’erlorinanee (iroup i.\lon 7. lein l. ('oininunit} l.eader\hip \xorlxxhopx line 7 ‘)pmi and the monthl} ineeting\ oI ()l.(i.-\ ixoeial group Ioi older lL'\lil;Ili\l. leeht‘eaket'x llor llioxe next to the \eenei. lit (ilaxgou. ('i'ii\\l)ii\ (iroup. (hit on Sunda} inlormal l.(il3'l' group. l.l(' lL‘\lll;ill \oeial group Speakeax} poet and uriterx.


Gay and Lesbian Badminton Group (‘ontaet II“)S5 (ill II57‘ 'l‘hir \Veekl}.

Glasgow GOC Swimmers ('ontaet ()J‘) 53‘”), 7, ‘sli 0pm. 'l hu. \Veekl}. lnlormal \ewioni

Gay Rambling Group (‘oniaei 95” “HI. \ltiiillil}.

GOC Cycling Group (‘oniaei 64‘) 53W». .\lonthl_\.